super jade

Chapter 203 We Are Still Doing That

Li Yi desperately wanted to take Zhang Qianqian down, but he couldn't bear it any longer, and said shortly, "Qianqian, give it to me now! I really can't stand it."

"No, calm down." Zhang Qianqian hoped to persuade Li Yi, but she found that no matter what she said, it didn't work at all, and Li Yi's breathing became more and more rapid.

"I want you now." Li Yi grabbed Zhang Qianqian's jade hand, pressed it on the bed, and was about to bow his head and kiss her cherry lips.

After Zhang Qianqian stretched her hands, seeing that it was useless to resist, she could only turn her head away.

However, what made Zhang Qianqian even more depressed was that Li Yi's big guy was pressing between her legs, rubbing constantly, and the strength was getting stronger and stronger.Even through the underwear, she can still feel the heat from Li Yi's big guy, and there is a constant trend of ###.If this continues, even if Zhang Qianqian continues to resist, Li Yi can still take her down by force.

It's useless to tell your parents after you think of winning it, but your parents will support Li Yi in doing so.

Zhang Qianqian bit her lower lip lightly, and begged with her eyes: "Li Yi, don't be impulsive. If you really want it, I will use my mouth... my mouth to help you get it out."

She didn't want to do that with Li Yi for two reasons. One was that Li Yi's guy was too big and she was a little scared. The other was that she was still a high school student and didn't want to have a relationship so soon.But in this case, her words seemed pale and feeble. Sensing Li Yi's sudden and rough removal of her panties, her body trembled and she closed her eyes helplessly.

"Could it be the first time I gave it to him like this, or was it by force?" Zhang Qianqian thought of this, tears streaming down her cheeks.

At this time, Li Yi was about to kiss her lips, but the moment he touched Cherry's mouth, he kissed tears.

Li Yitian was not afraid of anything, but he was afraid of a woman crying. His body trembled, and the big guy who was about to enter stopped.

Seeing the beauty in front of him with peach blossoms and rain, Li Yi became conscious a little bit, and after struggling in his heart, he said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't take you down by force..."

"You, can you get up first?" Zhang Qianqian felt so overwhelmed that she stretched out her hand and pushed Li Yi.

Li Yi stood up from Zhang Qianqian's delicate body, he quickly got out of bed, and then put on his clothes.

Zhang Qianqian also heard the sound of getting dressed, she opened her eyes subconsciously, and was stunned when she saw Li Yi put on her clothes, she couldn't help asking: "You, what are you going to do?"

"I'm feeling very uncomfortable now, and I have to go out to solve it." Li Yi said and was about to walk out of the door.

"Wait a minute." Zhang Qianqian obviously thought too much, and hurriedly said, "Well, if you are really uncomfortable, I will help you get it out with my mouth!"

"Do you think the mouth is useful?" Li Yi smiled wryly. He knew in his heart that there was an evil fire in his dantian, and it would be useless if he didn't fight for a few hours.Of course, Zhang Qianqian can also solve it with her mouth, but the question is, should Zhang Qianqian use her mouth to suck for more than three hours?

Even if Zhang Qianqian was willing, Li Yi would not do it. He didn't want to see Zhang Qianqian's mouth swollen like two big sausages.

Zhang Qianqian froze for a moment, and said, "Can't you talk?"

"It was okay before, but not now." Li Yi didn't have time to explain to them, and he opened the door and walked out.

But the moment he opened the door, he heard the sound of rubbing mahjong. Li Yi was so depressed that he hurriedly closed the door.

Seeing Li Yi open and close the door, Zhang Qianqian frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

"They are playing mahjong." Li Yi said something, then walked to the window.

Zhang Qianqian quickly put on her long johns. She walked up to Li Yi and said, "Since you can't get out, you still want me! I don't want you to go out and find..."

"Huh?" Li Yi knew that the girl misunderstood that he was going out to find a woman, so he hurriedly explained, "I won't go out to find a woman. Don't forget, I have a girlfriend."

"In the middle of the night, it's useless for you to go to their house!" Zhang Qianqian was a little disappointed, because she could tell that Li Yi's first woman could not be her.

"It's okay, I can go to them." Li Yi replied.

Zhang Qianqian sighed secretly, and said, "Even if you want to find them, you can't get out now!"

Li Yi didn't answer her words, but opened the window, jumped up, and then jumped onto the window sill.

Zhang Qianqian really doesn't know what Li Yi wants to do. She just wanted to remind Li Yi that although this is the second floor, there are security windows installed on the windows. How do you get out?Before saying this, I saw Li Yi disappearing from the window sill and disappearing into the dark night.Zhang Qianqian's eyes widened, and it took a long time before she walked to the window, her eyes were even more surprised.

There was no change in the anti-theft window, but Li Yi disappeared, as if disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, Zhang Qianqian thought of what Li Yi had said, and muttered to herself: "Could it be that what he said is true, is he really different from others?"

Li Yi opened the anti-theft window, landed on the ground in a flash, and then ran straight to the school gate.

Among these women, Wang Shanshan's family is the closest, and Li Yi's first thought was to find her.

But when he came to Wang Shanshan's house, Li Yi dismissed the idea. If he went in to find her now, this girl would definitely agree###, but in this case, can Wang Shanshan's body bear it?This girl hasn't been developed yet, so she definitely won't be able to withstand the severe shock. If she does, don't even think about getting up in the next few days.

This thought flashed in his mind, and Li Yi didn't even think about it. The teleportation technique was used to the limit, and it turned into a phantom and moved forward at an alarming speed.In Luyang District, except for Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei, only Su Mengxi's home is here. Although Su Mengxi's home is a bit far away, it takes more than 20 minutes to drive, but Li Yi arrived at the gate of the community in a few minutes at the limit speed.

A phantom flashed by, Li Yi entered the community, he didn't get on the elevator, his body jumped up, and instantly landed on the security window on the eighth floor.

In the guard room, the tall man was stunned, and said: "Brother, did you see that a figure entered just now?"

"You've read too many ghost stories! Don't scare me in the middle of the night, okay?" the little man said depressingly.

Hearing this, the big tall man trembled and said in a trembling voice: "Maybe I really misread it."

The anti-theft window of Su Mengxi's house couldn't stop Li Yi from entering at all. He opened it easily and quickly entered the room.

In the room, Su Mengxi was resting on the bed, because there was heating in the room, and she was wearing light pajamas.

Li Yi was so uncomfortable that he couldn't hold on to himself. He didn't have time to say hello to Su Mengxi, so he came to the bed in a flash, threw off the quilt suddenly, then grabbed Su Mengxi's pajama pants, and pulled them off.After finishing all this, Li Yi hugged Su Mengxi from behind, and the big guy was about to ### deep in Taoyuan.

This series of actions took a long time to say, but in fact, it was only a short moment from when Li Yi lifted the quilt to when the big guy was ready to enter.

Su Mengxi who was sleeping was stunned, as if she didn't expect that someone would dare to break into her room.

Su Mengxi's first reaction was to grab the opponent backhand and subdue him.

However, what Su Mengxi didn't expect was that although she grabbed the opponent's hand, she couldn't subdue him at all. The strength of the opponent was beyond her imagination, no matter how much strength she used, she still couldn't capture the gangster.However, what made Su Mengxi depressed was still to come. She clearly sensed that a hard object between her legs wanted to enter.

Su Mengxi was different from girls like Zhang Qianqian, she was not an innocent little girl, so she immediately shouted, "Who are you?"

This low shout had no effect, not only did it not make the other party give up, but also aroused the other party's wildness.

"What do I want to do, can't you see it?" Li Yi said hoarsely, he also wanted to see Su Mengxi's reaction on the spur of the moment.

"Don't mess around, I know what you look like." Su Mengxi was about to radiate his divine sense as he spoke, sensing the opponent's appearance and at the same time killing him with the power of divine sense.

However, Su Mengxi was surprised to find that the power of divine consciousness had no effect at all, and she couldn't see the opponent's appearance clearly at all.

This is the first time such a situation has happened, Su Mengxi's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the other party is also a cultivator?

As soon as this idea came up, before she could think about it, the other party's big dick had already entered her body.

Su Mengxi's body trembled, thinking that her body had been taken over by others, she gritted her teeth and was about to explode her dantian, "Go to hell!"

The moment he blew himself up, a familiar voice sounded in his ears, "Don't mess around, I'm Li Yi..."

Hearing the familiar voice, Su Mengxi was stunned, and said in a daze: "Are you really Li Yi?"

"Yeah!" Li Yi nodded, "You'll know when you send out your spiritual sense."

Su Mengxi exuded divine consciousness, sensed that the other party was indeed Li Yi, and immediately understood what was going on, and said coquettishly: "You are necrotic, I didn't expect you to like this..."

"Don't you think this is very exciting?" Li Yi's big guy kept ###, and the uncomfortable feeling just now disappeared.

"Hmph! Are you afraid that I will blow myself up if I stimulate your head?" Su Mengxi said depressedly, "Say, what are you doing at my house in the middle of the night, aren't you afraid of being known by your parents?"

"Let's send it first, and I'll explain it to you later." Li Yi said, speeding up, and soon sent Su Mengxi to the highest peak.

Su Mengxi closed her eyes to enjoy the joy, and this enjoyment lasted all night.

In the early morning of the next day, the battle between the two was over. Su Mengxi was so tired that she complained: "What did you eat last night, it seems stronger than before?"

"It can't be my fault, it's all the fault of that girl, who killed people." Li Yi smiled wryly.

Su Mengxi was startled, and said: "The girl?"

"Yeah! I suddenly have a fiancee who still lives with me." Li Yi said depressed.

Hearing this, Su Mengxi was overjoyed, and said: "This is a good thing! You can..."

"You don't think so when I finish talking." Li Yi briefly talked about the family affairs, and then said, "You can only watch but not do it. Do you think this is a good thing?"

"Hehe..." Su Mengxi rolled her head back and forth with a smile, and said, "I didn't expect you to have a baby girl. Since both of your parents agreed, why didn't you want her?"

"It's not that I don't want it, it's that the girl refuses. Do I want to take it by force?" Li Yi really wanted to take it by force. If he hadn't seen Zhang Qianqian's peach blossoms and rain, he would have succeeded long ago.

"I said why you came to me in the middle of the night, so it's because of this." Su Mengxi smiled coquettishly.

Just as Li Yi was about to speak, he suddenly saw the sky bright, and hurriedly said: "It's bad, I have to go back." After speaking, he quickly put on his clothes.

Su Mengxi also knew that Li Yi was afraid that his parents would find that he was not at home after waking up and could not explain it, so he smiled and said, "I am very satisfied with your performance last night, come again tonight."

What Li Yi was worried about happened. Although his parents played mahjong in the middle of the night last night, they couldn't change their habit of getting up early.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Zheng Xia made breakfast and called Zhang Chengfeng and Zhou Lihua to eat together.

Zhou Lihua came to Li Yi's room and said, "Li Yi, Qianqian, get up and eat!"

Zhang Qianqian woke up a long time ago, but she didn't know how to answer her father's words. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "Mom, wait a minute, we are still doing that..."

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