super jade

Chapter 114 You Traitor

Li Hu's face darkened, and he quickly took off his clothes and put them on Zhang Yue's body, and said in a deep voice, "Since I'm here, I will make decisions for you. They will never leave here alive today." In doing so, although Li Yi promised to clean up, but when such a thing happened, he would definitely dare to kill people here, as long as he didn't do it himself.

Hong Rui also pretended to be arrogant and said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, wait and see how I kill him."

"Brother Hu, thank you." Zhang Yue said so, but she was indescribably proud in her heart.

"Thank you for what I did, just serve me well tonight." Li Hu laughed, and then ruthlessly touched Zhang Yue's ass.

"If it's necrotic, I know it's with others." Zhang Yue said with a refusal to welcome her.

Li Hu waved his hand, and under the leadership of Hong Rui, the younger brothers quickly ran into the store.

So many people came suddenly, alarming the security outside the store. After seeing Li Hu, the security didn't dare to come out of the security booth.

When he came to the store, Hong Rui shouted loudly: "You dog, get out of here."

"Yo! Isn't this Brother Hong? Why are you here too?" Zhang Xiaoliang walked out under Li Yi's signal.

Hong Rui was startled when he saw Zhang Xiaoliang, and said, "Xiao Liang, why are you here?"

Zhang Xiaoliang shrugged his shoulders, glanced at the surrounding vehicles, and said, "Brother Yi said, that car is too cool, let me come here and change to an ordinary car."

"You came here very early?" Hong Rui frowned slightly, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

"Yes!" Zhang Xiaoliang didn't deny it, and said, "I've been here for a while."

Hong Rui frowned, and asked with a gloomy face: "You saw what happened just now, who is bullying sister-in-law?"

"You're talking about that woman! I've seen what happened just now. If you want to ask who bullied her, there's really no one. I just don't like her, so I'll teach her a lesson." Zhang Xiaoliang snorted coldly, "That woman really It's not a thing, I said a few words to her, but she lost her temper and even tore her own clothes..."

Hong Rui's face changed again, something he didn't want to see happened, and said: "Don't you know that she is Brother Hu's woman?"

"I know, but who made her offend me?" Zhang Xiaoliang reminded, "Brother Rui, I belong to Brother Yi now, don't I have the right to teach her a lesson?" So what if she is Brother Hu's woman? You don't need such a woman."

Hong Rui strode up to Zhang Xiaoliang's voice, lowered his voice and said, "Xiao Liang, I know you belong to Brother Yi, but as the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog!"

"Hmph! Brother Rui, don't try to persuade me. Even if Brother Hu comes, I will say the same thing." Zhang Xiaoliang said loudly, "How about I just bullied her?"

At this time, Li Hu and others happened to come over. After hearing this, his expression changed drastically, and he roared angrily, "Zhang Xiaoliang, were you bullying my woman just now?"

Hong Rui didn't want to offend both sides, Li Yi's people on the one hand, and the boss who had followed for many years on the other, he quickly winked at Zhang Xiaoliang to signal him not to talk nonsense.

Zhang Xiaoliang didn't seem to notice, looked at Li Hu without fear and said, "That's right, I was the one who bullied her."

"Zhang Xiaoliang, you are so courageous. Don't think that with Li Yi's backing, I dare not touch you." Li Hu also lost his temper, and his face was gloomy and terrifying.

"Brother Hu, what you said is wrong. Even without Brother Yi's support, I can't forget what happened to me. You don't know how ugly what she said just now." Zhang Xiaoliang snorted coldly, "I advise you not to Don’t worry about this matter, now I’m out of your control, I’m brother Yi’s full-time driver.”

Li Hu laughed coldly. No one knew what he was laughing at. He waved his hand suddenly and said, "You guys, get rid of him. I want to see how long he can be so arrogant."

"Li Hu, what do you mean?" Zhang Xiaoliang roared angrily. He is Li Yi's man now, and he has the right to talk to Li Hu like this.

Li Hu snorted coldly, and said solemnly: "I'm going to abolish you, can't you see it?"

"I'm Brother Yi's man now, you beat me, how do you explain to Brother Yi?" Zhang Xiaoliang asked back.

Hong Rui couldn't stand it any longer. The lesson from last time was still fresh in his memory, and he said, "Brother Hu, I think it's better to forget this one! Let's give in each other."

Zhang Yue also felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. The person she had offended seemed to have a lot of background. If she really reconciled, she would be a little unwilling, sobbing, "Brother Hu, you have to make the decision for me! They went too far just now, and even I've dealt with it here, if I hadn't resisted desperately, I'm afraid I'll never see you again."

"Hong Rui, who the hell are you, turning your elbows outward?" Li Hu wanted to save face, especially in front of her younger brother. She gave Zhang Yue a look of not worrying, then looked at Zhang Xiaoliang and roared, "Don't say that Li Yi is not here today. Even if he hits my woman here, I won't make him feel better. Besides, you are just his little brother."

The meaning of Li Hu's words was obvious, he didn't take Li Yi seriously at all.

Zhang Xiaoliang snorted coldly, and laughed angrily: "So, you want to do the right thing with Brother Yi?"

"Haha! What is right? I just used him to unify me with the underground forces in ** City." Li Hu said arrogantly, "Now that the underground forces have been unified, what's the use of keeping him? I'm not afraid Let me tell you, you won't be able to leave here alive anyway, and it won't be long before not only Li Yi will die, but Bayongjie will also get out of ** City."

Hong Rui obviously didn't know about these situations, he felt a thump in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "Brother Hu, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Hong Rui, you traitor, what time is this, are you still not helping me?" Li Hu said angrily, his clenched fists seemed to attack Hong Rui at any moment.

Hong Rui's face became even uglier. He took a deep breath and said, "Brother Hu, I'm doing it for your own good. Since Li Yi is our boss, we shouldn't..."

"Shut up." Li Hu yelled angrily, "I haven't settled with you for what happened last time! If I didn't see that you are a little clever, how could I have kept you until now?"

Hong Rui's expression became complicated, he glanced at Zhang Xiaoliang, and finally chose to remain silent.

More than a dozen younger brothers had already come to Zhang Xiaoliang, surrounded him, and waited for Li Hu to give an order.

Li Hu hugged Zhang Yue and walked forward quickly. When he came to Zhang Xiaoliang, he said, "You know that I am the most rebellious person, so tell me! How do you want to die?"

"Li Hu, what you said is wrong. I am following Brother Yi now. How can I be rebellious? Am I going to betray him?" Zhang Xiaoliang asked back, "I have been with you for a long time, but since the last time Afterwards, I am no longer your subordinate, and you have no right to say that about me."

"Yeah! Now that your wings are stiff, you don't care what I say, but I can still kill you." Li Hu waved his hand again and said sharply, "Hit me until he admits that I am the boss..."

More than a dozen young men raised their sticks at the same time, ready to beat Zhang Xiaoliang violently. The moment they struck, the car door opened not far away, and the sound of applause echoed.

At this moment, except for Zhang Xiaoliang, everyone was stunned.

The same is true for Zhang Yue. She knew that Li Yi was here, but because she didn't see it just now, she thought that the other party had run away, but she didn't expect to hide in the car.Because Li Yi was a little far away from them, everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Xiaoliang, so they didn't find anyone in the car.

At the same time as the applause sounded, Li Yi walked down step by step in the Mercedes-Benz not far away.

Everyone looked up, and when they saw Li Yi, almost everyone was stunned.

Li Hu thumped even more in his heart, his face was gloomy and uncertain, as if he didn't know how to solve the problem in front of him.

The same was true for Hong Rui, what he was worried about happened, and he subconsciously stepped back.

In any case, Li Yi is also the boss behind ** City, and his skills are amazing. No matter his identity or strength, Hong Rui and other people who know Li Yi dare not do it.Of course, not everyone knows Li Yi, and some of them belong to the kind of newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, and immediately shouted: "Who are you?"

"You don't want to live anymore, you dare to clap your hands in front of our boss?"

"Damn, watch how I kill you."


Zhang Yue didn't know Li Yi's identity. When she saw Li Yi, the first thing she said was, "Brother Hu, you are the one who bullied me. You must make the decision for me..."

Li Hu didn't speak, he hadn't figured out how to end it yet, his expression became more complicated.

The younger brothers who spoke just now wanted to show off in front of the boss, so they raised the sticks in their hands and waved them at Li Yi.

However, as soon as the other party came to Li Yi, Li Yi shot before the stick in his hand fell.After a few punches, only the muffled sound of bang bang was heard, and everyone was hit in the chest by a punch and flew out backwards.After landing, everyone spat out a mouthful of blood, and liver fragments could be vaguely seen in the blood, showing that the injuries were serious.

Li Yi clapped his hands, as if he had done something insignificant, and asked coldly: "Li Hu, I seem to have heard you say that you are going to kill me just now, is that true?"

Hearing this, Li Hu recovered from the scene just now, remembered Li Yi's perverted skills, and hurriedly said: "Brother Yi, you may have heard wrong, how could I kill you? I received a call just now, listen Said someone was making trouble here, didn't he bring the brothers here immediately?"


This sudden change of face made all the younger brothers stunned. They thought they were going to start a fight, but they didn't expect the boss to compromise.

You know, the boss is also the person in charge of Luyang District, how powerful is the person he can compromise with?

Those well-informed people suddenly sounded that the boss behind the Tiandaozong seems to be called Li Yi, and the Yi brother Zhang Xiaoliang was talking about could not be the boy in front of him!Thinking of the other party's skills and the attitude of the boss, no matter how stupid everyone is, they know that the other party is most likely the other party. The eyes they looked at Li Yi were different for a while, as if they were looking at a monster. After all, the other party was too young.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, what should you do if your woman insulted me?" Li Yi walked to the chair next to him and sat down, with those deep eyes no one knew what he was thinking.

Li Hu is also a ruthless character. He suddenly grabbed Zhang Yue who was beside him, struggling to stay on the ground, and shouted angrily, "You bastard, kneel down for me."

Zhang Yue was dazed by a series of incidents. She widened her eyes and said, "Brother Hu, what are you doing? I'm your woman!"

"Hmph! I don't have a woman like you, you are my plaything." Li Hu raised his right foot to kick her, but he held back halfway through the lift, and the faint emotion flashed in his eyes.It can be seen that Li Hu still has some feelings for this woman, he turned to look at Li Yi, and said, "Brother Yi, how do you say how to deal with her?"

"She is your woman, do you still need to ask me?" Li Yi asked back.

Li Hu knew that if he was not cruel, he would never leave here alive, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Zhang Cheng, Sun Ming, you two, take off her clothes..."

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