super jade

Chapter 366 She Couldn't Be Your Girlfriend Too!

Gao Feng knew that he had to give Li Yi some color, otherwise he would lose prestige in military training, and said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Li Yi." Li Yi replied.

"Before answering, you have to go back to the instructor and say it again." Gao Feng said sharply.

"Return to the instructor, my name is Li Yi."

Gao Feng nodded and said, "Very good, Li Yi, do you know what I called you to do?"

"Return to the instructor, I don't know." Li Yi replied.

Gao Feng glanced at the crowd and continued: "Next, I will teach you the military boxing. The so-called military boxing is a kind of boxing in the army, which can play a role in strengthening the body and defending against the enemy." After finishing speaking, he raised his right hand , suddenly clenched his fist, and quickly punched Li Yi's chest, and said at the same time: "Everyone remember, the punch must be fast, so that the opponent can be knocked down..."

This punch was extremely fast and powerful. Gao Feng wanted to knock Li Yi into the air with one punch.

Gao Feng had a good idea, but the development of the matter was completely different from what he imagined. The punch fell on Li Yi's chest as if it had hit an iron plate. Li Yi stood there like a rock, and his movements were different.There was a sharp pain in Gao Feng's fist, under this severe pain, his right hand went numb, and he lost his intuition instantly.

The students watching around were all stunned, their eyes widened, and their eyes seemed to say: Instructor, he doesn't seem to be knocked down by you.

Gao Feng's face became quite ugly, he coughed lightly, and said in embarrassment: "Well, what I demonstrated just now was the wrong way to punch, so Li Yi is safe and sound..."

Hearing this, the students were stunned, but after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, it was wrong. The punch speed just now was obviously very fast, how could it be the wrong way to punch?

Some students couldn't help asking: "Instructor, what is the correct way to punch?"

"The correct punch must be faster, faster than I just now." Gao Feng just wanted to punch again, but he thought that the punch just now didn't knock Li Yi down, so he gave up the interruption and changed the subject. Said, "I will slowly tell everyone how to learn military boxing later, Li Yi, you can go back."

Li Yi did not return to the team. He looked at Gao Feng and said, "Instructor, I have learned military boxing."

"Have you learned it?" Gao Feng was stunned for a moment, with a flash of worry in his eyes.

"Didn't the instructor just say that as long as the speed is fast enough and the strength is enough?" Li Yi said seriously, "I don't know if I have really understood the military boxing. I hope the instructor can guide me a little bit."

"Nimma! That punch just now didn't knock you into the air. You are obviously a trainer, and you still need me to guide you?" Gao Feng thought so in his heart. Practiced martial arts.Such a master, he can't compete at all, but if he doesn't agree, won't he be unable to step down in front of his classmates?

After thinking for a while, Gao Feng said: "Okay, then I will guide you, but..."

Li Yi didn't wait for him to finish the following words, and suddenly raised his right hand, and saw the shadow of the fist flickering, and it came to Gao Feng's chest in an instant.

At such a fast speed, Gao Feng was stunned, he couldn't even react, and felt a pain in his chest.

The next moment, under the tremendous force, Gao Feng flew out from between his body and landed on the lawn three meters away.


The students around all gasped. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would believe that Li Yi could knock the instructor into the air with one punch?

After Gao Feng landed, the pain in his chest disappeared. He knew that Li Yi's men were merciful, otherwise he would be seriously injured.

"Well, Li Yi's punching method just now is very correct, did you understand it just now?" Gao Feng stood up quickly, looking at Li Yi with fear in his eyes.

"Instructor, I still want to learn more military boxing. I wonder if you can teach me?" Li Yi asked.

When this word reached Gao Feng's ears, it was no different from provocation, but he knew it was provocation but he couldn't refute it. Who made him not Li Yi's opponent.

"Well, I'll show you the boxing techniques later, and you can learn together with everyone." Gao Feng didn't dare to teach the opponent hand in hand, God knows if he will be knocked into the air later.

"Instructor, can I return to the team?" Li Yi asked.

Gao Feng had been waiting for this sentence, nodded hurriedly and said, "Go back!"

Li Yi returned to where he was standing, and the people around him looked at him differently, as if they were looking at a monster.

Knocked down by Li Yi just now, Gao Feng felt ashamed and asked his deputy to teach everyone military boxing, while he himself left.

In the next time, in addition to learning military martial arts, there are also military postures and things to pay attention to in the army.

I don't know if it's because Gao Feng left. The military training is not strict, and the instructors are only responsible for teaching everyone.The instructor knew that Li Yi was a master. If he was too strict, he would be blown away like Gao Feng later, and he would be ashamed and thrown to his grandma's house.

One day of military training passed like this, because it was time for military training, all students were not allowed to go back to school, they could only live in tents on the playground, and even ate here.Li Yi knew that this was part of military training. Many universities even wanted to train students' ability to survive in the wild, but it didn't matter.

The tents are very large, all of which are military ones, and every four people are in one tent.

They were assigned to the same dormitory. When Li Yi and others came to the tent, Kan Hao gave a thumbs up and said, "Boss, bull! You ran down a hundred laps."

Yu Lei also admired Li Yi, but not the one hundred laps, and said: "Boss, your boxing technique is too fast, I want to learn it too, can you teach me?"

"What kind of boxing technique do I have? I learned it from fighting in school." Li Yi didn't tell the truth, so he couldn't tell everyone that he was a legendary immortal cultivator!

"Uh...but your punching speed is very fast, how did you practice it?" Yu Lei asked curiously.

Before Li Yi could answer, Yu Miao suddenly slapped her thigh, startling everyone, "I see..."

"What do you know?" Kan Hao asked puzzled.

Yu Miao chuckled, looked at Li Yi and said, "I know why the boss's hands are so fast."

"You really know?" Yu Lei didn't believe it.

"Actually, the method to practice hand speed is very simple. First, turn on the computer and find the movies you like." Yu Miao laughed wretchedly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone rolled their eyes, and Li Yi also smiled wryly.

Yu Lei snorted coldly and said, "Boss has so many girlfriends, why do you still need to masturbate by yourself?"

"Exactly! If you want to say that you have masturbated, I still believe it, how could the boss do such a thing." Kan Hao said, "The boss's seeds are so precious, and I have to leave them to those girlfriends!"

"Uh..." Yu Miao also knew that this was impossible, he just wanted to liven up the atmosphere, and said, "Well, I'm just telling everyone a method, whether it can be successful or not depends on individual efforts."

Yu Lei waved his hand and said sarcastically: "Come on! If you want to train your hand speed, turn on the computer and study slowly!"

Everyone chatted for a while, and suddenly the phone rang.

"Whose phone rang?" Kan Hao asked in surprise, "Didn't the phone be confiscated?"

After the military training in the morning, everyone's mobile phones were confiscated, but many people had two mobile phones.

"Hey, mine!" Yu Lei took out his phone from his arms, quickly turned it to silent, and said, "You guys should turn it down too! If the instructor finds out, you will be punished again."

"We're not the second generation rich, how can we have two mobile phones?" Yu Miao said depressedly.

"We don't have it, but the boss has it!" Kan Hao suddenly remembered something, slapped his thigh and said, "Yu Lei, lend me your mobile phone, I'll watch something."

"No!" Yu Lei said flatly.

"Damn, don't be so stingy, okay, I'll just use it for a few minutes." Kan Hao said depressedly.

"Not for a minute, don't think I don't know, you must be watching Asian pictures on your mobile phone, I saw you watching it under the quilt that night." Yu Lei was quite sure.

Kan Hao was startled, and asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

"I happened to see it when I went to the toilet that night. Your website is not bad. I wanted to write down the address so I took a few more glances." Yu Lei laughed.

Kan Hao was speechless for a moment, waved his hand and said, "I'm not looking at that, I'll check to see if I've won the lottery."

"That's not a loan, who knows if you really watch the lottery." Yu Lei put the phone under the pillow, showing that no one answered it.

Kan Hao had no choice but to look at Li Yi, and said pitifully, "Boss, lend me a loan! If I win 500 million, I will give you thirty..."

"Kan Hao, can you pick some more?" Yu Miao said with a smile.

"Don't talk." Kan Hao glared at him, looked at Li Yi again, and said, "Boss, I know you still have a mobile phone, so you can lend me it!"

Li Yi took out 5s from his arms and handed it to him, saying, "Here."

"Wow, the boss is the boss, and I got the latest 5s." After Kan Hao asked Li Yi for the unlock password, he clicked on Baidu to search.

Not long after the search, Kan Hao suddenly jumped up and said in surprise, "Damn..."

"What's wrong?" Yu Miao walked over from the bed and said excitedly, "Did you win the lottery?"

"I haven't found it yet! What prize did you win?" Kan Hao said.

Yu Miao was a little speechless, and said, "You didn't check it, you're so excited!"

"Why aren't you excited! My goddess called me." Kan Hao's hand holding the phone trembled, "Do you know who was calling just now?"

"Who is it?" Yu Miao and Yu Lei asked curiously.

"Little Empress, my goddess, she called me just now." Kan Hao said with regret, "I was too excited just now, so I hung up the phone."

"Uh...Kan Hao, that doesn't seem to be your phone." Yu Lei smiled wryly.

"Oh! Yes, this is the boss's phone." Kan Hao touched his head in embarrassment, and then said excitedly, "Boss, do you really know Xiao Linger?"

Before Li Yi answered, Yu Miao also jumped up, startled and said: "Fuck me, Kan Hao, what did you just say, the boss has Xiao Ling'er's number in his cell phone?"

"That's right! It not only says Xiao Ling'er, but also her photo." Kan Hao replied.

Yu Lei was also stunned. He walked up to Li Yi in a few steps and said, "Boss, she is also your girlfriend!"

Everyone is thinking about this question. Could it be that the beauty Xiao Tianhou, who has never had any scandals, has long been famous, and her boyfriend is still a college student who has just entered college?For a while, the three of them all looked at Li Yi, wondering if Xiao Linger in Li Yi's phone was a beautiful little queen.

Li Yi was very depressed. This girl would fight sooner or later, but at this time.

Well now, wait how to explain?

Li Yi knew that this matter would not be handled well, and these guys would ask endlessly, so he simply said: "Actually, you guessed it right, Xiao Linger and I have been together for a long time, you have to help me keep a secret!"

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