It is not easy to be a monk in the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 391: Shameless Exploitation


This was the only word that flashed in Kong Qingyun's mind. Hearing Zhang Yang's gaze, he was very surprised. Are you sure this guy is not here to find fault?

If not, how could he have said such things to his grandfather, Mr. Kong Yingda, Mr. Kong Yingda, a scholar of the Great Tang Dynasty.


Doesn't this mean that the old man's corpse is a vegetarian meal?

This is simply slander!

And for Mr. Kong, this is the slander and challenge of Zhang Yang, an ignorant kid!

That's right, in Kong Yingda's view, this kid is challenging himself, otherwise, he wouldn't be clamoring like this!

It seems that he is too kind, so these yellow-haired boys who are cats and dogs look down on him a little bit, and they attack him so blatantly in his mansion!

Kong Yingda felt his blood was boiling, and he hadn't felt so young for a long time. This kind of passionate feeling made Kong Yingda feel that he had reached the state of full blood in an instant, and his combat value rose slowly!He wants the damn kid in front of him to see how powerful he is!The old man's ambition is thousands of miles away, and his old man's ambition is to knock down this arrogant guy and let him know why flowers are so popular!


Humming from his nasal cavity, Kong Yingda managed to make his face less ferocious. After all, he was a university scholar and a master of Confucianism. He told himself over and over again in his heart that he was a gentleman and couldn't do anything, so he resisted not throwing the paperweight on the desk at Zhang Yang's head.

From this point of view, his old man is still too elegant.

At this time, Zhang Yang felt a bit stuck, mainly because he made the atmosphere too rigid, and there was no atmosphere needed in the conversation at all, but there was no way to do it. For such stubborn people, the only way to open the gap in their hearts , so that they can listen to what they say!

And Zhang Yang's way of opening the gap is really violent and brutal, without any euphemism at all.

However, now he can only force himself and rush forward, feeling very depressed. He only hopes that Mr. Kong will not care about his own methods. After all, he is also doing things for the royal family, and he is completely forced by the second brother Li.

"The old man needs to know where he is incompetent, and I ask you to give me some advice!"

"The boy is afraid, how can he teach the adults, it's just that he has some superficial knowledge here! In this case, the boy will tell the adults, if there is anything wrong, I hope the adults will forgive me!"

Zhang Yang lowered his head, feeling bitter in his heart.

On the surface, Kong Yingda's attitude was very sincere, and he asked him to advise, but there was the word "children" in front of it. It seemed that he really offended Mr. Kong terribly.

After all, what he said was indeed too much. He knew that Kong Yingda was very competent as an official, so he had no place to comment. It was just a means to attract his attention and prevent him from being kicked out of the Confucius Mansion. But such a small means, But it's very annoying.

Sure enough, Kong Yingda was furious, and her eyes were fixed on Zhang Yang, as if she was looking at a pile of garbage!

Zhang Yang is about to cry!

He doesn't want to do it, okay?

But there is no turning back, the words have already been said, if you don’t do anything, then you will be a tragedy, not only did you fail to achieve the set goal, but offended the court ministers, such a mindless thing just once , Zhang Yang doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

Seeing Kong Yingda's expressionless face, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that he had done something wrong, how did things turn out like this?

Swallowing his saliva, Zhang Yang continued, "Since your lord wants to share your worries, then you should know what your Majesty is worrying about now!"

After Zhang Yang said this, he looked up at Kong Yingda, and saw that the old man was frowning. He was obviously thinking about Li Lao Er's recent performance. Seeing Kong Yingda's performance, Zhang Yang was overjoyed, which meant that he was already listening to what he said Yes, this is the harbinger of victory!

The worst thing would be if I said a lot in the crowd below, but people didn't show any expression, and they completely regarded what I said as if my butt was releasing poisonous gas.

Zhang Yang settled down a bit, and before Kong Yingda could answer, he knew that his question would be ignored. In order to avoid this embarrassment, Zhang Yang continued, "The reason why the boy visited Kong's residence today is to solve the emperor's troubles. The boy expresses his deep apologies for his abruptness and offense, but shouldn't your lord share the emperor's worries and do your part for the world?"

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean by this? Could it be that the little girl's marriage troubled the emperor, and that's why you were asked to match the little girl?"

A mocking smile appeared on Kong Qingyun's face, "Hmph, the emperor has everything to do every day, so how can he worry about the little girl's marriage? Is Mr. Zhang just joking? This is indeed a very funny joke!"

As she spoke, Kong Qingyun cast a slanting glance at Zhang Yang, her eyes full of sarcasm.

This, what should I say?

Zhang Yang was a little hesitant. After all, this was his own idea. He chose Kong Qingyun in order to make Li Chengqian change his mind. However, this was really unfair to the little girl. At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly felt a little cruel.

But a dead fellow is not a poor one, maybe a psychic woman like Kong Qingyun can make Li Chengqian, who already has gay characteristics, change his hobbies!Zhang Yang comforted himself in his heart.

This is all Li's fault. If he hadn't given himself such a difficult task, how could he have pushed Kong Qingyun into the pit of fire? This is completely against his kind character and noble personality!

"This is the topic, let's talk about it later!"

Zhang Yang's eyes dodged a little. Under Kong Qingyun's gaze, he felt like a clown, especially aggrieved, and the guilt in his heart was about to overwhelm him, and he almost gave up his plan. He wanted to be a monk all his life. Now, it's better than having such a woman as a homosexual!

But thinking of Yanran, Lurui and Mingyue, or Wu Qingchen who had disappeared for a long time, Zhang Yang forced himself to harden his heart, he couldn't let those women down.

Kong Qingyun was taken aback by Zhang Yang's words, she still thought that Zhang Yang would argue with her, and she still thought that he must be silenced, but now, this plan came to nothing, which made Kong Qingyun very dissatisfied.

The almond eyes are wide open, the willow eyebrows are upside down, and the anger in the eyes is gushing out. Zhang Yang chooses to be an ostrich, and when the danger comes, he will avoid it.

And this kind of evasive behavior made Kong Qingyun's heart immediately think of two words, coward!

"My lord, what I want to say now is what kind of trouble the emperor has encountered!"

Zhang Yang decided not to hide it anymore. Although it is a very dangerous thing to tell the royal secret, he believes that the secret is only for the working people, and it is no longer a secret for court officials like Kong Yingda.

What's more, judging from the performance of Li Chengqian and Xinxin, their show of affection has reached the point of utter desperation. In front of the emperor, Li Shimin, they all hold hands and look at tears. Since everyone knows, let this matter be told now. It's no big deal to pick it out!

Then, Zhang Yang described in detail what he saw in the palace, specifically about the emotional entanglement between Li Chengqian and Yixin, as well as Li Shimin's grief and disappointment. Putting it on the status of a spectator, as for the possibility that Li Chengqian's temperament changed drastically because of his own reasons, Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and refused to say.

Isn't that much an honorable thing.

What's more, if he said it, maybe this old stubborn said that he was the evildoer who seduced the king. If someone set fire to himself or soaked the pig cage, then who would he talk to for reasoning!

"That's why you came to Confucius Mansion?"

Kong Yingda frowned, her tone was not very good.

Of course, that's for sure. Anyone who hears that someone is going to use their granddaughter for some purpose will not feel very comfortable, even if it is about the royal family!

"That's right!"

Zhang Yang nodded, expressing his affirmation!

"My lord doesn't want His Royal Highness to be addicted to masculinity, does he? His Royal Highness is now the heir apparent of the Tang Dynasty, and will be the emperor of a country in the future. If it is still the case at that time, then the royal heirs will be a big problem! No heirs, no children. Successor, then how can Datang stand for thousands of years!"

What Zhang Yang said was a bit disobedient, but there is no way to do it. Only by exaggerating the consequences can people be alerted!

Seeing the deepening wrinkles on Kong Yingda's forehead, Zhang Yang thought he had made the right bet!

This is a lovely old man, a patriotic old man!

And he shamelessly took advantage of Kong Yingda's heart for the country and the king to make him agree with his plan a little bit, isn't it too despicable.

Zhang Yang lowered his head, a little afraid to look at Kong Yingda, that expression of worrying about the country and the people made Zhang Yang feel ashamed!I am like a vole in a burrow, stealing things that belong to others, and cannot appear in the sun.

When did he become like this?

Zhang Yang couldn't help asking back, for his own self-interest, shamelessly pushing others into the fire pit!Who gave himself such a right? Could it be that he has been polluted by darkness?

Zhang Yang was reflecting on himself, while Kong Qingyun was pale. She didn't know that Zhang Yang had this idea.

Seeing her grandfather's thoughtful face, Kong Qingyun felt cold all over her body, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, as if her breath was taken away, and she was stunned. Will her grandfather agree?

Kong Qingyun doesn't know...

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