super jade

Chapter 191 The Crazy Final Exam

In the teahouse outside the school, two regular customers sat in the box again.

"Young Master Wang, you have heard about the rewards for this final exam!" Du Haibo took a sip from his teacup.

"Hmph! This time the commotion is so big, I don't know." Wang Shao snorted coldly, "This time is really a big deal, do you know whose proposal it was?"

"Who else could it be? It is said that it is the new shareholder, Sister Ba." Du Haibo said, "You also know that Sister Ba is a person of the Tao, worth hundreds of billions, and she doesn't care about this little money."

"Yeah! She doesn't care, but I do." Wang Meng said.

Du Haibo was startled, and said, "You still care about this little money?"

"Nonsense, my dad has been investigated recently, and I'm very tight on money, so I don't know where to get money for the New Year." Wang Meng thought of something, and suddenly said, "You know so many people in the school, why don't you get the test papers out, let's first How about doing it once, and when we get the money, we will share it equally?"

Du Haibo rolled his eyes straight away, and said, "My grades are not bad, and it's possible to be the first in the exam. Why should I share the money with you equally?"

"I know you are not short of this little money, but you don't have much money right now! I will pay to help you buy the papers, and then you will share some with me. That's okay, right?" Wang Meng suggested.

"At least 10 yuan is needed to buy the test papers. You will pay all of this money?" Du Haibo also has the money, but since the other party is willing to pay, he will earn less.

The money in Wang Meng's hands is indeed not much, but he can still take out one hundred thousand quickly, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll pay."

"Okay, that's it." Du Haibo nodded.

In the following period of time, 42 Middle School was indescribably crazy. All the students were working hard for 100 million. From the first year of high school to the third year of high school, the students all studied hard. Few students study by themselves in the classroom.Li Yi is still the same as usual, going to and from school, as if this matter has nothing to do with him.

Finally, when it was time for the final exam, all the students were gearing up, hoping to get a good grade in the exam.

The same was true for Du Haibo and Wang Meng. They had already obtained the test papers. In order not to make people suspicious, Du Haibo did the test papers by himself, and he had done it dozens of times. Even with his eyes closed, he could still get the first grade in the whole grade.For this, Du Haibo worked hard. Looking at the test papers that were handed out, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Li Yi, don't you have good grades?" Du Haibo sneered in his heart, "I see how you can surpass my grades this time."

With this in mind, Du Haibo picked up a pen and prepared to write the answer, but the moment he saw the test paper, this guy was dumbfounded.

The test paper is still a test paper, but the questions on the test paper are completely different from what he did.

"How did this happen?" Du Haibo's eyes widened. If it wasn't for the lack of signal on the phone, he would have called the other party to ask what was going on.

What made Du Haibo speechless was still to come. The questions this time were more difficult than before. He had never seen many questions before, and it was quite difficult to answer the papers.Finally, when he finished writing the paper, he checked it and handed it in. He walked out of the examination room immediately and called the janitor who sold his paper.

"Old Wang, what happened to the paper you gave me?" Du Haibo roared angrily.

"Young Master Du, I didn't expect to change the paper temporarily." Old Wang explained.

Du Haibo was so angry that he snorted coldly, "Give me the 10 yuan."

"I spent the money. If I hadn't waited to use the money, I wouldn't have taken such a big risk to give you the test paper." Old Wang replied.

"What? You spent the money?" Du Haibo said angrily, "You find a way to get the rest of the papers."

"Young Master Du, don't embarrass me, I really can't get the papers, so let's do it!" Lao Wang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Du Haibo called again, but there was the sound of the phone shutting down, and he threw the phone out angrily.

The three-day exam was over soon. After the last exam, Wang Meng found him, and the first thing he said was, "Why didn't you tell me you changed your number?"

"Fuck me, I haven't brought a mobile phone with me recently." Du Haibo said depressingly.

"Huh? Where's your phone?" Wang Meng absorbed something, and snorted coldly, "You don't want to give me 50 yuan, so you deliberately avoided me!"

"Do you think we can still get 100 million?" Du Haibo didn't hide anything, and simply explained what happened.

"What did you say, the topic was changed temporarily?" Wang Meng was at the bottom of the class. Although he read the test paper, he forgot everything during the test.

"Hmph! How about I drop the phone in anger?" Du Haibo smiled wryly.

Wang Meng's face became a little ugly, he clenched his fists and said, "What about my hundred thousand?"

"What else can I do, just spend money to buy a lesson. That old Wang has resigned, and I can't find him." Du Haibo said indifferently, anyway, it wasn't his money.

"You... that's my money." Wang Meng roared angrily, "Now that the money is gone, how can I celebrate the New Year?"

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with me." Du Haibo was also afraid that this guy would get angry, so he taught him a lesson, and quickly changed the subject, "I suspect it was Li Yi's hands and feet. The relationship between him and Sister Ba is extraordinary."

These words had an effect. When Wang Meng heard that it was Li Yi, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's Li Yi again, I won't let him go."

The crazy final exam is finally over. Some people are happy and some are worried. Of course, Li Yi is the biggest beneficiary.

After the last exam, Li Yi took Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei out for dinner, and lived a happy three-person world.

While eating, Chen Xiaofei giggled and said, "You should be number one in the whole grade this time!"

"If it were me, how would you reward me?" Li Yi smiled badly.

"Do you still need my reward?" Chen Xiaofei pouted, "The school wants to reward 100 million cash!"

"Compared to 100 million, I want your reward more." Li Yi said with a smile, "If your reward satisfies me, then I will give you 100 million."

"Really?" Chen Xiaofei knew that Li Yi was rich now, so she didn't care about the 100 million at all, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect my reward to be so valuable."

At this time, Wang Shanshan, who had been silent all this time, giggled and said, "It depends on the rewards, not all rewards are worth the money."

Chen Xiaofei also thought about it, and asked Li Yi: "What reward do you want?"

"How about staying with me tonight?" Li Yi said with a smile.

"Huh! I knew it was this." Chen Xiaofei glared at Li Yi, then pointed at Wang Shanshan, and said, "I'll go back later, let her accompany you!"

"Okay! That 100 million is mine." Wang Shanshan said with a grin.

After the three of them joked for a while, Li Yi suddenly asked, "By the way, where are you going to play during the Chinese New Year?"

"I want to go back to my hometown once, and I'm afraid I won't be able to celebrate the New Year here." Wang Shanshan sighed and said very depressed, "You also know that our family used to have no money, and we haven't returned to our hometown for a long time. Now that we are rich, grandpa wants to go back once to honor our ancestors. .He is old, and we can't refuse while he can still move around now."

Putting filial piety first, Li Yi nodded in agreement and said, "Accompany grandpa well during the Chinese New Year. Without him, we wouldn't be able to be together so quickly."

"Well! If that's the case, I won't be able to accompany you during the Chinese New Year." Wang Shanshan said disappointedly.

"It's okay, we will spend a lot of time together in the future!" Li Yi looked at Chen Xiaofei and said with a smile, "Besides, Xiaofei can accompany me to celebrate the New Year!"

Chen Xiaofei waved her hand and said, "I can't accompany you either, I'm going to the capital for the Chinese New Year."

"What are you doing in the capital?" Li Yi asked puzzled.

"All relatives are over there. Grandpa said that we must go back for the Chinese New Year this year." Chen Xiaofei said helplessly, "But I will come back as soon as possible to accompany you."

After eating, Li Yi sent the two girls home, and then returned home.

As soon as he got home, he received a call from Liu Wei. The guy's first words were, "Where are we going for Chinese New Year?"

"Of course I'm at home." Li Yi smiled wryly.

"Just lie to me! The two wives are waiting for you, and you still have time at home?" Liu Wei said incredulously.

"What do you want from me?" Li Yi asked back, he didn't believe that this guy called him for no reason.

Sure enough, Liu Wei smiled and said, "Tell me, besides the two of them, do you have any other girlfriends?"

"No! I'm just the two of them." Li Yi said with a guilty conscience.

"I don't believe it! I met a beautiful woman just now, and I wanted to strike up a conversation, but that girl told me that she has a boyfriend." Liu Wei said depressedly, "I wondered at the time, why are there so many beautiful women these days?" I have a boyfriend, so I asked her, who is your boyfriend, do you know how she answered?"

"Uh...she won't tell you, her boyfriend is me!" Li Yi smiled wryly.

"It's you kid, I was speechless at that time, how many girlfriends do you kid have!" Liu Wei said, "Tell me, what's the name of that girl?"

"You didn't tell me who she is, and how do I know her name?" Li Yi also wanted to know who Liu Wei met and even took the initiative to admit that it was his girlfriend.

"She lives on our side. I don't know what her name is, but I know she was in a junior high school." Liu Wei said in detail, "She has a baby face and looks very cute, like a little girl. Li. By the way, I saw her with Xiao Liang, and I thought she was Xiao Liang's girlfriend at first, but I didn't expect it to be yours."

Hearing this, Li Yi already knew who the other party was, and said, "She is Xiaoliang's younger sister."

"So that's it, by the way, you haven't told me what her name is, and how did you get together?" Liu Wei asked gossipingly.

"Hey, what are you talking about? The signal here is not good, I can't hear you, I'll call you later." Li Yi hung up the phone decisively after speaking, and this guy kept asking questions endlessly.

Li Yi just remembered that Zhang Xiaoliang said last time that her sister wanted to invite him to dinner, but she has been too busy recently and forgot.

It will be a holiday starting tomorrow, anyway, there will be more time after the holiday, so it will not be too late to find her tomorrow.

Early the next morning, before Li Yi got up, the phone rang.

As soon as he connected, he heard a familiar voice from the phone, "Li Yi, something is wrong, my brother hurt someone, come here quickly."

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