super jade

Chapter 358 They Are My Girlfriends

Chen Xiaofei and Wang Shanshan have known each other for a long time, of course they know what kind of girl she is, if she really wanted to do that with Li Yi, she wouldn't wait until now.However, thinking of what the aunt said just now, Chen Xiaofei felt wrong again, and couldn't help asking: "Xing Shan, have you been by Li Yi's side all the time? Has anyone else been here?"

"No! I've been here all the time." Wang Shanshan replied.

Chen Xiaofei looked at the rest of the dormitory and said, "Did you see any other girls coming?"

The three of them were bought by Li Yi a long time ago, of course they would not tell the truth, Kan Hao said: "No! Except for the five of us, there is no one else in the dormitory."

"Well, are you also Li Yi's girlfriend?" Yu Miao always wanted to know whether these girls were actors invited by Li Yi or his girlfriend.

Chen Xiaofei snorted coldly and said, "Who stipulates that a man can only have one girlfriend?"

"Uh..." Yu Miao smiled awkwardly and said, "I know a man can have many girlfriends, but all his girlfriends are all over the world, isn't that a little fake?"

At this time, Chen Jiaojiao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "That's because my brother-in-law is very attractive."

"What did you say, you called him brother-in-law?" Yu Miao was speechless for a moment, he looked at Li Yi with a weird look, as if he was saying that your boy would not let his sister-in-law go.

Kan Hao even gave Li Yi a thumbs up, saying: "Boss, you are too good, how can you deal with my sister-in-law?"

At this moment, all three believed that there was an ulterior relationship between Li Yi and Chen Jiaojiao.

Chen Xiaofei glared at Li Yi, and before he could answer, said, "Don't think about it, she is my sister..."

"Old sister, although I am his sister-in-law now, you can let us..." Before Chen Jiaojiao could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Chen Xiaofei.

Chen Xiaofei felt that if she kept talking like this, the girl didn't know what to say again!Said: "Xinxi, let's go have dinner together tonight!"

"Okay!" Wang Shan nodded and said, she knew it was over.

Hearing the meal, the three of them also felt hungry, Yu Lei said: "Boss, sisters-in-law, take us with you when we eat!"

Chen Xiaofei glanced at the three of them, thinking that they were all Li Yi's roommates, and it would be okay to go to dinner together, and said, "Okay!"

In this way, everyone walked out of the school together and came to a fairly good Chinese restaurant.

After ordering, I ordered a few more bottles of beer, and it didn't take long for the food to be served.

Yu Miao and the others were not polite, picked up the beer and drank it in big gulps, and became dizzy after a few bottles.

"Boss, I am not convinced by anyone. You are the one who is the most convinced now." Yu Miao raised her wine glass and said, "You have so many girlfriends, you can change one every day. Brother, I am envious!"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Yi's heart skipped a beat. He just wanted to interrupt him, but it was too late.

Chen Xiaofei's face darkened, she looked at Yu Miao and said, "What did you just say, change one a day?"

"That's right! Change one every day." Yu Miao realized that she had said something wrong, and said with a naive smile, "Well, I mean, three girlfriends, you can change them every day."

Chen Xiaofei snorted coldly, and said: "Whoever said three, only me and Shining are his girlfriends."

Yu Miao waved his hand. He has been caressing the flowers for many years, so how could he fail to see that the relationship between Li Yi and Chen Jiaojiao is unusual, and said, "There are two now, and there will be three in the future."

Li Yi really can't listen anymore, this guy drank too much, don't say anything wrong later, raised his glass and said: "Yu Miao, come on, let's have two drinks..." His idea was very simple, that is, put Yu Miao was drunk, because a person would lose consciousness when drunk, and there was no chance to talk nonsense.

What Li Yi didn't expect was that Yu Miao could drink so much that she still didn't drink down after several bottles.

"Boss, the wine is gone, I'll go get some more bottles!" Yu Miao staggered towards the front desk, walked to the next table and accidentally bumped into him.

There were more than a dozen college students sitting at that table, but there was a yellow-haired boy in the middle, who could be seen as a bastard at a glance.

Perhaps because someone was covering him, the boy who was touched just now felt ashamed, grabbed Yu Miao in his hand, and said angrily, "You don't have eyes, kid?"

"Brother, I'm sorry, I bumped into you accidentally." Although Yu Miao had drunk too much, he knew that these people were not easy to mess with, so he hurriedly apologized to them.

That guy didn't appreciate it at all, he snorted coldly, and said, "Just kneel down and kowtow to me."

"Dude, don't go too far, we are all from the same school." Yu Miao was a little sober, but with the strength of the alcohol, he looked at each other without fear.

"Hehe! I've gone too far today, what can you do to me?" The guy said and was about to do it.

At this moment, the yellow hair spoke, saying: "Sun Wu, stop."

"Brother Liang, you want to let him go?" Sun Wu asked puzzled.

Hong Liang glanced at Yu Miao, then looked at the place where Li Yi and the others were eating, and said with a smile: "Boy, your girlfriend is pretty, let her come and have a drink with me, and I'll let you go, how about it? "

Yu Miao smiled and said, "Brother, there is no girlfriend of mine over there."

"You want to tell me that besides you, they all have girlfriends?" Hong Liang saw four men and three women over there, and three of them should have girlfriends. It can't be such a coincidence, so why not meet someone who doesn't have a girlfriend!

"Brother, let me go! I really don't have a girlfriend." Yu Miao saw the other party's intention, and continued, "You think! If I have a girlfriend, can I go get the wine?"

Hong Liang thought about it, and when he was thinking about how to get the girl over there to accompany him, Yu Lei walked over.

Yu Lei and Yu Miao are from the same place, although they love to bicker, they have a close relationship in private.

Brother was bullied, of course Yu Lei wanted to take action, he walked over and said: "Brother, little brother Yu Lei, for my sake this matter is over."

"Fuck! Who are you!?" Sun Wu said coldly, "Go away, you have nothing to do here."

Hong Liang felt that the opportunity had come, he waved his hand and said, "It's fine if you let us let him go, but let your girlfriend come and have a drink with us, let's forget about it."

"Brother, I don't have a girlfriend, how can I ask him to drink with you?" Yu Lei asked.

Hearing this, Hong Liang's face darkened, and he said, "What do you mean by that?"

"Brother, he really doesn't have a girlfriend, I can prove that." Yu Miao said.

"Prove me a dick, let me ask you, whose girlfriends are those three girls over there?" Hong Liang was furious, for many years no one dared not give him face.

"They are..." Yu Miao didn't know how to answer.

The same is true for Yu Lei. He knows that he is no match for the opponent, but he will not betray Li Yi.

"They are my girlfriends." Li Yi got up and walked towards this side.

Hong Liang was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "Boy, are you kidding me? So many girlfriends?"

"Does how many girlfriends I find have anything to do with you?" Li Yi asked back.

"Hmph! How many girlfriends you have really has nothing to do with us, but I want to know, can you use up all these beauties by yourself?" Hong Liang obviously drank too much, he laughed, and said viciously, "If Not like this, you can share one with us at night, so that our brothers can have a good time too?"

Killing intent flashed across Li Yi's eyes. He would never be merciless when dealing with a bastard who dared to insult his woman. He said solemnly, "If you kneel down and apologize to me now, maybe I can let you go..."

"Yo! You have a sense, do you know who I am?" Hong Liang stood up and said, "You are also a student of ** University! Do you know who has the final say in this area?"

"It's definitely not you." Li Yi replied.

"I'm stupid, you're looking for death." Hong Liang rolled up his sleeves and said to the people around him, "You guys give it to me, Xiao Wu, you go and bring those girls over..."

Seven or eight people picked up the wine bottles on the table and walked towards Li Yi, and they were about to lift the bottles and smash them on the head.

Yu Lei had never seen this posture before, he hurriedly pulled Li Yi's shoulder, and said: "Boss, let's dodge first!"

"What are you afraid of?" Li Yi asked, "Didn't you say you were protecting me?"

"Uh... If I can deal with one person, how can I be their opponent with so many people." Yu Lei stepped back a few steps, saw Li Yi still standing there, and wanted to tell him to go quickly, what happened next The scene made his eyes widen.

The wine bottles in the hands of several people were about to hit Li Yi's head. Suddenly, Li Yi took the wine bottle from the opponent's hand, then raised his right foot, and kicked the opponent away.Then, I saw people flying, and I couldn't even see how Li Yi got out. After three breaths, everyone fell to the ground.

Hong Liang was dumbfounded, Yu Lei and Yu Miao were dumbfounded, and the few people who were going to arrest Chen Xiaofei and the others also froze in place.

If this is the case, after Li Yi kicked everyone away, he waved and said arrogantly: "Come together!"

"Fuck me! Call me..." Hong Liang roared, and suddenly several chefs rushed out of the kitchen, and they chopped at Li Yi with kitchen knives.

"It turns out that this is your restaurant! Then I have nothing to feel bad about." Li Yi said something that everyone didn't understand, grabbed the chef who came running, snatched the kitchen knife in his hand, and threw him in the on the table next to it.There was only a sound of spraying, the table fell apart, and the chef fainted on the spot under the severe pain.

In the blink of an eye, Li Yi knocked down a chef, and the rest dared not step forward.

Hong Liang's face also became ugly. If he loses face today, how will he be able to hang out in school in the future?If he can't be the boss, how can those students become his younger brothers? Without younger brothers to eat, how can his restaurant survive?These thoughts flashed through his mind, Hong Liang took a step forward, and said fiercely: "Boy, you forced me to do this."

"You want to do it yourself?" Li Yi asked back.

Hong Liang made a cold voice, and said disdainfully: "You are not worthy of letting me do it, Uncle Zhang, close the hotel door."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Lei's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said: "Boss, he is closing the door to fight a tiger! You take the sisters-in-law and leave first, here I will bear..."

Li Yi waved his hand and was about to say no, but Hong Liang's next sentence left everyone speechless.

"Call me the police, don't even think about leaving..."

What Li Yi was most afraid of was calling the police. He ignored Hong Liang's words, turned around and said to Chen Xiaofei and the others: "You guys go back first! I'll go back to the dormitory after I finish this matter."

Chen Xiaofei knew Li Yi's methods in ** City, and no one dared to do anything to him, saying: "Let's go first, you should go back as soon as you finish."

"Wait a minute." Hong Liang jumped out and threatened, "None of you are going to leave. The police officer in this area is my brother. You will all be arrested when he comes."

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