super jade

Chapter 316 Vampires in the Western God Chapter

Li Yi knew that the other party was a master. He frowned and said, "I'm sorry, I can't understand the bird language."

As soon as this remark came out, Nicholas Cage was taken aback, and immediately said in unproficient Chinese: "It is said that I know that you are still a student, and your grades in school are very good, especially in English, and you can take the Manchu test every time." I'm just curious, your English is so good, can you not understand what I say?"

"Hehe! Do you need to be able to understand English well?" Li Yi asked rhetorically.

"Okay! I won't argue with you, please come with me." Nicolas Cage said seriously.

Li Yi shook his head and said, "My time is precious, and I don't have time to run around with you."

"Do you know why I came all the way here to find you?" Nicolas Cage asked.

Li Yi didn't answer his words, but stared at him for a long time, until Nicolas Cage felt uncomfortable for a while, he slapped his thigh and said: "Oh! I see."

This sudden slap on the thigh startled Nicolas Cage, and said, "What do you know?"

"Aren't you that actor?" Li Yi asked in surprise.

"Have you seen my movies?" Nicolas Cage asked.

"No!" Li Yi's voice was quiet but crisp.

Nicolas Cage was speechless, and said depressedly: "You haven't seen my movie, how do you know my identity?"

"I don't watch your movie, but my daughter-in-law does, so I accidentally took a look." Li Yi said, "I said, why do you look so familiar! It turns out that you are an actor, and you came to ask me to make a movie!"

"Do you think I'm such a boring person?" Nicolas Cage rolled his eyes and said.

"It looks very similar to me, otherwise what are you doing here to find me?" Li Yi said, "My appearance fee is very expensive, I'm afraid you can't afford the price."

"Who said I can't afford it?" Nicholas Cage realized that the words were getting further and further away. He took a deep breath, suppressed the depressed emotions in his heart, and got down to business, "Okay! The nonsense is almost the same, I am indeed an actor, But that’s my superficial identity, but in fact I’m…”

Before Nicolas Cage finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Yi, who sighed and said: "It's enough to admit that you are an actor, why bother to say these are useless, let's talk about how much it costs to make a movie! My current status costs at least a few hundred dollars! Are you giving cash or an IOU..."

"What a mess." Nicolas Cage snorted coldly, and said, "I just said that I am an actor on the surface, but in fact I..."

"Isn't that still an actor?" Li Yi interrupted again.

"I'm an agent, do you know what an agent is? It's someone who helps the country collect intelligence." Nicolas Cage roared at Li Yi.

"Oh! So you are an agent! Then why did you come to me, did you let me join you?" Li Yi deliberately showed a puzzled look.

"Okay! I found out that we don't have a common language." Nicholas Cage realized that he would go crazy if he continued speaking, and changed the topic, "I now suspect that you are related to a theft case, you must go back with me for investigation , Of course, you have the right to refuse, I will still take you away."

"Are you sent by the United States?" Li Yi's voice cooled down. In fact, he doubted the identity of the other party, but he hadn't confirmed it yet.

Just now, I said those words on purpose just to see the other party's reaction.

When Nicolas Cage was furious, he released a powerful aura from his body, and Li Yi was able to determine the opponent's strength.

The person in front of him is not low in cultivation. If he is divided according to the realm of the ascetic, he is at least a master in the early stage of foundation establishment.

Facing such a master, it is quite difficult to kill, and Li Yi is also ready to deal with it in a short time.

"That's right, I'm from the American Security Agency. I'll ask you one last time, will you go back with me for investigation." Nicolas Cage asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't have time to go back with you. I will go out with my girlfriend tomorrow." Li Yi said, "It's getting late, I'm going back to rest. You must be tired after coming to the heaven. I I introduced you to a place, Ye Laixiang, and it will definitely make you happy there."

"You deliberately pretended not to understand me?" Nicolas Cage asked.

"Dude, don't be too stubborn, I'm saying this for your own good." Li Yi said something that the other party didn't understand.

Nicolas Cage frowned slightly, and said, "Why are you doing it for me?"

"Think about it! You have come here all the way, you don't want to be beaten like a pig's head and go back!" Li Yi explained, "If you go back like this, how will you explain to your wife and children? How will you explain to the leader? How will you deal with it?" Movie fans? What do you and your friends think of you?"

"Under such pressure, can you still live a normal life?" After Li Yi finished speaking, he sighed again, as if he was sympathizing with the other party.

Nicolas Cage is so angry!I can't wait to slap Li Yi to death, and said: "Do you think you have the ability to defeat me?"

"You are not my opponent, please go back!" Li Yi changed his playful smile just now, and said seriously, "Go back and tell your leader, it's best not to provoke me."

"So, you admit that the theft was related to you?" Nicolas Cage found that he had found an important clue and was ready to act.

"I neither admit nor deny it," Li Yi said.

"Very well, I appreciate your frankness, but I still want to remind you that even if you are a supernatural being, you are a master of the ancient martial arts family, you can't escape from my nose." Nicolas Cage continued, " I heard that there are mysterious cultivators in the east, and we also have powerful cultivators in the western world, and I am a descendant of one of them."

"Are you a vampire family?" Li Yi guessed.

Nicolas Cage was taken aback, obviously did not expect the other party to say these three words, and said, "Do you know the vampire family?"

"Of course, is there anything in this world that I don't know?" Li Yi also guessed, because he sensed a bloody smell from the other party's body.

A murderous intent flashed in Nicholas Cage's eyes, which instantly disappeared in his pupils, and he asked, "How do you know about the vampire family?"

"From the novel, don't Western novels have magicians, vampires, and paladins?" Li Yi told all the myths and legends he knew.

"It seems that you know quite a lot. Those are legends, but some of them are true." Nicolas Cage said, "You guessed it right, I am a member of the vampire family, you can call me Nicholas Earl Cage. But I'm curious, how did you find out who I am?"

"I guessed it because of your name." Li Yi replied.

Nicolas Cage was taken aback for another moment. He felt that his name was all right, and said, "What can my name say?"

"Isn't your name Dracula Cage?" Li Yi said slowly, "I seem to remember that the surname Dracula is the surname of the vampire family."

Nicolas Cage was completely speechless, he was on the verge of going berserk, and roared: "My name is Nicolas Cage, not Dracula, and besides, my name is Nicholas, and my surname is Cage, not Nicholas..." He found this explanation There was no point in going down, and he said angrily, "I'll ask you one last time, will you follow me?"

"Sorry, I still say that, I don't have time." Li Yi replied.

Nicolas Cage clenched his fist tightly and said, "Since you don't have time, I can only take you away forcibly." After speaking, a faint blood light was released from his body, and the blood light was fleeting, and his body released With great momentum.Under this momentum, the black windbreaker on his body violently rolled up, making a swishing sound.

What's even more weird is that Nicolas Cage's original blue pupils suddenly turned blood red, the red is strange, and the red is dazzling.

"If you are bitten by me, you will be my blood slave!" After Nicolas Cage said this, his body turned into a bloody light and went straight to Li Yi.

It has to be said that this guy's speed is amazing, and he came behind Li Yi in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Li Yi sensed the crisis, and it was too late to get out of the way.

Nicolas Cage opened his mouth, showing his long fangs, and bit Li Yi's neck.

I thought that this bite could subdue Li Yi, but the development of things was completely different from what I imagined.

There was only a click, as if the fangs were about to hit something hard, and then there was a sharp pain.

Nicolas Cage stepped back a few steps, and when he saw what he had just bitten, he suddenly exploded.

Li Yi didn't know when there was an extra steel plate in his hand. The steel plate was placed on the neck of the character. Through the moonlight, two deep tooth marks on the steel plate could be clearly seen.

"You, where did you get the steel plate?" Nicolas Cage asked in surprise.

"You vampires have treasures, and of course we Eastern Immortal Cultivators also have them." Li Yi narrowed his eyes and said, he had already determined that the opponent's attack method was the pair of fangs.

"I have a baby?" Nicolas Cage frowned, obviously not understanding the meaning of the words.

"Yeah! Isn't your long teeth a treasure?" Li Yi sighed, and said something that made Nicolas Cage vomit blood, "It's a pity! Your teeth are too short, otherwise I can make tooth carvings..."

Nicolas Cage trembled, quickly put away his fangs, and said, "You want to pull out my blood teeth?"

"I don't care if you have blood teeth or gold teeth, as long as I like it, it belongs to me." Li Yi knows the truth of knowing yourself, knowing your enemy, and winning every battle. Now the vampire has found him. If you don't know how to deal with these people There is no way to completely eliminate them.

However, the best way to study vampires is to understand the pair of fangs.

"Huh! You don't have the ability to pull out my blood teeth." Nicolas Cage snorted coldly, and when his right hand was alive, a blood mist was released, and he came to Li Yi in an instant.

As soon as the blood mist touched Li Yi's body, it solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and formed a huge blood in a blink of an eye, trying to trap Li Yi's body.

"Fire Technique!" Li Yi snorted, a raging flame ignited on his body, and only heard the crackling sound, and the blood melted under the flame.

It's strange to say that although the flame temperature is high, it can't burn Li Yi's clothes.

"What a magical spell." Nicolas Cage raised his right hand and made a very strange gesture. He waved at Li Yi suddenly, and shouted again, "Blood pool!"

A larger blood mist flew over, and it came to Li Yi's feet in an instant, and an amazing force of restraint was released from the blood pool, like a pair of invisible big hands, grabbing Li Yi's legs, let He couldn't move.There was a flash of light in the blood pool, and a faint white mist emerged. Li Yi could clearly sense that the shoes under his feet were melting.

At this speed, it only takes a few breaths, and Li Yi's body will turn into blood.

Nicolas Cage's face was a little pale. It can be seen that casting this spell also consumed a lot of blood power. However, when he saw that Li Yi was controlled by the blood pool, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Nicolas Cage walked towards Li Yi step by step, and came to him in a few moments, and said in an irrefutable tone: "Come back with me, I will save you from death..."

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