Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, Zhang Yang coughed and cleared his throat, making his voice softer and more contagious.

"And this abbot's method is to make paper!"

Zhang Yang is very decisive, with a taste of cutting gold and iron.

But what he said made everyone a little confused.


What does it mean?

In their impression, they never had such a concept. They are a group of monks. Their job is to ring the bell and chant scriptures to study Buddhism. They hope that one day they will be able to complete their merits and virtues. Even if their intentions are not so pure, they want to come here To avoid the imperial court’s exorbitant taxes and corvees, and to make some extra money along the way, no one associates the profession of monk with papermaking.

Of course, they are familiar with paper. In addition to bamboo slips and cloth, the scriptures are also recorded on paper. However, does papermaking have anything to do with them?

Fa Ming frowned. In fact, his brows had not been relaxed since he came here. At this time, he looked at Zhang Yang with some suspicion, and was somewhat suspicious of what he said.

"That's right, it's papermaking! Everyone should know that even though we are Buddhist disciples and people from other places, we still live in the Tang Dynasty and are people of the Tang Dynasty! Although the Tang Dynasty is already very prosperous now, But it is undeniable that paper is still very expensive, which reduces people’s opportunities to receive education to a certain extent, after all, reading requires writing, and not everyone can afford paper!”

Having said this, Zhang Yang stopped, and saw that everyone was looking at him in confusion, only to realize that he had gradually left the topic, why did he tell them these things, they are monks and not scholars, so naturally they don't care about these things Yes, patted his forehead, Zhang Yang changed his mind,

"Just imagine, if our Huichang Temple can produce a kind of paper whose cost and price are much lower than other papers, then, wouldn't many people be able to afford the paper that is written in books! At that time, we may even be able to Take those papers and replace those toilet chips, if you have those cheap and practical papers, I believe the tragedy of Master Fa Yan will not happen!"

As he spoke, Zhang Yang sighed, looking very sad for Master Fa Yan who was suffering.

But Abbot Zhang Da's words successfully made Fa Mingqi blush.

When explaining what happened to Fa Yan to Zhang Yang and the others, he specifically told them not to spread the matter. After all, being robbed by a toilet is not an honorable thing in itself.

However, what he didn't expect was that the rumor spread in Huichang Temple in the first room, and everyone knew the real reason why Fa Yan withdrew from the management of Huichang Temple. At that time, there were only himself and Fa Yan in the house. Yan, Zhang Yang and the fat-headed monk are already four people.

The rumors can only come from Zhang Yang and the fat-headed monk, but he has no evidence, so there is nothing he can do about it. For this reason, Fa Yan's unhappy mood is even more depressed.

But now, in front of himself, Zhang Yang, the abbot, brought up what Fa Yan suffered in front of everyone, which made him very angry.

"It's ridiculous. People have been like this for thousands of years. How can that paper be made so easily!"

Fa Ming's words no longer gave Zhang Yang, the abbot any face, and it also made Zhang Yang feel angry. He is also the abbot of this Huichang Temple. In principle, his status should be higher than this Fa Ming, but because of himself His age and qualifications are not as high as his, and he has no foundation in Huichang Temple. However, such a stubborn old man stubbornly believed in his so-called ideas, which made Zhang Yang no longer have a good impression of him.

Zhang Yang was very angry, so he was no longer polite to Fa Ming, the elder of Huichang Temple.

"If Elder Fa Ming thinks so, how about we make a bet?"

"I am a member of the Buddhist sect, and I would not bet with others. Such behavior is not allowed in the Buddhist sect!"

Zhang Yang laughed angrily.No wonder others like to call the monk a bald donkey, and now he also has this desire, but thinking that his head is also bald, Zhang Yang shut his mouth.

Only now did he know that such things as being popular and happy really happened, and the tragic hero of the story was himself. Why does Zhang Yang feel that innocent face is so dazzling?

"Elder, what do you mean by this? Is it because what the predecessors did not do is still not possible now? In the eyes of the elders, we can only eat the wisdom of the predecessors, so we can't have a little innovation? If so, Why do the elders still concentrate on studying Buddhism, just take the experience and experience written by the predecessors to learn, and why do you want to have your own experience and Buddhist principles? Isn't this completely unnecessary?"

Zhang Yang's words made Fa Ming speechless. Although Zhang Yang's words were blunt, they made sense. He could not annihilate his conscience and say that it was nonsense and lies.

Faming lowered his head, his face was full of shame, after all, he lost in this debate!Although these statements in his heart are somewhat shameless, he still has the courage to admit defeat.

"Since the elder has nothing to say, please give this abbot three months. If this abbot cannot succeed by then, then you can hire someone else to be the abbot of Huichang Temple!"

Zhang Yang's words were like a hurricane, rushing through everyone's hearts. They all knew what happened today. After all, they were the most direct participants. Regarding the plan that Zhang Yang, the abbot, had determined before, they came from the bottom of their hearts. It is indeed very harsh. Therefore, they may not have much respect for Abbot Zhang. After all, no one would have a good impression of the guy who took away his iron job!

But now, what Zhang Yang said was completely beyond their expectations. At this time, the entire Huichang Temple can be said to have been in the hands of Zhang Yang, the abbot. Even though neither of the two giants of Huichang Temple had any objections, they still didn't do anything extraordinary.

However, now, the abbot has actually said that if he can't do what he said, he will step down from the abbot's position. There is no loss for them in this matter. If the abbot succeeds, they can gain both wealth and reputation, which will benefit all people!And if it fails, that's good, since the abbot is gone, they don't have to be restricted by such strict rules.

Therefore, everyone was silent and looked at Elder Faming with expectations in their eyes.

Finally, Faming's mouth moved, and a heavenly voice came from everyone's ears, "Okay, if that's the case, what's the matter with me agreeing to you!"

Looking at Fa Ming in front of him, Zhang Yang pouted, isn't this still a bet?Hmph, it turns out Elder Fa Ming is also a duplicity guy!

Glancing at the crowd, Zhang Yang put his hand on his nose, snorted coldly, and walked away coquettishly. He doesn't want to face these people who only know how to hurt his young heart, so he should go back quickly. Go to your own residence and hurry up to write down everything about the papermaking process!

Although he has the knowledge of later generations and knows some papermaking processes, Zhang Yang is not a professional after all, so he can only slowly explore. Fortunately, he asked for three months, which should be enough time.

Humming a little tune, Zhang Yang's figure disappeared from everyone's eyes.


The sound of broken porcelain!

"What's the use of my son raising you, such a small matter can't be done well!"

"Young Master Hou, why are you so angry with this slave? You're just ruining your body! Are you worried that there's nothing you can do to deal with that kid?"

In a private room of Zuixian Building, there are six or seven people in the room at this moment, one of them is kneeling on the ground as a confession, and on the ground next to him is a broken porcelain bowl with his head bowed, No one can see his expression, but from his slightly trembling body, it can be seen that he is probably a little scared at this time. After all, he is not good at doing things, so he will naturally be punished.

At this time, sitting in front of him was a very handsome young man. He was dressed very gorgeously, looked very expensive, and had a very good net worth. Of course, whoever dined in this drunken fairy building was not A wealthy family belongs to the upper class in Chang'an City?

However, the young man's cold eyes ruined his face, making people feel that this person is like a poisonous snake, giving people a deadly snake kiss at any time, which makes people feel very uncomfortable. , it was Hou Liheng!

"Hmph, I'll spare you this time, and next time, you don't have to come back and answer, just kill yourself! Don't let this young master go!"

"Yes, young master, this subordinate will leave!"

He spoke cautiously, but he could still hear the hint of surprise, even if he was told to fuck off, but this was already a great tolerance for him. Life is in danger, and one has to endure the torment of sex, but now the young master is so magnanimous and did not punish him, he is very happy and grateful in his heart, and suddenly a sense of pride arises in his heart to die for his confidant.


Hou Liheng was a little upset. He picked up the wine in front of him and drank it. Sure enough, only the spicy taste could calm him down. At this time, he had returned to the image of a gentle son, but everyone who witnessed his angry appearance, But he was not deceived by his appearance.

He put the wine glass heavily on the table, and let out a bang, which was very imposing, and the atmosphere in the whole private room suddenly became a little tense.

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