It is not easy to be a monk in the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 309: Sorry, Your Deep Old Monk Can't Appreciate It

Surrounded by those unfriendly gazes, Zhang Yang's facial expression has not changed much. Now he is somewhat immune to this kind of scene. After all, as a person who lives under the gaze of people admiringly all the time, it is very training. , for this kind of occasion, there is no more cramping before.

Faming took a look at Zhang Yang's performance, and he had a good impression of this young abbot. Anyway, as the abbot of Huichang Temple, a high-ranking person must have a certain stability and majesty. If he showed a little discomfort, then he would also consider whether his decision was right or wrong. After all, this was related to the direction of the entire Huichang Temple, and it was closely related to the monks here.

After a pause, Fa Ming continued the topic just now,

"About the second matter, it is related to the law's strictness." Having said this, the corners of Fa Ming's mouth obviously twitched, as if he was a little hard to say what he was going to say next. This change made Zhang Yang a little confused. What happened? What, he had a premonition, the reason why they gathered here today, and the reason why Faming also made it clear that he would agree to cooperate with his work, was related to what he was going to say next.

Therefore, Zhang Yang sat up straight, looking quite normal. After Fa Ming spoke, the discussion below stopped. Of course they knew what to do at this time, and their dissatisfaction with the abbot Zhang Yang could be put aside. I brought it up later, but at this time, I still can't interrupt Elder Fa Ming, this is their respect, and Fa Ming's reputation in Huichang Temple can be said to be No. 1, of course they will not interrupt When troublesome things come out, there is only one kind of person who does that, idiot!

"Recently, a lot of things have happened. People in Huichang Temple are a little panicked. According to this old monk, the most important task now is to calm people's hearts. You all know that the abbot has only been in Huichang Temple for a short time. Although He is very young, but everyone can see his style, and the old monk will not say too much here. Today, Fa Yan discussed with the old monk and decided that the Huichang Temple should be led by the abbot, and it was also up to the abbot before. I am young, but now it seems that I am still worrying too much, the abbot can completely control the living in Huichang Temple, and everyone should pay attention to their behavior in the future, so as not to bring disasters to Huichang Temple. Amitabha, goodness is goodness!"

After saying these words, Fa Ming folded his hands in front of his chest, chanted Amitabha, and the light in his eyes dimmed. At this moment, he was just an ordinary old monk, and he didn't look different from others. .

However, just these few words that Fa Ming read softly caused a great disturbance in the Buddhist hall. At this time, they realized one thing, that is, the young and excessive man in front of them was acting The resolute young abbot will completely control Huichang Temple!

For some people, this is nothing short of a bolt from the blue!

Yes, in their eyes, Zhang Yang is not qualified for this. He is young, impersonal, rude and inconsiderate, and does not consider things comprehensively. Most importantly, this guy has no consciousness of being the abbot of Huichang Temple at all. Huichang Temple was pushed to the top of the storm, causing them to bear a lot of pressure for no reason, but now, the culprit of all this has become the final winner, isn't it true?

"Elder, this, how can this be done!"

The person who said this was a fat-headed monk. Zhang Yang remembered that this person was Fa Yan's follower-like existence. When he was arguing with Fa Yan, he used to make sarcastic remarks there, but now, this fat-headed monk no longer He also lost that sense of superiority. At this moment, his head was full of cold sweat, and he was very unwilling to look at Zhang Yang!

Yes, it is indeed unwilling, in the hearts of these people, how can Zhang Yang He De be their abbot!

Letting him be a nominal abbot in this Huichang Temple is already a great kindness, but now, let this kid win real power. Once this matter is confirmed, then their good days will come to an end. It is obviously impossible to expect Zhang Yang, the abbot, to be really broad-minded and able to accept them regardless of past suspicions!

Just relying on the tough methods he started to push the entire Huichang Temple to the forefront, ignoring their advice and acting resolutely, it can be seen that he doesn't have much status for them in his heart, so now, why did Elder Faming make such a move? For such a thing, where would the strictness of the law be placed by doing so!

That's right, the object of their refuge has always been Fa Yan, but now, at this critical moment, there is no trace of Fa Yan, which has to make people suspicious!

"This matter concerns the entire Huichang Temple. If there is a mistake, no one will be able to bear the responsibility, but now, why can't you see Senior Brother Fa Yan on such an important occasion! Why do you leave Senior Brother Fa Yan like this? Did Senior Brother Fa Yan really approve of making such a decision? We will not be convinced by such a result!"

What the fat-headed monk said was very provocative. After his words were spoken, everyone realized the sense of disobedience in their hearts all the time. Yes, at such a critical moment, why did the law not be strict? You need to know that this is related to The future transfer of power and the direction of the entire Huichang Temple, the law cannot be absent!

The current Fa Yan is their last bargaining chip. If Fa Yan withdraws, then they can only let Zhang Yang, the little abbot, slaughter him at will. This is definitely something that makes people feel depressed and unwilling. Therefore, at this time , They naturally brought up Fa Yan. Originally, Master Fa Yan was a benchmark for the entire Huichang Temple. The result is something they enjoy together, and they know how to be grateful.

If they follow this little abbot's words, then they can only drink the northwest wind, and they are not allowed to do this or that, so what fun do they have in being this monk?

Yes, as a monk, you can't pay attention to food and drink, but it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality!They have already developed the habit of hedonism, not to mention how many of them really came to worship the Buddha, because they have enjoyed too much material foundation as monks, no labor, no tax, and a lot of money. Put a lot of time, a lot of money, this is really a good job.

Even if you can't stand hunger and thirst in the future and want to marry a daughter-in-law, you can save your hair and return to vulgarity.But now, if they follow Zhang Yang's standard, they won't be able to save money to marry a wife!Isn't this ruining people's wealth and harming people's children and grandchildren?

Therefore, regarding Zhang Yang, their biggest wish now is to pull him down. If this little abbot really has real power, it will be their disaster day!

"What are you doing! If you have something to say, how can you be a Buddhist disciple and act like a commoner!"

Even Fa Ming was showing displeasure at this time. These people managed to make him throw his self-cultivation to the ground. Looking at the fierce faces of these people, it seemed that they did not follow what they said. They will rise up and resist, what a shame!

The focus of these people's discussions and quarrels is the days to come, and seeing the greed and unwillingness in their eyes, Fa Ming sighed deeply, feeling that he is really ashamed to be a Buddhist disciple. After ten years, these monks became such philistines. Suddenly, Faming felt that his faith was about to collapse. How could such a person help Huichang Temple to get out of this predicament?

Even if there hadn't been this incident of Zhang Yang's attack, I'm afraid the fate of Huichang Temple would be very miserable!

Thinking of this, Faming's eyes became sharp again. Huichang Temple is like his family. In his mind, he will never allow anything that endangers Huichang Temple!

It was because of this idea that he didn't say anything about Zhang Yang's ups and downs. If he had really expressed his opposition to Zhang Yang before, even with Master Fazhao's entrustment, Zhang Yang still couldn't gain a foothold in Huichang Temple. He is just a young man, just arrived at Huichang Temple, how can his foundation be compared with Faming?

Even if he is really capable of flaunting the abbot of Zhang Dashao's debate, Fa Ming can still do it just to kill him in the cradle without any chance of success.

But now, he and Lucky, thankful that he really did not explicitly oppose Zhang Yang at that time, and now, looking at the monks who can be called hideous faces in front of him, Fa Ming thought, maybe only an abbot with Zhang Yang's personality can Hold them hostage, so that this Huichang Temple will not completely fall.

Thinking of this, Fa Ming's eyes turned to Zhang Yang, but at this moment, Zhang Yang's performance made him very puzzled. The target of these people's attacks was Zhang Yang, the abbot, but now, his eyes were very calm, without There was a hint of emotion leaked out, and the face was drawn like a layer of paper, neither sad nor happy.

This, what's going on?

When these people can be criticized by thousands of people, why are you acting so deep?

Fa Mingqi's beard trembled a little, yes, in his eyes, Zhang Yang's performance was just one word, 'pretend'!

No one can really be indifferent at this time, but Zhang Yang's performance clearly expresses one meaning, that is, Young Master Zhang doesn't take these people and things seriously at all!

But, please don't put on this look at this time to show that you are different, okay?

Sorry, your deep old monk can't appreciate it!

Fa Ming was very annoyed. When he announced these things, the next step should be Zhang Yang, the abbot, to express his position and let everyone know what he thinks. No matter what it is, let people know what they will do next. How to do it, only in this way will their hearts settle down, and these are very important to Huichang Temple!

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