super jade

Chapter 144 Happy Bachelor Chapter

It was already late when I left Su Mengxi's house. The beauty was too tired, so Li Yi naturally couldn't let her drive home.

I made a call to Zhang Xiaoliang, and this guy rushed over quickly. After getting into the car, I couldn't help asking: "Brother Yi, I really admire you!"

"Well! What do you admire about me?" Li Yi asked subconsciously.

Zhang Xiaoliang chuckled and said, "You have so many girlfriends, and they are all beauties. What I admire the most is that you can even win the beauties."

"Brother is a legend, this is a height you will never reach." Li Yi said with a smile.

"Don't say I can't achieve it, I'm afraid many people in the world can't achieve it! Two school beauties, one police woman, and the underworld lady, I really want to know how you took them down." Zhang Xiaoliang asked curiously.

"The first three are my people, but Sister Ba is not yet." Li Yi and Bayongjie had a lot of jokes, but he knew that such a woman could not be easily won.

"Brother Yi, it's not a matter of time. Sister Ba will be yours sooner or later, we all think so." Zhang Xiaoliang and Li Yi have been together for a long time, and they speak without fear.

Back home, Li Yi had a good night's sleep, and came to school early the next morning.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Liu Wei walked over with a bouquet of flowers and said, "Brother Yi, happy holidays."

"Happy holidays?" Li Yi was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly stepped aside, "I'm not interested in men, so hurry up and take them away."

Liu Wei laughed. Just as he was about to speak, Zhang Chao said, "Brother Yi, don't think too much. These flowers are not for you, but for his girlfriend."

Speaking of Liu Wei's girlfriend, Li Yi had an impression and said, "Is that the girl with the same name?"

"Yes! Viagra is going to confess to her today, and I hope she can marry him." Zhang Chao replied.

Li Yi looked at Liu Wei in surprise, patted him on the shoulder, and sighed: "Fuck me, you are too awesome! You are still a student and want to get married now?"

"Damn, get married as early as possible. If she follows someone else in the future, wouldn't I have no place to cry?" Liu Wei replied.

Li Yi didn't agree with this point of view. He shook his head and said: "It should be yours, and you can't even run away. It's not yours. Even if you get married, you will get divorced."

"Brother Yi, you don't hurt your back when you stand and talk. Your harem is so big, it's okay to run a few times. Can I compare with you?" Liu Wei said depressedly.

Seeing that it was useless to say these things, Li Yi changed the subject: "Even if you ask for marriage, you should choose a good day! Why are you asking for marriage this year?"

"Tch, who said today is not a holiday, do you know what day it is?" Zhang Chao asked.

Li Yi hasn't looked at the calendar for a long time. For him now, he can do whatever he wants. The calendar is useless to him, as long as he doesn't forget that there are no classes on weekends.That's the case, Li Yi shook his head and said, "Isn't today Monday? What other day can it be?"

"Today is Double Eleven, Singles' Day, a holiday for us singles." Zhang Chao explained.

"Nimma, do singles have festivals too?" Li Yi was very surprised, thinking about last year's Singles' Day, he also drank with Liu Wei and others.

Time flies so fast, a year has passed in a blink of an eye, and now Li Yi is not what he used to be.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, Li Yi looked at Liu Wei, and said seriously: "When are you going to propose? Do you want us to help?"

"Get out, why do you help me propose?" Liu Wei said depressedly, "Could it be that you propose for me? Even if the other party agrees, is that still my girlfriend?"

This kind of joke, the three of them often said in private, Zhang Chao smiled and said: "There is really no need for a marriage proposal, and we always need our help to get married, right?"

Liu Wei raised his foot and kicked it, snorting coldly: "Why didn't you say that the bridal chamber still needs your help?"

"Cough! Viagra, where are you thinking, I mean, when you get married, we will always carry the dowry for you!" Zhang Chao laughed loudly.

"Hmph! I'm not going to talk nonsense with you, I'm going to propose." Liu Wei walked out of the classroom after finishing speaking.

When I was going out, I happened to meet Chen Xiaofei, who couldn't help asking: "Liu Wei, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to propose." Liu Wei disappeared into the corridor after speaking.

Chen Xiaofei frowned, walked quickly to Li Yi's seat, and said, "Who is he going to propose to?"

"It's definitely not me." Li Yi said with a smile.

"Of course I know it's not you. If he proposes to you, I'll kill you." Chen Xiaofei said bitterly, "By the way, does he have a girlfriend?"

Li Yi pulled her to sit beside him, briefly talked about Liu Wei's situation, and said, "That's it."

"I didn't expect Liu Wei to be so romantic! I told you to say goodbye to being single, and I didn't see you send me flowers." Chen Xiaofei pouted and said.

Li Yi doesn't understand romance at all, and he didn't think about these things. After all, he hasn't found anyone who can make him romantic all these years.

Hearing Chen Xiaofei's words, Li Yi frowned and said, "Do you like flowers?"

"Hmph! Which woman doesn't like flowers, I don't care, I want roses too." Chen Xiaofei was just joking, she never thought about accepting flowers in school.

"Uh..." Li Yi didn't expect that the well-behaved classmate Chen Xiaofei would know how to act like a baby, and said with a smile, "Flowers are just the reproductive organs of plants. What's there to like?"

"Even if it's that, I like it too?" Chen Xiaofei pouted and said, "Let me ask you, will you buy it for me?"

"Since you want it, of course I want to buy it for my precious wife, and I'll send it over later!" Li Yi sent a text message with the power of his consciousness as he spoke.

Chen Xiaofei didn't take it seriously either, she just wanted Li Yi to agree, and she didn't think Li Yi could send flowers to him during class.

In the following time, Chen Xiaofei whispered to Li Yi again, and left reluctantly until the class bell rang.

As for Bayongjie, she was stunned when she received the text message, because there was only one sentence: Someone send me some flowers to school later.

"Sister Ba, who sent you a text message so early! It can't be your little lover!" In the villa, Sun Hanyue giggled, and now she is Bayongjie's personal assistant.

"I want him to be my lover, but he doesn't want to!" Bayongjie said depressedly.

Sun Hanyue was startled, and said, "Who is it? It's his good fortune that you see him, how dare he refuse you? Shall I find some people to tie him up?"

Bayongjie threw the phone to him and said, "It's him, if you have the ability, go and tie him up!"

After seeing the name on the phone, Sun Hanyue thought about what she said just now, she smiled wryly, and said, "I really can't tie this up. By the way, why did he ask you to send some flowers to school?"

"What else can I do, it must be given to his little girlfriend, thanking her for letting him say goodbye to his bachelor life." Bayongjie said with a curled lip, not knowing why, but she was a little jealous.

As a killer, Sun Hanyue observed carefully and said, "Sister Ba, I think you are in love with him."

"Don't talk about it, how could I like him?" Bayongjie waved his hand and said, "I leave this matter to you, and I will go to a meeting later."

"No problem." Sun Hanyue agreed, "It's just how many flowers do you want?"

"You can give as much as you want." Bayongjie took out a card and handed it to the other party, saying, "There are tens of millions here, all of which are his money, so don't feel bad about spending them."

Sun Hanyue rolled her eyes and said, "Sister Ba, you don't want to impress his little girlfriend with flowers!"

"The task he gave, we just need to finish it." Bayongjie glared at her, and asked angrily, "As for the rest, don't think too much about it."

Sun Hanyue giggled, but didn't say much, just said: "Understood."

The morning self-study bell rang, but Liu Wei hadn't come back yet. Cao Chuanlei walked into the classroom, coughed lightly, and said, "Students, there will be a preliminary exam next month. I hope everyone can..."

As soon as I said this, a young man suddenly came outside the classroom, it was Guo Hao who was in charge of this task.

Guo Hao held a large bouquet of flowers in his hand, looked at Cao Chuanlei and said, "Excuse me, is classmate Chen Xiaofei here?"

Cao Chuanlei was stunned for a moment, he glanced at the other party, and said impatiently, "Why are you looking for her?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, it has nothing to do with you." Guo Hao walked straight into the classroom without even looking at him.The next scene surprised many people. Sure enough, he who was defiant just now suddenly seemed to be a different person. He politely said to the classroom, "Excuse me, who is Chen Xiaofei? This is a classmate." Please sign for the flowers that Mr. Wei gave you..."

All the students in the class stared wide-eyed, whoops, I'm going, all the flowers are delivered here?

Seeing a large bouquet of red roses, the female students are so envious, and the male students are thinking, who sent these flowers?

Even though Chen Xiaofei used her toes to think, she knew it was from Li Yi. She simply stood up and said, "Put the flowers over there!" As she spoke, she pointed to an empty seat in the last row.

Guo Hao hesitated for a moment, and said, "Are you sure you want to put it there."

"Yeah! Put it there! I'll take it away after school." Chen Xiaofei nodded.

"Okay!" After Guo Hao finished speaking, he walked towards the last row as if there was no one else around, but when he saw Li Yi, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

With this smile, Li Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

After Guo Hao put down his words, he didn't leave. Cao Chuanlei couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "Sir, you have finished delivering all the flowers, please don't disturb our class, otherwise..."

"Who said I finished delivering, this is only part of it." Guo Hao replied.

"A part of it... part of it?" Cao Chuanlei was taken aback, but he didn't understand the meaning of the words.

The same is true for the students in the class, all of them showed surprise, but Du Haibo's face was gloomy, and he clenched his fists angrily.

Several plans to kill Li Yi ended in failure. Now he doesn't know how to deal with Li Yi, so he is naturally depressed.

Soon, everyone understood the meaning of Guo Hao's words, and more than ten people walked quickly to the classroom, each holding a few big bouquets of bright red roses in their hands.The number of roses in these people's hands is astonishingly large, there are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine roses if not ten thousand.

You know, so many roses are a lot of income, even if it costs one yuan, it will cost about [-].Those who thought it was a rose sent by Li Yi, but after thinking about Li Yi's identity, they vetoed this guess. After all, Li Yi is still a student.What happened next made many people think that it was impossible for Li Yi to send so many roses.

After about [-] roses were brought, there was no room for them on the table, so Guo Hao could only let them be placed on the ground.

So many roses are placed at the back of the classroom. At first glance, the bright red ones are extremely attractive.

Everyone left after putting down the roses, but Guo Hao still didn't leave, Cao Chuanlei was so angry!Angrily said: "What do you mean, are you not letting us go to class?"

"As I said, the flowers haven't been delivered yet, and I will leave when I finish." As soon as Guo Hao finished speaking, those people who had just left came again, still holding bouquets of roses in their hands.

"Huh!" Cao Chuanlei snorted coldly, and he simply stopped asking, because he also wanted to see how many roses the other party wanted to send.

Ten minutes passed, and the roses in the classroom could no longer be put away. Guo Hao walked up to Chen Xiaofei and said, "There is no place to put them, what should I do?"

Chen Xiaofei didn't answer, she just sat on the seat in a daze, she was so surprised that she didn't know what to say.

"Are there still many roses?" Cao Chuanlei couldn't help asking.

Guo Hao glanced at him and said calmly, "There are still many more."

The corners of Cao Chuanlei's mouth twitched, obviously not believing his words, and he said in a strange way: "Put them all in the aisle! If you have the ability, you can fill the whole classroom with roses, and I will admire you." He said this in his mouth, but in his heart With a cold snort, he secretly sneered: "Don't pretend to be aggressive here, no matter how rich you are, I'm afraid you won't be able to buy so many roses!"

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