super jade

Chapter 137 Driving is So Simple

Li Yi froze for a moment, the girl became more and more bold, and said with a smile: "Okay! How about we come here once?"

Su Mengxi smiled coquettishly, touched Li Yi's thigh, and said, "Damn, you really think I'm going to be here with you! Even if I want to, do you dare?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. As long as you want, I'm willing to accompany you." Li Yi said as he was about to take off his coat.

Seeing that Li Yi really wanted to take off his clothes, Su Mengxi hurriedly stopped her and said, "You don't really want to come!"

"Of course it's true, do you think I'm joking with you?" Li Yi narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you taking it off yourself, or should I help you?"

"Hmph! I don't want to be with you here! What if someone sees you?" Su Mengxi glanced around, and there were many people walking back and forth.

Only then did Li Yi remember that if his parents saw him outside his community, he would be finished. He coughed lightly and said, "That's right, let's go somewhere else!"

Su Mengxi started the car, and drove forward like lightning, and soon came to a driving school.

"Are we shaking the car here?" Li Yi asked in surprise.

"The car shakes your head, don't you want to drive? I'll teach you here." Su Mengxi gave Li Yi a charming look.

Li Yi laughed loudly, staring at Su Mengxi's proud twin peaks, and said: "Driving is not easy, you can learn it in a few minutes, let's do it first!"

Su Mengxi knows that Li Yi is abnormal, but driving is different from doing other things. Even if Li Yi is a cultivator, she feels that she can't learn it in a few minutes.That's the case, Su Mengxi giggled, and said: "If you can learn it in a few minutes, I'll ride with you later, how about it?"

This condition is so tempting that it's hard for Li Yi not to agree, and he said with a bad smile: "This is what you said, you can't deliberately lie to me later."

"How could I lie to you?" Su Mengxi asked.

"I was afraid that you didn't want to drive with me, so you deliberately told me the wrong way to drive." Li Yi said.

Su Mengxi waved his hand and said, "I won't lie to you, besides, I'm all yours, isn't it all the same between us?"

In the following time, Su Mengxi told Li Yi how to drive and the details to pay attention to.

Li Yi has an excellent memory, and he remembered it after listening to it once, and said: "Come here, I will open it once."

The two of them didn't get out of the car to change places, but finished it directly in the car, but when changing places, Li Yi dishonestly touched Su Mengxi's ass with both hands, which made Police Officer Su ### unstoppable .Such a tempting gasp, Li Yi couldn't hold back, and really wanted to put Su Mengxi in the car.

Miss Su also felt that Li Yi's eyes had become evil, she pushed her away, and said, "Drive first, and let me do whatever I want when I learn it later."

"Hey, that's what you said." Li Yi sat in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and the Audi car drove forward quickly. The speed was astonishingly fast, and it was dozens of miles away in a blink of an eye.

Su Mengxi's eyes widened, and she hurriedly shouted: "Why are you driving so fast? Turn around quickly."

Li Yi moved the steering wheel with both hands and stepped on the brakes at the same time. The Audi car swished, and a perfect drift came.

"You can still drift?" Su Mengxi's eyes widened. If she hadn't confirmed that Li Yi was driving for the first time, she would even think that Li Yi was a master driver.

Li Yi continued to drive forward. He shrugged and said, "Driving is so simple."

It has to be said that Li Yi drives very steadily, and he doesn't want someone who is learning to drive for the first time at all, more like a master who has driven for decades.

After driving the Audi car in the driving school for more than half an hour, Li Yi was able to drive proficiently. Su Mengxi smiled bitterly and said, "You are such a monster. I wanted to teach you a few more days and let you call me master, but I didn't expect Your apprentice graduated in half an hour." She changed the subject and said, "Let's go! Let's go out to eat."

"Well! Mrs. Jinghua, if you want to go somewhere, I'll take you there by car." After Li Yi finished speaking, he drove out of the driving school.

The Audi car was driving in the urban area, Su Mengxi suddenly remembered something, said: "Stop, you don't have a driver's license, what if the traffic police see you?"

"Jinghua wife, with you by my side, do they dare to do anything to me?" Li Yi said with a smile.

Su Mengxi knew that the traffic police didn't dare to do anything to him, but she was still a little worried, and reminded: "Wait, be careful, don't hit the cars on the road."

"Don't worry, even if someone hits me, I won't hit someone else's car." Li Yi has already distributed his consciousness to sense every movement around him, even if he drives with his eyes closed, he won't hit anyone.

Soon, the two came to a western restaurant, sat down and ordered food.

Su Mengxi glanced at Li Yi, and said depressedly: "I said, you are so rich now, you are like a little local tyrant, just take me to eat this?"

"My wife, where do I have money!" Li Yi complained bitterly, "Isn't all my money with you?"

"I don't think so!" Su Mengxi said, "You got a lot of money recently, and the money doesn't seem to be in my card."

Li Yi was startled, he didn't expect Su Mengxi to know about this, and said: "I don't think it's inconvenient to pick up the money with you, so I just..."

"Oh! Put it at Bayongjie's place, it will be convenient for you to use?" Su Mengxi looked at Li Yi and said.

Li Yi didn't know how to explain to her, and said: "My wife, you have to believe me, I really didn't mean that."

Su Mengxi giggled, waved her hands and said, "I'm joking with you, by the way, how is your pill refining, have you refined Zhuyan Pill?"

"Uh... I haven't started refining yet!" Li Yi replied.

Su Mengxi frowned, as if thinking of something, said: "Don't tell me, you have been looking for a girlfriend all this time!"

"No, I'm just a little busy." Li Yi thought of the little loli Zhang Qianqian, that girl shouldn't be his girlfriend!

Su Mengxi seemed to care a lot about pills, and said seriously: "The pharmaceutical company I mentioned last time has already registered, I don't care how many girlfriends you find, don't forget the business, you should take some time to study it! Also, Wait for you to give me your identity, and I will help you get a certificate."

"Does the police officer do this too?" Li Yi said jokingly.

"Hmph!" Knowing that he was joking, Su Mengxi snorted coldly, "Who told you to be my husband, can I do it for you?"

Li Yi took out his ID card, handed it to Su Mengxi and said, "Don't make a mistake, if you apply for a marriage certificate, then we are legally married."

"You have a good idea. Later, I will take your ID card to apply for a marriage certificate." Su Mengxi replied.

Seeing her serious look, Li Yi didn't seem to be joking, and said, "You really want to apply for a marriage certificate, right?"

"Stupid, you are not yet of marriageable age, and I can't even apply for a certificate if I want to." Su Mengxi said, "You think the Family Planning Office is my home, so I can do it if I want!"

"That's different. You are a police officer now, and you can get a driver's license, let alone a marriage certificate." Li Yi believes that as long as Su Mengxi wants to do it, no matter how difficult it is, he can get it.

Su Mengxi also knew this, but didn't answer directly, and said: "Then do you want me to apply for a marriage certificate with you?"

"If you want to, just do it! It's best to do theirs too." Li Yi said with a smile.

"Hmph! You have a good idea. Even if I can do it, it will be a false certificate." Su Mengxi changed the subject, "Where shall we go after dinner?"

"Stupid, where should I go, of course I'm going to your house." Li Yi picked up the steak and ate it with big mouthfuls.

An hour later, the two came to a park near Su Mengxi's home. Because winter was approaching and the weather was relatively cold, there were very few people walking in the park, and only a few couples could be seen passing by occasionally.Li Yi drove the car to a remote place, and after making sure that no one would come here, he picked up Miss Su and came to the back seat.

Su Mengxi also knew what would happen next, and while looking forward to it, said: "Are we really going to have a car shock?"

"Don't you want to?" Li Yi dreamed about it, of course he had to try such an exciting thing once.

"As long as you want, let me do it anywhere." After Su Mengxi finished speaking, she hugged Li Yi tightly, and then sent her sexy lips.

The kiss between the two of them was completely dark, and after a few minutes, they could no longer see a piece of clothing on their bodies.

"Honey, you're going to want me soon! I can't take it anymore!"

Su Mengxi gasped in a low voice, and she also found that since she was with Li Yi, her requirements for this aspect have become higher and higher.

"Little baby, my husband will satisfy you later." Li Yi patted Su Mengxi's fart lightly, then straightened up the big guy and drove straight in.

The Audi car vibrated slightly, showing how strong the two were. The battle lasted from afternoon to night.

As night fell and the stars lit up, the two hugged each other and whispered to each other.

Su Mengxi was greatly satisfied, and felt a faint blush on her face. She snuggled into Li Yi's arms and said, "It would be great if I could be like this with you every day."

"If you can't bear it anymore, you can pick me up after school." After Li Yi finished speaking, he regretted it. What if this girl really went to pick him up?

Is it really necessary to have a big fight in the car? If the fight lasts until dawn, how will you explain it when you go back?

Su Mengxi chuckled, and said: "Your suggestion is good. When I want it, I will really drive to pick you up."

In the following time, the two talked some more and had dinner together before Su Mengxi reluctantly sent Li Yi home.

Back home, Li Yi lay on the bed and found that the range of the power of the divine consciousness had increased, from the previous 300 meters to about 500 meters.Dual cultivation can only increase spiritual power, but cannot increase the range of divine consciousness. Why is it increased so much now?Li Yi thought of a possibility. Recently, Wang Shanshan was taken down, and there were more women around him.

This idea flashed in his mind, and Li Yi had a bold guess. The super jade is not an ordinary jade, but a treasure that can evolve continuously, and the only way to evolve is to have more woman.The relationship with them continues to improve, and finally reaches a very high degree of intimacy.

When there are more and more women around him, not only can he know the other magical powers in the jade bi, but also the power of spiritual consciousness will continue to increase. 500 meters, Li Yi is already very satisfied, if he wins Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei, what kind of supernatural powers will he get?But thinking that they were still in high school, Li Yi sighed, and the figures in his mind became Bayongjie and Sun Hanyue.

Can these two beauties win?

Li Yi thought of this, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he fell asleep soon after lying on the bed.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Yi came outside the campus early. Today he has a big event to do, which is to refine elixir.

If it is possible to refine Zhuyan Pill, it will be really beneficial, and it can be said to be a must-have medicine for making money and picking up girls.

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