super jade

Chapter 392 Don't Tell Me It's All a Coincidence

Sun Hanyue's eyes dodged, she didn't dare to look directly into Su Mengxi's eyes, and said falteringly: "Sister Mengxi, what are you talking about! I can't understand a word."

"You really don't understand?" Su Mengxi said sharply, "Or do you understand in your heart, but pretend to be confused with me?"

"Although my surname is Sun, I really have nothing to do with the Sun family among the seven major families." Sun Hanyue explained, "I was an orphan since I was a child, and my master raised me. How could I be from the Sun family?"

At this time, Liu Xiaolu also heard the clue, and said seriously: "Han Yue, are you really from the Sun family?"

"I'm not!" Sun Hanyue said.

Su Mengxi smiled. She took a deep breath and said slowly: "I know everything about you and Li Yi. I didn't think much about it before. I thought about it. Is this really a coincidence?" She paused After a pause, he continued: "As a gold medal killer, how could Du Haibo hire you? Isn't it because you are suspicious and want to get close to Li Yi?"

"Also, later you and Peng Dalong quarreled in the woods, and you deliberately spoke loudly, because you knew that Li Yi would pass by there and wanted to attract his attention." Su Mengxi said, "Later, when you and Li Yi were together, It didn't take long for Sun Tai to happen, and if I'm not wrong, Sun Tai is also a member of your Sun family."

Sun Hanyue's expression became a little difficult, her mouth moved, as if she didn't know how to answer.

"Han Yue, we are sisters. I don't want you to be such a person. Tell me, why are you lurking beside Li Yi?" Su Mengxi said word by word.

"Sister Mengxi, I really didn't lie to you. I have nothing to do with the Sun family." Sun Hanyue said, "Both Peng Dalong and Sun Tai are well-documented people. How could they obey my orders and Help me lurk by Li Yi's side? Besides, I'm Li Yi's man now, what's the benefit of me doing this?"

"Since you don't want to say it, I'll analyze it for you. You do have a master, and you know what he is. In the bar, you just wanted to use him to determine whether Li Yi is the legendary cultivator." Su Mengxi The conversation changed, "Of course you can't order these people to do anything, but the Sun family has this strength, you just need to make a big move, and you can do it."

At this moment, Sun Hanyue's cell phone rang, she hesitated for a moment, and quickly hung up.

Su Mengxi frowned, anger flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Why didn't you answer it?"

"Unknown number, there is no need to answer it." Sun Hanyue looked flustered, obviously trying to hide something.

Su Mengxi smiled, and said: "You and I are both Li Yi's women, we both have the ability to sense spiritual sense, the call just now is really an unfamiliar number?"

"Sister Mengxi, you don't believe me?" Sun Hanyue said.

"No, it's not that I don't believe you, I only believe in the facts." Su Mengxi said seriously, "I've written down the number just now, do you dare to let me call?"

Hearing this, Sun Hanyue's face changed drastically, she remained silent for a while, and said, "Since you have already guessed it, I won't lie to you, I am indeed from the Sun family."

"What, you are from the Sun family?" Liu Xiaolu said angrily, "You guys joined forces to kill Li Yi?"

"I didn't, I don't know about it at all." Sun Hanyue said, "If I want to kill him, why wait until now, when I can completely kill him when I can be the same as him."

"Really? Maybe you didn't do it because you wanted to get the cultivation method?" Liu Xiaolu said.

Sun Hanyue did not answer her words, but looked at Su Mengxi and said, "Do you think so too?"

"When you mentioned the seven major families, I suspected that you were from the Sun family. Few people know the existence of these seven major families. Even if you are a killer, you would never know." Su Mengxi said, "You are lurking in Beside Li Yi, the higher-ups must have given you a task! Tell me! I believe you will not lie to us again."

"Okay, let me say, I received an order from the patriarch a year ago, asking me to come to ** City to find a person and approach him to determine whether he is the descendant of the legendary Tiandaomen." Sun Hanyue said slowly, " At that time, I really wanted to get close to him deliberately, you guessed it right, my master is a chess piece, and Sun Tai is also a chess piece, just to determine whether Li Yi really has spiritual power."

Speaking of this, Sun Hanyue paused for a moment, and continued: "After I was with Li Yi, I found that his cultivation base was very high, so powerful that I couldn't imagine it. Later, I also possessed spiritual power. Then At that time, I thought that the task had been completed, so I stayed by his side all the time, hoping that one day I could become a powerful immortal."

"Your task is to borrow seeds?" Su Mengxi said.

"Well! Our Sun family is the weakest among the seven major families. It is even worse than the Zheng family. The ancestor of the Sun family passed away a few years ago. The Sun family has been bullied by the six major families and is eager to become stronger. "Sun Hanyue said, "My task is indeed to borrow seeds. As long as I have a child, I will send it to the Sun family, and then the Sun family will raise it."

"So, you really don't know about this plan?" Su Mengxi said.

"I can guarantee it with my life. I really don't know about it. Besides, I have fallen in love with Li Yi, why should I kill him?" Sun Hanyue changed the subject and continued, "I don't know if Li Yi is real or not. You are dead, don't worry, I will definitely investigate this matter and give you an explanation."

"Okay, I believe you." Su Mengxi said, "If you have news, please tell us as soon as possible."

Sun Hanyue nodded, turned around and walked out of the villa, and then disappeared from the sight of the two.

Liu Xiaolu glanced at the direction she was leaving, frowned and said, "Sister Mengxi, why did you let her go, we can subdue her together."

"She shouldn't know about this." Su Mengxi said.

"What if she lied to us?" Liu Xiaolu asked anxiously, "Now is a critical period, we can only find out the whereabouts of our husband through her."

"Even if she lied to us, we have to let her go. If I'm not wrong, she must have gone to Sun's house to ask what happened." Su Mengxi gave her a look of don't worry, and said in a deep voice, "I gave her something just now , there was a bug in it, she sensed it, but didn't say it."

"You mean, she wants to prove her innocence?" Liu Xiaolu said.

"This matter will come to fruition soon. The top priority is, let's go to ** City first to protect his wives." Su Mengxi smiled wryly, and said depressedly, "I believe that nothing will happen to my husband. If he goes back safely and finds his wives They've all been robbed, and they're bound to go crazy."

"Well! If we can save them this time, we will get along better in the future." Liu Xiaolu nodded.

Besides, on Sun Hanyue's side, she drove on the Ring Expressway and headed west.

On the way, the phone rang again, Sun Hanyue answered the phone, and said, "Patriarch, do you have anything to do with me?"

On the other end of the phone is an old man in his 50s. He is the current patriarch of the Sun family, Sun Guoliang. He only heard him say: "The task has changed, you should come back first!"

"Patriarch, did you kill Li Yi?" Sun Hanyue asked, "Why didn't you tell me about this mission?"

"This mission has nothing to do with you. It's not me who wanted to kill Li Yi. You also know that I want you to be with Li Yi, not to let you kill him." Sun Guoliang said, "Li Yi was killed by the Zheng family. Killed, it doesn’t make sense for you to stay in ** City, the family suggests you come back first.”

"Why, why did you kill him?" Sun Hanyue had tears in her eyes, and the teardrops rolled down her cheeks.

"We'll talk about it when you come back." Sun Guoliang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Five hours later, Sun Hanyue came to the mountain range where the Sun family was located, and she quickly walked towards a main hall.

The main hall in front of me was built according to the ancient architecture. The main hall is majestic and majestic.

A huge door plaque was suspended above the door, on which were written two huge gilt characters - Sun Family.

These two characters are like golden hooks and silver strokes, exuding a cold and murderous aura, which shows that the person who wrote these two words has a high level of cultivation.

The main hall of the Sun family, this is the place where the masters of the Sun family discuss matters. At the moment, there is only one person in the main hall.

Patriarch Sun Guoliang got the news when Sun Hanyue entered the Sun Family Mountain Range, and he knew that the other party would definitely come here immediately.

Sun Hanyue entered the hall, looked at the old man on the big chair in the center of the hall, smiled coldly, and said, "Patriarch, you have worked so hard on the layout, do you want to see this result."

"I don't want Li Yi to die either, but other families want to kill him, and I can't help it." Sun Guoliang was very shrewd, otherwise he wouldn't have guessed that Li Yi was a cultivator, so he asked Sun Hanyue to approach him.

"Hmph! I came back this time just to know where Li Yi died." Sun Hanyue didn't believe that Li Yi was dead. return.

"The Zheng family won't tell us where Li Yi died. This is related to the secret of practicing Fajue." Sun Guoliang said, "You are tired after driving for hours, go back and rest first! Come here to find me tomorrow morning .”

"No, I'm going to Zheng's house." After finishing speaking, Sun Hanyue walked out of the main hall.

As soon as she reached the door, two disciples of the Sun family stopped her, and one of them said sharply, "Please go back to the main hall."

Sun Hanyue's face darkened, she turned to look at the old man above the hall, and said word by word: "Patriarch, what do you mean?"

"You failed in your mission, we have to make the next step. You are now a cultivator, don't you want to make your family stronger?" Sun Guoliang asked.

Sun Hanyue's heart skipped a beat, she suddenly had an ominous premonition, and said, "You, what do you want to do?"

"I've heard that all the women around Li Yi have become immortal cultivators. If I'm not wrong, he should have mastered the legendary technique of dual cultivation." Sun Guoliang said solemnly, "The technique of dual cultivation is about the harmony of yin and yang. Harvesting yin to replenish yang, harvesting yang to replenish yin, if I let the man of my family cultivate with you, wouldn’t I also have spiritual power?”

"You, you are shameless..." Sun Hanyue cursed angrily.

"I'm shameless, but for the family, I have no choice." Sun Guoliang said, "As a descendant of the Sun family, don't you want to sacrifice for the family?"

"Even if I die, I won't agree to you." Sun Hanyue has a strong personality, as long as she decides to die, she won't frown.

Sun Guoliang laughed, he got off the big chair, came to her, snorted coldly: "I know you want to die, but without my permission, you don't want to commit suicide." After finishing speaking, he looked outside the hall, The disciple of the guarding Sun family said: "Come here, invite her down, freshen up, and start the double cultivation ceremony in half a month."

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