super jade

Chapter 409 Kicking is the same as kicking a football

Even if Li Yi used his toes to think, he knew what the other party was thinking, and said, "What do you want?"

"Your girlfriend is so beautiful, if you lose, let her be my girlfriend, how about it?" Jin Tae-gi laughed, and said immediately, "Of course, if you are afraid of death, you don't have to agree, after all you kick The ball is good, and I haven’t learned this, so it’s only natural that I don’t dare to compare with me.”

"Okay, I promise you." Li Yi agreed without thinking.

Yu Lei grabbed Li Yi and said worriedly: "Boss, do you really want to compare?"

"Are you afraid that I will lose?" Li Yi said.

"Boss, this guy is very powerful. If you lose, I will be a sinner." Yu Lei sighed, "I think it's better to forget about it!"

Li Yi waved his hand, gave him a look of not worrying, and said in a low voice: "I'm not even afraid of the instructor, will I still be afraid of him?"

Hearing this, Yu Lei's eyes lit up and said, "That's right! No matter how powerful he is, he is no match for the instructor!"

Jin Taiqi didn't hear what the two said. He thought Li Yi was scared, and said: "If you are scared, you can get out, I don't want to see you again."

"Who said we are afraid, when will we compare?" Li Yi said.

Just as Jin Tae-chi was about to say that it's time to compare, Li Xiao-hong walked out of the Taekwon-do Club and said, "President, I'm going back first, see you tonight..."

"Okay, see you tonight." Only then did Jin Taiji remember that there are still things to do later, so he said, "You can't represent your girlfriend, so, you bring her here tomorrow and ask her to tell me face to face , let's sign another contract, life and death are up to God, and I don't want to go to jail if I beat you to death."

"I will definitely come tomorrow." After Li Yi finished speaking, he left with a few people.

When everyone returned to the dormitory, Yu Lei snorted coldly, and said angrily, "Jin Tae-chi is just a beast, and he has played with many female classmates all these years."

"These years?" Li Yi said, "Has he been in school for many years?"

"I heard that he has been here for five or six years and has never graduated. He just wants to play with more beauties." Yu Lei said, "Boss, you have to be careful, don't let your sister-in-law join the taekwondo club."

"Don't worry, they won't go, even if they go, that guy wouldn't dare to do anything to them." Li Yi changed the subject and said, "Do you want to watch a good show tonight?"

"A good show?" The three were puzzled, "What a good show?"

"Didn't that woman go to his house at night? They must play tricks, and we will let them gourd baby at night." Li Yi narrowed his eyes and said.

"Ah! Let them masturbate each other?" Yu Miao said with an evil smile, "This method is good, but how can I make them masturbate?"

"Let's go together at night, and I'll show you a good show." Li Yi didn't tell them the detailed plan, which was related to his secret.

In the evening, after the three of them had dinner, they came to Jin Tae-chi's community, and then came to the door.

"Boss, how do we get in?" Yu Lei said, "We must not break away! Then they will find us."

Li Yi took out a wire from his arms and said, "Look at me."

The three of them rolled their eyes, Yu Miao gave a wry smile, and said, "Boss, don't tease me, can the door be opened now with wire?"

Although Kan Hao and Yu Miao didn't speak, their eyes clearly said: Boss, you are joking with us!

Li Yi knew what they were thinking, and said, "What if I can open it?"

"If you can open it, I'll eat the wire." Yu Miao said without thinking.

Li Yi smiled and said, "That's what you said." After speaking, he inserted the wire into the keyhole, and opened the door without moving a few times.

The three of them stared wide-eyed, unable to believe the scene in front of them. It took a long time for Kan Hao to suddenly say: "Boss, you used to be in this line of work, right?"

Li Yi rolled his eyes straight, he put away the wire and said, "Go, let's go in."

"Go in now!" Yu Lei worried, "What if they are in the living room?"

"They have finished their tea and entered the room." Li Yi opened the door and was the first to enter the room.

After the three entered, there was really no one in the living room. Yu Lei admired Li Yi and said, "Boss, you are so amazing, you can guess all of this."

A woman was lying on the bed in the room, and Li Xiaohong passed out after drinking tea.

Jin Taiqi and Jin Xitian were standing in front of the bed, they kept rubbing their hands together, and there were wicked smiles on the corners of their mouths.

"Brother, you always come first, this time I will go first!" Jin Xitian said, "Why don't you wait for me to do it, and use her mouth to get comfortable first."

"Get out, why don't you talk, I'll come first." Jin Taiqi quickly took off his clothes, only a pair of underwear was left in a blink of an eye, and then went to the bed to take off Li Xiaohong's clothes.

Although Jin Xitian was depressed, he didn't say anything, who made him not Jin Taegi's opponent!

However, at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the room, Jin Taiqi frowned and said, "Go and see."

Jin Xitian opened the door, was stunned when he saw the policeman, and said, "Comrade policeman, what are you doing?"

"Someone called just now to say that there are illegal activities here, we have to go in and search." One of the policemen said.

At this time, Li Yi and others were hiding in the guest room, Yu Lei's face changed a little ugly, and said: "Boss, who called the police! How do we explain it when they find out?"

"I reported it." Li Yi said.

"What, why did you call the police?" Yu Lei said speechlessly, "I don't want to go to the police station."

"They won't search here, you wait here, I'll come as soon as I go out." After Li Yi went out, he performed invisibility and quietly entered the next room.

Jin Taiqi also heard the conversation between Jin Xitian and the police outside the door, and he secretly yelled "unlucky", and hid Li Xiaohong in the cabinet.

After the two policemen entered the room, they didn't search it, they just glanced at it briefly, and then left.

Although the two of them couldn't figure out why the police came and left so quickly, they didn't have time to think about what was going to happen next.

"Brother, where did you hide that woman?" Jin Xitian asked.

"It's in the closet. These two idiot policemen didn't even know to open the closet to take a look." Jin Taiji opened the closet as he spoke, and when he saw that there were only clothes left in the closet, he was stunned, "Where's the person?"

"Brother, where did you get him?" Jin Xitian asked.

Jin Taiqi scratched his head, he also wanted to know where the person went, and said: "She is already in a coma, it is impossible to leave! Is there anyone else in this room?"

"Ah? Then what should we do?" Jin Xitian worried.

"Hmph! Come in and they're here, so don't even think about leaving. Let's find them." Kim Tae-gi said as he was about to walk to the next room.

The faces of Yu Lei and the others changed drastically, and they hurriedly looked for a place to hide, but there was not even a cabinet in the room except the bed, where could they hide?

Just when the three of them didn't know what to do, suddenly, a loud voice came from outside the door, "Brother, I'm very hot, the tea we drank just now is fine!"

"You idiot! That's a drug." Jin Taiqi said coldly.

"I'm so uncomfortable, brother, I can't help it." Jin Xitian blushed, he quickly took off his clothes, and rushed like a tiger like Jin Taiqi.

Just when Jin Taiqi wanted to dodge, his body became uncomfortable, and his consciousness was confused, and he hugged the other party in a bad hug.

Outside the door, two people shouted, "Brother, I'm so comfortable, are you comfortable?"

"I'll wipe it! It hurts me to death, just lighten up..."

"I also want to be lighter, but I'm so uncomfortable, I can't let it out!"


The three people in the room were stunned, and walked towards the door at the same time, and then opened a crack in the door.

The next moment, the three of them all widened their eyes when they saw the battle outside the door.

Jin Taiqi was kneeling on the ground, tilting his body up, and Jin Xitian's big guys kept going in.

"Damn it, they really fucked up." Yu Lei said in surprise.

"Where did the boss go, what did he do just now?" Kan Hao asked in surprise, "Could it be that he put something in the tea, and then the two couldn't stop?"

The three admired it for a while, and suddenly the phone rang, and Kan Hao connected the phone, saying: "Boss, where have you been, there is a good show here!"

"I sent Li Xiaohong back." Li Yi said, "You guys come down too! They will recognize you when they regain consciousness."

" don't want to watch a good show anymore?" Kan Hao didn't want to leave, it was the first time he saw a live performance of such a good show.

Li Yi smiled and said: "I don't want to watch it, I've seen enough."

After hanging up the phone, Kan Hao gasped and said in astonishment, "No way! Bosses kill men and women together?"

In the early morning of the next day, the four of them came to the Taekwondo club after eating. On the way, Kan Hao and others talked about the good show last night.

After coming to the Taekwondo club, many members knew about today's competition and came early to cheer for the president.

Apart from the four of them, Li Yi only had Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei here, and Chen Jiaojiao was a slob who hadn't gotten up yet.

In the Taekwondo club, Kim Tae-chi stood in a very strange posture on the competition field. He said in pain, "Li Yi, you brought them all. Could it be that if you lose, you can be my girlfriend together?"

"Let's talk after you win!" Li Yi said coldly.

Jin Taiqi asked someone to bring a contract, and said: "I have signed it, if you read it, if there is no problem, then sign it!"

Li Yi didn't even look at it, so he picked up a pen and signed his name, and then said: "Can we start?" After speaking, he jumped onto the competition stage.

Jin Taiqi didn't pay attention to Li Yi at all, he took a step forward, and just about to speak, when the chrysanthemum came out, he felt a cramping pain.


Li Yi deliberately showed doubts, and said: "President, what happened to your chrysanthemum?"

"Hmph! Why are you asking so much?" Jin Tae-chi said angrily, "It's still too late for you to kneel down and beg for mercy, just in case I miss..."

"Have you finished?" Li Yi interrupted him and said with a smile, "Let's begin!"

"If you don't die, you won't die. I'll tell you today that playing football and finishing off Taekwondo are two different things." Jin Tae-chi snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

"Come on, President, come on, President!!!"

The members of the Taekwondo club shouted loudly, most of them were female students, and they were particularly crazy when they shouted.

Looking at Li Yi's side, neither Wang Shanshan, Chen Xiaofei, nor Kan Hao and others cheered.

Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei knew Li Yi's strength, so they didn't think about cheering. This was simply a one-sided match.

Kan Hao and others were worried that Li Yi would lose the game. Wouldn't it be more embarrassing if he lost after shouting for cheers?

Besides, even if they shouted for cheer, their voices could no longer compare with the hundreds of people from the Taekwondo Club.

Hearing the shouts of the crowd, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Jin Taiqi's mouth. Suddenly, with a low shout, he raised his right foot and kicked it horizontally.

This kick was powerful and heavy, exhausting all the strength in his body. Jin Tai's purpose was very simple, to kick Li Yi to death with one kick.

Li Yi looked solemn, and he didn't dodge. Instead, he said: "I also have a sentence for you. In fact, playing football is the same as kicking people."

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