Ex-wife, can't be sweet enough for you

Chapter 044 She Is The Best Medicine

Shen Ye's heart had been suppressed and dull at first, but because of her closeness, it was like the warm sun pushing away the dark clouds, and suddenly became clear.

Not only did she not misunderstand him, nor was she as indifferent as before.

However, there was a pungent smell of potion on his body, Shen Ye pushed her shoulder, trying to put distance between them, but Yin Manqing stubbornly refused to leave his chest at this moment, instead hugging his neck, Don't allow him to push himself away.

After a long time, Yin Manqing backed away from him a little, "Apart from the wound on the chest, where else is he injured?"

Carefully pulling off his shirt, her bloody chest made her face turn pale again from fright.

Shen Ye did not allow her to touch his wound, worried that she would be frightened, so he gathered his clothes to block her view, "It's nothing serious, it will be fine tomorrow."

Yin Manqing refused to budge even though he was already bruised and said it would be fine, "Shall we go to the hospital and let the doctor take a look at it?"

She was anxious, even though he was right in front of her, she couldn't know how many injuries he had and how serious the injuries were, and even Shen Ye's face was covered with paint, and there was a wound under the corner of his eye, but it didn't affect him at all. he's handsome.

So far, this is the first time for Shen Ye to really see Yin Manqing worried about him.In fact, with Yin Manqing's worries, if he still needs to go to the hospital, she is the best medicine...

"It's just a flesh injury, I'll ask Peter to give me some medicine later..."

"I'll do it for you." She replied before Shen Ye did, and it was rare for her to push back his clothes willfully. When she saw the scars on his chest and back, Yin Manqing's tears fell uncontrollably , "Didn't it matter if you don't wear the wedding ring? Why do you want to get it back! If you don't get it back...you won't get hurt."

With a strong nasal voice, she murmured, trembling when her cool fingertips touched his wound.

Shen Ye held her finger again, brought it to his lips and kissed, "If you don't take the ring, you won't get hurt, how do you know that you care about me too!"

He smiled, the smile was so handsome, without any sense of suffocation and coercion, his eyes were firmly attached to Yin Manqing's body, that kind of eyes, as if even if he looked at it for a lifetime, he couldn't get enough of it...

Yin Manqing trembled slightly. Shen Ye would never say such provocative words to her before. While shocked, she also felt a little guilty. As his wife, she never really cared about Shen Ye. She was usually like a hedgehog. When dealing with him, only when there is something to ask for, will he be submissive as a last resort.

She lowered her head, as if it was difficult to face him.

However, Shen Ye gently held her chin, and looked at her seriously with his eyes. At this moment, he really wanted to realize what he said so that she and Qin Yuefeng could never be together.

That time...he would agree to a divorce because he was completely provoked by her.

"I... I'm sorry..." Yin Manqing apologized, and continued to speak weakly, "I like him and miss him, but in the past two years, I haven't contacted him privately once without your back."

It's not the first time she told Shen Ye that she likes and misses Qin Yuefeng, and it's not the first day for Shen Ye to know.

From the moment they got married, he knew who she was thinking about and who she missed, and Yin Manqing didn't want to lie to him.

However, she mentioned this matter again to show Shen Ye that she really worked hard to control her feelings.

"Then... you promise me that from today on, you will not miss him, you will not like him, and you will not see him in the future."

In addition to the seriousness and seriousness in the words, Shen Ye's deep expectations are hidden!

Yin Manqing frowned. She could not contact Qin Yuefeng or meet him, but she didn't want him, didn't like him... She really couldn't do it.

If she didn't answer, she had actually given Shen Ye the best answer - she couldn't do it.

Sometimes, Shen Ye was very jealous of Qin Yuefeng. He couldn't get involved in the past between them.It seemed that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't occupy half of her heart.

"What if I... can't do it?" In front of Shen Ye, she always acted like a very obedient, good child who never lied, and spoke sincerely.

"You find a way to do it."

On this issue, Shen Ye did not compromise, his voice became much lower, and his attitude became firm.

"What about you? Can you stop liking other women?" Yin Manqing also needed a promise from him.

"I haven't always..." Are you the only one who has always liked!

He almost blurted out this sentence, but he seemed to realize that she might not believe what he said under such circumstances, "Yes."

The short words were not as hesitant as Yin Manqing said, but his answer was very thorough and firm without any hesitation.

If he didn't like her, how could he use marriage to keep her by his side even if he used coercion?

If he didn't like her, how could he be so naive as to use the women around him to arouse her jealousy and get a little attention from her?

If he didn't like her, how could he still insist on going on with her, knowing that she loves and thinks about others in his heart, thinking about going to the end and growing old together?

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