super jade

Chapter 105 You still want to spend the night at the little wife's house

Li Yi had already recognized who the voice was on the phone, and hurriedly asked, "Where are you, I'll go there right away?"

"I'm at home, come here quickly, if something happens to my father, I, woo..." At this point, Chen Xiaofei was sobbing.

"I'll be at your house within half an hour, waiting for me." After Li Yi finished speaking, he hung up the phone, picked up his clothes and put them on, "Do you have time now?"

Su Mengxi also sat up, she also heard the voice on the phone just now, and hurriedly asked: "Your little wife called?"

"No, Chen Xiaofei, you've seen her before." Li Yi replied.

"I'm talking about her. She and Wang Shanshan are both your little wives." Su Mengxi also began to put on her clothes, "I'll take you there later! Do you need me to come forward?"

"No, how can I explain it when I show up with you? Besides, I still know what's going on." Li Yi was already dressed, and quickly walked out the door.

Su Mengxi didn't put on makeup either, she simply combed her ponytail and said, "Let's go! You can meet in advance later."

Li Yi was stunned, unable to understand the meaning of the words, and said, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing, I'll know when the time comes." Su Mengxi smiled treacherously, and entered the elevator with Li Yi.

The Audi car started, and the two quickly drove towards Chen Xiaofei's house. When they arrived outside the community, the security guard stopped the car, "Are you from the community?"

"The police are handling the case." Chen Xiaofei was just about to show her ID, but what happened next made her dumbfounded.

The security guard quickly walked to the other car door, nodded and bowed his head and said, "Brother Yi, what brought you here, are you here to find your sister-in-law?"

Li Yi opened the window, nodded to the tall man, and said, "Do you still need to see the certificate?"

"No, brother Yi, we don't need to prepare documents in the future." The meaning of the big tall man's words is obvious, what kind of fake documents do we need to prepare when we are here!

"Okay, thank you this time." Li Yi nodded to Su Mengxi, indicating that she could drive in.

"Brother Yi, come and see us when you have nothing to do."

The car drove into the community, and soon came downstairs to Chen Xiaofei's house. Su Mengxi smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so capable, the police are not as good as you."

"I taught him a lesson before, does he dare not give me face?" Li Yi smiled and got out of the car, lying on the window and said, "I'm afraid I can't go to your house tonight."

"Do you still want to spend the night at my little wife's house?" Su Mengxi narrowed her eyes and said.

"I don't know how long I'll be busy!" Li Yi smiled wryly, "Even if I want to spend the night here, do you think her parents will agree?"

"What if they are happy to let you stay?" Su Mengxi giggled, "Call me when you're done, my house will open for you at any time."

"Hey! Open your body for me at any time!" Li Yi smiled badly.

Su Mengxi was not angry either, she giggled and said, "Then do you want to come in?"

"Of course I want to, but I don't have time now." After Li Yi said this, he walked quickly into the elevator.

At Chen Xiaofei's home, she and her mother were sitting on the sofa on pins and needles. Their faces were quite ugly, and there were traces of tears on their faces.

Mother Chen sighed, and suddenly asked, "Xiaofei, who did you call just now?"

"I'm a classmate." Chen Xiaofei replied.

"Your classmate?" Chen's mother was stunned, and couldn't help asking, "Can you solve the problem by calling him?"

"Because I can! My classmate is very good." Chen Xiaofei didn't know why she believed in Li Yi, but at this time she couldn't think of anyone who could help.

"Is he Du Haibo?" Mother Chen asked again.

Hearing this, Chen Xiaofei's expression changed, and he said, "Mom, why did you mention him to me?"

"I heard from your father that during the parent meeting, didn't the parents in your class meet privately?" Mother Chen said, "He said he met Du Haibo's father, and they had dinner several times. The conditions are good, and he is also well-connected in Luyang District, if you call him, he should be able to help."

"Hmph! I don't call him that! He's not a good guy." Ever since Chen Xiaofei got together with Li Yi, she felt that Du Haibo was very disgusted.

"What's the matter, are you having a conflict?" Chen's mother said something that Chen Xiaofei didn't expect at all.

These words are indeed a bit ambiguous, as if the two of them are not classmates, but more like boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Chen Xiaofei's heart was with Li Yi, and she didn't even want to hear Du Haibo's name being mentioned.

"I heard from your father that Du Haibo's father hopes that the two of you can be together in the future. It is said that Du Haibo is also chasing you." Mother Chen said slowly.

"Mom, Dad is already like this, you still tell me this?" Chen Xiaofei said angrily.

"Your father's business is not a problem, don't they just want money?" Mother Chen said, "If you give them the money at night, they will let your father go?"

"But, are we going to let the murderer get away with it?" Chen Xiaofei said bitterly.

Mother Chen sighed again, and said, "There is nothing we can do about it. They won't let us call the police. What if we tear up the ticket? It's better to give them some money."

At this time, Chen Xiaofei heard the sound of the elevator door opening, and said: "He may be here, I'll go and have a look."

Arriving at the door of Chen Xiaofei's house, Li Yi just knocked on the door, and the door of the room opened. Chen Xiaofei suddenly threw herself into Li Yi's arms, crying.

"Xiao Fei, what's going on?" Li Yi gently stroked her hair, just about to wipe away the tears on her cheeks, but saw another person in the room.

The middle-aged woman looks like she is in her 30s, because she is well maintained, which does not match her actual age at all.

Chen Xiaofei could be vaguely seen on the other party's appearance, and she could guess her identity without thinking.

Chen Xiaofei's mother, Zhang Na, didn't seem to expect that the two of them would hug each other after they met. After a brief moment of stupefaction, she said, "Xiaofei, is he Du Haibo?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiaofei was speechless immediately, turned around and said, "Mom, I told you, I have nothing to do with Du Haibo, he is my good friend Li Yi."

"Li Yi!"

Fang Na's eyes widened, and she lost her voice: "The kid with the worst grades in your class?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Chen Xiaofei and Li Yi changed. Li Yi didn't expect that Chen Xiaofei's mother would know about his fame.

Fang Na also felt that she had said the wrong thing, so she smiled awkwardly and said, "Li Yi, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else."

"Auntie, you are right, I am the kid with the worst grades." Li Yi said neither humble nor overbearing, "However, that is all in the past."

"Then, come in and talk!" Fang Na prepared slippers for Li Yi, and then called him in.

Everyone was sitting on the sofa, and Li Yi hurriedly asked, "Tell me about Uncle."

"We received a call this afternoon, asking us to prepare 20 yuan, and then go to a place where my father is in their hands." Chen Xiaofei said slowly, "At first, my mother and I didn't believe that the other party was so courageous. Kidnapped state officials, only to find out his phone was off when we called Dad."

"You know, my father never shuts down the phone, so he must have been taken away by them." Chen Xiaofei sobbed, "Just now they called us again and asked us to prepare 50 yuan. How can our family have so much cash? My mother took a lot of effort to borrow it from the bank, and I was really worried that they would tear up the ticket."

"Uncle is a state official?" Seeing Chen Xiaofei nodding, Li Yi asked again, "Has he offended anyone recently?"

Fang Na sighed a long time and said, "Your uncle is an upright man, he often offends people, and I can't think of who did it."

"Have you called the police?" Li Yi asked.

"No, they said that if we call the police, we will tear up the ticket." Chen Xiaofei said, "It's almost time, let's go there now! Don't get stuck in traffic."

"En!" Li Yi nodded, and took a suitcase from Chen Xiaofei's hand.

After walking out of the community, Fang Na thought of something, and said, "We bring so much money, we can't do well!"

"Then what should we do, why don't we find a car?" Chen Xiaofei asked.

"Hmm! I'll make a few calls." Fang Na made a few calls. For some reason, the other party either didn't answer, or said they didn't have time right now.

Seeing this situation, Li Yi's eyes flashed and said: "It seems that the person uncle offended is not small."

"Why do you say that?" Fang Na was a little puzzled, "That's not right! I asked my relationship to borrow money from the bank in the afternoon, and they still lent me the money!"

"That's because I want to see that you can't pay back the borrowed money. They can confiscate your house and make you homeless." Li Yi saw the reason at a glance.

"Xiao Fei, you should call Du Haibo! His family has a car." Fang Na hurriedly said like an ant on a hot pot, "If you ask him to come over, he will definitely not refuse you."

Chen Xiaofei didn't want to call Du Haibo, but in this situation, it's really not safe to call. What if the gangsters drove a car to wait for them outside the community!But if she didn't take a taxi, she couldn't think of anyone among her classmates who had a car, and the people in the community were familiar, so even if she wanted to borrow a car, the other party might not agree.

Just like that, Chen Xiaofei glanced at Li Yi and said, "Do you have a solution?"

"I can ask my friend to drive here. His car is so-so, so I'm afraid I'll wrong you." Li Yi thought of Zhang Xiaoliang's van and smiled wryly.

"When is this, and I still feel wronged? I want to sit even if it's Chery QQ!" Chen Xiaofei only has one thought now, and that is to hurry to the scene, even if she breaks three rounds, she will sit.

"That's fine, I'll call now." Li Yi took his mobile phone and made a call. After a few words, Zhang Xiaoliang promised to come within 10 minutes.

When Li Yi called, Fang Na couldn't help but said: "Li Yi has a good network, can you find a car here?"

"His friend!" Chen Xiaofei didn't know about Li Yi's affairs in society, and she didn't know who Li Yi borrowed the car from.

"The other party is still willing to come at this time, and promised to arrive within 10 minutes. It seems that he is still capable." Fang Na was not in the mood to say more, and she was also worried about her husband's safety.

In less than 10 minutes, a van stopped outside the community, and what happened next left Li Yi completely speechless.

After Zhang Xiaoliang got out of the car, he ran straight to Li Yi on the side of the road. Behind him were two younger brothers with knives, who ran over aggressively.

"Brother Yi, what happened to looking for me so urgently?"

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