super jade

Chapter 182 The Good Days Are Over

Li Yi didn't expect his cousin to be so persistent that he still hadn't forgotten what happened last time. He coughed lightly and said, "Well, even if I help you, you can't find it in a day or two. Say it!"

Wang Lei nodded in agreement and said, "You are right, I will leave this matter to you."

"Let's go up first!" Li Yi didn't want to talk about this topic, so he hurried upstairs.

When going upstairs, Wang Lei continued: "You have to find me a Bai Fumei, who is not only rich, but also beautiful."

Li Yi rolled his eyes straight, he wanted to find such a woman, and said, "Cousin, I will try my best."

"Don't try your best, you must complete the task, otherwise I can't guarantee that one day I will slip up and tell you about you." Wang Lei smiled naively.

Li Yi said a few perfunctory words. When he came to the room, he found that it was quite tidy and no one had lived there.

"I said cousin, have you never lived here?" Li Yi couldn't help asking.

Wang Lei shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm so boring here alone, I might as well live in a dormitory!"

"There are so many people in the dormitory, how can I live here comfortably?" Li Yi asked back.

"You don't know this! Although there are many people in the dormitory, the atmosphere is different! A few of our friends are playing League of Legends together, which is much more interesting than this." Wang Lei took out the bedding from the cabinet and quickly I laid it on the bed, and said, "By the way, where are your books? How many do you want to put here?"

Only then did Li Yi remember that he had promised his parents, and hurriedly took out a few books from the storage bag.

Wang Lei had just laid out the quilt when he walked into the living room and saw that the table was full of books. He was surprised and said, "Where did you get so many books?"

"Just now I went downstairs to get it in the car." Li Yi explained.

Wang Lei obviously didn't believe it, and said, "Are you so fast?"

"Cousin, you forgot that I am a sports committee member, and the 11-meter speed is [-] seconds." Li Yi is a little bit big-headed. If my cousin becomes stubborn, he will be useless.

"This is the fifth floor, your 11-second speed is not so fast!" Wang Lei muttered, "You put the book in the car, do you read it every day?"

Li Yi was worrying about how to explain, the doorbell rang, and hurriedly got up to open the door.

After the door opened, the parents walked in with their belongings. Father Li took a look at the house and said, "This house is not bad. It has three bedrooms and one living room. It must be a lot of money a month!"

"Da Lei, Xiao Yi, these are the pickles I brought you, where do you put them?" Mother Li asked.

"Put it in the kitchen!" Wang Lei replied, "Well, it doesn't cost much a month, maybe more than 1000!"

Father Li's face darkened, and he said, "So expensive?"

"That's right! It's not cheap to rent a house in this area, and it's impossible to get it without this price." Wang Lei said truthfully.

Father Li didn't answer immediately, he was silent for a while, and then asked: "Da Lei, where did you get so much money, I know how much your monthly living expenses are."

"I..." Wang Lei was very depressed. Thinking of what Li Yi said earlier, he said, "Well, didn't I find a girlfriend? Her family conditions are not bad, and she doesn't want to live in the school dormitory. If we don't discuss it, we can move out. Yes. She paid for the rent of the house, yes, that’s it.”

The last sentence sounds particularly awkward, like a temporary lie.

Li Yi's father is a smart man. He frowned and said, "Da Lei! You are a man, how can you let a woman pay for the rent?"

"I don't have money! When I have money, I will treat her better." Wang Lei was so depressed that he gave Li Yi a secret look.

That look seems to say, it's all your fault, I'll see how to smooth things over later.

At this time, Mother Li finished putting away the pickles and said, "You should cherish such a good girlfriend! By the way, when will you bring her home for us to see?"

"Let's talk when we have time!" Wang Lei said.

Father Li stood up suddenly, walked up to Wang Lei, stared at him and asked, "Today is the weekend, where is your girlfriend?"

"Yeah! Where's my girlfriend?" Wang Lei was not good at talking. He felt guilty for a while when he was watched by his uncle, and he didn't know how to answer, so he quickly winked at Li Yi.

"Cousin, look at what I do. How do I know if sister-in-law is shopping for vegetables?" When Li Yi spoke, he deliberately emphasized the word "buying vegetables".

Father Li glanced at his son and said, "Since we're going to buy vegetables, let's wait a while."

Wang Lei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't answer what Li Yi said just now, otherwise something would really happen.

"Uncle, don't listen to Xiaoyi's nonsense, she didn't go shopping." Wang Lei explained.

"Oh! Then where did she go?" Father Li continued to ask.

"She, she, she's gone." Wang Lei gritted his teeth and could only answer like this.

Mother Li frowned, and hurriedly asked, "Why did she leave?"

"We broke up, and she left." Wang Lei was so depressed that he really wanted to slap Li Yi to death.

Father Li seemed to understand what was going on, and he didn't expose it, saying: "You all broke up, there is no need to rent it anymore, Li Yi, you can go home tomorrow night!"

Li Yi knew this was the result, sighed secretly in his heart, and said, "Well! I'll go back tonight."

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back first! You pack up too." Father Li walked out of the room after speaking.

When Mother Li left, she glared at Wang Lei and said, "You! Such a good girlfriend broke up? I really don't know what you think."

After the two left, Wang Lei couldn't bear it any longer, and said depressedly: "Cousin, it's all a bad idea, now uncle and aunt may think of me as someone!"

"Cousin, I didn't expect you to answer like this." Li Yi smiled wryly.

"Don't talk about it, I was just misunderstood by them anyway, your good days are over, you can't live with your girlfriend now!" Wang Lei waved his hand and changed the topic, "If there is nothing wrong, I will go back first , the friends in the dormitory are still waiting for me to go back to play qualifying!"

"Well! I'm leaving too." Li Yi said.

"Where are these things! Don't you want them?" Wang Lei looked at the college books and said.

"It's all over, take it if you want!" Li Yi has no time to talk nonsense, he is still waiting to go to Chen Xiaofei's house!

After entering the Audi car, Li Yi went straight to the outside of the community. As soon as he came to the side of the road, he saw his parents who were waiting for the bus.

Seeing his parents waiting in the cold wind, Li Yi felt a little uncomfortable. When will they be able to live a happy life!If you tell them that you are rich now, wouldn't it scare them?But if you don't expose your current abilities, what if you can let them live a good life!

Li Yi thought for a while, a plan formed in his mind, and he quickly made a call to Bayongjie.

After hearing Li Yi's method, Bayongjie kept saying that Li Yi was filial and told him that he could complete the task.

An hour later, Li Yi came to the community of Chen Xiaofei's house, parked the car, and walked quickly to his house.

When he came to the door, after Li Yi knocked on the door, the door of the room opened not long after.

It was Chen Ping who opened the door. When he saw Li Yi, he smiled and said, "Here we come! Xiao Fei is in the room!"

"Then I'll go see her first." Li Yi didn't know how to face his future father-in-law, so he simply went to classmate Chen Xiaofei first.

This time Li Yi came to Chen Xiaofei's room for the second time. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the other party standing in front of the bay window basking in the sun.

Chen Xiaofei was wearing a light green down jacket. Li Yi had never seen this jacket before, but it fit her quite well. She must have bought it specially for today's meeting.However, Chen Xiaofei is a little taller and a little thinner. Could it be that after seeing her all night, this girl has trouble sleeping and eating, thinking he can't eat?

This thought flashed in his mind, Li Yi didn't think much about it, and walked forward lightly with his waist bent.

When he came to her, Li Yi opened his arms and embraced her from behind.

During this hug, Li Yi found something was wrong, because his hands were just pressing on the opponent's twin peaks. In his memory, Chen Xiaofei's twin peaks were much bigger than this, but the opponent's twin peaks were a circle smaller.Li Yi's first thought was that this was not Chen Xiaofei, so he hurried away with his spiritual sense. When he saw the other person's appearance, he was dumbfounded, and let go of the other's Shuangfeng hand.

The beauty in his arms was a little shorter than Chen Xiaofei, and looked about the same age as her, about sixteen or seventeen years old. From her appearance, one could vaguely see Chen Xiaofei's shadow.It can be seen from this that this little beauty must be Chen Xiaofei's sister. Compared with Chen Xiaofei's beautiful face, it is indistinguishable. If they are really together, they are simply a pair of sisters.

"Cousin, you still like to tease me like this!" The girl didn't realize that the person holding her was Li Yi, so she smiled coquettishly and turned around quickly.

But the moment she turned around, the girl saw a strange man, her pupils dilated, and she was about to yell out loud.

If you call out now, how will you face Chen Xiaofei and her parents later? Li Yi hurriedly lowered his head and kissed each other's lips.

This is a subconscious action, but after the kiss, Li Yi regretted it, how could he do such a thing, this is his sister-in-law!

"Don't talk, it's a misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding!" Li Yi just finished speaking, and the door of the room opened.

"Cousin, why didn't I understand what you said just now?" Chen Xiaofei opened the door and asked, "When did I tease you?"

Li Yi and the little beauty had already parted ways in embarrassment. The girl also guessed Li Yi's identity, and said with a flushed face: "It's nothing, I thought you came in just now, but I didn't expect it to be him." She glared at Li Yi , walked in front of Chen Xiaofei and said, "This is the brother-in-law you mentioned on the phone, right?"

"His name is Li Yi, and he's not your brother-in-law yet." Chen Xiaofei noticed something was wrong with her cousin's expression, but she didn't think too much about it. She didn't think anything would happen between the two of them in such a short period of time.

The little beauty Chen Jiaojiao couldn't believe it, the intimate action just now must have happened often in private between the two of them.

"Cousin, you are all together, aren't you brother-in-law?" Chen Jiaojiao smiled and said, "Then tell me, how can you be my brother-in-law?"

Chen Xiaofei's so-called being together in the future means that the two have confirmed their relationship, and she did not deny it, saying: "Even if they are together, haven't they registered their marriage yet?"

"Heck! Cousin is so interesting, is it considered a brother-in-law if you have a child?" Chen Jiaojiao smiled, "Marriage is not reliable, and there is a possibility of divorce."

Chen Xiaofei's pretty face was flushed. Why did the other party keep talking about this, and quickly changed the subject: "Little sister, go and see if the food is ready? Your brother-in-law and I have something to talk about."

Chen Jiaojiao laughed again, and said, "Just now you said you weren't brother-in-law, now you admit it?"

"Okay! He's your brother-in-law, okay?" Chen Xiaofei had no choice but to admit it first, and then pushed her out of the room.

The moment she left the house, Chen Jiaojiao suddenly asked: "Cousin, you are in such a hurry to kick me out, you won't do bad things in the room, will you?"

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