super jade

Chapter 372 Thinking about it is really exciting!

Li Yi's face sank, and he hurriedly asked, "What's the situation now?"

"I don't know, Sister Ba told you not to go, it's really dangerous over there." The other party's voice came from the phone.

"No matter how dangerous it is, I will go there." Li Yi hung up the phone after saying this.

If it weren't for Sister Ba, he wouldn't be able to control the underground situation in ** City, so he still has to repay this kindness.

Just like that, Li Yi got off the plane and drove towards the urban area with people.

On the way, Zhang Xiaoliang said, "Brother Yi, what should we do later?"

"You go to the Tianhai Building and wait for my order. I will lurk in alone." Li Yi didn't know the specific situation, so he had to go in to find out the truth.

An hour later, everyone came to a building with a height of [-] floors. The building that used to be crowded with people could not be seen now. There were two muscular Middle Eastern men standing outside the gate.These two are obviously Lianjiazi, with murderous look in their eyes, it can be seen that many people died at their hands.

Then look at their waists, which are slightly bulging, obviously holding guns.

Li Yi will not force his way in. Once he starts to scare the snake, it will be difficult to know the situation inside. He uses invisibility to easily enter the interior of the building, then radiates his consciousness, and quickly senses the surroundings.A few minutes later, Li Yi sensed the situation on the top floor, and quickly took the elevator to the top floor.

The elevator had just reached the top floor, and when the door opened, two men with submachine guns looked inside the door vigilantly.

The two were ordered not to allow anyone to come, and when the elevator door opened, they wanted to shoot anyone who appeared.

However, after the elevator door opened, they saw that there was no one in the elevator, and both of them were stunned.

Li Yi didn't even look at them, left the gap between the two, and went straight to the conference hall not far away.

The two were amazed. When Li Yi left, one of them said, "Why is there no one in the elevator?"

"Maybe there is something wrong with the elevator! Anyway, no one is coming, so we can just stay here."

In the meeting hall not far away, hundreds of people stayed in the room, most of these people were the managers of the Qinglong Gang, and the helper Ba Desheng was also in the crowd, with his eldest daughter Bayongjie sitting beside him.Surrounding them were more than a dozen masters scrambling for live ammunition. They all had submachine guns in their hands, loaded with bullets, and could shoot and kill everyone at any time.

Right in front of the conference room, stood a middle-aged man. The man looked to be in his 30s, with a mid-part haircut. He was handsome, but he gave off a strange feeling.The middle-aged man walked up to Ba Dekang, smiled slightly and said, "Master Ba, do you know why I called you here?"

Ba Dekang snorted coldly and said, "Panasonic, don't go too far."

That's right, this man is from the island country, and he is the steward of the Mitsubishi Association of the island country in the Tianchao area.

Kenji Matsumoto laughed, and said without worry: "You think this is your country, and I can't do anything to you? If you think so, you are very wrong."

"What on earth are you trying to do?" Bud Kang snapped.

"Master Ba, you are so forgetful! Let me remind you!" Kenji Matsumoto said with a smile, "I talked to you a month ago about buying all of your companies, but you refused at that time. This time I Not only do I want to buy your company in Tianhai City, but I will also take over your subordinates."

"You, you want to annex our Qinglong Gang?" Badkang said angrily.

Kenji Matsumoto waved his hand, and said righteously: "No, this is not an annexation, but a cooperation. When I become the new gang leader, you can go back to provide for the elderly. Wouldn't it be better?"

"Hmph! You have a good idea. If you want to annex my Qinglong Gang, step over my corpse first." Ba Dekang stood up impressively and looked at him without fear.

Killing intent flashed across Kenji Matsumoto's eyes, and he said coldly: "Old guy, I call you Ba Gangzhu only because I give you face, if you don't give you face, you are nothing, do you really think I dare not kill you?" said Then, he escaped a revolver from his waist, opened the safety and pointed it at Ba Dekang's forehead.

"As long as I pull the trigger, you can talk to the world." Kenji Matsumoto sneered, "I will give you one last chance to bring those contracts over. If you do what I say, I will I can spare your life. Of course, I also want to remind you that even if you don’t tell me, I can still find those contracts.”

"Really?" Ba Dekang obviously didn't believe it, and no one knew about those contracts except him.

Kenji Matsumoto frowned, knowing that he couldn't find out why, he said, "Don't challenge my IQ, then you won't even have a chance to regret it."

"If you have the guts, kill me. I, Ba Dekang, have been playing around for so many years, and I have long looked down on life and death." Ba Dekang raised his head, his eyes full of disdain.

Kenji Matsumoto didn't answer his words, turned around and walked towards a senior member of the Qinglong Gang, and said, "Wang Xi, tell me where are those contracts."

A man in his fifties stood up, he was Ba Dekang's confidant Wang Xi, and said: "Mr. Matsumoto, if I guessed correctly, Ba Dekang's contract should be placed in a villa in Haitian District. "

"Very good, you can take someone to search now." Matsumoto Kenji narrowed his eyes and said.

Just as Wang Xi was about to leave, Ba Dekang suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

"Did you figure it out, or did he guess right?" Matsumoto Kenji said with a smile.

Ba Dekang glared at Wang Xi, and said angrily, "Wang Xi, you betrayed me thanks to the fact that I treat you as a brother."

"Ba Dekang, it's not that I betrayed you, but that if I don't do this, I won't be able to live." Wang Xi said, "Although you are good to me, life is more important."

"Haha! Have you forgotten the gang rules we read out when we first joined the guild?" Ba Dekang roared, "We made an oath not to betray our brother, but how did you do it?"

Guilt flashed across Wang Xi's eyes, and he quickly returned to his original state, saying, "Master, I still say the same thing, I don't want to die."

At this time, the rest of the guild members couldn't stand it any longer, they stood up and pointed at Wang Xi's nose and cursed: "Wang Xi, you bastard, you will die badly."

"You gave birth to a son without a chick, yet you betrayed the gang."

"Wang Xi, if I don't die today, I will kill you for the first time."


Such voices kept ringing out, Wang Xi smiled lightly, and said, "Curse it! Keep on scolding, anyway, you won't be able to get out of here alive." After speaking, he looked at Matsumoto Kenji beside him, clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Matsumoto, please remember Keep what you promised me, and let me and my family go."

Kenji Matsumoto nodded noncommittally, then looked at one of the gang members, and said, "If I remember correctly, you were the first one to come out and scold him just now!"

"I'm the one who scolded him, what can you do to me?" The man snorted coldly, "You little pirate, I want to kill all the women in your family..."

"Baga!" Kenji Matsumoto roared angrily, raised his hand and shot the man.

With a sound of "bang!", the gunshot rang out, and the headshot was shot.

There was a thumb-sized blood hole between the man's eyebrows, blood was flowing out quickly, his body staggered, and then fell on the chair behind him.

Everyone's face changed drastically, Matsumoto Kenji looked at the others again, as if he was about to kill a few more, "Who else wants to die, I still have a lot of bullets in this gun."

"Stop!" Ba Dekang couldn't watch his former brothers die one by one. As the leader of the gang, it was time for him to stand up. "I agree to your terms, but there is one requirement."

"What request?" Matsumoto Kenji showed a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, obviously he didn't think about agreeing.

Ba Dekang's heart skipped a beat. He knew it was useless to speak out, but he still said, "I can give you the contract and let you take charge of the gang. Please let them go."

"Let them go?" Matsumoto Kenji smiled and said, "Okay! But I also have a request."

"What else do you want to do?" Ba Dekang's face became a little ugly, as if he had already guessed the other party's purpose.

Matsumoto Kenji did not answer immediately, but glanced at everyone present, and said: "It's very simple, you can leave here if you cut off one hand every day."

Cutting off a hand is almost like a disabled person. This request is indeed too much.

"Matsumoto, don't go too far, I promised to give you the company and the gang." Ba Dekang gritted his teeth.

"That's right, you agreed, but not right away. If I had brought out the contract just now, I wouldn't have done it." Matsumoto Kenji changed the subject and continued, "Okay, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you Now, make your decision quickly! Either they die, or cut off a hand..."

Ba Dekang is so angry!But there is no way, said: "If I don't agree."

"I'm sorry, I can only continue to kill until you agree." Kenji Matsumoto raised his hand and fired three shots in succession, and the three of them fell into a pool of blood again.

"Matsumoto, you bastard." Ba Dekang roared and rushed towards Matsumoto Kenji quickly, but was stopped by two masters beside him.

"Guangzhu, leave us alone, even if we die, we can't let those things fall into the hands of Japanese pirates from the island country."

"We are not afraid of death. If those things fall into their hands, then we will die with regret."

"Master! Do you think they will really let us go after taking out those things?"


Hearing this, Ba Dekang made a decision, and said sarcastically: "Yes! Even if I agree to your request, with the style of your Mitsubishi Club, you will not let us go! In this case, why should I agree? You, what's more, even if you let him go to my villa, you may not be able to get those contracts."

"So you don't agree to my request?" Matsumoto Kenji said coldly.

"Kill us!" Ba Dekang closed his eyes and said, he was betting that the other party would not kill them all before they got those contracts.

Kenji Matsumoto smiled, said a few words in Japanese to the person beside him, and then said: "You will agree to my request, unless you can finish the following good show."

"What are you going to do?" Ba Dekang's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"You'll find out later." Kenji Matsumoto asked someone to vacate a space, and after a while, several people brought a thick Simmons cushion and put it there.After the mats were placed, an island man came over with a video camera. After finding the position, he began to film the situation in the conference hall.

At this time, no matter how stupid they were, everyone knew what to do next, and subconsciously looked at the only woman in the room.

Bayongjie's complexion changed, she clenched her hands tightly and said, "You guys, what do you want to do?"

"I've heard that the Ba gang leader has a very beautiful daughter, and now I see her, she is just like the rumors, it is said that she is still a virgin." Matsumoto Kenji showed a wretched smile on his mouth, and said evilly, "Such a beautiful woman Wouldn't it be a pity if he died, why don't he leave something behind before he dies, and bring it back to China and sell it for some money, which is also a free income."

Speaking of this, Kenji Matsumoto paused, and said with lips parted: "If I put your daughter's video on the Internet, and titled it, the beautiful daughter of the boss of the Qinglong gang fights against the strong man, how many people will download it? These After watching the movie, people must masturbate to your daughter's body, it's really exciting to think about it!"

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