super jade

Chapter 402 I hope you can get engaged to someone else

Three days later, Li Yi and Sun Hanyue returned to ** City. When they arrived at the villa, the girl sighed, "I really hope we can continue to collect herbs in the mountains."

Li Yi smiled slightly and said, "Aren't you afraid of those big bugs?"

"Hmph! Don't laugh, even if I'm afraid of those big bugs, can't you still protect me?" Sun Hanyue said quietly, "You must go to school when you go back to the city. It's hard to see you."

"If you want to see me, call me!" Li Yi hugged her and said, "You can also go to school to find me."

"Forget it! If Chen Xiaofei finds out, she won't spare you. I don't want to see her force you to break up with us." Sun Hanyue waved her hand, "I really envy them that they can meet you every day, otherwise , Xiaolu and I will go to your school together, and we will also go to university to study for a few years."

"Uh... You go to study, who will help me manage the company?" Li Yi asked back.

"Hehe! It seems that I can only be your secretary." Sun Hanyue said with a smile.

The two hugged each other and said a few more words before Li Yi left. He hasn't been to school for a long time. I don't know if these girls miss him.

When Li Yi went to Sun's house, the girls returned to school, and ** University did not change much as usual.

It's just because of what happened last time, Chen Xiaofei and the others are always suspected, whether they were adopted or not.

This made Miss Chen very depressed. She kept trying to find Li Yi to explain, but Li Yi couldn't get through on the phone.

When Li Yi returned to school, the first thing he did was to call Chen Xiaofei. After receiving the call, the girl said depressedly, "You still know how to call me?"

"Uh... Didn't I go out to perform a mission?" Li Yi explained.

Chen Xiaofei remembered what Chen Jiaojiao said, and said angrily: "Don't tell me you went to accompany the little beauty, is this a mission?"

"No, how could I do something that I'm sorry for you, where are you, I'll find you later." Li Yi said.

"We are in the dormitory, you prepare some flowers later, and then go downstairs to pursue me." Chen Xiaofei thought for a long time, and finally thought of a way to prove that she has a boyfriend. Although this way is not very good, but for her own innocence , she has no choice.

Li Yi went to the flower shop to buy a bouquet of roses, and when he came to the girl's dormitory, he saw a buddy standing in front of the door.

The buddy saw that Li Yi was also holding flowers, and asked with a smile: "Brother, are you here to chase beautiful women too?"

"Yes! You too?" Li Yi said.

"My name is Fan Zeng, what do you call my brother?" Fan Zeng said.

Li Yi was taken aback, the name was too powerful, and said, "My name is Li Yi."

"Damn it! You are Li Yi! I heard that you have an affair with the school beauty." Fan Zeng was surprised, his eyes full of envy.

The story of Li Yi and Wang Shanshan has been spread in the school, and almost everyone knows that Wang Shanshan is famous.

Of course, more students think so, a flower stuck in cow dung.

"Brother, it's wrong for you to describe it like this. We are a couple." Li Yi explained.

"Having an affair is similar to a relationship between a couple." Fan Zeng waved his hand, and changed the topic: "Dude, you are here to give flowers to Wang Xianshan!"

"Yes!" Li Yi said noncommittally.

"I really envy you, you already have a girlfriend, and I will continue to work hard." Fan Zeng sighed, "No matter how many flowers I send, Jiaojiao just refuses."

"Jiaojiao?" Li Yi was taken aback, it couldn't be that little witch!

"You also know Chen Jiaojiao?" Fan Zeng said, "Although she is a bit younger, I like a little girl like her. Please help me give her flowers!"

"Well, do it yourself!" Li Yi had just finished speaking when he saw Chen Xiaofei and Chen Jiaojiao walking over.

When Fan Zeng saw Chen Jiaojiao, he seemed to lose his soul, and ran over quickly, and said ecstatically, "Jiaojiao, you finally accepted my flowers?"

It's no wonder, this guy has been waiting here for a long time and he still hasn't seen Jiaojiao come out. Now that she has come out, he naturally thinks that he has accepted him.

"Fan Zeng, I'm not interested in you. I'm here to find my brother-in-law." Chen Jiaojiao pointed to Li Yi who was not far away, "Did you see? He is my brother-in-law..."

Fan Zeng was stunned, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he said in a daze: "He... is he your brother-in-law?"

"Yes! What's the matter?" Chen Jiaojiao asked.

"Who is your sister?" Fan Zeng was stunned, he had never heard that your sister is Wang Shanshan!

"You idiot! She is my sister!" Chen Jiaojiao pointed to Chen Xiaofei beside her.

Fan Zeng was completely confused, he frowned, and said in surprise: "Well, she is also your sister? Who is Wang Shanshan?"

"You are such a pig, this is my sister, and Sister Shining is my brother-in-law's girlfriend." Chen Jiaojiao waved to Li Yi after finishing speaking, "Brother-in-law..."

Li Yi came over, knelt on the ground on one knee, and said, "Xiaofei, be my girlfriend!"

"Hmph! No sincerity." Chen Xiaofei was still angry. If it wasn't for Li Yi's departure and those people came to her, she wouldn't be misunderstood by her classmates.

Fan Zeng also smiled wryly. He looked at Li Yi, his eyes clearly said: Dude, you already have girlfriends, do you want to chase another one?

"Xiaofei, I really love you, be my girlfriend!" Li Yi knelt on the ground with one knee, then took out a ring from his bosom, and was about to put it on Chen Xiaofei's hand.

Seeing the diamond ring, Fan Zeng widened his eyes, thought of something immediately, and thought to himself: "Could it be a street stall!"

Chen Xiaofei didn't break free, and let Li Yi keep the ring on her hand, saying: "It's not too bad, I promise you."

Hearing this, Fan Zeng gasped and said in surprise, "You, you just agreed?"

Chen Xiaofei didn't answer his words, took the flowers and said, "You can go."

Li Yi knew that she had forgiven him, and just about to leave, Chen Jiaojiao suddenly said: "Fan Zeng, bring your flowers." After speaking, she took the flowers over.

Fan Zeng was startled, and excitedly said: "Jiaojiao, you promised me?" He thought Chen Jiaojiao had figured it out, and agreed to be his girlfriend, and gave Li Yi a grateful look.

Chen Jiaojiao snorted coldly, rolled her eyes and said, "Brother, I borrowed it, not accepted it."

"Borrow?" Fan Zeng was speechless, can this kind of flower be borrowed indiscriminately?

However, the more speechless thing is yet to come. Chen Jiaojiao came to Li Yi with flowers, and said happily: "Brother-in-law, you can pursue it again!"

"Uh... Who are you chasing?" Li Yi subconsciously asked.

Chen Jiaojiao blushed slightly, lowered her head and played with the hem of her clothes, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "You, you chase me!"

Li Yi is so good at hearing, of course he heard it, he didn't know how to answer, and said: "That, I can hear it clearly."

"That..." Chen Jiaojiao blushed even more, her mouth moved a few times, as if she didn't know how to speak, she suddenly gritted her teeth, and said loudly, "Brother-in-law, you chase me!"


As soon as these words came out, the three of them were stunned. Fan Zeng gasped and said in astonishment: "Jiaojiao, you let him chase you?"

"Can't you? Who stipulated that brother-in-law can't chase after sister-in-law?" Chen Jiaojiao said coldly, then looked at Li Yi, and instantly turned into an expectant look, and said, "Brother-in-law, if you chase me, I don't even want a ring. Promise to be your girlfriend."

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiaofei was so angry!Quickly grabbed her and said: "Little sister, stop making trouble, let's go back first!"

"Old sister, you are too bullying, people also want to experience the feeling of being chased!" Chen Jiaojiao stomped her feet depressedly, handed the flowers to Li Yi, and said, "Brother-in-law, hurry up, there is no time."

"Follow me!" Chen Xiaofei grabbed her hand and walked into the bedroom without looking back.

Li Yi touched his head, smiled wryly, and turned to leave.

Fan Zeng quickly caught up, he took Li Yi's arm and said, "Man, how did you do it?"

"What did you say?" Li Yi said.

"Well, how did you make my sister-in-law fall in love with you?" Fan Zeng said in surprise, "You already have girlfriends, why would Chen Xiaofei agree to be your girlfriend?"

"Hey! Because I have the aura of domineering." Li Yi flicked his bangs and left gracefully.

Fan Zeng froze on the spot, and said to himself: "The bastard's qi, it seems that I'm going to buy a bastard at home, but how do I cultivate this bastard's qi?"

Li Yi didn't go back to the dormitory, but went directly to the classroom, and it was time for class in a few minutes.

Think about it, from the first day of college, I have not listened to a class seriously, at least a few times a week, otherwise this college life will not be experienced at all.

When I came to the classroom, the class bell rang just in time, and everyone was startled when they saw Li Yi coming.

Many of them have forgotten him, and even thought they went to the wrong door, but there is one person who will never forget, that is Du Haibo.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met each other, Du Haibo snorted coldly and said, "Li Yi, do you still know to come to the classroom?"

"Sir, do you miss me if I don't come for a few days?" Li Yi said disgustedly.

Du Haibo knew he couldn't talk to him, so he gave him a look, then lowered his head to read the book.

When I came to Wang Tiantian's seat, I found that the girl was not there. Just as I was about to call her, the lecturer walked up to the podium.

Li Yi was not in the mood to attend class, so he took out his mobile phone and sent Wang Tiantian a short message, but he didn't get a reply after waiting for a long time.

"Did something happen to her?" Li Yi didn't care to listen to the class, so he sent another text message, but the result was the same.

Li Yi just wanted to find an excuse to go out, Du Haibo seemed to see his intention, and said to Wang Haisheng beside him: "You get up and say you want to go out, just find an excuse later."

"Boss, what am I going out for?" Wang Haisheng asked puzzled.

"Don't you see that Li Yi wants to go out?" Du Haibo said, "You don't have to do anything when you go out. If there are too many people going out in a class, the instructor will definitely not agree."

Wang Haisheng stood up and said, "Teacher, I want to go out and have a bowel movement."

The instructor's face darkened, he glared at Wang Haisheng, and said angrily: "You are a college student, can't you speak more civilized? Don't go out."

Wang Haisheng had no choice but to do it, saying: "Boss, it seems that it can't be done!"

Du Haibo was also speechless, he gave him a shudder, and said, "What reason did you say, don't you know what else to say?"

"I..." Wang Haisheng said, "I don't know what to say."

At this time, Li Yi stood up and said, "My butt is uncomfortable and I want to vomit."

The instructor nodded and said, "Go!"

In this way, Li Yi walked out of the classroom swaggeringly under the extremely surprised eyes of all the students.

Walking out of the classroom, Li Yi was called by Wang Tiantian, but was prompted to turn off the phone.

Li Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition. He found Su Mengxi and called up Wang Tiantian's recent call records.

Records show that Wang Tiantian had several phone calls with her father three days ago, and there was no call record in the next few days.

Without hesitation, Li Yi got up and flew towards Fu'an City. He knew that Wang Tiantian was called back by her father most likely.

To be precise, Wang Tiantian just returned home last night. As soon as she came home, her father, Wang Yide, locked her in the room and refused to let her go out.

The time Wang Tiantian and Li Yi have been together is too short, and there is not much spiritual power in their bodies, so they cannot forcefully leave the villa.

But it's not a problem to stay like this for a long time. Wang Tiantian came to the living room and found her father, and said, "Dad, why are you shutting me down? I want to go back to school."

"You don't know that Li Yi is dead?" Wang Yide said.

"Who said he's dead? He's alive and well?" Wang Tiantian said with a guilty conscience. In fact, she hadn't contacted Li Yi for many days.

Seeing his daughter's eyes, Wang Yide felt that the rumors might be true. He hesitated for a moment before he said, "Tiantian, since he is dead, I hope you can get engaged to someone else."

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