super jade

Chapter 112 We meet again

Images of men and women having sex in bed kept appearing in my mind, and they were very clear, as if engraved in my mind, lingering.

Thinking about it, Wang Xianzhong couldn't stop, it seemed that if he didn't find a woman to vent his anger, he would die immediately.

"What's going on?" Wang Xianzhong was stunned, and his clothed hands were hanging in the air.

At this time, Xiaomei, who was about to take a rest, noticed something unusual and hurriedly asked, "Uncle Wang, what's wrong with you?"

Her voice was very sweet and crisp, even a little too whiny, a normal man would not be able to bear it, let alone Wang Xianzhong who drank a whole bottle of medicine.

Wang Xianzhong turned around suddenly, seeing Xiaomei's eyes became evil, he licked his lips and said, "Xiaomei, Uncle Wang wants you tonight, what should I do?"

"Uncle Wang, you..." Xiaomei's eyes widened. It wasn't that she didn't want to do that with the other party, but that the boss had told her before she came that she had to sign a contract before doing it.Now that the contract has not been signed, and what Wang Xianzhong said just now, the impression of the other party in her heart has changed drastically, and she subconsciously said, "Uncle Wang, don't mess around..."

"Xiaomei, don't think that I don't know what you are here for, aren't you here to sell?" Wang Xianzhong laughed evilly, and suddenly lifted the quilt.

Xiaomei was only wearing her underwear, and when she opened it, her body was exposed to the air, especially the twin peaks on her chest were squeezed together to reveal a deep gully.

"You..." Xiaomei's face darkened, she hated people talking about her like that the most, and said coldly, "Uncle Wang, I'm not here to sell, please respect me..."

"Respect you?" Wang Xianzhong snorted coldly, his eyes were full of disdain, and he sneered, "I have played with a lot of women, do I have to respect them before playing with them?"

"Uncle Wang, didn't you promise me just now that you want to be nice to me?" How could Xiaomei fail to see that the other party not only wanted to take her down, but also wanted to use force.

"Did I promise you?" Wang Xianzhong denied with an excuse, "I was teasing you just now, and you believed it? Actually, I like to do things forcibly when the other party doesn't like it, so it's exciting, haha..."

"You want to... rape... me?" Xiaomei was interrupted just as she finished speaking.

"That's right, it's exciting to take you down by force. This is Uncle Wang's favorite game." Wang Xianzhong laughed, like a ferocious beast pressing on Xiaomei's body.

"Uncle Wang, don't..."

"Please, don't do this."

"Uncle Wang, I beg you."


Uncle Wang fiercely tore off Xiaomei's underwear, and then put his hands hard on her chest ###, using a lot of strength every time, several times ### came down, Xiaomei's body was blue and purple, and some You can even see bruises in places.Xiaomei's shouts became smaller and smaller, she had no strength left, and only her sobbing was left in the room.

Sun Hanyue also heard the conversation in the bedroom. When she walked out of the bathroom and saw the situation on the bed, she opened her mouth in surprise and said in a daze: "Li Yi, how did you do it?"

"What are you still doing, hurry up and shoot!" Li Yi said with a smile.

The camera had already been given to Li Yi, and Sun Hanyue only had the camera in her hand, and said with a wry smile: "How can I take pictures? If they rush past now, wouldn't they stop?"

"Don't worry, they can't stop." Li Yi gave her a look of not worrying, then walked into the bathroom, took out a cigarette and started smoking.

A few minutes later, Sun Hanyue held the video camera and camera and said, "Let's go! They're done."

"It's over so soon?" Li Yi just finished smoking a cigarette, and it only took a few minutes.

"How much do you think it takes? Under normal circumstances, a man only needs a few minutes." Sun Hanyue said.

The two walked out of the room and came to the elevator. Li Yi suddenly thought of something and asked with a smile: "By the way, how do you know that a man only needs a few minutes?"

"It's written like this in the book." Sun Hanyue glanced at Li Yi and asked with a smile, "Do you need half an hour?"

"You look down on me too much, I need at least a few hours!" Li Yi said truthfully, thinking about his recent abilities, he seems to be getting more and more abnormal.

Sun Hanyue giggled, with disbelief on her face, and said: "Just blow it up! Anyway, I don't know."

"Your answer is exactly the same as Sister Ba." Li Yi smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you."

"I'm not interested. It doesn't matter to me how long you can last." Sun Hanyue waved her hand and said, "By the way, Sister Ba asked me to tell you that the district chief of Luyang District is also investigating Wang Xianzhong recently. If you take these things If it is handed over to him, even if Wang Xianzhong is not finished, he will be suspended for a period of time for investigation, after we finish developing the photos, you can go there!"

"Let's leave this matter to you! It's not suitable for me to go." Li Yi didn't want to see government officials, and the other party probably wouldn't believe what he said at his age.

"Sister Ba said that you can only go about this matter, and it won't be effective if I go." Sun Hanyue said mysteriously, obviously she didn't say something.

Li Yi was stunned and said, "Why?"

"Don't ask why, you will know when the time comes." Sun Hanyue said, "Although today is the weekend, I found out that the district chief is still in the office."

Li Yi didn't know why Sister Ba asked him to go. After thinking for a while, he said, "Okay! Let's go there later."

The two walked out of the restaurant and got into Sun Hanyue's Chery QQ. Li Yi was speechless for a while, and said, "I said, you are also a killer, why do you drive this car?"

"Hey! I can't help it, I'm so poor! Who didn't let someone take care of me!" Sun Hanyue sighed.

Li Yi smiled and said, "Stop talking, when I saw you for the first time, you were still driving a Porsche!"

"I didn't expect you to have such a good memory. That car was too cool to drive. I was afraid of being noticed by others." Sun Hanyue said, "You also know that the Wang family is very powerful. If they really want to investigate what happened today, they must I can find some clues, and I don't want to be discovered by them, otherwise I will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Li Yi thought for a while, Sun Hanyue's words made sense, and he was even more sure that he needed to change another car, so he took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Xiaoliang.

After the photos were developed, Sun Hanyue handed over all the evidence to Li Yi and said, "I have something to do later, so I won't send you off. You should take the Lamborghini!"

"How do you know that the car is picking me up?" Li Yi asked back.

"Sister Ba said that you have been assigned a very cool car recently. I have seen the driver before. Didn't he pick you up and come to pursue me?" Sun Hanyue giggled.

"I can consider letting him chase you." Li Yi joked with a smile.

Sun Hanyue glared at Li Yi, and said resentfully: "Are you willing?"

"Why can't you bear it? You are not my wife." Li Yi shrugged.

Sun Hanyue rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Even if I let him chase, he doesn't have the guts to chase me."

"Why?" Li Yi said subconsciously, and he knew what was going on after he finished speaking.

Sun Hanyue laughed even more happily, and said: "If I tell him that I have your child, will he still dare to chase me?"

" really dare to think about it." Li Yi picked up the document bag and got out of the car. After getting into the Lamborghini, he gave an address.

Zhang Xiaoliang was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Brother Yi, what are you doing in the government affairs area? Don't tell me to go find government officials. Is it suitable for me to go to this kind of scene?"

"After that, I can go up alone." Li Yi waved his hand and said.

Lamborghini's speed is very fast, maybe because it can't drive after changing the car, Zhang Xiaoliang increased the speed by more than [-].

At this speed, it took more than ten minutes to arrive at the government affairs building, and Li Yi quickly walked upstairs with the document bag.

The government affairs building, the place where high-level officials of ** city work daily, any official here should not be underestimated.

When Li Yi came here for the first time, he was a little nervous but also quite excited. He was imagining when he could sit here. Even if he didn't come to work, he only had a name. The scene is called fun.However, this idea just flashed, Li Yi is not interested in being an official, he prefers an unfettered life.

Soon he came to the third floor. In front of the service desk, Li Yi asked, "Is District Chief Chen from Luyang District here?"

"District Chief Chen is at work, what can I do for him?" asked the lady at the front desk.

Li Yi thought for a moment and said, "Tell him, I have something important to ask him."

"Okay, I'll call him right now, what's your last name?" the front desk lady said, "If you don't tell me, District Chief Chen may not see you."

"My surname is Li." Li Yi said.

The front desk lady said a few words into the phone, then hung up, and said, "District Chief Chen said you can go there, he is in the third office on the left."

Li Yi nodded, and walked forward quickly, and stopped when he reached the Luyang District Mayor's office.

After knocking on the door, a familiar voice came from inside, "Come in!"

The voice was indeed familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember who the other party was, so Li Yi simply didn't think about it, opened the door and walked in.

The room was very large, but there was only one person, who was sitting on the desk, flipping through the documents.

When he heard footsteps, the middle-aged man turned around. When he saw Li Yi, he smiled slightly and said, "Young man, we met again..."

"Chen, Uncle Chen!" Li Yi's eyes widened. He never dreamed that District Chief Chen in front of him turned out to be Chen Xiaofei's father.

"Li Yi, sit down!" District Chief Chen was also surprised why Li Yi came here. He got up and walked to the sofa, then sat beside Li Yi, and asked politely, "Do you want a drink?"

"No, no need." Li Yi was a little nervous, this is the future father-in-law.

"Why did you come to see me today? Did Xiao Fei tell you that I was here?" Chen Ping asked.

Li Yi had a big head, how did he talk about this matter, and said: "No."

"No?" Chen Ping was stunned, and couldn't help asking, "Since Xiaofei didn't tell you that I was here, how did you know where I work."

"Uncle Chen, you are the famous District Chief Chen, so it's not difficult to find you!" Li Yi took a deep breath, decided to go all out, and said, "To be honest, Uncle Chen, I'm here to help you this time." .Last time you were kidnapped by gangsters, I asked my friend to investigate, hoping to help you get there."

Chen Ping smiled, picked up a stack of documents and said, "What can you, a child, do to help me?" He said so, but he flipped through it quickly, looking at it, his expression became serious, When he saw the photos in the file, his pupils shrank obviously, and he quickly asked, "Where did you get these things?"

"My friend happened to encounter this incident, so he took a picture." Li Yi took another SD card and said, "There is still a detailed video here, Uncle Chen can watch it when he has time."

Chen Ping doubted the authenticity of Li Yi's words, but didn't ask any further questions, and said, "These things are really useful. I didn't expect Wang Xianzhong to use his identity as the deputy mayor to do this."

"Uncle Chen, that's all I can do to help. Wang Xianzhong hasn't done good deeds these years. As a citizen, I also hope that he can be brought to justice." Li Yi said righteously.

Chen Ping nodded in satisfaction, patted Li Yi on the shoulder, stood up and said, "You're right if you think so, young man, Uncle Chen is optimistic about you."

In the following time, the two said some more words before Li Yi left the government building.

When he came to the Lamborghini, Li Yi was in a good mood. He snapped his fingers and said coolly, "Let's go, let's buy a good car."

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