super jade

Chapter 195 Do you still remember the baby kiss back then?

Li Yi turned around to look, but saw Liu Wei looking at them wretchedly, and said with a wry smile: "Why are you here?"

Liu Wei was followed by a group of brothers, apparently brought them here for dinner, and happened to meet Li Yi.

"Brother Yi, don't change the subject, didn't you tell me that you have nothing to do with each other?" Liu Wei said with a playful smile.

At this time, Zhang Qianqian also saw the other party and asked in surprise, "Do you know each other?"

"Yes! Not only do we know each other, but we are also classmates in junior high school and high school. When did you get together?" Liu Wei asked with narrowed eyes.

"Well, we're just here for dinner, it has nothing to do with being together!" Li Yi shrugged.

"Don't lie to me. I'm not a three-year-old child. If you're okay, how can you eat together?" Liu Wei suddenly lowered his voice, "Be careful of being seen by Miss Fei, otherwise you won't be able to explain clearly."

"It's okay, they won't come here." Li Yi also whispered.

Liu Wei obviously didn't want to delay the good things of the two of them, he waved his hands and said, "Come on, let's go over there for dinner."

Li Yi shook his head and smiled bitterly, picked up his chopsticks and said, "Let's eat!"

"Hehe! The way he spoke just now should be reminding you not to be seen by your girlfriend!" Zhang Qianqian said with a smile.

Li Yi was startled, he didn't expect this girl to be so smart, and he didn't deny it: "Yes! If they see it, you won't be able to eat with me."

"I knew that guy just now, and she also pursued me. I said I had a girlfriend and said your name, and that guy left after hearing that." Zhang Qianqian giggled, "I was still surprised at the time, could it be that your He was so famous that he was scared away when he heard about it, but he didn’t expect you to know each other.”

After a simple meal, the two left the stall and walked on the way back.

"Where are you waiting?" Li Yi asked, "How about I take you back!"

"You don't want to be alone with me?" Zhang Qianqian tilted her head and said, "Is it because you are looking for another girlfriend and don't have time to accompany me?"

"They have all returned to their hometown for the New Year, and I can't do it even if I want to accompany them." Li Yi replied.

"In this case, why don't you accompany me?" Zhang Qianqian asked puzzled.

It's not that Li Yi doesn't want to accompany her. The key point is that this girl is Zhang Xiaoliang's younger sister. He was worried about falling in love with each other for a long time, so he said, "Aren't you afraid of falling in love with me?"

Zhang Qianqian laughed, waved her hands and said, "Why should I fall in love with you?"

"I'm so handsome, handsome, and rich. It's normal for you to fall in love with me!" Li Yi flipped his hair chicly after finishing speaking.

"I admit that you are rich, but you can't get the word handsome!" Zhang Qianqian said with a smile. In fact, in her eyes, Li Yi is not handsome, but he is not ugly either. Besides, what's the use of being handsome these days?Many girls think that no matter how handsome a man is, if he has no money or ability, he might as well find a rich and powerful man!

"Since you want me to accompany you, then I will risk my life to accompany the beauty!" Li Yi deliberately showed a embarrassed look.

Zhang Qianqian didn't think so, she shook her head and said, "It should be me, a beauty, who will accompany you!"

The two were talking nonsense here, but a major event happened in Li Yi's family, and Zhang Xiaoliang's parents had already visited.

The doorbell rang, and Father Li went to open the door. When the door opened, he found that he didn't recognize the other party, and subconsciously asked, "Who are you?"

When Zhang Chengfeng saw Li Yi's father, his eyes stayed on him. After seeing the other party's appearance clearly, he said excitedly, "Are you Li Yi's father, Li Jinhai?"

"You, how do you know my name?" Li Jinhai asked in surprise.

"I'm Zhang Chengfeng, do you remember me?" Zhang Chengfeng said excitedly.

Li Jinhai was stunned. Of course he knew that Zhang Chengfeng was his best brother, but there was a big gap between the person in front of him and the Zhang Chengfeng in his memory. His forehead was full of wrinkles, and he didn't look like a person in his 40s. .But if you look carefully, you can still see Zhang Chengfeng's shadow on the opponent.

"You, are you really Zhang Chengfeng?" Li Jinhai glanced at Li Xiaoliang behind him, who looked more like a good brother when he was young.

"Yeah! I didn't expect you to live here. If I had known, I would have come to visit you a long time ago." Zhang Chengfeng was really excited, or he had never been so excited in decades.

"Come in, old woman, pour water and make tea." Li Jinhai shouted to his wife in the kitchen.

Mother Li came out, and when he saw Zhang Chengfeng, he was startled and said, "Zhang Chengfeng?"

"Zheng Xia, it's me, and Lihua is here too." Zhang Chengfeng said and pulled his wife by his side.

"Zhou Lihua, is it really you? We haven't seen each other for almost 20 years!" Zheng Xia said excitedly, thinking back in the past, the four of them were the best classmates in high school.

"Yeah! It's been almost 20 years, if it wasn't for Li Yi, we still wouldn't be able to meet each other!" Zhou Lihua sighed.

Speaking of Li Yi, Li Jinhai was stunned and said, "Have you met Li Yi?"

"Yes! Li Yi was busy with us in the morning. He not only taught those people a lesson, but also helped us get a lot of compensation." Zhang Chengfeng briefly talked about what happened in the morning, but when it came to negotiations, he deliberately put Some plots are omitted, vaguely mentioned.

"When did that kid become so good at negotiating?" Although Li Jinhai was surprised, he didn't think much about it. He wanted to know where Zhang Chengfeng had been all these years, so he hurriedly asked, "Chengfeng, I remember that you left the county suddenly 20 years ago. , Then it seemed that the world evaporated, where did you go after that?"

"Hey! It's a long story. At that time, my father had cancer. We sold the house and came to the province to treat him. At the beginning, his condition improved, but it finally got worse and he left us." Zhang Chengfeng sighed, "In order to save my father, I spent all my savings and borrowed a lot of money, which I couldn't afford to pay back at that time."

Speaking of this, Zhang Chengfeng paused for a moment, and continued: "In order to avoid debts, Lihua and I can only pick up junk in the province for a living, and have almost lost contact with the outside world. These years, our life has been a bit difficult, but those The money owed is almost paid off, but the money owed to you back then will have to wait."

When Li Jinhai heard about repaying the money, he quickly waved his hands and said, "You just lent me more than 5000, and you don't need to pay back that little money."

"No, it must be paid back. We signed the compensation contract just now, and I will send the money back to you when we send it back." Zhang Chengfeng said seriously.

Li Jinhai didn't want to continue on this topic, and said, "By the way, your house has been demolished, where will you live in the future?"

"We have lost a lot of money this time. We want to rent a house first, and the rest of the money will be used to pay off the debt. After the house is delivered, it will not be too late for us to move there." Zhang Chengfeng replied.

Li Jinhai thought of something, and said: "The house opposite my house is going to be rented out, why don't you move here?"

"Really?" Zhang Chengfeng was about to agree, but then thought of something, shook his head and said, "Forget it! Don't you know the current situation of our family, I don't want to implicate you."

"Old brother, how can you say that you are involved?" Li Jinhai asked.

Zhang Chengfeng hesitated for a moment. He briefly talked about the situation at home, and said, "I have no income at all except selling vegetables. When the time comes..."

Li Jinhai interrupted him and said, "What are you talking about, are we still good brothers?"

"Yes, we are good brothers, good brothers for life, but..." Zhang Chengfeng was interrupted by Li Jinhai before he finished speaking.

"Don't talk about this, if you want to treat me as a brother, move here so that we can play mahjong when we are free." Li Jinhai said with a smile.

Li Xiaoliang didn't know what to think, and he also hoped that his parents could move here, saying: "Dad, I think Uncle Li is right, let's move here!"

"Yeah!" Li Jinhai nodded, then thought of something, and asked quickly, "By the way, where is Li Yi?"

"He and my daughter went out to eat, and they will be back soon after calculating the time!" Zhang Chengfeng looked at his son and said, "You go back first and tell your sister not to go out, we will go back later."

Zhang Xiaoliang responded, and just about to go out, Li Jinhai said: "Wait a minute, let's have dinner together tonight!"

Zhang Chengfeng thought for a while, and said: "That's fine, call your sister to come with me!"

"That's right! Such a big family can have a lively meal, and it's best to celebrate the New Year together." Zheng Xia also said.

After Zhang Xiaoliang left, Zheng Xia took Zhou Lihua's hand and said, "I didn't expect you to have a daughter. How old is she? Do you have one?"

"She is two years younger than Xiaoliang and just turned 16 this year." Zhou Lihua replied.

"Ten and 60 years old! She must be like you, virtuous and beautiful, and you were the class flower of our class at that time." Zheng Xia changed the subject and asked suddenly, "By the way, do you still remember our agreement back then?"

"Promise?" Zhou Lihua was taken aback, she really couldn't remember.

Zheng Xia obviously still remembered, and she said slowly: "We got married on the same day back then, and soon after we got married, we both had children. Didn't we say at that time, if your family has a daughter, you can marry our son in the future? Now I have a son, and you have a daughter, why don't we settle this marriage!"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Jinhai was stunned. He still remembered that Li Yi had a girlfriend.

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, even if they have a girlfriend, they may not be together in the future, so they didn't interrupt his wife.

Zhou Lihua recalled the time back then, she sighed, shook her head and said: "You know the current situation of our family, I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

"What's the point? If your daughter marries into our family, wouldn't it be more intimate?" Zheng Xia had long hoped to find a wife for her son. Now that life is getting better and better, she looks forward to it even more.Of course, she didn't forget that Li Yi had a girlfriend. In her opinion, this marriage is much more reliable than the girlfriend her son talked about, and even marrying home doesn't require too much gift.

That's why Zheng Xia wanted to match this matter wholeheartedly. She really hoped that her son could settle on the marriage as soon as possible. After all, it is very difficult to find a satisfactory daughter-in-law these days.

Zhou Lihua couldn't decide, she looked at her husband and said, "Old Zhang, what do you think about this?"

What did Zhang Chengfeng think of? When he thought of what happened in the afternoon, he said: "I think it's okay. Didn't you see it in the afternoon? That girl Qianqian has a good impression of Li Yi. Although they are very young now, they have not When it's time to talk about marriage, it won't affect their cultivation of relationship now, if it's really a concubine, I'd be happy to see her marry into Brother Li's house as a daughter-in-law."

"That's fine, this matter is settled like this, and I will talk to them at dinner." Li Jinhai said with a smile, "I'll get two bottles of good wine later, we won't go home until we're drunk."

At this time, Li Yi didn't know that the life-long event between him and Zhang Qianqian had been decided in this way.

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