super jade

Chapter 380 Is It Possible To Kill Me?

An hour later, an Audi red sports car stopped at the school gate. Su Mengxi opened the window and said, "Get in the car! Let's find a quiet place to talk in detail."

When Li Yi got into the car, he happened to be seen by several students in the class, and someone said in surprise: "Fuck me, isn't that Li Yi from our class?"

"It's really Li Yi. He got into the sports car. Could it be that he was hired?"

"No way! That woman is quite beautiful, why did you fall in love with him?"

"Uh...maybe that woman is good for this! I said why there was no military training a few days ago, so there are people above."


Although everyone was far away, they spoke loudly, and Li Yi and Su Mengxi still heard them.

Li Yi was very depressed, but Su Mengxi smiled pretentiously, giggling and said: "So in their hearts, you are a little man who has been taken care of by me!"

"Is your salary enough to cover me?" Li Yi asked back.

"My salary is not much, but you have money! I've hired you, so it's the same if you give me money." Su Mengxi smiled and said, "Where do you want to go later?"

"Let's go to the villa! Talk about things while practicing." Li Yi smiled wickedly.

Su Mengxi knew what he was thinking even with her toes. She snorted coldly and said, "Can't you think about pure things?"

"Old husband and wife, what do you still think about pure things?" Li Yi waved his hands and said, "If a couple thinks about this all day long, how can they pass on the family line!"

Su Mengxi didn't answer. She knew she couldn't talk to Li Yi, so she changed the subject and said, "Do you know why I'm looking for you this time?"

When it came to business, Li Yi seemed to be a different person, and said solemnly: "What happened?"

"Find a place first, and I'll talk about it later." Su Mengxi drove the car very quickly, and after a few minutes, she came to a cafe. She chose a box and ordered two cups of coffee.

After the two sat down, Su Mengxi took out a stack of documents from the storage ring, handed them to Li Yi, and said, "Look at this first."

There are a few large characters in the document. Li Yi glanced at it and was surprised. This turned out to be a confidential document about the Alliance of Unusual Talents.

"There really is such an alliance on Earth!" Li Yi heard those ninjas say it when he was on a mission, but he didn't take it seriously at the time.

"There is more than just this alliance. This alliance is very powerful. It can be said that it is the largest organization outside the country." Su Mengxi said seriously, "If this organization wants to assassinate someone, no matter what level the opponent is or what status he or she cannot escape. Of course , under normal circumstances, this organization will not make a move, so you can read it first before talking about it!"

Li Yi picked up the document and read it carefully. After reading it, he put the document on the table and said, "The Guwu family is also a member of this organization?"

"There are seven ancient martial arts families in our country, namely the Zhao family in the east, the Qian family in the south, the Sun family in the west, the Zhou family in the southeast, the Wu family in the northeast, the Zheng family in the northwest, and the Wang family in the southwest." Su Mengxi said, "The seven The big families all have powerful forces, and they have business on the surface, but they serve the alliance secretly."

"Zhao Qian, Sun Li, Zhou Wu and King Zheng?" Li Yi asked in surprise, "Isn't this the first seven surnames in the hundred family surnames?"

"That's right, it is indeed seven of them. It is said that many years ago, there were not seven big families, but eight. These eight families are the largest, especially the Li family, which seems to be only ranked fourth, and its family strength exceeds The sum of the seven major families." Su Mengxi said, "Later, the eight major families joined forces to destroy the Li family, and the Li family was destroyed."

"The seven major families asked someone to write the surnames of hundreds of families. They originally wanted to put the Li family at the last place, but because the Li family still had a certain influence at the time, they finally placed it at the fourth place." Su Mengxi said, "Things have changed, so many years In the past, very few people know that the Li family is the boss of the ancient martial arts family."

Hearing this, Li Yi was confused again, and said: "The document you gave me only said which families are members of the alliance, why didn't you mention the relationship between these families?"

"Because the situation of these families is very hidden, no one knows the details, let me tell you briefly!" Su Mengxi just got the information, and it was not accurate, so naturally he didn't print the document to show Li Yi, "Legend, the ancestor of Taoism Li Er, established a Taoist sect with countless disciples..."

"Wait, I'm still the ancestor of Taoism! How far has he cultivated?" Li Yi asked.

"These are all legends, can I ask you after I finish?" Su Mengxi smiled, and immediately said seriously, "Among them, the disciples of the seven surnames have the highest cultivation level, so Li Er taught them martial arts cultivation. Martial arts strengthen the body and strengthen the body. Daoism lays the foundation, and Daozu is also thinking about them, and wants them to lay a good foundation before practicing Daoism."

"However, people from these seven families mistakenly thought that the Taoist ancestor didn't want to teach them powerful spells, and held grudges." Su Mengxi said, "Finally, one day, when the Taoist ancestor went to Mount Tai to practice, the seven major families joined forces to kill the descendants of the Li family. The secret method was snatched over, but what they got was only the cultivation method of martial arts, and they have never obtained Taoism."

After listening, Li Yi became interested and said, "Then what happened next?"

"Later, Daozu was discouraged and stopped asking about the seven major families. He secretly took in some disciples and taught them simple spells. It is said that these spells were also left by immortals in ancient times." Su Mengxi said, "Later, Daozu left our planet, no one knows where he went, and it is said that the detailed spell secrets have been passed down in the Li family."

"You want to tell me that these seven families are traitors and you want to kill them?" Li Yi smiled wryly, "Although my surname is Li, I may not be orthodox of the Li family."

"I said these not to let you kill the seven big families, but they want to kill you." Su Mengxi said in a condensed voice.


Li Yi's eyes widened. He even suspected that he had heard it wrong, and said with a wry smile: "You are not joking with me! I will be killed by them if I accidentally learn Taoism? I am not married yet, and I have not yet had a baby with you Son, I don't want to die!" He said this, but he wasn't worried at all, he just wanted to entertain the atmosphere.

Su Mengxi giggled and said, "With your current cultivation, can they kill you?"

"Then why did they kill me? Hit the stone with an egg, or do anything to obtain the cultivation method?" Li Yi asked rhetorically.

"The higher-ups got a message that the alliance is going to deal with you because you have affected the world order. They are headquartered in the United States and cannot come in person, so they asked several big families of the Celestial Dynasty to join forces to kill you." Su Mengxi said, "I also got News, they killed you not only because you affected the world order, but also because of a bigger conspiracy."

"What conspiracy?" Li Yi pretended to be surprised, "It's not that they have taken a fancy to you and want to take you away as wives!"

"Hmph! Why don't you die?" Su Mengxi glared at Li Yi, and said angrily: "The aesthetic views of the West are different from those of the East. I am a beautiful woman in the Celestial Dynasty, and they may not be able to see them there." Said here , she realized that it was getting too far, and returned to the subject: "I told you to be more careful because they want to deal with you."

"Soldiers come to block them, and water comes to cover them. Am I still afraid of them?" Li Yi said without worry. He was about to suddenly enter the Nascent Soul stage, and he didn't pay attention to the seven major families at all.

"Hey! That's it, with your cultivation, they really can't do anything to you, but I'm afraid they have despicable means." Su Mengxi sighed, "These seven families are very powerful, and the country can't do anything about them , They are completely different from the Zeng family and the Jiao family, the latter are afraid that the country will find trouble with them and wipe them out, but the former need not worry."

"Are you afraid that they will play against you?" Li Yi frowned.

"It is said that the seven major families will not do such a thing, but no one can guarantee it?" Su Mengxi said solemnly, "Recently, I will send some people to protect them secretly. You'd better send people from Longya too."

"Uh... Although I am the current Longya, they may not listen to my command." Li Yi smiled wryly, he didn't think those bully guys would listen to him.

"Uncle Xu told me this news. He said that Longya doesn't have any tasks to perform now. If you have a way, you can recruit them to your side." Su Mengxi narrowed her eyes and said.

"Aren't you giving me a problem?" Li Yi said, "I know they are all masters, but how can I let them come? Do I use beautiful women as bait?"

"Uh... Are there any beauties around you that don't belong to you?" Su Mengxi rolled her eyes and said, "Are you going to push your wife out?"

"I can't bear it, please give me a reminder!" Seeing Su Mengxi's calm expression, Li Yi knew that this girl had a good idea.

"Don't you have a cultivation method?" Su Mengxi suggested, "You can tell them the cultivation method, and then refine some elixirs, and they will secretly protect you for you?"

Li Yi's eyes lit up, why didn't he think of this way!Said: "This method is good, except for the double cultivation technique, I can tell them the rest of the cultivation methods."

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say, I have to go back and make arrangements, let's go first!" Su Mengxi was about to get up and leave after speaking, but was grabbed by Li Yi in his arms.

"What are you going to do?" Su Mengxi was startled, and immediately sensed Li Yi's hands, her pretty face flushed, and she said coquettishly, "This is a cafe, don't mess around..."

"I just realized the enchantment, I don't know how effective it is, let's try it!" Li Yi moved his consciousness, and an invisible enchantment appeared around the box.

The so-called enchantment is similar to the formation method, except that the former is less powerful, while the latter is exponentially more powerful.

Once the enchantment is formed, it is a defensive bunker, and whoever enters the enchantment must obtain the permission of the caster.

Three hours later, Li Yi let out a low growl and released the essence of his whole body. He lit a cigarette and smoked it, saying: "Your cultivation base has improved again, and you should reach the foundation building stage after a few more visits."

"Hmph! I think you're thinking about that, you're making an excuse on purpose!" Su Mengxi put on her clothes, waved her hand and said, "I'm leaving first, remember to call me if you need anything."

Li Yi didn't stop him, he looked towards the door with a faint smile on his lips.

Su Mengxi opened the door, just about to go out, but bumped her head against the invisible barrier, she staggered and nearly fell to the ground.

"Li Yi, what are you doing?" Su Mengxi rubbed her head, turned around and said to him coquettishly, "I'm leaving, you still haven't untied the enchantment?"

"Hey! I want to try the strength of the enchantment." Li Yi smiled wickedly, "Don't go, it's not too late for you to leave after I help you break through."

"Ah! You still want to help me break through my cultivation?" Su Mengxi was so depressed that she said coldly, "Then how long will it take? If we don't go out, they will definitely be suspicious."

"If you doubt it, doubt it! Anyway, you are a policeman, so you are not afraid that they will call the police." Without waiting for Su Mengxi's answer, Li Yi walked up to her in a few steps and hugged her in his arms.

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