super jade

Chapter 124 Will you stop us from being together?

When a man and a woman came to the rooftop, they couldn't wait to kiss. While kissing, they took off each other's clothes. Not long after, the woman's short skirt came off, revealing her white and round fart.The man named Daniu took off his pants straight away, straightened the big guy up and drove straight in, and the woman's panting sound was heard not long after.

### The sound is amazingly loud, Li Yi and Zhang Qianqian are not far from theirs, so they can naturally hear it clearly.

Zhang Qianqian was still a little girl, when she heard such a voice for the first time, she immediately blushed.

Li Yi also felt parched, the big guy turned shamefully hard, and his gaze towards Zhang Qianqian became evil, that gaze wished to take Zhang Qianqian down now.However, the last sliver of reason made him wake up. This girl is Zhang Xiaoliang's younger sister. If she is taken down by force, how can he explain to Zhang Xiaoliang?

Zhang Qianqian also felt that Li Yi's eyes had changed, especially when she heard Li Yi's heavy panting, she subconsciously covered her chest and said nervously: "You, what are you going to do?"

"It's nothing, let's get out of here quickly!" Li Yi swallowed, took Zhang Qianqian's hand and walked towards the entrance of the corridor.

Zhang Qianqian exclaimed, shook her head and said, "What should they do if they see us in the past?"

"What are you afraid of? If they can be here, we can't come." Li Yi's feet were fast, and he came to the entrance of the corridor in a blink of an eye.

But when she was going downstairs, Zhang Qianqian seemed to bump into something, and there was a bang, and something rolled down the stairs.The two people who were still panting just now heard this voice and turned to look at this side at the same time. When they saw Li Yi and Zhang Qianqian, they were stunned, and the man named Daniel roared: "What are you doing? See what we're doing?"

Because the distance was too far, Li Yi turned his back to the two of them again, and Daniel and the woman didn't see Li Yi's appearance at all.

"Brother, I'm sorry, your speed is too slow, we have solved it, can't we still leave?" Li Yi said hoarsely, "Who knows when you will do it, if you don't finish in an hour, we Waiting here for another hour?"

Hearing this, Daniu laughed foolishly, and said: "It's true, you guys leave quickly, we have to continue!"

Li Yi took Zhang Qianqian's hand and walked quickly to the stairs.

When she came downstairs, little Loli broke away from his hand and said angrily, "What nonsense did you just say?"

"I don't say that, do you think they will let us go?" Li Yi explained.

Zhang Qianqian thought about it too. If the other party was interrupted by them, anyone would be angry, and said: "Okay, it's getting late, I have to go back."

"Do you want me to send you?" Li Yi regretted it after saying this. He and Zhang Qianqian are just ordinary friends. It is easy to misunderstand to send each other back in the middle of the night.

Sure enough, Zhang Qianqian glared at Li Yi, and said angrily: "If you send me back, if my brother sees it, how will you explain it to him?"

"Hey, I just said you are my girlfriend." Li Yi smiled, obviously joking.

"Huh! If my brother is serious, do you dare to marry me?" Zhang Qianqian also knew that Li Yi was joking, waved her hand and walked out of the community.

Li Yi hesitated for a moment. He was really worried about Zhang Qianqian going back alone. If she encountered gangsters in the middle of the night, wouldn't it be dangerous for her to be a girl?Zhang Qianqian's home is not far from here, only a few miles away. In the end, Li Yi followed her secretly.

Besides Zhang Qianqian, when she got home, she saw her brother waiting in front of the gate, and she panicked, "Brother, you, why are you here?"

"I still want to ask you! Didn't you tell me that I was sick?" Zhang Xiaoliang said angrily, "Since I'm sick, why don't you stay at home, where did you go in the middle of the night?"

"I, I..." Zhang Qianqian naturally wouldn't tell what happened at night, and said, "I haven't bought some materials, so I want to borrow them from my classmates and have a look first."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaoliang's attitude softened a little, and he said guiltily: "Our family had no money before, so we couldn't buy you too many study materials. Now that we have money, don't borrow it. What do you need, big brother will buy it for you. " After finishing speaking, he felt something was wrong again, and hurriedly asked: "Little sister, you are not lying to me!"

"Brother, how could I lie to you, do you think I will go out to find the little boy?" Zhang Qianqian asked back.

Zhang Xiaoliang knew that his younger sister was very sensible since she was a child, so she shouldn't be able to do such a thing, and said, "Brother didn't mean that, he just said it casually, besides, it's normal for you to fall in love at your age." He paused, and said earnestly , "But brother, I want to remind you that even if you are looking for a partner, you have to find someone reliable. These days, many people are just playing with their feelings and have never thought about getting married."

"I see, I won't fall in love." Zhang Qianqian nodded.

Zhang Xiaoliang felt that what he said just now was a bit serious, and said, "It's not that I won't let you fall in love, but I just let you find someone reliable."

"What is reliable?" Zhang Qianqian really wanted to know what kind of reliable man the elder brother said he was.

Most of the people Zhang Xiaoliang knew were on the road. He really couldn't think of a reliable person. Suddenly, Li Yi's figure flashed in his mind, so he said: "Brother Yi we met yesterday, remember! He is very Reliable, if you want to have grades and status, if you want to find a boyfriend like him, big brother will definitely not object."

"He, isn't his grades very bad?" Although Zhang Qianqian didn't pay attention to Li Yi, she knew something about the situation in junior high school.

"That was in the past, and now the grades are the first in the class." Zhang Xiaoliang still admired Li Yi very much, and said enviously, "Gold shines everywhere. He was not in the mood to study because of emotional reasons. Now his grades are improving by leaps and bounds. In one month, I went from number one in the whole grade to number one in the class."

Zhang Qianqian's grades are very good. She felt that it was almost impossible to improve her grades quickly, so she hurriedly asked, "Brother, is everything you said true?"

"Don't you think big brother is lying to you?" Zhang Xiaoliang said, "I didn't believe it at first. I heard a few old classmates say that yesterday. I also know that brother Yi is so powerful."

Zhang Qianqian rolled her eyes, her pretty face flushed, she lowered her head and asked, "Brother, if Brother Yi and I get on good terms, will you really not stop us?"

Zhang Xiaoliang felt that it was impossible for the two of them. Although the little girl was beautiful, she was too young and had a loli face. It was impossible for Li Yi to like such a little girl.Just like that, without even thinking about it, Zhang Xiaoliang said jokingly: "If you are really together, elder brother will be the first to support, but you are impossible."

"Is it impossible?" Zhang Qianqian thought in her heart, but didn't say it out loud, and started to walk into the room.

After a small episode, Li Yi returned home and rested, and had a good sleep.

There was nothing to say all night. In the early morning of the next day, Li Yi came to school and read as usual.

Because I read almost all the books in high school, Li Yi bought some college books from the bookstore when he was in school, and quickly flipped through them.It was very difficult to read at the beginning, but after watching it, Li Yi suddenly became enlightened, and he finished reading a book in only a few lessons, and he could recite it backwards and forwards.

During the class break, Liu Wei saw Li Yi reading a book, frowned and said, "Brother Yi, what kind of book is this! Why is it different from mine?"

"It must be a romantic novel, hehe!" Zhang Chao said, picked up the book, and when he saw the big characters on the cover, he opened his mouth and lost his voice, "Damn it, advanced mathematics..."

Liu Wei was also very surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Yi, can you understand?"

"I don't understand what I bought it for, it's a quick buck!" Li Yi bought second-hand books, and the price is naturally cheap.

"Damn it, you spent more than a dozen dollars on this, enough for me to buy a rose." Liu Wei pouted, "If you like reading these books, I'll bring you some tomorrow..."

"Thank you!" Li Yi really needs these books. Now that he has finished reading them, he can do other things in college.

"We are brothers, why are you still talking to me about this?" Liu Wei changed the subject and said something that Li Yi never thought of in his dreams, "I will buy it for you cheaply, just five yuan for a book..."

"You still ask me for money?" Li Yi rolled his eyes. In his memory, Liu Wei never asked him to borrow money.

Zhang Chao laughed, patted Liu Wei on the shoulder, and said, "Brother Yi, Liu Wei just got a girlfriend, and money is tight, so..."

Li Yi took out a few hundred dollars from his pocket, handed it to Liu Wei and said, "Take it..."

Liu Wei knew Li Yi's family situation. Over the years, he had money every day, but it was not much, only a few tens of dollars at most.Therefore, he thought that Li Yi took out the pocket money again, without even looking at it, he said with a smile: "What are these few dollars enough for, I don't want..."

As soon as he said this, Liu Wei's eyes widened, because the money Li Yi took out was all red banknotes.

"Don't want it?" Li Yi said that he was about to collect the money.

"No, I want, I want..." Liu Wei hurriedly took the money, and subconsciously asked, "Brother Yi, how do you have so much money? It must have been stolen from the family!"

"Steal your head, do I still need to steal money?" Li Yi asked angrily.

Liu Wei smiled awkwardly, and just about to speak, Zhang Chao said first: "Brother Wei, Brother Yi already has a girlfriend, can sister-in-law not give him money?"

"That's right, my sister-in-law is so kind, why can't I find such a girlfriend?" Liu Wei sighed, looking at Li Yi with envious eyes.

Li Yi felt that the two big live treasures really couldn't understand, so he smiled wryly, bowed his head and continued to read.

The day passed quickly, after school in the afternoon, Li Yi told Chen Xiaofei that he had something important to do in the evening, so he would not come to the evening self-study, and asked her to ask for leave, and then he took a taxi outside the school and went straight to No. [-] Middle School and go.Li Yi is also looking forward to what will happen at night. He really wants to know what will happen at night.

On Zhang Qianqian's side, she was worried all day long, afraid that she would be troubled by the other party at school, and that Li Yi would not come at night.Just like this, Zhang Qianqian was not in the mood to attend class all day, and finally waited until school was over, hurriedly put away her books and walked quickly outside the classroom.However, as soon as he reached the door of the classroom, he was stopped by a boy in the class who was pursuing him.

"Qianqian, I want to treat you to dinner tonight, do you have time?"

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