super jade

Chapter 201 You let us live together?

In the afternoon of that day, Li Jinhai and others went to the furniture market to buy new furniture, and moved everything to the new home at night.In the two-bedroom, one-living room, Zhang Chengfeng and his wife Zhou Lihua live in the master bedroom, while Zhang Xiaoliang is the guest bedroom.When everything was sorted out, Zhang Chengfeng called his son and asked him to come to the new home to see if there was anything else to buy.

Although Zhang Xiaoliang knew that his parents were going to buy a house opposite Li Yi's house, he didn't expect to buy it so soon. When he came to his new home and saw that the guest bedroom was full of his things, he was stunned at that time, because in the huge new house At home, I didn't even see my sister's books.He really couldn't figure it out, even if he moved to a new house, he should put his sister's things in the guest bedroom, so he could sleep on the sofa!

Just like that, Zhang Xiaoliang asked with doubts, "Dad, do I live in the guest bedroom?"

"Yes! You don't live in the guest bedroom, do you live in the living room?" Zhang Chengfeng asked back.

The old house used to have two bedrooms and one living room. Zhang Xiaoliang has been living in the main room, and he is used to it. After all, my sister still has to study, so she must be given a quiet study environment.But now, he was allowed to live in the guest bedroom. Zhang Xiaoliang really didn't understand what his parents thought. He couldn't help but ask, "Dad, where does my sister live?"

"Your sister has a place to live, so don't worry about it?" Zhang Chengfeng changed the subject, "By the way, where did Qianqian go?"

"The school didn't hand out the report cards anymore, she went to see the results." Zhang Xiaoliang explained.

Zhang Chengfeng was startled, and said in surprise: "It was posted so soon?"

"Now the examination papers are different from before. They are all answer sheets, and they will be corrected in a few days." Zhang Xiaoliang continued to ask, "Dad, you haven't told me where my sister lives yet?"

"You'll find out in the evening." Zhang Chengfeng didn't answer, but looked at his wife with a faint smile on his lips.

Zhang Xiaoliang was about to ask something, but received a call from Li Yi, said that he had something to go out and left.

In the room of Li Yi's house, Li Jinhai and others were sitting on the sofa. Zhang Chengfeng took out an open card, handed it to Li Jinhai and said, "Brother Li, you spent the money to buy a house and furniture. You take this money, it should be enough." It’s gone.” In fact, Kali has a lot of money, which is the compensation for house demolition. His family has received special care, and hundreds of thousands more have been paid. The total compensation is more than 100 million yuan.

Zhang Chengfeng took out 50 of it, and he felt that the money should be enough to buy a house and the favor he owed to the Li family back then.

Li Jinhai didn't go to pick up the card, he waved his hand, and said seriously: "If you return this money to me, then the house will be regarded as my betrothal gift to my daughter-in-law."

"But...even if they get married in the future, the dowry won't need so much!" Zhang Chengfeng shook his head.

Li Jinhai didn't hide anything, and said truthfully: "The house didn't cost much, it only cost one hundred thousand."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Chengfeng was stunned and couldn't believe it: "What did you say, this house only costs one hundred thousand?"

"Yes! The original owner of the house was not short of money and was eager to sell it, so he sold it to us for 10 yuan." Li Jinhai knew that no one would believe what he said. 10 yuan, hurriedly took out the contract, and continued, "If you don't believe it, you can read the contract."

Zhang Chengfeng saw that it was really 10 yuan, but he still said: "Even if it is [-] yuan, I will give you this card. We owed you too much back then. What's more, without Li Yi's help for this demolition, not only would we not be able to After getting so much compensation, I was even bullied by them, so..."

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Li Jinhai interrupted: "Brother Zhang, do you still consider me an in-law?"

"This..." Zhang Chengfeng smiled wryly, not knowing how to answer.

"If you treat me as an in-law, just accept the money. Overall, I still make a profit. How can such a good thing be married to such a beautiful daughter-in-law for 10 yuan?" Li Jinhai said with a smile.

Having said that, Zhang Chengfeng had no choice but to accept the card and said, "Okay! My daughter will be the daughter-in-law of your Li family from now on if it's really a shame to give money again."

Besides Li Yi, he asked Zhang Xiaoliang to drive him to the school, and went straight to the office of the class teacher Cao Chuanlei.

At this time, there were many students in the office, all of whom came to see the report card.

Liu Wei, Zhang Chao and others were also in the crowd. When they saw Li Yi hurriedly approaching, the former gave a thumbs up and said, "Brother Yi, you are still awesome, and you actually got such a heaven-defying result."

Even if Li Yi didn't read the report card, he knew how he did in the test, and said with a smile, "How many points?"

"Nimma, you are a monster. You actually scored 725 points in the test." Liu Wei said depressedly. Although his score has also improved, it is only a few points.

"Brother Yi, not only are you perverted, but the two of you are also perverted." Zhang Chao said with a smile.

"There are two more?" Li asked, "Who is it?"

"Who else can it be! It's the two sisters-in-law who also scored more than 700 points in the exam." Zhang Chao said with a wretched smile, "If being your girlfriend can improve your grades, I would have known that I would be your woman too."

As soon as these words came out, the students around were speechless, and Liu Wei even laughed and said, "It's not too late for you to be his girlfriend now."

Zhang Chao suddenly pinched his orchid fingers, imitating a woman's voice and said: "Brother Yi, you are going to marry someone tonight!"

"Get out!" Li Yi kicked him away and walked quickly to the head teacher.

Before Li Yi could speak, Cao Chuanlei took out the report card and said with a kind smile: "Li Yi! This time you are honoring our class, I know you will get good grades in the exam." His words are very Hypocrisy, as long as everyone understands it, it is precisely because Li Yi has such a test result and has a huge influence in the school that his attitude towards Li Yi will change in this way.

Li Yi is a person who must take revenge, and he still remembers what happened when the school just started.

"Mr. Cao, you once said that I was dragging the class and driving me out of school, remember?" Li Yi didn't give Cao Chuanlei any face when he spoke.

Cao Chuanlei smiled awkwardly, and said: "It was back then, and now I am optimistic about you."

"Thank you, I don't need you to look after me." Li Yi took the report card and turned to leave.

Cao Chuanlei also knew that what happened back then had caused a rift between him and Li Yi, so he could only try to make up for it, saying: "Li Yi, President Wang asked me to ask you when to get the bonus, this bonus must be given to my father .”

"Tomorrow!" Li Yi knew that the bonus was money given to his parents by Bayongjie, but he didn't know if his parents could improve the current situation at home after getting the money.

When I got home, I happened to meet Zhang Qianqian who had just retrieved the transcript. Seeing Li Yi, she hurriedly asked, "Have you gone to get the transcript?"

"Take it, what about you?" Li Yi asked back.

"I also took it. This time the test is not bad, 688 points, how about you?" Zhang Qianqian's score has always been very good, but before it was around 600, and now she has improved so much, she is also very surprised.This made her couldn't help but wonder, could memory really be improved when being with Li Yi?

Li Yi smiled and said, "I'm a little taller than you."

Zhang Qianqian also knew that Li Yi's grades were very good, so she couldn't help but ask, "How many points?"

"Guess?" Li Yi said mysteriously.

Zhang Qianqian didn't answer right away, she thought for a while and said, "Should have passed the 700!"

"Congratulations, you guessed it right, 725 points." Li Yi replied.

Zhang Qianqian felt that Li Yi's score should be around 700 points. After hearing this number, she was still surprised and said, "You got 725 points?"

"Don't believe it?" Li Yi asked back.

Zhang Qianqian shook her head and said, "It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that every point above 700 points is very difficult."

Li Yi took out the report card and showed it to Zhang Qianqian. After a long time, the girl said something that made him depressed, "You are such a pervert."

When the two returned home, Li Yi wanted to surprise his parents, but he didn't expect his parents to surprise him even more.

"Mom and Dad, the grades have been sent out this time. This is the report card." Zhang Qianqian handed the report card to her father.

Zhang Chengfeng glanced at it, then nodded in satisfaction, and said, "That's right, keep working hard."

Hearing her father's answer, Zhang Qianqian was very surprised. Why didn't she praise her this time?

If it was before, Zhang Chengfeng would praise his daughter a few words, but this time it is just a simple sentence to continue to work hard.

Although Zhang Qianqian was puzzled, she walked to the sofa and sat down without asking any further questions.

Li Yi also took out the report card, just about to give his parents a surprise, but after seeing Li Jinhai took the report card, he just glanced at it and put it down, saying: "Li Yi! This test is not bad, but , I have something important to tell you, don't stand still, sit here." He said, pointing to the position next to Zhang Qianqian.

Li Yi hesitated for a moment, but still sat beside Zhang Qianqian and said, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"Daniu's house across the street has been bought. Your Uncle Zhang and your aunt live in the same room, and Xiao Liang lives in the guest bedroom." Li Jinhai said straight to the point.

Hearing this, Li Yi seemed to understand something, and said, "Where is Qianqian! Where does she live?"

In fact, Zhang Qianqian also wanted to ask this question, but she didn't have a chance to ask.

"Your grades are so good. If you have nothing to do, you should give Qianqian more tutoring. I discussed with your Uncle Zhang and let you two live together." Li Jinhai said something that Li Yi had never expected.

Zhang Qianqian and Li Yi were petrified at the time, no kidding!Let them live together?

At this time, Zhang Chengfeng also coughed lightly, looked at his daughter and said, "Qianqian, do you have any objections?"

Not only did Zhang Qianqian have an opinion, but she also had a big opinion, so she hurriedly said, "Dad, it's not appropriate to do this!" She blushed when she thought of the scene she made for Li Yi with her mouth. It's okay to happen, if they really lived together, they wouldn't do that every day.

Thinking of Li Yi's big guy, who was so big, Zhang Qianqian's body trembled slightly.

"The house is so big, there is no place to live, should we move outside?" Seeing that his daughter refused to agree, Zhang Chengfeng had a straight face at the time.

Zhang Qianqian also knew that her father was angry. She hesitated for a moment and said, "It's fine for me to share a room with him, but there must be two beds."

Li Yi also nodded and said, "It's not appropriate for us to sleep together."

However, the two didn't expect that Zhang Chengfeng's answer made them even more speechless, "What's wrong? You are an unmarried couple in the first place, so it's okay to be together in advance."

Li Yi was completely speechless, and his parents were too strong, even supporting them to go to bed before they were married.

"Well, I just think that we are still young, in case of inexplicable impulse..." Li Yi didn't know how to say it, he believed that his parents could understand what he said.

Zhang Chengfeng waved his hand, interrupted Li Yi, and said seriously: "It's okay, I have prepared everything you need."

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