super jade

Chapter 336 Paying homage to our lost love

When the three entered the suite, Zhou Fu took out a contract and said, "I haven't filled in the amount on it yet. We are here today to confirm the specific purchase amount."

"How much do you want to pay?" Li Yi asked straight to the point.

"You must know that last night we were talking about 100 million yuan." Zhou Fu said, "Today's price is not acceptable. I can only offer 80 yuan at most."

Li Yi sneered and said, "80, did you send a beggar?"

"Then you can be a beggar. If I don't buy your father's company, it won't be long before it goes bankrupt." Zhou Fu said with certainty.

At this time, Du Haibo, who had been silent all this time, said, "Brother Zhou, what you said is wrong. How could Li Yi beg for food? He is richer than us."

"Oh! He is rich?" Zhou Fu asked in surprise.

"He's the boss behind Tiandao Pharmaceuticals. The last donation was 20 billion. Do you still care about this little money?" Du Haibo asked with narrowed eyes.

Zhou Fu nodded suddenly, and said, "So he is so rich! Then why does his father open this small company?"

"You don't know that! Not many people know that he is the boss behind the scenes." Du Haibo looked at Li Yi and said, "Li Yi, you are so awesome outside, do your parents know?"

The two men sang the double reed, and their purpose was to ridicule Li Yi.

Li Yi didn't take it seriously at all. Du Haibo treated him like this, and he would have to pay it back sooner or later, saying: "So, you can only buy it at a price of 80?"

"No, you are so rich, do you still care about the 80 yuan?" Zhou Fu said, "Let's do this! I will offer up to 50 yuan. If you don't agree to this price, the price will be lowered later."

"It seems that we don't need to talk anymore." Li Yi said and stood up.

Zhou Fu didn't stop him either, he took out his mobile phone and said, "It seems that you agreed, I'll call Li Jinhai right away."

Before dialing the phone, Zhou Fu's cell phone rang, and a woman's voice came from inside, "Zhou Fu, why didn't you call me during the negotiation today?"

"Miss, I don't think it's necessary to tell you about such a trivial matter." Zhou Fu explained.

"Hmph! You are not allowed to make arbitrary claims in the future." The eldest lady said, "By the way, how is today's matter going?"

"It's been negotiated, and they agreed to be acquired at a price of 50." Zhou Fu replied.

The other end of the phone was obviously taken aback, and said, "How did they agree to such a low price?"

"I don't know, maybe he's out of his mind! Or maybe he's short of money." When Zhou Fu was speaking, he gave Li Yi a provocative look.

"Well! I'll leave this matter to you. I'll go out for a walk later. You don't have to follow me." The eldest lady hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Li Yi walked out of the room directly. He came to a presidential suite and knocked on the door.

"Who is it!" Not long after, the door of the room opened.

A ten-year-old woman appeared in front of the door. This woman was wearing a white T-shirt. She was extremely beautiful, not much worse than Chen Xiaofei and other women.It's just that this woman exudes a noble aura. Although she is wearing ordinary clothes, she feels unapproachable.

The girl was obviously taken aback when she saw Li Yi, and said, "You are?"

"Are you the eldest lady of Tianfu Company!" Li Yi asked.

"You asked me to discuss the contract?" The eldest lady smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I have already handed over this matter to my subordinates, you can talk to them!"

Li Yi shook his head and said, "No, I'm here to find you today."

"You know me?" the young lady asked.

"I used to know each other, but I may not know each other now, and I don't know in the future." Li Yi said something that the other party didn't understand at all, and then walked into the room under the surprised eyes of the other party.

"Stop for me." The eldest lady shouted, "or I'll call the police."

Li Yi ignored the other party at all, walked to the sofa in the room and sat down, and said, "You really don't know me anymore?"

The eldest lady was holding her mobile phone, but she was stunned when she heard this. She closed the door and asked uncertainly, "You, are you really him?"

"Back in the willow forest, I took your hand for a walk. We said we would go to Baitou." Li Yi's voice was not loud, but he exuded strong affection.

The eldest lady trembled, her eyes were full of reminiscence, she suddenly said quietly: "We said before, we will be together in this life, we will never leave."

"It's a pity! That's just a childhood lie. In the end, you left me and my world." Li Yi sighed, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

"No, I didn't leave you, it's just that reality forced me to make this choice." The eldest lady was emotional, and she didn't know why she still cared so much about what the other party said after so many years.

"Yeah! We didn't have a choice back then, do we have it now?" Li Yi asked suddenly.

"Do you have it now?" The eldest lady repeated Li Yi's words, she took a deep breath, and said in confusion, "I don't know if you are still the same as you were before, and have you replaced my position back then."

"Someone replaced!" Li Yi replied.

The eldest lady's feet were weak and she almost fell to the ground. She leaned on the wall and smiled wryly: "Since there is, why do you still come to me? Do you know why I came to ** City this time?" She became emotional again and said loudly : "It took me a lot of effort to let my father agree to let me negotiate this time. I came here just to see the places we went to and recall the lost fairy tale."

"But you shattered my dream and made me stand on the edge of the cliff." The eldest lady said with tears in her eyes, "Go away, I don't want to see you..."

Li Yi couldn't bear it, he suddenly walked in front of her, held her shoulders, and said: "You are still the same as you were back then, and I am also the same me back then..."

"Hehe! Really?" The eldest lady shook her head and smiled, "You are not you anymore, you already have her."

"Even if I have her, I still have you in my heart." Li Yi did not forget her. Even after so many years, she still has a prominent place in his heart.

"Don't touch me, it's over between us, everything is over." The eldest lady said, "I said, when I saw the contract, why did the name look familiar! It turned out to be your father's company, I will tell them, give you A very high price, just treat it as compensation to you for my sudden departure!"

Li Yi didn't let go, raised his hands and pressed them on her shoulders, and said, "Tiantian, why don't you understand? Although I have her, I still love you."

"This is the funniest thing I've heard this year. You lie on someone else's bed and say you love me. Do you think I'll believe it?" Wang Tiantian sneered, "It was my fault for leaving suddenly. I've been thinking about it all these years. I came back to look for you, but my father refused to let me. Now that I have grown up, I am back, but you punish me in this way, haha..."

"Okay, you can go, I will leave here tomorrow, and leave this city that has made me happy and sad." Wang Tiantian changed the subject, and continued, "I will tell them that at the price of 500 million Buy your father's company at a high price, I think this money is enough for the rest of your life."

"Do you think I care about this little money?" Li Yi also lost his temper, and he didn't hear a word from the other party after talking for a long time.

Wang Tiantian knew the previous situation of Li Yi's family, and what she said just now irritated her, so she asked, "Don't you care?"

"Don't say 500 million, I don't care even 5000 million." Li Yi hugged Wang Tiantian in his arms, and put her on the bed regardless of her struggle.

Wang Tiantian's face changed drastically, she put her hands on her chest, and said in horror: "You, what are you going to do?"

"I don't do anything, I just want to speak out what is in my heart. You say I'm sorry, it seems that you left me first! Do you know how I came here after leaving? I drink and fight every day, my The grades went from the first in the class to the bottom one, why is this all because of your departure?" Li Yi shouted, expressing his negative emotions over the years.

Don't look at Li Yi's usual cynical appearance. In fact, this is not his real self, but he just doesn't want others to see him sad.

"Since then, I have lived a life of a walking dead, praying to heaven every day, hoping that one day you will appear in my world, and we can be together again." Li Yi was also emotional, "But I waited , I waited for more than four years, what did I wait for? Helplessness, pain, and then she appeared, and I got out of this relationship."

Wang Tiantian was stunned, she never expected that Li Yi had spent these years like this.

"I don't know when you will show up. I don't know if you have forgotten me. Is there a future for us? Do I wait like this forever for a promise?" Li Yi changed the subject, and a song he liked very much back then The poem said, "Once the sea was too difficult to be water, except for Wushan, it is not a cloud. I took the flowers and looked back lazily. I was half destined to practice Taoism and half destined to be a king..."

"This is my mood at the moment. Don't look at the many girlfriends around me. In fact, I have been waiting for you and your return." Li Yi continued, "Didn't you just say that I care about money? Since you think so , then I’ll tell you, I don’t care about money, I have more money than you can imagine.”

In the end, after finishing what was in his heart, Li Yi changed the subject: "Since you have decided to leave me, then I will also give you a word. I will give you the money, and it will be my compensation to you! To commemorate the lost love , to commemorate the laughter we used to have." When he said this, his heart was bleeding.

In the presidential suite, there was a sudden flash of light, and countless wads of banknotes fell into the room one after another out of thin air.

The money was all in the amount of ten thousand yuan. In a blink of an eye, tens of millions appeared, but they continued to appear.

Li Yi stood in the pile of money, took a deep look at her, turned and walked to the door.

Wang Tiantian was stunned on the bed, she couldn't imagine why there was so much money in the room, could it be that this was a dream, she hadn't woken up yet?In her mind, Li Yi's words just now echoed again. Every sentence shocked her heart, especially the last few sentences, which made her breathless like a knife.

"Since you have decided to leave me, I will also send you a word."

"I'll give you the money, just treat it as my compensation to you!"

"To commemorate the lost love, to commemorate the laughter we once had."

Wang Tiantian came to her senses, and Li Yi had already walked to the door. When she saw the lonely back, she felt an inexplicable pain in her heart, and shouted loudly with all her strength: "Li Yi, please don't go... "She ran to the door like crazy, then hugged Li Yi tightly from the back, and said with a choked voice: "I was wrong, forgive me this time!"

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