super jade

Chapter 35 I Am His Fiancee

Liu Zhengfeng's face changed slightly, he glared at his daughter, and couldn't help reminding: "Your mother just recovered, so don't pay attention to this sudden shock."

"Mom, Dad, I remembered. When I bought this talisman, that senior might be short of money. She asked me for 100 million, and I gave him a check. He is still waiting to withdraw cash at the bank!" Liu Xiaolu briefly explained the whole story, and at the same time decided to thank the other party.

"Then why are you still standing there, which bank? I'll talk to their president and ask them to pay cash immediately." After Liu Zhengfeng asked his daughter about the bank, he quickly made a phone call.After the phone call, he remembered something, slapped his thigh and said, "No, we shouldn't make this call."

Hearing this, Fang Na was puzzled, "Why shouldn't you make this call? This is the money that seniors should get, and we are just doing a small favor." She was in a good mood, and couldn't help but start talking. Joke, "Don't say 100 million, even 1000 million is worth it. If he is young, I want to marry my daughter to him..."

Liu Zhengfeng thought deeper and further, and hurriedly said: "Nana, don't you think we should come to thank him? If he takes the money and leaves, there will be a huge crowd, where can we find him?"

Hearing this, the faces of the two changed, and Liu Xiaolu hurriedly said, "How about I make a call and ask them to stop withdrawing cash?"

"No, it's not good to do this. Experts in the world have tempers. If we do this, it may make him feel bad. What if we don't see us?" Liu Zhengfeng analyzed, "100 million is not small The amount, it will take some time to withdraw, we should have time to rush there now."

"What are you waiting for, let's go now." Fang Na got up and got dressed as soon as she heard that she could go to the world outside the world. The speed was so fast that the two of them clicked their tongues.

Besides, on Li Yi's side, after Sun Lei answered a phone call, he treated Li Yi completely differently. He served tea and poured water again, not to mention how kind he was, just like serving his ancestors.Li Yi also knew why the other party was like this, and the spell must have worked, but he didn't expect that the other party's identity was still unusual, and it was done so quickly.

"When can I withdraw cash?" Li Yi didn't have time to drink tea here, he just wanted to get out of here quickly after getting the money, so as not to cause trouble.

"You can withdraw cash now." Sun Lei said and went out.

About a quarter of an hour later, Sun Lei walked in with a black box and said, "Yesterday, there was a customer who ordered a million cash. I didn't have time to come here today. I went over and brought the cash directly."

Li Yi opened the box, put stacks of banknotes into the schoolbag, and it was completed in a few minutes.

Sun Lei on the side couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw such a scene. He had seen all kinds of strange customers, and this was the first time he saw a schoolbag used to hold money.However, since the client had such a hobby, Sun Lei couldn't say anything, and sent Li Yi out of the bank with a smile on his face.

As soon as he returned to the office, Sun Lei answered another call and said, "President, what are you talking about? Where is that distinguished guest? Has he left?"

On the other end of the phone, the president scolded angrily: "You idiot, how can you let the distinguished guest leave, how will you explain to Boss Liu later?" Then he hung up the phone angrily.

"An honored guest?" Sun Lei's eyes widened. His eyesight was very good. No matter how he looked, he couldn't tell that the other party looked like an honored guest. This dress was too ordinary!

Just thinking like this, there was a knock on the door outside the room. After Sun Lei opened the door, he saw two men and two women standing in front of the door.

These four people are not young, especially the middle-aged man at the front, who is a well-known wealthy businessman in the city.

Thinking of the phone call just now, Sun Lei's heart skipped a beat, and he greeted him with a smile: "Boss Liu, what brought you here, please..."

The people who came were the three members of Liu Zhengfeng's family, and Zhang Wei who followed at the same time, Liu Zhengfeng glanced at the room, frowned and said, "Where is that senior?"

"Senior, what senior?" Sun Lei was stunned, just now he received a distinguished guest, even if he couldn't tell by his appearance, he could tell his approximate age, probably under 30 years old.

"It's the person who signed the check with me. Where did he go?" Liu Xiaolu asked.

Sun Lei couldn't answer, he just sent it outside the door, how could he know where the other party went?

But the four people in front of them couldn't offend them, otherwise they would lose their jobs.

Sun Lei thought of a way, and said righteously: "Sorry, we can't disclose the customer's information."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the four of them changed. In order to impress his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, Zhang Wei hurriedly said, "What's your name? Believe it or not, just give me a call and you'll get out of here tomorrow."

Sun Lei knew that the other party had this ability, but he had his reasons first, and said, "Even if you tell me to leave, I can't disclose the customer's information. This is the principle of our bank."

"Hehe!" Zhang Wei laughed angrily, and said, "You still talked about principles with me?"

Liu Xiaolu didn't like Zhang Wei's way of handling it very much. She frowned slightly and said coldly, "Don't talk, I'll talk to him alone."

"Xiao Lu, leave this matter to me, and I will be able to handle it well." Zhang Wei assured, patting his chest.

Liu Zhengfeng didn't know what his daughter was going to do, but after going through this incident, he felt that his daughter had the ability to be on her own, and said, "Let's wait outside the door."

Just like that, Liu Xiaolu entered the room alone. The soundproofing effect of the room was very good, and people outside could not hear the conversation inside at all.

Facing a beautiful woman, Sun Lei didn't seem to know how to speak, he said awkwardly: "Miss Liu, please sit down."

Liu Xiaolu was not in the mood to sit down and talk, and went straight to the point: "I gave him the check. He is my friend. Can you tell me where he went?"

"I'm sorry, but I refuse to answer your question." Now that the matter is at this juncture, Sun Lei has no choice but to make a mistake to the end if he wants to handle this matter well.

"You don't want to tell me?" Liu Xiaolu asked a little unhappy.

Sun Lei shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't want to. I must ensure the safety of every customer."

"He is my friend, will I still frame him?" Liu Xiaolu asked.

"Miss Liu, please don't embarrass me. If he is really your friend, you can call him." Sun Lei was very smart and quickly thought of a way to deal with it.

Liu Xiaolu's complexion became a little ugly. She didn't have the other party's number. She kept silent for a while and thought of a way, saying: "Let's do this! Let me tell you the truth, he is my fiance, and we have conflicts. I paid him a breakup fee of 100 million. He changed his phone number and I couldn’t get in touch with him at all. Now that my parents know about it, they scolded me and told me to find him.”

Needless to say, Liu Xiaolu is really a master of acting, it was a very ordinary love story, but she shed tears when she told it.

Sun Lei was also a little emotional when he heard it, and couldn't help asking: "Do you still love him?"

"Love, of course love, without him, I don't know how to live." Liu Xiaolu's eyes were full of tears, which seemed to burst out at any moment.

Sun Lei sighed, he thought for a while, went to the computer and turned on the monitor, and said, "Look!"

Liu Xiaolu quickly walked to the computer and looked at the surveillance video, which showed a man carrying a schoolbag left a quarter of an hour ago and then walked to the right of the road.Wait, the other party left on foot. This road is very long. It will take at least ten minutes to reach the end. Judging by his clothes, he probably won't fight. If he chases now, he may still have a chance.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaolu said to Sun Lei: "Thank you, I will go find him now."

"Remember to treat him well. It's not easy for an ordinary family like ours to find a rich girl. I hope you don't treat him like this again. Relationships are not measured by money." Sun Lei said with emotion. He had been in a similar relationship before.

Opening the door, the three saw Liu Xiaolu's eyes flushed, as if she had cried just now, Liu Zhengfeng hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you, did he bully you?"

"No, I just feel that I can't repay my benefactor, and I feel a little uncomfortable." Liu Xiaolu didn't say much, and walked out of the bank with her mother.

Outside the bank, Liu Xiaolu said to Zhang Wei, "You go back first! We are going home."

Zhang Wei thought for a while and said, "Let's have dinner together!"

"No, let's go back and eat." Liu Xiaolu and her mother got into her father's Audi car, and after the engine started, she said to her father, "Dad, he's gone that way, let's see if we can find him."

"Okay, tell me what he looks like, and I'll drive slower later." Liu Zhengfeng slowed down the speed of the car.

Thinking of Li Yi's appearance, Liu Xiaolu couldn't help but smile wryly, but she still said: "He is dressed in normal clothes, about 1.7 meters tall, covered his face, and carries a big schoolbag..."

For the most part, it is easy to think of a class of people, that is, students.

Thinking about it in a blink of an eye, I felt that there was no such possibility. How could a student be an expert?Maybe it's the other party's way of disguising!

After searching for about an hour, but still did not find the person she was looking for on the side of the road, Liu Xiaolu sighed and said, "Go back! Senior may not want to see us..."

"Yes! He may have come to us to look for him long ago. If there is fate, we will meet again." Fang Na believes in fate very much.

Li Yi didn't know that there was another fiancée for no reason, and she was also a beautiful woman. If he knew, he would be happy.

There is a reason why Liu Xiaolu couldn't find Li Yi. Although the chasing route was correct, Li Yi used a ghostly speed to go straight ahead without taking a few steps. He firmly believed that if he went forward with all his strength, the people around would not see If you can't see him, even if you can see it, it will be an afterimage.It took about half an hour to arrive in front of the old Wangtou store. Li Yi was out of breath and gasped heavily.

"It seems that ghost steps can't be performed all the time. It's too exhausting." Li Yi felt a burst of exhaustion in his body, staggered under his feet, and almost fell to the ground.

At this time, Wang Shanshan's voice came from the shop, "Grandpa, I'm going to study by myself last night."

In the past few days, due to the sale of the store, the small store has not been opened, so the store is still closed in the evening.

As soon as he opened the rolling gate, he saw Li Yi who was panting while leaning against the wall. Wang Shanshan exclaimed, and quickly asked, "Li Yi, where have you been? You look like you're sweating profusely?"

"It's okay." Li Yi gave Wang Shanshan a look of not worrying, and waved his hands, "Don't worry, I didn't go to rob, and I wasn't chased by others."

"Let's go into the room first!" Wang Shanshan helped Li Yi to his room. When he went upstairs, he found that the other party's legs could not exert any strength, and suddenly thought of something.

It is said that after doing that kind of thing between a man and a woman, if it is too much, the man's legs will become weak.

Entering the room, Li Yi sat on the stool, handed the schoolbag to Wang Shanshan, and said, "There is 100 million here, you can take it to grandpa!"

"100 million?" Wang Shanshan was stunned immediately. Thinking of the guess just now, she blushed and said jealously, "Li Yi, you don't want to do that kind of thing without telling me, do you?"

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