It is not easy to be a monk in the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 72: The Prince's Ambition

Li Shimin was really happy, no one would hope that all his hard work would go to waste in the end, especially since he had that dream, he cherished the fruit of his labor even more.

Seeing Li Chengqian's eloquent answer now, I am even more happy, and I feel a sense of pride that my family has grown up!

If there is someone who succeeds me, then the curse in the dream will not happen.


Uh, Li Shimin is like a duck being strangled by the neck, ahem, he really lost his mind, his mood has been unstable for the past two days, and now seeing these people looking at him strangely, he can't help feeling a little ashamed.

However, Chengqian has really grown up, and he should experience it. As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, he must be able to shoulder the mission of revitalizing the Tang Dynasty. Maybe it's time to let him go and let him learn to fly.

Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian with anticipation in his eyes.

"Chengqian, you are now 16 years old. Although you have not given the coronation ceremony, you can still learn how to deal with political affairs and how to govern the country!"

Li Chengqian suppressed his trembling body due to excitement, his nose was a little sore, he once thought that his father had abandoned him, but now it seems that his father still remembers him, and remembers that he is the prince of Tang Dynasty, the prince of the country!

"Take this matter as an experience, and you will be responsible for it!"

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to do this! This is related to the safety of the people of our Tang Dynasty. It cannot be treated as an experiment for the prince. This is not a joke! If it is not handled properly, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

When Du Ruhui saw that the royal family handed over this matter to the inexperienced prince so easily, he couldn't help being anxious. He didn't mean to target Li Chengqian. He only thought about the pros and cons of doing so. Of course, this matter is very important to His Royal Highness. It is an opportunity for experience. If it is handled well, it will not only win the hearts of the people and restore the court's impression in the hearts of the people, but also increase the favor of the officials for the prince. What they want is a capable prince. They saw this and helped Li Chengqian a lot.

However, this incident is not a trivial matter, it is related to the lives of thousands of people in Yangzhou and the dignity of the Tang court!

Therefore, even though he understood the importance of this matter to Li Chengqian, he still uttered a voice to stop it, completely ignoring the Prince of the Tang Dynasty whose face had already changed color.

"The prince is young after all, I'm afraid he can't handle the relationship between the court and the people well, and besides, the people have rioted at this time, I'm afraid it will be dangerous for the prince to go in person!"

"Your Majesty, what Keming said makes sense. After all, the Jiangnan area is not Chang'an. Not only is the climate there acceptable to His Majesty the Crown Prince, but also if the Crown Prince travels, if he is taken advantage of by someone with a heart, it will not be a blessing for me in the Tang Dynasty!"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were good friends, and they were known as "Fang Mou Du Duan". Both of them were independent, or they both stood behind the emperor, and both were royalists.What the two of them considered was not what benefits the crown prince could gain from this matter, but what was the best way to solve this matter, so as to maximize the protection of Datang's interests!

The eldest grandson Wuji stood aside with a big belly, ignoring the eyes of the prince's nephew pleading for help, looking at Li Shimin with a smile in his eyes, everything is in his mind!

"Father, I will do my best to settle this matter, and I will definitely live up to my father's expectations!"

Seeing that Changsun Wuji was indifferent, Li Chengqian had no choice but to try to speak for himself. Although this matter was dangerous, because the exact scale of the riot was not yet known, it added a lot of variables to this trip.

However, this was an opportunity for him. Li Chengqian squeezed his hand hidden in his sleeve. His hand was so strong that his nails were slightly pale. He must seize this opportunity. Opportunity to speak!

Seeing his so-called brothers grow up day by day, he has become a fat meat with a smell that attracts people to die, his status is coveted, and he is always worried that someone will climb on his head that day.

He knows that he is very ordinary, but his brothers have such and such talents. Li Taishanwen united a group of scribes to praise him all day long with a pen, although he has not seen him until now. Where is De, who is determined to drive his own brother down, can such a person be called De?What a joke!

As for Li Ke, Li Chengqian was even more jealous. Although he was born of Concubine Yang, he was not strictly a legitimate son, but look at what his father said to him, "Yinguo like me!"

What a hero like me!

Li Chengqian gritted his teeth. With this evaluation, what is the difference between him and Li Ke?Who is the crown prince of the country or is it up to the father to decide?As soon as this sentence comes out, how many people are optimistic about him?Is he destined to become a tragedy like his uncle Li Jiancheng, and become a stepping stone for others?

Li Chengqian howled extremely angrily in his heart, no, I don't want that kind of ending!

Li Chengqian looked at Li Shimin with a firm and full belief that freedom must be won. At this moment, Li Shimin suddenly had a feeling that Li Chengqian at this time was very similar to when he was the king of Qin.

I am very proud that the tiger father has no dogs!My son finally inherited his own ambition and domineering spirit!

A qualified king cannot lack ambition. Only with ambition can the country have vitality and desire to become stronger. Then the country will not be crushed by the giant wheel of time. A mediocre king who has nothing to pursue will surely make the whole country Busy!

A qualified king must have arrogance, the kind of arrogance that dominates the world and is no one but me. Only in this way can the majesty of the heaven and the kingdom be displayed, and the world can be congratulated from all directions!

Li Shimin was very relieved, he saw the ambition in Li Chengqian's eyes!

Looking at this son who was suppressing his excitement and suppressing his inner thoughts, Li Shimin felt very funny. He was still a little too tender and needed to be sharpened! Since you have this kind of heart, so what if the father helps you!

"I have made up my mind. At the age of eighteen, I will become the King of Jinglun. I will capture Liu Wuzhou in the north, Xue Ju in the west, and Dou Jiande and Wang Shichong in the east. At 24, the world will be settled. At 29, I will occupy a great position. As my son, I must have the ambition to surpass me, so that my great Tang Dynasty will be passed on for thousands of years!"

"Chengqian is already 16 years old. As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, he should be responsible and capable. If this matter cannot be resolved, then even if he is a king, he will not do anything big in the future!"

Everyone rolled their eyes and kept slandering in their hearts. Your Majesty, you are showing off your martial arts achievements again. I don’t want to see how many people in this world can compare with you, a pervert! We are ordinary people, and we can’t do everything! Soaring dreams!

Li Chengqian was told by Li Shimin that his blood was boiling. He must surpass his father. Now, he must win this matter and work hard to do it well!

His heart was moved, and he was moved by the beautiful blueprint drawn by Li Shimin. He will definitely become the king of a country, and let all the places where the sun shines become the mountains and rivers of Datang!

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