super jade

Chapter 322 Can You Donate More Than Me?

At this time, Du Chengfeng stood up and shouted louder, "The ** Group, donate 1000 million." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Jiang Xiangdong provocatively.

Jiang Xiangdong had received Li Yi's order a long time ago. He sneered and shouted again: "Jiang's real estate, an additional 1000 million."

"Old fox, you are fighting against me, right! How can I be afraid of you?" Du Chengfeng was full of anger, and said, "The ** group is raising 3000 million yuan."

"Jiang's Real Estate, 5000 million!" Jiang Xiangdong shouted.

"I'll pay 8000 million." Du Chengfeng said.

The scene in front of him didn't look like a fundraiser, but more like an auction.

This stunned the reporters present. What happened to these two people? It's crazy!

The leaders of the municipal party committee also saw that something was wrong. The deputy governor stood up and said, "Well, everyone, take a break first, and the fundraising will start in 10 minutes."

Jiang Xiangdong and Du Chengfeng glanced at each other, snorted coldly, and then sat down.

Media reporters saw the opportunity, and several of them ran over and interviewed the two, "Mr. Jiang, why did you donate 5000 million just now?"

"It's what I should do to raise donations for the benefit of the country and the people." Jiang Xiangdong said, "I have done a lot of good deeds these years. I always think that I am the number one philanthropist in ** city."

"Mr. Du, may I ask why you add it again and again?" The ** Daily reporter asked, "Could it be that you want to take away the name of Mr. Jiang's first philanthropist?"

"Hmph! What kind of number one philanthropist is he? Today I put my words here. No matter how much money anyone donates, I will be 100 million more than him." Jiang Xiangdong said domineeringly.

"Mr. Du, will you really do this?" the ** Daily reporter asked.

Du Chengfeng frowned and said, "Are you doubting my ability?"

"No, Mr. Du's family has a big business, and this money can still be used." The ** reporter said humbly.

10 minutes passed quickly, and the fundraising continued.

Just when everyone thought that Du Chengfeng's 8000 million was the largest donation this time, Bayongjie's subordinates stood up, "Black Rose Bar, raise [-] million..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned again, did they hear it wrong?Three hundred million?

However, what was even more speechless was still behind, and someone stood up again, "Fence Mining, raise a billion yuan!"

"**Gold, raise 15 billion!"

"**Jade, raise [-] million yuan!"


This series of voices sounded, and everyone was dumbfounded. What happened to these people, one is crazier than the other?

Du Chengfeng's face became very ugly, the words just now have been released, how can he smooth things over?

When Du Chengfeng didn't know what to do, Sun Hanyue smiled and said, "Mr. Du, why don't you donate?"

"It's nothing, I'm not feeling well, and I want to rest for a while." Knowing that Sun Hanyue deliberately satirized him, Du Chengfeng said, "Why don't you donate?"

"I'm afraid the donation will frighten you." Sun Hanyue narrowed her eyes and said.

"I want to see how much you can donate. Don't tell me it can exceed 15 billion." Du Chengfeng looked disbelieving.

Sun Hanyue stood up and said, "Tiandao Pharmaceutical, 20 billion!"

"Uh..." Du Chengfeng's eyes widened. He couldn't believe why the other party had donated so much money.

After Sun Hanyue finished shouting, she sat down and asked Du Chengfeng: "Mr. Du, can your fundraising surpass me?"

In the following time, many companies also donated some, most of which were more than a dozen or 20.

Du Chengfeng pretended that he didn't hear it. He could sense it even when he closed his eyes. Countless people were looking at him.

An hour later, when the fundraising was over, Du Chengfeng made an excuse that he was not feeling well, and refused to eat together.

He took his son and walked towards the parking lot. As soon as he got to the car, a group of reporters surrounded them. The ** Daily reporter said: "Mr. Du, didn't you just say that you want to surpass the highest one by 100 million?"

"Did I say that?" Du Chengfeng shook his head and said, "You must have heard of it. It is impossible for me to say that."

"Mr. Du, I didn't expect you to be a person who backtracked on what you promised." The ** reporter said bluntly.

Du Chengfeng wanted to refute a few words, but the other party was right, and said with his tail between his legs: "Sorry, I don't feel well, I have to go back."

Driving on the way back, Du Haibo said, "Dad, how did things turn out like this?"

"Hmph! This time I lost my embarrassment at home. It must be Li Yi who secretly put us together." Du Chengfeng sighed, "I don't know what those reporters will report tomorrow! Keep a low profile for me recently."

Besides, on Li Yi's side, after getting off the plane, a stewardess chased him out and said, "Wait a while, I'll go change clothes."

"You want to go out with me?" Li Yi smiled wryly, "Mengxi asked you to come with me!"

The woman who came out was Yao Min who was eaten tofu by Li Yi just now, and both of them were acting on the plane just now.

"Yes! She said that you are worried about coming here alone, so let me accompany you." Yao Min smiled slightly, and went to the dressing room to change into a long white dress.

The two got into a taxi, and Li Yi asked, "Will she be relieved if you stay with me?"

"Sister Mengxi said, even if you do something to me, it's fine, and the fat will not flow to outsiders." Yao Min chuckled, "Besides, I should thank you for buying Tianma Airlines!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will be the next Young Master Ma?" Li Yi asked back.

"I wish you were the next one! At least I still have feelings for you." Yao Min smiled and said, "By the way, you haven't told me yet, what are you doing here this time!"

"I said to gamble, do you believe it?" Li Yi asked.

"Ah!" Yao Min was obviously taken aback, and said in surprise, "You are so rich and still come to gamble? You can't get involved in this game, don't lose your wealth."

Li Yi waved his hand and said: "You haven't heard of it. You will be compensated for eating, drinking and whoring. Only gambling will return."

"Then you can't guarantee to win every time!" Yao Min didn't know much about Li Yi's situation. He only knew that he was very powerful, but he didn't know that he was a cultivator.

"What if I can win every time?" Li Yi said.

Yao Min still didn't believe it, and said, "You think you're the God of Gamblers?"

"Hey! I'm much better than the God of Gamblers." Li Yi's current ability, let alone the God of Gamblers, will lose everything even if the God of Gamblers comes.

"Really!" Yao Min was very curious about Li Yi's ability, she thought for a while and said, "I haven't been to a casino yet! Why don't you take me there."

"It's not suitable! You will know my secret." Li Yi shook his head.

"What secret do you have?" Yao Min pursed her mouth, dissatisfied, "Sister Mengxi and the others can follow you, are you not afraid that they will know your secret?"

"It's different, they are my women, it's okay even if they know." Li Yi replied.

Yao Min's pretty face flushed slightly, she thought for a while, and said, "Then I'm your woman too."

"You said yes?" Li Yi said.

"Then what do you want to do?" Yao Min lowered his voice, "Why don't we come here tonight?"

"Okay! I'll just wait for your words!" Li Yi smiled wickedly.

Yao Min glared at Li Yi, and said angrily: "If you want to be beautiful, if you want me to dedicate yourself, you must show me what attracts me."

"Uh..." Li Yi found that this girl was difficult to deal with, but it's okay, the more challenging it is, the more fulfilling it is.

Soon, the two came to Tianlang Casino, which is the largest place in Macau and is said to be the property of the contemporary God of Gamblers.

Li Yi didn't want to offend the other party, but this guy was not a good bird, so he decided to take him into surgery.

Tianlang Casino is astonishingly large, like a huge football field, and it takes a few hours to walk around it.Such a big gambling city, but it is resplendently decorated. After entering, someone will lead the way, and first check the body to prevent cheating.Li Yi asked someone to exchange 1000 million curses, and then came to a shaker.

Yao Min came here for the first time, and was very curious about the gambling equipment here, and asked, "What is this?"

"This is a wobbling plate. If you shake that number, you will win double the money." Li Yi explained.

"What number do you think the ball can roll to?" Yao Min asked, pointing to the cradle.

"Which number do you want, she will stop." Li Yi said with certainty.

Yao Min obviously didn't believe it, and said, "Then I said it landed on 1, can it really stop?"

Li Yi picked up the chips, put 100 million on 1, and the wobble started rolling.

"Ah! You're crazy, I'm just talking casually." Yao Min was very depressed. She felt that the 100 million was in vain, and she felt a little distressed.

The wobbler rolled and finally landed on the word 1. The croupier came over, picked up some chips and handed them to Li Yi, saying, "Congratulations!"

Li Yi took the money and pulled the surprised Yao Min away to the distance, and played other games.

At this time, Yao Min still hadn't recovered from the surprise, and said in a daze, "This is winning, gambling is so simple?"

"Hehe! You are lucky, what time do you say this time?" Li Yi pointed to the dice in front of him.

"I don't know, this is a big bet!" Yao Min asked.

"You can also guess the specific points to win more." Li Yi explained.

Yao Min thought for a while and said, "Then I guess 257."

Li Yi put all the money on one number and said: "One thousand and one million, 100 o'clock."

The gamblers around were stunned, looking at the two of them as if they were looking at idiots, this was the first time they had seen such a bet!

Betting big and betting small, although you win less, the risk is small, so the risk of betting like this is too high.

Seeing the other party betting so much money, the croupier secretly moved his hands and feet. After rolling the dice, he said confidently: "Three six..." Just as he was about to say, three six leopards had to swallow the words that came out of his mouth.

The reason is very simple, the croupier saw that the dice turned into 257, which is exactly [-] points.

"Did I win?" Yao Min jumped up excitedly.

The croupier was also dumbfounded. He knew that he had met a master, and while handing over the chips to Li Yi, he secretly nodded to a middle-aged man beside him.After the middle-aged man left, he went straight to the second floor. He came to a room and knocked on the door a few times, but there was no response.The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, and chose to continue knocking on the door.

A few minutes later, a man's roar came from the room: "Don't you know I'm working?"

Half an hour later, a disheveled young man came out and asked the young man, "What's the matter?"

"Young master, someone is messing around." The middle-aged man said.

"What's the background?" This young man is none other than Jiao Yufeng who Li Yi met on the plane.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "I can't find any information about him. It seems that he is here for the first time. Judging by their clothes, they should be from the mainland."

"Hmph! Mainlanders are getting bolder now, how much money has he won?" Jiao Yufeng became angry when he thought of what happened in the morning.

"More than 3 million!" The middle-aged man said.

"What, he won so much?" Jiao Yufeng grabbed the opponent in his hands and roared, "You have a brain problem! Why didn't you remind me just now?"

"Just now, he just won 8000 million. I came to you, but you said you were working on something." The middle-aged man said.

Jiao Yufeng snorted coldly and said, "Take me to watch the surveillance."

A few minutes later, the two came to a large monitoring room. The middle-aged man pointed to a man and a woman on the screen and said, "Master, it's them..."

"I'm stupid! I met them again." Jiao Yufeng's current situation can be said to be that the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet each other. He clenched his fists and said solemnly, "Find me the monkey and let him treat me to death. ..."

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