super jade

Chapter 179 The feeling is coming and I can't stop

Li Yi was completely speechless. Did the girl really not understand or said this on purpose, and said with a wry smile: "I don't feel it when I go up, it's exciting from behind."

Liu Xiaolu blinked her big eyes, and said doubtfully, "Really?"

I have to say that Liu Xiaolu looks very cute now, and Li Yi couldn't stop after just one look.

"Of course it's true, why don't we try it?" While Li Yi was speaking, his big hands kept stroking Liu Xiaolu's twin peaks.

Liu Xiaolu was out of breath from being touched, and her whole body was numb, panting: "That, that, okay!" She closed her eyes after saying that.

Li Yi didn't talk nonsense, his waist suddenly exerted strength, and the big guy pushed in, deeply entering the depths of Taoyuan.

Then, he felt that he had encountered an obstacle, and Li Yi couldn't help but screamed because of the tight wrapping.


Liu Xiaolu also yelled, it was not a comfortable cry, but pain.

The severe pain was unbearable, Liu Xiaolu tightly grasped Li Yi's shoulder, and her nails penetrated into his skin.

"You, yours is too big. I feel like my body is going to burst." Liu Xiaolu had tears in her eyes. If she had known this earlier, she would never have agreed to be with Li Yi###.

" was like this when I first entered, and it will be fine in the future." Li Yi didn't go further, but hugged the beauty in his arms tightly.

"You, you lie, I don't believe it!" Liu Xiaolu endured the pain and said, "I heard that doing this is very comfortable, it seems that the books are all lies."

"Xiaolu, I didn't lie to you, and the book didn't lie, just wait a moment." With a move of Li Yi's consciousness, a wave of spiritual power quickly entered Liu Xiaolu's body under his control, smoothing her body pain.This spell worked very well, and after only a few minutes, Liu Xiaolu could no longer feel the pain.

"Ah! Really, why can't I feel the pain anymore?" Liu Xiaolu said in surprise.

"Look! I said I didn't lie to you, can we do that now?" Li Yi said expectantly, and he wanted to know what magical powers he could get after winning this woman.

Liu Xiao### shook her head, said: "Take it easy, this is the first time for him."

Li Yi kissed her briskly on the forehead, and the big guy entered slowly, again and again.

Liu Xiaolu was surprised to find that, as Li Yi said, not only did she not feel pain, but also a kind of comfort that she had never felt spread throughout her body.Closing her eyes, experiencing this feeling, unconsciously, Liu Xiaolu yelled softly, and the yelling became louder and louder, and when it reached a certain level, it could be heard even standing outside the door.

While Li Yi was enjoying himself, he did not forget to observe the surrounding situation. When he heard Liu Xiaolu's cry became louder and louder, if he kept shouting like this, he would definitely be heard by his uncle and aunt.Li Yi didn't want the two of them to misunderstand, he was a big pervert, and he couldn't wait to have her when he was with Liu Xiaolu, so he hurriedly used his spiritual power to form a shield to block the sound from coming out.

Three hours later, Li Yi completed the final release, holding the woman in his arms contentedly.

Liu Xiaolu was very tired, but she didn't fall asleep, and said softly, "Are you feeling well?"

"Yeah!" Li Yi nodded.

"I'm also very comfortable. You really didn't lie to me. I didn't realize until now that this is the feeling of happiness." Liu Xiaolu suddenly thought of something, her face changed, and she said nervously, "By the way, I feel that the cry just now is very Daddy, if my parents hear about it, how can I see them tomorrow?"

"No, your voice was very low just now, they couldn't hear it." Li Yi said with certainty.

Liu Xiaolu didn't believe it. Although the sound insulation effect of the room was very good, she could still hear her yelling, so she hurriedly asked, "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"When did I lie to you?" Li Yi asked back.

Liu Xiaolu thinks about it too, it seems that Li Yi really never lied to her after they got together, and said: "Hee hee, I trust you just once."

The two embraced and fell asleep, and had a good sleep until they were woken up the next morning.

"Xiao Lu, Li Yi, come out for dinner." Fang Na's voice came from outside the room.

At this time, Li Yi and Liu Xiaolu were still asleep. Hearing the shout, Fang Na hurriedly got up and said, "Okay, I'll get up right away, and it will take three minutes."

Every morning, Liu Xiaolu answered like this, and after she finished speaking, she got up and walked to the door.

It was the same today, when she opened the door, Liu Xiaolu yawned and said, "Mom, you woke up very early today!"

Outside the room, Fang Na, who was about to answer, saw her daughter naked, and was taken aback, "Girl, did you sleep naked last night?"

After saying this, Fang Na remembered that her daughter slept with Li Yi last night, and suddenly understood something, the two must have been together last night.But the next moment, she dismissed this idea again. Fang Na is someone who has experienced it. She knew that a woman would not be able to get up after the first time, and her daughter's walking posture did not seem to be in the slightest discomfort.

"Well, what's going on here?"

A huge question mark appeared in Fang Na's mind. She didn't have time to think about it, so she hurriedly said, "Still going into the house?"

"Ah!" Liu Xiaolu also found that she was not wearing any clothes, and closed the door with a pretty face flushed, saying, "Wait a minute, I'll go out right away." After finishing speaking, she walked quickly into the room, when she saw Li Yi was lying on the bed and smiled at her, and said coquettishly: "It's all your fault, you made me look ugly..."

"I didn't expect you to go out directly." Li Yi picked up the clothes beside the bed and quickly put them on.

Liu Xiaolu put on a down jacket she just bought, and it was a pink one, and her chubby appearance looked very cute.

This is not to say that Liu Xiaolu is fat, she has a perfect figure, tall and slim, with no trace of fat on her body.It's just that the design of the down jacket is very peculiar. No matter what body shape a woman wears, it will give people a chubby feeling, like a penguin.

"Let's go! Let's eat together." Liu Xiaolu walked to Li Yi's side, took his hand generously, and walked happily into the living room like a young couple.

Fang Na cooked the breakfast herself, and it was quite sumptuous. When she saw the two of them coming, she greeted, "Xiao Lu, Li Yi, eat while it's hot!"

After the four of them sat down, they ate quickly without speaking.

Li Yi and Liu Xiaolu didn't know where to start, and they were also worried that their parents would ask about what happened last night, and they didn't know how to answer.

The same is true for Fang Na and Liu Zhengfeng. Of course they know what happened last night, and they are also afraid that their daughter will bring it up.

After eating, Li Yi still had to go to school, saying: "Uncle, Auntie, I have something to do later, so I'll go back first."

"Well! Let me see you off!" Liu Xiaolu just wanted to get up to see Li Yi off, but found that she was extremely tired, and frowned slightly.

Of course Li Yi knew about the girl's physical condition. Although her lower body was different, she was exhausted from the hours of madness last night and had to take a good rest.Li Yi has always loved his woman very much, waved his hand, and said: "No, I can just call back after I go out."

Just as Liu Xiaolu was about to speak, Liu Zhengfeng coughed lightly and said, "Li Yi! I happen to be going to work, so I'll take you back later!"

"Thank you uncle." Li Yi nodded.

In this way, Li Yi and Liu Zhengfeng left the villa, got in the car and went straight out of the community.

In the huge villa, only mother and daughter were left to recognize each other. Fang Na recalled what happened last night, and said with embarrassment: "Daughter, didn't you hear anything last night?"

"Your voices are so loud, I don't think it's hard not to hear." Liu Xiaolu thought so in her heart, but dared not say it, and said, "Well, I didn't hear anything."

Hearing this, Fang Na knew that her daughter heard it, and said in embarrassment: "Did you get together last night?"

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolu didn't deny it, and she couldn't hide this matter, she lowered her head with a blushing pretty face.

Fang Na remembered what happened in the morning, and couldn't help asking: "Since you are together, you should rest more, and don't get out of bed for a few days."

"Ah?" Liu Xiaolu was startled, puzzled, "Why?"

"Aren't you in pain?" Fang Na asked suspiciously.

Liu Xiaolu shook her head and said, "I'm just a little tired, nothing uncomfortable."

Fang Na thought of something, nodded suddenly, and said, "I know, senior is an expert outside the world, he must have changed your physique for you."


Liu Xiaolu smiled wryly, and said, "Mom, if it's okay, I'll go to rest first."

"Wait a minute." Fang Na called her daughter, her mouth moved a few times, as if she wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

Seeing her mother's strange appearance, Liu Xiaolu couldn't help asking, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"That, daughter! I want to ask you a favor, do you think it's okay?" Fang Na whispered.

"Mom, if you have anything to say, just say it. I'm your daughter. Is there anything else you can do?" Liu Xiaolu frowned, she really wanted to know what happened to her mother.

"Little Lu! You also know that women age quickly after 40 years old, so..." Fang Na raised her eyebrows, she believed that her daughter could understand the meaning of the words.

Liu Xiaolu really didn't understand, or she misunderstood what her mother said, and said, "Mom, I understand."

"You understand so quickly?" Fang Na was stunned, and looked at her daughter in surprise. When did this girl's understanding reach this level?

Liu Xiao### shook her head, and said: "Mom, you just want to tell me that a woman's youth is only a few dozen years, and she must grasp it now, while she is still young, she must tie a man's heart. "She paused, and then changed the topic: "But I don't think so, if Li Yi doesn't love me, even if I'm always young, she won't go all the way with me..."

Fang Na was completely speechless, smiled wryly, and said, "That's not what I meant."

"Huh?" Liu Xiaolu was stunned, and asked subconsciously, "Mom, what exactly are you trying to say?"

"No, it's nothing, I'll talk to you later!" Fang Na got up and said, "I'm too tired, I'm going to rest first, you should go to rest early too!"

Seeing her mother hesitate to speak, Liu Xiaolu was even more puzzled, but without thinking too much, she got up and walked to the room.

Besides, on Li Yi's side, when the car was driving on the road, Liu Zhengfeng gave Li Yi a thumbs up and said, "My son-in-law! Your elixir is really powerful."

"Uncle, it will work!" Li Yi said.

"It's not only effective, but the effect is too perverted." Liu Zhengfeng patted his thigh excitedly, but the next sentence made Li Yi very depressed, "However, the elixir has a drawback, and I can't stop it when it comes. I'm not afraid of your jokes, I fought continuously for more than an hour last night, I can't go on like this, my body can't stand it at all."

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