super jade

Chapter 102

Wang Meng's face became quite ugly, turning blue and purple. He pushed Zhou Yuyan away, grabbed the invoice and looked at it.When he saw the numbers above, his body trembled slightly, as if he couldn't accept this fact.After a long time, he thought of something and yelled at the waiter, "Why didn't you tell me how much the clothes cost?"

Disdain flashed across the waiter's eyes, but he still said politely: "Sir, you were sure you wanted to buy it just now, besides, you didn't ask me the price, did you?"

"You guys are simply robbery. I want to return the goods." Although Wang Meng is very rich, 48 is still a big amount for him.I have already spent a lot of money during the National Day holiday, and now the card is only more than 50 yuan. I bought two clothes just now, and I am afraid that there is only a fraction left in the card.

"It's okay to return the goods, but a [-]% handling fee must be charged." The waiter replied.

Just as Wang Meng was about to speak, Li Yi smiled and said, "If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Why pretend to be rich?"

Hearing this, Wang Meng felt pained like a knife, and snorted coldly: "Who said I can't afford the clothes here, sir, I won't refund you, okay?"

"Wang Shao is really rich, and he doesn't even bat an eye on 48 clothes." Li Yi continued.

Wang Meng was even more annoyed, but he had nothing to do with Li Yi. He gritted his teeth and said, "Huh! I'm not like some people who brought women to try on clothes but couldn't afford them."

Li Yi was not angry either, and said with a smile: "How do you know I can't afford it?"

"If you can afford it, buy some clothes for her now." Wang Meng said disdainfully, he didn't believe that a poor boy like Li Yi could buy clothes here.

Li Yi took Wang Shanshan's hand and walked towards some clothes not far away, then picked up a coat and said, "How about this one?"

"Do you really want to buy it?" Wang Shanshan didn't know how much money Li Yi had, but seeing Li Yi's appearance of wanting to buy it, she felt uncertain, because Li Yi could always do things that she couldn't believe.

"Of course I bought it, go and try it!" Li Yi handed the clothes to Wang Shanshan.

Wang Shanshan hesitated for a moment, took the clothes and walked to the changing room, and walked out quickly.

It has to be said that no matter what kind of clothes she wears, she fits very well, especially this coat, which sets off her pure appearance more clearly.

"That's right, that's all for now, let's buy the other ones too!" Li Yi handed some clothes to the waiter.

The waiter began to think that Li Yi was a poor boy, but the tone of his speech was not like that. She quickly took the clothes and walked to the cashier, "Sir, cash or credit card?"

"Swipe the card!" Li Yi walked to the cashier and took out a bank card from his pocket.

After seeing this card, both the waiter and Wang Meng stared wide-eyed. It was a black card, and this kind of card was not something ordinary people could have.For the supreme black card, the deposit must reach more than [-] million, and you must have a certain identity to handle it. What does Li Yi show by taking out this card?It shows that the deposit he has made is at least tens of millions.

"This, how is this possible?" Wang Meng's eyes widened, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

Looking at the waitress girl again, her attitude was obviously more polite than before. When she handed the receipt to Li Yi for signature, she asked sweetly, "Sir, do you need to buy other clothes?"

Li Yi thought for a while, and asked Wang Shanshan, "Do you want to buy some for your mother?"

Wang Xianshan was already dumbfounded. Although she didn't understand what the black bank card represented, she could still see the changes in the expressions of several people.But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't figure it out. Li Yi was obviously a student, and his family conditions were average. How could he spend so much money?Since he is so rich, why didn't he pay the bill for dinner last night?

Question marks flashed in my mind one by one, Wang Shanshan hadn't recovered from the surprise, he hesitated and said: "Well, you can buy it!"

Li Yi nodded and said, "Are there any clothes for middle-aged women?"

"Yes, there are many here, may I ask how tall is the other party?" The waiter's attitude is obviously much more cordial, and it seems to be more cordial than seeing her mother.

Li Yi roughly described Zhang Guilian's figure, and said: "I don't understand these, you can take some of them!"

The waiter was very fast, and took a few clothes in a blink of an eye, and then asked: "Auntie usually likes bags, do you want to buy a few more bags?"

"Well! Those few are not bad, bring them all!" Li Yi took out his bank card again, and after paying the money, he pulled Wang Shanshan out of the store.

At this time, Wang Meng was still in surprise. After seeing Li Yi leaving, he bit the bullet and said to the waiter: "The dress I bought just now, give me a refund..."

The waiter's face was full of disdain, and he said coldly: "There is a handling fee for payment."

"What nonsense, can I give it to you?" Wang Meng snatched the clothes from Zhou Yuyan's hand, and then told the other party the bank card number, "Just transfer it to this card."

Soon, the transfer was completed, and Wang Meng dragged her out of the store in a desperate manner.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard the waiter's voice from behind him, "A poor man, he doesn't feel ashamed to compare himself with others even though he has no money..."

Wang Meng staggered, nearly fell to the ground, turned his head and glared at the other party before walking out of the store.

"Husband, I'm sorry, I didn't know he was so rich." Zhou Yuyan also knew that Wang Meng was angry, so imagine who would buy such expensive clothes if he was not angry?

"Hmph! If it wasn't for you, would I be so ashamed?" Wang Meng said angrily.

"I know I was wrong, I will serve you well tonight, is that okay?" Zhou Yuyan took Wang Meng's hand, ignoring the people around her, and quickly put it on her chest.

Wang Meng pinched it vigorously, Zhou Yuyan frowned, and then said: "It's almost the same, let's eat the law!"

"What about my clothes and bag?" Zhou Yuyan didn't want to return empty-handed. The two clothes she bought just now were all returned by Wang Meng. It would be too embarrassing to go back like this.

"I can buy it for you, but I can't buy such a good one. Do you know how much money I lost today?" Although Wang Meng didn't care about money, he already had pretty good money for the big expenses these days. Must think of a way to get money.In a blink of an eye, he thought of a way, and the smile resumed on his face, and he said, "Come on, let's go over there and buy some clothes."

"Thank you husband!" Zhou Yuyan took Wang Meng's hand and walked slowly towards a store ahead.

Besides, Li Yi and Wang Shanshan, after they bought a lot of clothes, the former made a phone call.

About half an hour later, a van drove over. After Zhang Xiaoliang got out of the car, he was dumbfounded when he saw the large and small handbags. In a blink of an eye, he thought about what happened yesterday, and said with a smile: "I know, it must be for uncles and aunts." Then, he carried all the handbags to the car.

When the things were put away, Li Yi took Wang Shanshan's hand and got into the car. After the car started, it drove quickly to Luyang District.

Coincidentally, after Wang Meng and Zhou Yuyan finished shopping for clothes, they happened to see Li Yi getting into the car.

When he saw that it was a van, Wang Meng was dumbfounded, and said to himself: "Is there a mistake, you are so rich and still take a van?"

Zhou Yuyan didn't see Li Yi and Wang Shanshan, but saw Wang Meng stunned in place, and hurriedly asked, "Husband, what's wrong with you?"

"No, it's nothing, maybe I read it wrong." Wang Meng said depressedly, and then took Zhou Yuyan's hand and walked towards BYD. Thinking that what Li Yi just made was a van, he felt better again.

Li Yi and Wang Shanshan returned home, took out the big and small bags, and distributed them to everyone.

Seeing so many clothes and bags, Zhang Guilian smiled from ear to ear, and hurriedly greeted: "Li Yi, you can just come, what are you buying so many things for?"

"I forgot about it in a hurry yesterday, and I made it up today." As soon as I said this, the phone in my pocket rang, and I glanced at the number, and suddenly I was speechless, "Auntie, I'll answer the phone first."

Walking downstairs, as soon as the phone was connected, Su Mengxi's voice came from over there, "Did the school girl satisfy you last night?"

"Wife Jinghua, we didn't do anything last night." Li Yi smiled wryly, thinking of what happened last night, he couldn't help but feel an evil fire in his heart.

"Really or not, wouldn't that suffocate you?" Su Mengxi giggled and said, "You have to go to school tomorrow, why don't you come to my house at night?"

"Hey, I want to go to your house now, what should I do?" Li Yi really wanted to leave, this kind of occasion was not suitable for him, and he didn't know how to explain to Wang Shanshan's parents why he was so rich.When he came back, he wanted to make it clear to Wang Shanshan, but he didn't say anything because Zhang Xiaoliang was still in the car.

Su Mengxi smiled again, and said, "Okay! My sister will pick you up now, and I will wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yi was about to go upstairs when he saw Wang Shanshan walking down, "Why are you here?"

"I have something to ask you, lest my mother ask me later, I don't know how to answer." Wang Shanshan asked in a low voice, "Why do you have so much money?"

"Xinxie, you are my woman now, I can tell you, but you must promise me not to tell others." Li Yi said seriously, "Actually, I am a powerful immortal cultivator, and I still remember buying this house Is it the 100 million? The money is actually my treatment for a rich man, and the other party paid me."

"Ah!" Wang Xingxian widened his eyes and said in surprise, "What did you say, you are a cultivator?"

"Don't tell anyone this secret, otherwise I will face catastrophe and probably die." Li Yi held Wang Shanshan's hand and said solemnly, "As for why I have so much money, it's because I skipped class When I help others to treat diseases, the money is paid for me.”

Wang Shanshan was a little moved, and said, "Isn't it a blessing for you to help others treat their illnesses?"

"The reason why I did this is because I want to marry you in the future, and I have to work hard to earn money to support you and my son..." Li Yin said in a condensed voice, his eyes were full of deep affection,

Wang Shanshan can imagine that Li Yi finds all kinds of excuses to skip class every day, in fact, to go out to earn money. Thinking that she earns money entirely because of herself, she is indescribably moved.Women are like water, and Wang Shanshan is also a woman who is easily emotional. With tears in her eyes, she suddenly threw herself into Li Yi's arms, choked up and said, "Why, why do you treat me so well."

"Because I'm a man, I want to support you and my family." Li Yi hugged the beauty in his arms tightly, and then wiped away the tears on her cheeks, "Don't cry, it won't be pretty anymore."

Wang Shanshan nodded, and asked again: "Does Miss Fei know this secret?"

"She's not with me yet, so I can't tell him. If you say it, I'm in danger." Li Yi didn't want to tell Chen Xiaofei, because what he said last time, if he said it now, wouldn't he be cheating?What's more, the relationship between him and Chen Xiaofei has not stabilized yet, who knows what will happen after he speaks out?

Wang Shanshan would not doubt the truth of Li Yi's words at all, nodded and said: "I will not tell outsiders."

"Xing, I won't go up until I have something else to do." It was impossible for Li Yi to tell her to find Su Mengxi, and said, "I made an appointment with a patient, and I'm going there now."

"Well! Your matter is important. I'll take care of it here. Don't worry." Wang Shanshan stood on tiptoe, took the initiative to kiss Li Yi's lips, and then ran upstairs with a pretty face flushed.After going upstairs, facing his mother's question, Wang Shanshan was speechless and froze in place for a while, not knowing how to answer.

"Xinxi, these clothes can't be street stalls! Why don't they even have a trademark?"

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