super jade

Chapter 198 I Am Your Brother-in-Law

Zhang Qianqian really wanted to say no, but for some reason, she nodded her head, "I, how can I help you?"

"Help me with your hands." Li Yi grabbed her white jade hand and quickly put it into her pants.

Feeling that there was a big guy suddenly in her hand, and it was astonishingly big, Zhang Qianqian exclaimed, "No, I don't know how to do it."

"I'll tell you." Li Yi held Zhang Qianqian's hand and got up quickly ###, "That's it, go faster."

Zhang Qianqian bit her lower lip, and according to Li Yi's method, ### said ** big guy.

Not long after, Zhang Qianqian was out of breath. After all, she was a girl with limited physical strength. She shook her head and said, "I can't do it anymore. Is there any other way?"

Zhang Qianqian felt that if this continued, her hand would be broken.

Li Yi really thought of a way, which is what Wang Shanshan did that night with her, saying: "You can get it out with your mouth."

"What, you asked me to do that with my mouth?" Zhang Qianqian exclaimed, shaking her head like a rattle.

"Look at how uncomfortable I am now, don't you want to help me?" Li Yi didn't want to do this either, but at this time his body was no longer under the control of his brain.

Zhang Qianqian didn't answer right away, she bit her lower lip lightly and said, "Are we together like this?"

"Forget it!" Li Yi just wanted to release, as long as he could be released, he could say anything.

"Then am I your girlfriend?" Zhang Qianqian continued to ask.

"Yes!" Li Yi nodded.

Zhang Qianqian thought that since they are boyfriend and girlfriend, it's okay to do this, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll help you, but after you're done, tell me how to study."

"Yes." Li Yi said and took out the big guy.

It was the first time Zhang Qianqian saw a grown man's big guy, so ferocious and terrified, she immediately regretted it.

Thinking of quickly improving her memory, Zhang Qianqian finally lowered her head and put the big guy in her mouth.

Li Yi held her head and kept saying ###. In order to solve it quickly, he chose to release it as soon as possible.

A few minutes later, a stream of heat was released, all sprayed into Zhang Qianqian's mouth, and even entered her throat.

Zhang Qianqian coughed a few times, and wanted to spit things into the trash can, but heard a sentence that drove her crazy, "Don't spit it out, swallow it all?"

"You, what did you say?" Zhang Qianqian's eyes widened. As soon as she spoke, all the liquid entered her throat.

Feeling that everything was swallowed, Zhang Qianqian went crazy and wanted to cough dryly, but found that she couldn't.

At this time, after Li Yi cleaned up his body with a tissue, he sat comfortably by the bed and said something that made Zhang Qianqian almost go crazy, "I'm doing this for your own good too?"

"You fart, let me swallow that thing, why do you do it for me?" Zhang Qianqian was obviously angry, she felt a little wronged, I helped you with that, and you still let me swallow it?

"Let me ask you, do you want to improve your memory?" Li Yi walked up to Zhang Qianqian, held her in his arms, and gently stroked her hair.

"Huh! You still have some conscience." Zhang Qianqian was hugged by Li Yi, feeling a lot better, and asked hurriedly, "Does my swallowing have something to do with improving memory?"

"Of course I have. That's my essence. If you swallow it, it will naturally improve your memory." Li Yi didn't lie, because Wang Shanshan's memory is obviously much higher than Chen Xiaofei's.

"Really?" Zhang Qianqian couldn't believe it, and couldn't help asking, "Your girlfriends also ate that?"

"Yeah!" Li Yi nodded, and just about to say something to comfort her, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

"Little sister, Li Yi, Mom and Dad have finished eating, let you go over." Zhang Xiaoliang's voice came in.

The two quickly tidied up their clothes, and when they were about to go out, Li Yi grabbed her and said, "Wait a minute?"

"What's wrong?" Seeing the napkin handed over by Li Yi, Zhang Qianqian was full of doubts.

"Wipe your mouth clean." Li Yi suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile, "I think this thing should be called toilet paper in the future, not a napkin..."

"What on earth are you thinking about in your mind? It's always these messy things." Zhang Qianqian glared, and quickly wiped away the residue from her mouth.

After finishing all this, the two came to the living room, and their parents were already sitting on the sofa waiting for them to come.

"Li Yi, sit here." Li Jinhai pointed to the position beside him.

Zhang Chengfeng also pointed to his side and said, "Qianqian, you sit here too."

Li Yi and Zhang Qianqian sat down. They were right in the middle of the sofa.

Neither of them knew that their parents had called them over, and they glanced at each other, doubts flashing across their eyes.

At this time, Li Jinhai coughed lightly, and said: "Li Yi, your Uncle Zhang and I were good brothers back then. At that time, we said that if there is a man and a woman in the two families, and the age difference between the two parties is not too big, I will give it to you." I made an appointment with the baby, just because I haven't seen each other in these years, I forgot about it."

Li Yi and Zhang Qianqian were stunned. They didn't expect that the guess just now came true.

After Li Jinhai finished speaking, seeing that the two of them didn't have much reaction, although he felt strange, he continued to say: "God let us get together again, so this matter must be mentioned. I don't know what you think, I hope You can be together, if it’s not suitable, we’ll talk about it later.”

Zhang Chengfeng nodded and said, "Qianqian, do you have any comments?"

"What else can I have an opinion on? It's just like that just now. Sooner or later, I will belong to him." Zhang Qianqian thought so in her heart, and said with a pretty face, "No, I have no objection..."

Zhang Chengfeng didn't seem to expect that his daughter agreed so quickly. He thought that the two had already gotten along well, so he didn't say much.

The woman had no objection, and the matter was half done. Li Jinhai looked at his son and said, "Xiao Yi! What do you think of Uncle Zhang's daughter?"

Because of guilt, Li Yi forced Zhang Qianqian to do that just now. Naturally, he couldn't say anything. He lowered his head and said, "I have no objection."

If Zhang Qianqian agreed, because of what happened in the morning, they would have gotten better, Li Yi's agreement would seem strange.

Li Jinhai knew that his son had a girlfriend. He wanted to persuade his son to talk to Zhang Qianqian first, but he didn't expect the child to agree before doing his son's ideological work.Although Li Jinhai couldn't think of the reason, he didn't think about it. He nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "Since you both have no objections, let's get along first. If you both think it's suitable, you can get married after graduating from university."

"Brother Li, I think so too. I think they both have a good impression of each other." Zhang Chengfeng said with a smile. He also hoped that his daughter could marry into the Li family.

"Let them decide on the child's matter, we are just a matchmaker." Li Jinhai nodded.

In the following time, the parents of both sides chatted about what happened back then, and they talked for more than an hour in a blink of an eye.

Li Yi and Zhang Qianqian were also unable to get up and leave, so they could only sit aside and listen, but they were a little uncomfortable with the marriage being settled so quickly.

Li Yi's house is not big, there are only two bedrooms and one living room, so naturally they can't live together at night.

Zhang Chengfeng glanced at his mobile phone and found that it was getting late, he got up and said, "Brother Li, let's go back first, and we will get together later when we have time."

"Come tomorrow! I'll help you rent the house opposite." Li Jinhai said with a smile, "You still call me Brother Li! I should change my name."

"Look at my memory, in-laws, let's go back first." Zhang Chengfeng slapped his forehead and said.

"Let me take you downstairs!" Li Jinhai looked at his son after sending them downstairs, "Li Yi, why don't you send your future wife home?"

Li Jinhai obviously drank a lot, if it was before, he wouldn't say such a thing.

Hearing the word "daughter-in-law", Li Yi frowned, "Damn it, there is a daughter-in-law here, and she is a wife approved by her parents."

Zhang Xiaoliang and Zhou Lihua supported Zhang Chengfeng and walked in front, while Li Yi and Zhang Qianqian followed behind and whispered.

"I guessed it right! They really made an appointment for us." Zhang Qianqian thought of something, curled her lips and said, "You don't have a girlfriend, why didn't you refuse just now?"

"You helped me with that, how could I refuse you?" Li Yi was indeed guilty, otherwise he would definitely object just now with his character.

Zhang Qianqian snorted coldly and said, "You didn't stay with me because of guilt, did you?"

"No, I found that I like you more and more." Li Yi took the initiative to hold her hand, and said with a bad smile, "Why don't I stay at your house at night?"

Zhang Qianqian giggled, raised her eyebrows lightly and said, "As long as you can convince my parents, I will let you sleep with me."

However, at this moment, Zhang Chengfeng suddenly said: "Li Yi! Now that your marriage with Qianqian has been settled, why not stay at our house at night!"


Zhang Qianqian was stunned, when did her father become so open, living together before getting married?

Knowing that her husband had drunk too much, Zhou Lihua pinched him and said, "What nonsense, the child is still young!"

"Looking at what I've been drinking, I thought they'd already be on the mend." Zhang Chengfeng also drank a lot, and his speech became blurred.

Originally, the journey only took ten minutes, but after walking for nearly half an hour, everyone arrived at Zhang Qianqian's home.

Li Yi said some polite words, and then left. As soon as he walked out of the yard, Zhang Xiaoliang chased him out, gave him a thumbs up, and said, "Brother Yi, a cow!"

"Uh... In fact, the relationship between us is not what you imagined." Li Yi smiled wryly, and in a blink of an eye he became a brother-in-law.

Zhang Xiaoliang laughed, patted Li Yi on the shoulder, and said: "She is my little sister, I am not afraid of you being together, what are you worried about?"


Li Yi was speechless, he really didn't know how to answer.

"Brother Yi, I will be your brother-in-law in the future, you have to help me improve my welfare!" Zhang Xiaoliang changed the subject, "Say, when did you get together?"

"Well, I'll go back first, and I'll talk about it tomorrow." Li Yi ran into the alley after finishing speaking.

Zhang Xiaoliang didn't chase after him, but said loudly, "Brother-in-law, be careful on the road."

Hearing this name, Li Yi staggered and almost fell to the ground.

When I got home, my father hadn't rested yet. Li Yi was about to go back to his room, but Li Jinhai said, "Li Yi, do you know why I didn't rest?"

"Dad, is there anything else?" Li Yi bit the bullet and walked over.

"I have to mention your marriage. This can be regarded as an explanation to Brother Zhang. Besides, your mother also hopes that you can be together." Li Jinhai said solemnly, "I also know that free marriage is advocated in this era. If you are not suitable, I will also I won't force you to be together, tell me, how are you and your girlfriend at school?"

"We're fine." Li Yi replied.

Li Jinhai slapped the table suddenly, scaring Li Yi so much that he said angrily, "Since you haven't broken up yet, why didn't you object just now?"

Zheng Xia glared at her husband, and said sharply: "Old man, you've drunk too much, let's talk about this tomorrow!" As she spoke, she signaled Li Yi to enter the room.

Li Yi had a big head and walked to the room depressed. He didn't know that more depressed things were yet to come.

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