super jade

Chapter 427

The gatekeeper aunt is not stupid, she decided to take revenge on the little girl who came to find her boyfriend under the banner of Li Yi.

Not long after, a fat girl weighing two hundred catties staggered over and said, "Auntie, I'm here to find Li Yi."

"Wait, you really came to look for him?" the aunt asked in surprise.

"That's right! She's his little treasure!" Fat Girl said softly, "Auntie, just let me in! The good sisters up there are still waiting for me!"

The aunt snorted coldly, walked over from the room with a broom, and said sarcastically: "Don't talk nonsense, if he can fall in love with you, I will be his girlfriend..."

The fat girl's complexion changed, and she didn't know how to answer. She snorted coldly and said angrily: "I'm just a little fatter, so you look down on people, right? To tell you the truth, I'm fat because I'm fat. Much, it feels comfortable to the touch. Also, I live well, and my husband likes girls like me..."

The gatekeeper aunt was overjoyed when she heard this, and said, "I think you are full of fat!"

"Hmph! You, you..." Fat girl didn't know how to refute. She pointed at the gatekeeper for a long time without saying a word, and finally walked away in despair.

The fat girl did not leave, but came to the woods next to the boys' dormitory, where several girls were waiting for her.

"Fat girl, why are you back?" one of the girls asked.

"Don't mention it, I'm so pissed off." The fat girl said angrily, "That old woman is too much, she won't let me in, even the method your husband said won't work!"

Su Xiaoyan smiled wryly, and said: "You can't blame me, he said that you can enter with Li Yi's name."

"Hmph! You've made me miserable now. You don't know how much that old woman went too far. She even said that I was too fat, and Li Yi didn't like me." The fat girl said depressedly, "By the way, who is this Li Yi?" , Does he have many girlfriends? I don't believe it, his girlfriend is prettier than mine."

"Fat girl, don't deny it, Li Yi's girlfriend is indeed very beautiful." Su Xiaoyan said.

"Oh! Then tell me, who is his girlfriend." Fat girl asked.

Although Su Xiaoyan didn't know Li Yi, she shared a dormitory with Wang Shanshan and knew a lot about Li Yi, so she said: "Many of the school beauties are his girlfriends, and I know there are Wang Shanshan, Chen Xiaofei, and others. With that Wang Tiantian, it is said that Chen Jiaojiao has a different relationship with him."

The fat girl's eyes widened, and she said in disbelief, "No way! These are his girlfriends?"

"It should be! I don't know the details." Su Xiaoyan said.

The fat girl gasped, and said depressedly: "No one likes me who is so handy. They are stronger than the other. Why do boys like them?"

As soon as these words came out, several girls giggled, and one of them said: "Xiaoyan, you are the prettiest of us, go try it! Maybe you can go in."

Su Xiaoyan really wanted to see her boyfriend, she hesitated for a moment and said, "Then I'll try it!"

A few minutes later, Su Xiaoyan came to the door of the boys' dormitory. Seeing the gatekeeper aunt sitting in front of the door, she had the thought of shrinking back. She immediately gritted her teeth and said nervously: "Well, auntie, I'm here to find Li Yi."

"Are you his girlfriend?" The gatekeeper aunt was really uncertain, after all, Su Xiaoyan's looks were pretty good.

Su Xiaoyan's pretty face flushed, she lowered her head and said, "Yes."

"Okay, let's take a look at this." The gatekeeper aunt took out a stack of photos from her arms and handed them to her.

After receiving the photo, Su Xiaoyan was obviously taken aback, and said, "Auntie, what is this?"

"Since you are Li Yi's girlfriend, you should know him! Which one of these photos is Li Yi?" asked the gatekeeper.

Su Xiaoyan was speechless for a moment, and she didn't know Li Yi, so she didn't know what Li Yi looked like, so she didn't know how to answer for a while.

The doorkeeper aunt kept staring at Su Xiaoyan, seeing that she couldn't answer, she knew she was fishing in troubled waters again, and said coldly: "You go! Don't pretend to be someone else's girlfriend in the future. If your boyfriend knows you Put a big green hat on him, he can't spare you..."

Su Xiaoyan is so angry!I really wanted to turn around and leave, but I thought I had something to do with my boyfriend, so I gritted my teeth and said, "Well, Li Yi and I were always at night when we were together, and I don't remember what he looks like."

"Hehe! At night?" The gatekeeper said with a smile, "You don't know what he looks like, but you dare to have sex with him, aren't you afraid that someone else will sleep in your bed..."

"You, you are ruthless..." Su Xiaoyan's face flushed with anger, she secretly vowed that she must save money to buy a mobile phone, it would be too embarrassing to come to the dormitory to find a boyfriend like this.

Besides, Xiao Ling'er, when she came to the boys' dormitory, she didn't know which room Li Yi was in.

Fortunately, Li Yi is very famous in the school. Some people don't know the principal, but everyone knows Li Yi's name.In addition to running [-] laps in military training, there are also wonderful deeds in Taekwondo. It is not these that boys talk about the most, but the girlfriends around him.

Just like that, Xiao Ling'er easily found Li Yi's dormitory. She came to the door of the dormitory and knocked on the door, saying, "Excuse me, is Li Yi there?"

In the dormitory, before Kan Hao and others got up, they heard someone looking for Li Yi, and got dressed as quickly as possible.

Kan Hao opened the door and saw that the other party was wearing a peaked cap and a mask, his heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, "Damn it, dressed like this, she must be an ugly girl!"

"Excuse me, is Li Yi there?" Xiao Linger asked again.

Kan Hao smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, are you sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law?" Xiao Ling'er was stunned.

"Li Yi is our boss, and his girlfriend is of course our sister-in-law." Kan Hao explained.

Xiao Ling'er smiled slightly and said, "That's right! Is he there?"

"Boss hasn't come back for several days, do you have anything to do with him?" Kan Hao felt more familiar with Xiao Ling'er the more he looked at him, and couldn't help asking, "Sister-in-law, why are you dressed like this?"

"Hehe! I'm used to this." Xiao Ling'er said, "Can you call him? Just say that I'll wait for him in his bedroom and tell him to come over quickly."

Hearing this, everyone was startled again, wondering why the other party didn't have Li Yi's mobile phone number.

Actually!This is Xiao Ling'er's plan, just to let Li Yi come to her in person.

Kan Hao and others didn't know the situation. They thought the other party must be an ugly girl, and Li Yi didn't bother to give the other party's phone number after playing around.

However, how difficult is it to see that Li Yi will be allowed to do this?

For a moment, the three of them were quite curious and looked at each other. Neither Kan Hao nor Yu Lei had a good idea.

However, this doesn't bother our classmate Yu Miao, he rolled his eyes and thought about it, he walked over and said, "Sister-in-law, you won't be too ugly, you might scare us!"

"Do you think Li Yi will find an ugly girlfriend?" Xiao Ling'er giggled, she pointed to a neatly folded bed, and said, "This is Li Yi's bed!"

Seeing the three nodding, she sat down, took out her mobile phone and sent a text message, "I'm in your bedroom!"

Yu Miao smiled slightly and said, "Since you are not ugly, why don't you dare to show your true face?"

"I'm afraid that when you see me, you will attract the people around you." Xiao Ling'er said with a smile, "As long as you promise me not to shout, I will take off my hat and sunglasses."

"Why are we shouting nonsense! We are all college students, very qualified." Yu Miao assured.

Xiao Ling'er took off her eyes, revealed her beautiful face, and said, "It's done."

The three of them were stunned. They were not surprised by Xiao Linger's appearance, but by each other's appearance.

Kan Hao liked Xiao Linger's songs very much, and he was very familiar with Xiao Linger's appearance. After a brief loss of consciousness, he said ecstatically, "Xiao Linger, are you Xiao Linger?"

"The beauty queen, you, why did you run away from the TV?" Yu Lei was also surprised.

Yu Miao swallowed even more, and said, "Sister-in-law, you are really the boss' girlfriend!"

Before Xiao Ling'er could answer their words, Kan Hao ran over with a pen and paper, and shouted excitedly: "The queen of beauty, sign me..."

This sudden loud roar disturbed the dormitory next door, and the classmate next door ran to the door and said, "What are you shouting about, why don't you let people rest in the early morning?"

Yu Lei snorted coldly, and said loudly to the door: "What is it called? Brother Yi taught us martial arts!"

Hearing the words Brother Yi, there was no sound outside the door, and then the sound of footsteps going away.

Kan Hao didn't dare to shout anymore, and said in a low voice, "Give me an autograph!"

Xiao Ling'er picked up the paper and pen, without signing, said: "Call him for me."

"I'll call, I'll call now." Kan Hao was the first to betray Li Yi, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Li Yi's number, "Boss, Xiao Ling'er is here, I saw a living person..."

Li Yi seemed to know that Xiao Linger would do this, but he couldn't understand her motives, and said, "Give her the phone."

Xiao Ling'er answered the phone and said, "Are you coming to see me?"

"Didn't you leave the day after tomorrow?" Li Yi said with a smile, "You are so anxious to see me, you don't want to have sex with me!"

Xiao Ling'er blushed a little, and quickly recovered, saying: "You don't need to come to see me, but I can't guarantee that tomorrow Toutiao will have your name."

"Forget it!" Li Yi said, "You wait for me in the dormitory, and I'll go there later."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Linger showed a faint smile. She took out a stack of photos from her bag and said, "Thank you! This is my autographed photo..."

Kan Hao couldn't be more excited, his hand holding the photo was trembling, and he said, "The beauty queen, can you take a photo with me?"

Xiao Ling'er shook her head, and said slowly: "Without Li Yi's permission, I dare not take pictures with others casually, if you want to..."

Kan Hao smiled wryly, waved his hands hastily and said, "Ahem, pretend I didn't say anything."

Yu Lei and Yu Miao also dismissed this idea. It was a joke. If Li Yi was asked if he could take a photo with Xiao Linger, Li Yi's character would definitely kill them.

Half an hour later, Li Yi came to the dormitory, and the gatekeeper aunt stopped him and said, "Li Yi, this salary will be increased by one, this job is not easy to do."

"What's wrong?" Li Yi asked puzzled.

"Recently, a lot of people pretending to be your girlfriend came here, and I have to review them one by one. You have to give me a raise." The gatekeeper aunt said confidently.

Li Yi is so smart, he knew what was going on in a blink of an eye, took out a wad of money from his arms, and said: "My girlfriends are all talented, so don't let the ordinary-looking ones in."

"Wait, how many girlfriends do you have?" said the gatekeeper, "Why don't you give me their photos, and if they are your girlfriends, I'll let them in."

"I'll get someone to give it to you tomorrow. Remember, don't let them know about this." After Li Yi finished speaking, he quickly ran to the dormitory.

When he came to the dormitory, seeing Kan Hao and others chatting with Xiao Linger, Li Yi smiled wryly and said, "Linger, even if you miss me, don't come here to find me!"

"You don't answer my calls, so people can only come here to find you." Xiao Ling'er seemed to be a different person, her words were full of resentment, she blinked her eyes, and looked pitiful like a little girl who was bullied by her husband daughter in law.Of course, what surprised everyone was still behind, she suddenly rushed towards Li Yi, hugged him tightly, and said softly: "Husband, I miss you so much..."

Seeing this scene, Kan Hao and others were stunned. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would have thought that a big star would have such a tender side?

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