"Old Liu, it is reported that Prince Li Tang has arrived in the south of the Yangtze River! However, the prince's whereabouts are secret, and our people have not found the exact location yet."

A simple room stands in the deep forest, surrounded by warriors holding swords, and the defense is very strict.They were dressed as crows, and their bodies were all black, which looked very strange in this deserted forest.

At this time, in the center of the room, a man in black was kneeling in front of a skinny old man, and what he said was exactly the above sentence.From his eyes, it can be seen that he is in awe of the old man surnamed Liu, and he kneels meticulously, obviously very skilled.

"Well, is the news reliable?"

The old man opened his closed eyes, stopped dozing, looked at the man in black in front of him, and spoke calmly without any disturbance.

"Back to Mr. Liu, this news came through Line [-]!"

Mr. Liu sat up straight, with a flash of light in his eyes, is it Route [-]?Then it can be determined.

This old Liu is suddenly the old Liu who fought secretly with Zhang Yang, the leader of the rebel faction!

At this moment, Mr. Liu was full of vigor and vigor, his dry and thin face was like cracked tree bark showing his yellow teeth.

The prince is here, this is really good news!He no longer has any doubts about the authenticity of the news. Not everyone can use Line [-]. There are only a few people in their organization who can use this line to transmit messages, and the news is transmitted from Chang'an , that can only be...

"Since the crown prince is here, how can we not treat him well so as not to lose our manners? Tell me to go on and investigate carefully. Once the prince's whereabouts are confirmed, I will report it immediately. The old man will prepare a big surprise for him."

Old Liu laughed ripplingly. The man in black's scalp felt numb, and he backed out of the door, letting out a deep breath. He still had a lot of things to do.

Li Chengqian, who was plotted against by others, was bringing Zhang Yang and others to Tiantianju, the largest restaurant in Suzhou. The name reminded Zhang Yang of a couplet, "A guest at Tianranju, actually a guest from heaven!"Zhang Yang didn't have the time to explore whether he was a guest from heaven or not. At this time, all the things in his mind were occupied, and he couldn't spare a little space to think about other things.

Facts have proved that no matter when and where, there will be no shortage of people who love to enjoy and have the ability to enjoy. When you walk in, the decoration inside is very elegant, which is in line with the beautiful and exquisite characteristics of the small bridges and flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River. There is a blank wall covered with paper, with some poems on it, according to the shopkeeper, the handwriting left by the students who came and went at that time.

Zhang Yang secretly admired it. At this time, there was no effective means of publicity. It seemed like a small thing for literati to have the same name and hang their poems on the wall, but it was invisibly advertising for these literati. People's pursuit.

In this way, it not only improves the style of the hotel but also attracts the pursuit of students.Most of the restaurant's customers are literati and scholars, and most people seldom dine in such a luxurious place as a restaurant, but literati and scholars are keen on parties, which attracts a large number of customers. The people who thought of this idea are obviously talented in business .

But this has nothing to do with him, now he is staring at Li Chengqian, the meaning is self-evident.

Zhang Yang's gaze was too pensive, and Li Chengqian was stared at with cold sweat on his back. Is it right or wrong to bring this person by himself?At this moment Li Chengqian deeply doubted his ability to see people, mainly because Li Chengqian's memory of Zhang Yang was too good, now seeing Zhang Yang's greedy upper body, he suddenly felt disillusioned.

After eating and drinking enough, Zhang Yang wiped the corners of his mouth in satisfaction. The newly promoted younger brother Zhang Xu also has a round belly, and the two of them look similar. Now Li Chengqian really doubts whether the two of them are brothers who have been separated for many years. During the meal, Zhang Yang's chopsticks Shuttle back and forth in front of himself and the little guy like a butterfly wearing a flower, the frequency is so fast and the efficiency is so high, it made all the diners dumbfounded, and it also gave Li Chengqian an urge to kill and silence, and he followed the adults. The prince will be shot at by others with contempt, and he is completely implicated by this guy.

Originally, he wanted to eat in the hall, so he could hear some news, which might be useful to himself and others, but now Li Chengqian regretted this decision.

"Ah, I can finally rest well!"

In the guest room of the restaurant, after freshening up, Zhang Yang lay lazily on the bed and rolled back and forth, the little boy stared at him intently, this big brother repeatedly broke his cognition, now he doesn't look like a son-in-law, just like himself, he always likes Lai The bed, however, just because of this, made him feel kind.

"Boom, boom, boom."

There were three regular knocks on the door, Zhang Yang pursed his lips, wondering what Li Chengqian wanted him for again!

Along the way, Zhang Yang was used to the knocking on the door, and when he opened the door, the wooden-faced Wu Da was looking at him seriously. Zhang Yang suspected that he was suffering from lack of facial expression, poor baby!

"Young master, my subordinates have heard that the rioters are all concentrated on the Yunhua Mountain in the suburbs. There are more than 1 people, and the number is still increasing. As the disaster continues to intensify, many victims choose to join them."

The purpose of Li Chengqian's visit to Jiangnan this time is to investigate the facts, solve problems, and hear the most authentic voices from the people, so he did not make public all the way, but avoided most people's ears and eyes in disguise, so he also let the information of the Blood Alliance The personnel were unable to determine his whereabouts in a short period of time, which has to be said to be wrong.

Li Chengqian, the leader, was silent. Although the number of rebels was small, the impact was great. In addition, Suzhou Governor Ma Rong's ineffectiveness in fighting the disaster and arbitrarily enforcing the law have already attracted backlash from the victims. If this continues, the consequences will still be very serious.

In fact, if you take out the token and find General Su Dingfang and let him send troops to suppress it, the matter can be dealt with very easily, but this is only the last method. If you want to do this well, it is best to rely on yourself without external force, and these people The reason why they rebelled was mostly because they were forced to be helpless.

First, they were forced by disasters and had no harvest due to severe drought, which was the main reason for their rebellion. If there was no food, they would starve, and they had to find ways to grab it.

Second, the imperial court is persecuting. The imperial court here does not refer to the entire imperial court of the Tang Dynasty, but specifically refers to the Jiangnan government. When the disaster occurred, they did not report it in time, and did not take effective measures when the riot occurred. Regardless of their life and death, this approach also aroused their reactionary sentiments.

Knowing these two main problems, we need to find a solution. As for the second point, Li Chengqian has a way to deal with it. Now that he is the Jiangnan inspector, and he has the right to kill first, he can completely control the Governor's Mansion!

But what about the rebel groups organized by the disaster victims?Li Chengqian became distressed. First of all, he didn't want to use the army to suppress bloodyly. He didn't mind doing so when necessary. However, he knew the consequences of doing so very well. If you label yourself cruel, cold-blooded, and bloodthirsty, how can you bear the verbal criticism of those so-called righteous people?

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