super jade

Chapter 309 Even the Heavenly King and I Can't Save You

Wang Meng's face changed drastically, he stepped back a few steps, and said in horror: "Li Yi, don't act recklessly, this is a misunderstanding, yes, it's all a misunderstanding..."

Li Yi sneered, killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he said sharply: "You brought my woman here, and you even told me it was a misunderstanding, do you think I will believe it?" He untied the rope on Wang Shanshan's body, and took a step He walked towards Wang Meng, walked in front of him in a blink of an eye, and continued: "If I depose you, and then say it was a misunderstanding, do you believe it is a misunderstanding?"

"Li Yi, calm down, I have money, you can make a price!" Wang Meng gritted his teeth, took out a few bank cards from his arms, and said the password.

Li Yi was not polite, took the bank card over, and said, "I want money, but also want to destroy you?"

"You, don't mess around, my father is..." Wang Meng was interrupted by Li Yi before he could speak.

Li Yi sneered again, and said disdainfully: "Let me tell you the truth! Don't say that your father is a small secretary of the municipal party committee, even the king of heaven can't save you."

"Murder is against the law." Wang Meng reminded.

"That's right, killing people is against the law, but I didn't say I was going to kill you, I just abolished you." Li Yi glanced between Wang Meng's legs, and the meaning in his words was self-evident.

Wang Meng tightened his legs, and said, "Don't destroy me, we can discuss things." After speaking, he suddenly turned around and opened the door, and shouted loudly: "Help me..."

However, his voice echoed, but no one hurried to this side.

"Stop yelling, even if you yell out your throat, they won't be able to hear you." Li Yi kicked Wang Meng away with one kick, and then kicked his lifeline several times in succession.

Wang Meng let out a scream like killing a pig, fell to the ground in pain, and struggled: "Don't kill me, please don't kill me..."

Li Yi didn't kill him. He called Su Mengxi and said, "I've caught those criminals, and they're here in Shuangfeng Development Zone. You can bring them here!"

Just after hanging up the phone, Wang Shanshan walked up to him and said, "Miss Xiaofei is next door, let's go and save her!"

Li Yi took her hand and walked to the next door. He didn't knock on the door, but heard a bang, and the door was kicked open.

In the room, Du Haibo was sitting by the bed, persuading Chen Xiaofei to do that with him.

After hearing the loud noise, Du Haibo turned around subconsciously, and was stunned when he saw the two people standing outside the outer door.

"Husband..." After seeing Li Yi, Chen Xiaofei ran over quickly, then threw herself into his arms and choked up, "You villain, you only came to save us now..."

"Sorry, I'm late." Li Yi stroked her hair, his voice full of guilt.

"Hmph! Don't come so late in the future, do you know that bastard just wanted to..." Chen Xiaofei couldn't continue with the following words, her sobs became louder and louder.

Killing intent flashed in Li Yi's eyes, he clenched his fists tightly, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I won't let any of these people who bully you go..."

Chen Xiaofei was startled, and quickly asked: "You want to kill them?"

"No, murder is against the law, just leave it to the police." Li Yi walked towards Du Haibo step by step, and grabbed him in his hands.

Du Haibo's face became quite ugly, he looked flustered, and said, "You, what are you going to do?"

"Don't you want to play with women? There are no women here, do you want a man?" Li Yi took his hand and walked quickly to the next room.

At this time, Wang Meng still fell to the ground, moaning in pain.

Seeing Li Yi grabbing Du Haibo and walking in, Wang Meng's heart skipped a beat, and he said in horror, "Li Yi, what are you going to do?"

"A lot of people have troubled me recently, but I didn't kill them. Do you know why?" Li Yi said something that the two of them didn't understand, and then continued, "I always feel that if you don't taste the diamond gourd If you feel like a baby, you are not good friends, let's make each other comfortable today!"

"Vajra Gourd Baby?" Du Haibo didn't understand the meaning of the words, his eyes were full of doubts.

Li Yi didn't talk nonsense, left Du Haibo on the ground, then took out two pills, and said, "Are you taking it yourself, or should I help you?"

"Li Yi, what are you giving us?" No matter how stupid Du Haibo is, he knows that these pills cannot be eaten. God knows what the consequences will be if they eat them?

"Don't worry, you won't die after eating it." Li Yi said, "I'll give you three breaths, think about it!"

The three breaths disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the two glanced at each other, but neither took the pill.

"Li Yi, we won't take it." Du Haibo had already figured out that if they didn't want to take it, even if Li Yi forced their mouths open and stuffed the pill, they wouldn't swallow it.

"Don't eat it?" Li Yi waved, and the pill flew into his hands.

Seeing such a miraculous scene, both of them were stunned. Just when they wondered whether Li Yi was a master of the ancient martial arts family, a scene they didn't expect appeared.Li Yi suddenly raised his right foot and kicked Du Haibo's lifeblood. Under the huge force, the guy's lifeblood was directly kicked, followed by screams like killing a pig.

The moment Du Haibo screamed, a pill flew into his mouth and entered his body along his throat.

After finishing all this, Li Yi looked at Wang Meng again and said, "Do you want us to help you?"

Severe pain still came from Wang Meng's body, if it happened again, he would definitely be in pain, so he hurriedly picked up the pill and said, "I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself..."

After watching the elixir Wang Meng took, Li Yi snorted coldly and waved his hands: "You two, the next time belongs to you, enjoy it to the fullest!"

Soon, the elixir took effect, and the two of them became hot and felt uncomfortable for a while.

Strange to say, the lifeblood that hadn't been kicked just now became hard again, and suddenly looked a little swollen.

The pain disappeared and was replaced by ruthless desire. The two glanced at each other, and both saw the flame of passion in each other's eyes. It was unknown who stood up first, and rushed towards each other almost at the same time.Then came the sound of clothes being torn, and the two bodies twisted together, wanting to burst each other's asses immediately.

There was a passionate drama in the room, Li Yi had lost interest, and the result must be similar to Zeng Zhicheng's two brothers.

Li Yi took the two women and walked into the factory building. As soon as they reached the door, several masters with submachine guns spotted them.

"Who are you?" The man raised his submachine gun and pointed it at Li Yi.

"The one who killed you." Li Yi raised his right hand, and countless steel needles flew out, heading straight for the opponent's eyebrows.

The next moment, the other party fell to the ground, blood was flowing from the center of his eyebrows, and he was no longer breathing.

Li Yi covered the eyes of the two women, walked forward step by step, and released steel needles one after another.

These masters didn't even have a chance to shoot, so they died under Li Yi's steel needle, and they were killed by one blow.

For these foreign high schools, Li Yi has no compassion, not to mention that their identities are not clean, all of them are criminals that the Interpol is chasing and killing. Killing them will not only get rewards, but also eliminate harm for the people.As for why Wang Meng and Du Haibo were not killed, the crimes they committed were not enough to be punished with death, and now is not the time to kill them.

Walking to the abandoned factory building, the three got into the car, Chen Xiaofei said in a panic, "Old man, did you kill them just now?"

"Husband, killing people is against the law, let's run away!" Wang Shanshan worried.

"These are all criminals. Even if I don't kill them, they will be sentenced to death." Li Yi just finished speaking when he heard the sound of a police car and stepped on the accelerator to drive forward.

It didn't take long to see Su Mengxi driving a police car. Li Yi didn't get out of the car, but secretly said: "The foreign master was killed by me, and the two of them are enjoying it on the second floor! You can handle this matter!"

"En! Leave it to me." Su Mengxi frowned, because she didn't understand what it meant that the two were enjoying themselves.

A few minutes later, Su Mengxi led the team to carry away the corpse of the foreign expert. When she came to the door on the second floor, she stopped suddenly.

Speechless panting sounds came from the room, and the even more speechless ones were still behind. They said loudly: "A little deeper, my ass is going to go to the sky..."

"I'm stupid! You're comfortable, when is it my turn?"

"Can't you just bear it for a while longer? I'm comfortable, so you will be comfortable."

"I have no strength, you come and serve me!"


Half an hour later, the basic relationship between the two ended. When they regained consciousness, they realized that their lifeblood had been abolished.

That's right, that was the last time they had sex, and if it wasn't for the stimulating effect of the drugs, they wouldn't be able to get hard at all.

"I, my guy is crippled?" Wang Meng's body trembled, and he fell to the ground with blank eyes.

"Li Yi, you bastard, I'm going to kill you." Du Haibo clenched his fists tightly, thinking about becoming a eunuch in the future, his heart was as painful as a knife.

Outside the door, Su Mengxi snorted coldly and said, "Take them back."

Several policemen entered the room, put handcuffs on them, escorted them to the police station, and took them back to the police station.

When Su Mengxi interrogated Du Haibo, the guy confessed to everything he had done, but insisted that Wang Meng was the mastermind of this matter.

When Wang Meng was being interrogated, a scene Su Mengxi didn't expect appeared. The guy laughed and didn't say a word.

The forensic doctor came in to check and came to a conclusion that Wang Meng was already stupid.

Su Mengxi dialed Li Yi's phone number, and said straight to the point: "Honey, did you do Wang Meng?"

"This kid is too courageous, I should fix him." Li Yi added a little spiritual power to the elixir, and when the guy was comfortable, the spiritual power rushed into his brain and destroyed his brain nerves.

Su Mengxi was just seeking to prove the facts, and did not blame Li Yi for making claims, saying, "Why didn't you kill Du Haibo?"

"You are stupid! This boy Wang Meng is very poor. If he is stupid, he is stupid. Du Haibo's father is so rich. Before killing him, he must at least get his father's property." Li Yi laughed.

"Damn it, you still want his father's money in this situation." Su Mengxi changed the subject and said with a grin, "After you get the money, remember to share it with me..."

At this time, Wang Xianzhong, Wang Meng's father, led people into the police station, followed by Chief Li Dehai.

When Li Dehai saw Su Mengxi, he said angrily: "Officer Su, you are so courageous that you dare to arrest Young Master Wang?"

"Director Li, the emperor committed the same crime as the common people. Since Young Master Wang broke the law, we are qualified to arrest him and interrogate him." Su Mengxi replied without fear of the other party.

"Bullshit! That's treating others. Can Young Master Wang break the law?" Li Dehai asked.

"The witnesses and material evidence are all there. Du Haibo has already confessed, and Wang Meng is the principal culprit." Su Mengxi said, "If Director Li doesn't believe it, you can read the interrogation records.

Li Dehai snorted coldly, he also knew Su Mengxi's identity, waved his hand and said: "Don't tell me these useless things, you go and bring Young Master Wang out."

Not long after, Wang Meng was brought out. Seeing his son, Wang Xianzhong hurriedly asked, "Son, how are you doing? Did they torture you to extract a confession?"

"Hey hey hey!"

"What are you laughing at?" Wang Xianzhong dissatisfied, "You tell Dad, Dad will support you."


Wang Xianzhong is so angry!He just slapped his son and scolded angrily: "I'm stupid! You're laughing, did you hear what I asked you just now?"


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