super jade

Chapter 325 You Are His Future Girlfriend

In an extremely luxurious sea view villa in Macau, an old man in his eighties is sitting in front of a huge window sill, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and there is a text message on it reminding him that his bank card has lost 100 billion yuan.This old man is Jiao Yufeng's father, Jiao Tianze. He is the richest man in Macau with a net worth of hundreds of billions. This 100 billion is one-tenth of his net worth. Of course he is very concerned.

Because of his age, Jiao Tianze left the casino in the hands of his son. Perhaps because he earned black money, something bad happened one day, so he told his son his bank card and password.Over the years, his son has never received any money, and now he is suddenly missing 100 billion, which surprises him.

After thinking for a while, Jiao Tianze picked up his cell phone and called his son, "Feng'er, where did my money go?"

"Dad, Uncle Huang is here, he will explain to you." Jiao Yufeng knew his father's temper, so he didn't dare to answer this question.

Huang Dexi answered the phone, briefly explained the situation here, and said, "Old Jiao, don't worry! I'll let him transfer the 100 billion immediately."

"Well! I don't worry about your work. That kid actually came to the casino to make trouble. Someone must have secretly instructed him. You must catch him and ask who is instigating him." Jiao Tianze is notoriously ruthless. How many people, "thrown into the sea to feed the sharks afterward, regardless of whether they asked who was instigating them."

After hanging up the phone, Huang Dexi patted Jiao Yufeng's shoulder and said, "It's okay, you can transfer the money over there!"

When the two came to the transfer machine, Jiao Yufeng took out his card and entered the password. After entering the transfer, he was prompted: Your balance is insufficient.

Seeing these six words, both of them were stunned. Jiao Yufeng had an ominous premonition and hurriedly inquired about the amount.

After this inquiry, it was found that Kari didn't even have a dime. Jiao Yufeng's face changed drastically, and he said in a broken voice, "Where is the money! Where did the 100 billion go?"

Huang Dexi also found it strange that no one transferred the money just now, so why did the money disappear, and said, "Think about it again."

Jiao Yufeng thought for a while, but still couldn't figure out why, and said, "I don't know, the card has been on my body all the time, why did it suddenly disappear?"

"That kid is a master. He disappeared for no reason. He is definitely not an ordinary person. I think he, like me, should be a legend of strange powers." It seems that it is difficult to find him if he can transfer the money away without anyone noticing."

"Then what to do, my father will definitely kill me if he knows this." Jiao Yufeng worried.

"Hey! I am also responsible for this. I should have chased him out just now." Huang Dexi sighed and said, "I will make it clear to your father."

Huang Dexi took out his mobile phone, called Jiao Tianze, and said, "Old Jiao..."

"Did the money transfer?" Jiao Tianze asked.

"Something happened. I'm having someone hunt down that kid's whereabouts." Huang Dexi said.

Jiao Tianze was startled, and said, "Did you lose those money?"

"It's very likely that the kid secretly transferred it away. As long as you catch him, you can find the whereabouts of the money." Huang Dexi said, "I checked the transfer records just now. The kid used an outdoor bank, and we can't find out where it went. .”

Jiao Tianze didn't speak, he was silent for a while, and then said: "You are so brave, you dare to take my money, I'm afraid you will spend it if you want."

If Li Yi were here, he would definitely laugh and pee. He dared to take the gold from the United States, and he was afraid of being a mere gambler?

Inside the Macau Hotel, Yao Min was angry and ashamed, and said, "Forget it, I can figure it out myself."

Li Yi smiled slightly and said: "Okay! I was joking with you, but I actually transferred the money secretly."

"I know you transferred away, but how did you transfer?" Yao Min asked curiously.

With a move of Li Yi's consciousness, the card in his hand suddenly moved, and then flew away at an alarming speed.

"You, you know how to control things?" Yao Min is a descendant of a big family after all, and he knows a little about the situation of strange people, and asked, "Are you a strange person?"

"Forget it! I'm much stronger than them." Li Yi didn't lie, he was indeed countless times stronger than Qi Neng Yi Shi.

"Aside from controlling things, what else do you know?" Yao Min asked.

Li Yi knew too many things, and he couldn't finish it for a while, and said: "They couldn't see me just now, but I actually used invisibility. I will tell you about other abilities later!"

"Hmph! You are sending me away again. If I am not with you, you will never tell me in your life!" Yao Min is a smart girl, she changed the subject, "By the way, when you gambled just now, You secretly changed the opponent's cards, but how do you know that the opponent's cards are higher than yours?"

"Is it big or not, I have to change it!" Li Yi explained.

Yao Min was not satisfied with this answer, she frowned and said, "No, you can see the opponent's cards, right?"

"Uh..." Li Yi didn't answer, he knew what the other party was thinking.

Seeing Li Yi's silence, Yao Min was ashamed and angry, pointing at Li Yi and saying, "Tell me, can you see through?"

Li Yi shrugged his shoulders and said with a wry smile: "Do I still need to say it?"

"Ah! Can you really see through?" Yao Min hurriedly put his hands on his chest, bit his lower lip and said, "Then you can see what I'm wearing?"

"Don't cover it, I can see it." Li Yi glanced secretly, this girl's capital is really big, at least a size of 36d.

"You, you are not allowed to look at it, I want to tell Sister Mengxi." Yao Min was so ashamed and angry, she quickly picked up her mobile phone and called Su Mengxi, complaining, "Your husband is too much, even peeking at me..."

"What are you looking at?" Su Mengxi's laughter came from the other end of the phone.

Yao Min really couldn't say it out, she felt it was too embarrassing, and said, "Tell him, don't look at my body indiscriminately in the future."

"Hehe! The eyes are on his body, and I can't control it. If you are afraid of being peeped, then marry him." Su Mengxi said with a smile.

"You..." Yao Min was so angry!But there was no other way, and said, "You bully me together."

"He bullied you, but I didn't. Have you thought about it? When will you join us?" Su Mengxi asked.

Yao Min snorted coldly and said, "I know your husband is capable, but it's impossible for me to marry him."

"Okay! Then I can only say that you will marry him sooner or later." Su Mengxi changed the subject, "I'm going to bed, I wish you all good dreams at night!"

"What do you mean wishing us a good dream, and we didn't sleep together?" Yao Min said depressedly.

"Whether they slept together or not, only you know." Su Mengxi hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Yao Min became even more depressed. She glared at Li Yi and said angrily, "You go to that room tonight, and I will go to this room to rest."

"Uh... What do you mean I will go to that room tonight, and we will sleep together tomorrow night?" Li Yi asked back.

Yao Min is so angry!She knew that she must be the one who would suffer if she continued speaking, so she said, "I'm going to rest." After finishing speaking, she walked towards the room without looking back.

After a night of nothing, Li Yi and Yao Min left the restaurant early the next morning.

As soon as the two of them left, Jiao Yufeng's people found this place, and through inquiring, they knew that they had just left not long ago.

Li Yi didn't return to the mainland by regular means. He boarded a yacht and smuggled into Fu'an Province.

Smuggling is illegal, but here in Li Yi, everything is legal.

During the customs inspection, Li Yi took out a notebook, and the other party respectfully gave a military salute and let it go.

On the plane back to ** City, Yao Min didn't become a stewardess this time, but sat beside Li Yi and said, "I can't tell, your status in the country is quite high, and the customs don't dare to stop you."

"If you know my secret, you will understand that there are not many people in the country who dare to stop me." Li Yi is now a hero in the country. In addition to Longya, his secret identity also has the rank of general.

Yao Min did not refute. The customs officials' attitude towards Li Yi could not be more obvious. Li Yi's identity is extraordinary.

Back in ** City, Yao Min also got off the plane, Li Yi was surprised and said: "Aren't you going back?"

"Can't I come to ** city to play? It's my first time here." Yao Min has been a flight attendant for many years, but she has never been to ** city.

"Did you ask for leave?" Li Yi asked.

"Do I still need to ask for leave?" Yao Min grinned and said, "You are the big boss behind Tianma Airlines, and they don't need to ask for leave when they see that we are together."

"Uh... you are not afraid that I will deduct your salary?" Li Yi asked back.

Yao Min shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said, "Okay! You buckle it! Unless you don't want to be with me."

"Okay! You won!" Li Yi smiled wryly.

Yao Min showed a smug smile, suddenly thought of something, and said, "By the way, the name of Tianma Airlines is too ugly, you should think of a nice name!"

"Let's call it Yao Min Airlines!" Li Yi said solemnly.

"No, you are not allowed to use my name." Yao Min vetoed, "Think again..."

"Tiandao Aviation!" Li Yi wanted to form a large group, and all the companies in this group were named after Tiandao.

If there is no Tiandao Yubi, he will still be the same Li Yi back then, and he will not have the current achievements at all.

This time, Yao Min did not deny it. She smiled slightly and said, "Well, I heard that Sun Hanyue is your woman. She owns Tiandao Pharmaceuticals. When will you get me a company? Also, I heard Zhuyan Dan is a good thing, you, the behind-the-scenes boss, won't be without it!"

"Well, the weather is nice today, where are you going to find Mengxi?" Li Yi changed the subject.

Yao Min was so depressed that she rolled her eyes and said, "Forget it, you want to be your woman again, so you let me manage Tiandao Airlines!"

Back in ** City, Li Yi had nowhere to go but came to Su Mengxi's new home.

As soon as they entered the villa, they saw Su Mengxi and Sun Hanyue chatting on the sofa in the living room. They were startled when they saw Li Yi and Yao Min coming in.

Sun Hanyue didn't know about Yao Min, she thought Li Yi had brought a new girlfriend from Macau, and said with a smile: "Husband, you are getting better and better, you will bring one back every time you go out, and if you continue like this, the house won't fit. "

As soon as these words came out, Yao Min's pretty face flushed, and she said, "I'm not his girlfriend."

"Ah! It's not done yet?" Sun Hanyue said in surprise.

Yao Min was speechless, she looked at Su Mengxi and said, "Please explain."

"Ahem, let me introduce, this is my good friend Yao Min, she is a stewardess!" Su Mengxi suddenly paused after introducing her here.

Yao Min took advantage of the pause and said, "Did you hear that?"

However, at this time, Su Mengxi changed the subject and continued: "Similarly, she is also Li Yi's girlfriend."

Hearing this, Yao Min was furious, his almond-shaped eyes rounded and he said, "Mengxi, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Well, I'm sorry, I made a mistake just now, but you are actually his future girlfriend." Su Mengxi said, "I forgot to say the word "future" just now, don't mind me!"

Su Mengxi seemed to say that, but her tone and expression did not mean to apologize at all.

Yao Min knew that if she continued talking, she must be the one who would suffer, so she hurriedly changed the subject: "Well, where should I sleep tonight?"

"Where do you want to sleep?" Su Mengxi asked.

"I think..." Yao Min just spoke, but was interrupted by Su Mengxi, only to hear the girl suddenly say, "I see, you want to sleep with Li Yi. I will make a sacrifice for you, and I will never fight with you... "

"Sister Mengxi, go to hell!!!"

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