It is not easy to be a monk in the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 342: To be alive is the greatest misfortune!

The irony in Hou Liheng's eyes was even stronger, that's it, even though he knew he couldn't resist, these annoying ants still struggled vigorously, what kind of behavior is this?This is stupid!

Ignoring the little girl's struggle, Hou Liheng threw her onto the bed and randomly covered her whole body.


The sound of clothes being torn apart, accompanied by a scream, the whole bed creaked and shook. Thinking of the sound of snapping, Hou Liheng kept kneading vigorously with a grin on his face, leaving a mark on the snow-white carcass. Spotted marks on the bottom.

Rough panting sounded endlessly, accompanied by the cry of pain and moan that was lower than the body.


Hou Liheng is very dissatisfied now. Looking at the little girl lying under him like a dead fish, her face is full of cruelty, she is too weak, and she is very dissatisfied in her heart. Gone?Lying under him without any reaction like this, let him do whatever he wants, without any sense of accomplishment, he has no hobby of rape!

He slapped Hong'er with his hands, but at this time the little girl had already passed out due to the unbearable torture. For her, this kind of punishment was too cruel, and she really didn't have the courage to face it.

"Don't think that you can escape by pretending to be dead!"

One hand tightly pinched the thin neck, leaving a scary red mark on it.

"Cough cough!"

The feeling of suffocation was very uncomfortable, Hong'er's face turned red from white to white, she had difficulty breathing, and coughed uncontrollably, but such a pitiful appearance did not make Hou Liheng feel even a little bit of pity, but made him He was even more excited, holding a dagger in his hand, which he usually kept by his side for self-defense. At this moment, the dagger lingered on the little girl Hong'er, as if it had a special effect on his snow-white skin. preference!


Hong'er's body became bow-shaped, her head and feet were tilted upwards, her eyes were wide open, the veins on her forehead twisted like poisonous snakes, drops of sweat rolled down, and in Hou Liheng's eyes, it was replaced by a beautiful scenery.

Because of the pain, the muscles on his body contracted, and there was an awow, and Hou Liheng showed an intoxicated expression on his face. Sure enough, because of the pain, that place tightly bound his second brother, tightening and loosening, let People sink into it and cannot extricate themselves.

As if he had found a way to make himself more comfortable, every once in a while, the dagger in Hou Liheng's hand would draw a red mark on Hong'er's body, and blood flowed out, forming a perfect picture, so beautiful!

As for Hou Liheng, he was constantly ups and downs in this picture scroll, shaking his buttocks constantly, with bloodthirsty madness in his eyes, and mockery on his face.

"Shut up!"

With a crisp breath, Hou Liheng felt refreshed, and all the depression and anger he had received from his old man had been vented. Sure enough, the best way to relieve the fire was to go through a hearty exercise like this.

Hearing the weak breathing of the little bitch beside him, Hou Liheng's eyes suddenly felt a little dissatisfied. This bitch really doesn't know how to flatter her, and she has no use. She can't just lie on his bed at this time. With her lowly background, how could she sleep on his bed?

Every time after the work was done, those people also left with winks, but now, Hong'er was covered in blood, her virginity was just opened, and she was devastated without a trace of strength. Because she knew Hou Liheng's temper, she wanted to get up several times. But I didn't have any strength in my whole body, so I failed!

"Hehe, is this also a place you can stay?"

Hou Liheng, who had galloped on her body just now, had quite a face-changing charm at this moment, with his eyes slightly squinted and his face full of satisfaction, but the chill in his words made Hong'er's heart suddenly cold, but now she has no choice, she can't get out of here at all. Hou Liheng fled away.

Seeing her still lying beside him, Hou Liheng's face was immediately covered with frost.


He kicked Hong'er's body and kicked her out of the bed. In an instant, the bloody and scarred body appeared on Hou Liheng's naked body, but this didn't bring him any thoughts of repentance, and let him vent his animal desire. Afterwards, when he saw such a miserable body again, Hou Liheng could only slowly feel sick in his heart.

"Come on!"

After getting off the bed, Hou Liheng just stood in the middle of the room without any clothes on, and he didn't feel any discomfort on his face. Being naked in the room like this was nothing embarrassing for him, and his figure was still very good Yes, of course, now he doesn't intend to show off, and in this era, dressing is served by a dedicated person, and all he has to do is stretch out his hands, of course, now he doesn't mean that.


A dark-faced strong man came in, bowed his head towards Hou Liheng, and he didn't seem to have seen what happened in the room, but judging from the speed at which he came in, he must have been standing outside the room, so that means He could hear what happened in the room very clearly just now. If you look carefully, you can see that the dark ears are still a little red, and there is also a suspicious protrusion under the abdomen.

After listening to martial arts scenes for so long, as a normal man, this is still very normal.

"Drag out!" Hou Liheng frowned slightly without blinking.

"Yes, Master!"

The strong man walked towards the little girl Hong'er who was collapsed on the ground, without a trace of emotion in his eyes. This kind of scene is very common in the Hou Mansion. After experiencing a lot, his heart becomes numb. Looking at the girl on the ground, even though she was bullied by the young master It was horrible, but she still looked good. Generally speaking, as long as the maids of the Hou Mansion were broken by the young master, if there was no special explanation, they could also drink a bowl of soup.

A gleam of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he was very happy. After listening to the news for so long, he was already a little impatient.It's been a bit of a struggle.

He is on duty today, and he will be the first to taste this girl in a while. This is also their agreement, and that's why they are so keen on being on duty.I can't help being very grateful to Young Master Hou, such a master is really rare, if you treat them so well, dare you repay them with death?

"No, no, young master, spare your servant, spare your servant!"

Hearing Hou Liheng's words, Hong'er immediately fell into the abyss. She knew what this meant. All the women who were carried out of the young master's room had never had a good death. If he is not killed, he will be sold to a brothel, and it is the lowest kind of brothel. He is insulted by those traffickers, pawns, hooligans and hooligans every day. For those people, living is the greatest thing. Unlucky!

However, Hong'er's cry did not attract Hou Liheng's kindness, but a grim smile on his face. It was a cruel smile that controlled the fate of others. Under his smile, Hong'er's face was pale without a trace of blood. The desperation in her heart turned into a void, generally vast, as if she couldn't see anything, no longer struggled, let the black-faced strong man drag her away, tears wet the ground under her body inadvertently, heart, really It's so cold!

There was no change in her eyes. For a little girl like Hong'er, she had no other use except to relieve his body when needed. Now that she was done using it, it was not a matter of course that she was thrown out like a rag. what?As such a lowly woman, she should have the awareness to be treated like this!Besides, doing so gave her a chance to get close to him, so who is to blame if she didn't grasp it well?

When he came to the place covered by the curtain in the room, there was already a maid standing beside him in cool clothes. Hou Liheng walked into the bathtub naked and naked, put his hands on the edge of the barrel, and let the maid knead and massage , It's a wonderful treat to take a shower after strenuous exercise.

Soaked in the water, under the steaming heat, Hou Liheng felt a little drowsy...

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

At this time, Qin Baowei was standing in front of his father, with a smug smile on his face, looking at his astonished face, he felt a sense of accomplishment, the face that originally had lewd eyes, now only She became pale, but she didn't have the sickness of falling in the wind.From time to time, there was a gleam in his eyes, which was too far from the previous appearance in Manchun Tower.

"Of course, the boy has experienced it lightly, but he saw with his own eyes how that idiot did things, haha!"

Qin Baowei had a sneer on his face, and the idiot he was talking about was the young master Hou who had a drink with him before and went to the brothel together!

"Well, that's good!"

The father of the Qin family had an unconcealable excitement on his face, and his whole body was rippling, but he finally knew how to be reserved in front of Qin Baowei, and he wasn't too complacent.Seeing the smile in the little bastard's eyes, he immediately put on a tiger face and put on the appearance of a strict father, but it didn't have much effect on Qin Baowei.

"You kid, hey!"

As he spoke, he shook his head and looked at Qin Baowei's face full of helplessness. This son is an outlier in the Qin family. The Qin family is also a military family. He is a brave and extraordinary man in the metropolis, but Qin Baowei didn't show any signs of it. , this child has been weak since birth, like a sick kitten, and his whole body looks like he is going to die at any moment. Such a body cannot inherit the tradition of the Qin family. Fortunately, this kid's head made up for it. This shortcoming.

Qin Baowei is the brains of the Qin family!A complete conspirator!

But his appearance outside is his protective demeanor. No one knows that the dude of the Qin family will be a poisonous snake. As long as he catches his eye, what is waiting is death!There are never exceptions!

Looking at the coldness in his youngest son's eyes, even his father, the old man of the Qin family still couldn't help but feel cold, and he was full of sympathy for Hou Liheng, the young master of the Hou family. Can the Hou family, which was targeted by Qin Baowei, still be called a family?

Slightly closing his eyes, Qin Baowei concealed the turbulent emotions in his eyes, and what was displayed outside was the hollowed-out body with the color of wine.

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