It is not easy to be a monk in the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 269: A mouthful of phlegm

Raise the whip against the wind, point the sword at the wild sand, and shoot at the sunset with a hundred steps!

Swinging the whip and patting the horse, the wind blew up the robe and sand entered the eyes.Zhang Dashao opened his mouth and spit, he was really wrong, he saw Songhe Academy standing in front of him, and wanted to speed up because of his stomach, so he had to abandon his kind heart that loves animals and can't bear to hurt them in the slightest, ruthlessly He hit the horse's back hard, hoping that the horse under his crotch could run faster, but he really ignored the road conditions of this era.

This place is in the Tang Dynasty, and there is no asphalt and concrete road like the later generations. Moreover, Songhe Academy is built on a mountain in the suburbs, so the road conditions can be imagined.In addition, the sun was very strong at this time, and it was already noon, and the wind and sand were driven by the horses galloping wildly, making Zhang Yang's eyes blurred, very charming!Charming ghost! With a pair of red eyes, Young Master Zhang was very depressed.

He really didn't look at the almanac when he went out today. Why was everything so careless? It seems that the Buddha, an old man, slept so hard that he had forgotten that there is still such a pious disciple as himself in the world who needs his blessing, and the Buddha's Under negligence, Young Master Zhang faced setbacks along the way.From inexplicably offending Princess Li who came before when he was going out, to when he was on the way, he was hungry and had no dry food and could only endure hunger. He wanted to speed up so that he could go to Songhe Academy to wrap his stomach, but unexpectedly, his eyes got sand because of it. hateful!


Zhang Yang abandoned his self-cultivation, as a gentleman, as a gentleman, as a man who lives and works in peace and contentment for hundreds of millions of people, regardless of his own age, regardless of his parents and old age, he resolutely came to Huichang Temple to be a small abbot to pray for the people. Young man, Zhang Yang burst into tears, and all the good qualities in him were wiped away with a single mouthful of saliva. What a blow!

Coughed twice, cleared his throat, there seemed to be that kind of nasty little sand in his mouth, which made Young Master Zhang frown. There was no way to get rid of this hatred.Young Master Zhang hated it very much, and was full of resentment towards the most traditional path that damaged his image.Looking at the dust and gravel still surrounding him, he secretly decided that he, Young Master Zhang, must change Datang's path, which would be murder!

There is so much dust and so much unevenness, has no one noticed it?

Thinking of this, First Young Master Zhang despises that high-ranking, narcissistic and arrogant guy who always shows a stinky face, and is still the king of the world, why doesn't he know what it means to build roads first if you want to get rich?

Although the Great Tang is developing pretty well now, and the Reign of Zhenguan is still such an important stroke in the entire historical development process, but are you satisfied with this?Have no ambitions!Short-sighted!short-sighted!Don't think ahead!

Zhang Yang almost wanted to use all these negative words to describe the arrogant Li Er Er. If the road of the Tang Dynasty is the same as that of later generations, he and this are the end!Could it be that he came here to change the world, to change the backwardness here?Zhang Yang couldn't help doubting the truth of his time travel. Could it be that someone wants to use himself to achieve the goal of developing the country?Thinking of the infinite knowledge contained in his standard-sized head, Zhang Yang was deeply suspicious.

But these are not things that need to be resolved urgently in his heart. What makes Zhang Yang a little depressed now is why that kid Zhao Zijian looks at him with such strange eyes?It's like seeing a pile of garbage!


Stimulated by his own thoughts, Young Master Zhang, who was almost choked by the phlegm in his throat, coughed violently, "Damn it, this kid is so bold, he is his boss!"

Thinking of the disdain in Zhao Zijian's eyes, Zhang Yang's face turned red with anger, isn't it even allowed to spit?His eyes swished like knives towards the shocked Zhao Zijian.

Seeing Zhang Yang without any hesitation, it was only natural that he spit out in front of himself without any scruples. The image of Zhang Dashao, the boss, dropped sharply on Zhao Zijian. Originally, he regarded Zhang Dashao as his idol, after all Zhang Yang was able to do things at such an age that he would never be able to do now, and more importantly, Zhao Zijian was a scholar, and he had long admired Zhang Yang's great talent.

In his heart, Zhang Yang is an image of a talented scholar with literary talents, a modest gentleman who is as gentle as jade, and when he finally saw Young Master Zhang's face, although Zhao Zijian was not used to the glaring bald head, but Apart from this little flaw, Zhang Yang's image really fits his imagination.

Therefore, in front of the gate of Huichang Temple, Zhao Zijian sold a favor because of Grandma Huang's matter, and let Zhang Yang remember him in his heart. He was deeply impressed by this boy who was younger than him.Shouting that "boss" to him, you need to know that what scholars pay most attention to is character, even if they have some friendship, it is also a theory of the same generation, but Zhao Zijian automatically took the position of Zhang Yang's younger brother from the very beginning, and ranked himself in the under him.

From this, it can be seen how admirable, how perfect, and how worthy of his following Young Master Zhang is in his heart.

However, today, just now, Zhao Zijian felt that his life had changed, his outlook on life, world outlook, and moral management had been distorted and changed, like a thunderbolt directly bombarded his mind, and he was stunned.

A mouthful of phlegm, a mouthful of thick phlegm, and a mouthful of thick phlegm that flew straight out with gravel and fell to his feet without a single turn, making Zhao Zijian dumbfounded.

A modest gentleman is as gentle as jade?Literary, romantic and handsome?Does this mean Young Master Zhang in front of him, the person he admired the most?He even listed him as his idol, and voted for him, and became a younger brother. Is this the romance of a talented scholar?


God damn it, at this moment Zhao Zijian just wanted to use the dirtiest words to express his inner indignation, I was duped!

What kind of behavior is this spitting behavior?Yes, he admitted that in Tang Dynasty, there is no law prohibiting spitting everywhere. There is no health organization here, and no one has such foresight. What's more, this place is still on a mountain road, and no one has seen it. Of course, except him, and Zhang Dashao, the user of this behavior.

But, can you, young master, care a little bit about your own image? Even if your behavior is rude and wretched, but you must know that young master is not alone, can you think about it for a little man like him, and don't let the original Is there a shadow, a haze, on the image of your eldest and young master who is so vivid and admired?

Zhao Zijian wanted to strangle the young master Zhang who was picking his nostrils with one finger, and ask him seriously, "Couldn't you young master pay attention to the influence, and stop the image in your heart Was it broken? '

It is too hateful!Can a person stop being so cruel and shameless, is it meaningful to completely smash one's beliefs?

So facing Young Master Zhang's behavior like this, Zhao Zijian just wanted to yell at the sky, 'It's a disgrace to the gentlemen! '

Seeing that life is worse than death, looking at Zhao Zijian who is rolling his eyes and spitting out his Adam's apple like a fly in his mouth, Zhang Yang showed a successful smile at the corner of his mouth, now the disgusting mother opened the door for disgusting, it must be so disgusting!

This is not Zhang Yang's narrowness, it is indeed a great coincidence of the right time and place, because the horse was whipped, and Zhang Yang received the punishment he deserved for such cruelty to animals, and his mouth and nose were full of blood. It's sand, so I couldn't help but spittle. He really didn't mean it, but at the time he wanted to talk to Zhao Zijian, who was traveling with him, because the saliva flew across the sea of ​​people, traveled through time and space, and came to classmate Zhao. Underfoot, for such rude behavior, Zhang Yang himself is also very contemptuous, embarrassed and embarrassing.

Didn't you see his handsome and charming face turned red?I was thinking of throwing away my bossy attitude, adopting a policy of being close to the people, and apologizing to my younger brother. After all, this matter is indeed his fault, but what is the contempt in that guy's eyes?Even if he can despise himself, isn't this a provocation for the dignity of a boss?

When the boss farts, the younger brother will praise it vigorously, it is very delicious, but how come it looks like this when it comes to me?Did Zhang Yang feel that he was being too kind, which made him so insignificant?

What's more, these things now are all because Zhao Zijian wants to study in Songhe Academy. If he didn't pull him, he wanted to use his supreme power to open up a smooth path for himself, and successfully shocked those old guys in Songhe Academy. Ladies and gentlemen, I am still leisurely fighting wits and courage with those monks in Huichang Temple. How could such a thing happen, how could it be possible for him to have such a contemptuous look at himself?

It's all this kid's fault!

Zhang Yang finally found the most essential source of this matter, and he was very satisfied with his conclusion. His Young Master Zhang is a person of high moral character, how could he do such a shameless thing?All because of him!

And that act of picking his nostrils was completely Young Master Zhang's counterattack. Aren't you so dismissive of my young master's spitting on the ground?Then let this young master show you what kind of behavior is truly despised.Undoubtedly, Young Master Zhang succeeded. He successfully avenged Zhao Zijian's hatred for dragging him here. In the next few days, student Zhao couldn't eat. of this truth.

Jie Jie Jie, Zhang Yang made a piercing voice, seeing Zhao Zijian's pain, he was very happy!Rubbing his stomach and rubbing his nose, he finally found a reason for the crime he suffered.

"Boss, are you really the one who is all over the world?"

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