super jade

Chapter 433

Xiao Ling'er felt that if this continued, she would definitely be eaten by Li Yi. Yao Min was obviously helping him, so she hurriedly changed the subject: "Yao Min, how long have you been together?"

"It's been a long time, I can't even remember it." Yao Min nonsense.

"Really?" Xiao Ling'er rolled her eyes, thinking about her heart, and said, "Since you are also his girlfriend, you should go and play with me at my concert this time!"

"I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I won't go with you this time, so as not to disturb your good business." Yao Min doesn't want to go, Li Yi is a big tiger, can he come out after falling into the tiger's mouth?

Li Yi knew what the two women were thinking. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he had to say something to make it happen.

"Let your subordinates deal with those matters!" Li Yi touched Yao Min's thigh with both hands, and said viciously, "Ling'er also has a good intention, why refuse?"

"I'm afraid of disturbing your good business." Yao Min made an excuse that wasn't an excuse.

Xiao Ling'er suffered a loss just now, but she didn't want to forget it like this. She knew the truth that it is better to invite generals than to provoke generals, so she said: "Yao Min, don't you and Li Yi are not together yet, for fear of revealing your secrets?"

"We've been together for a long time, how could we be afraid of being exposed?" Yao Min replied.

"That's right, we can sleep together to serve Li Yi at night, so we won't be afraid of disturbing our good business." Xiao Linger provocatively said.

Yao Min yelled something bad. Although she wanted to help Li Yi take Xiao Ling'er, she didn't want to put herself in it, and said, "Do you really want to serve Li Yi at night?"

"Of course, as Li Yi's women, serving him is what we should do." Xiao Ling'er said, "Don't you want to, or are you lying to me just now because you are not together?"

Yao Min was most afraid of being provoked by others, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Just go, whoever is afraid of whom!"

"Great, I also want to experience the taste of the three of us together." Xiao Ling'er said insincerely.

After Yao Min said this, she regretted it. Although she was grateful to Li Yi for driving away Ma's flies, she never thought about being with Li Yi.

But when the matter developed to this point, she had no choice but to take one step at a time.

Not long after, the three of them got off the plane. Xiao Linger's manager drove over and said, "Linger, I've already arranged the hotel. Shall we go now?"

"Well! The three of us went there together." Xiao Linger replied.

The manager was no longer the young girl before, but a young woman in her 30s. Her face was solemn and her eyes were quite deep. She knew at a glance that she was not an ordinary person.After hearing Xiao Ling'er's words, a look of hesitation flashed in her eyes, and she said, "You three want to live together?"

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" Xiao Ling'er asked angrily.

Not only was the manager not angry, but he laughed instead, and said in a low voice, "Ling'er, you have to think about it, if something happens, can you bear the consequences?"

"This is my business, you don't need to worry about it, just do as I say!" Xiao Ling'er said.

The manager didn't say anything, she clenched her fist tightly, glanced at Li Yi, and said, "Okay, I hope you don't do anything too outrageous."

That night, the three of them came to the presidential suite of the Tianhai Hotel, which is owned by the Qinglong Gang, and Li Yi didn't have to pay for the room to live here.

Although the boss of the Qinglong Gang, Bayongjie's father, did not come in person, he made arrangements for everything.

Badcom is a smart guy, he knows when to come forward and when to do what needs to be done behind the scenes.

In the presidential suite, after the three of them sat down, Xiao Linger said: "I'm going to take a shower, you guys talk first." After speaking, she took a change of clothes and walked to the bathroom.

In the huge suite hall, there were only two people left, Yao Min glared at Li Yi, and complained: "Hmph! It's all good things you did, and now I'm included."

"Uh... this has nothing to do with me, right? You and Xiao Ling'er carried it on." Li Yi shrugged his shoulders to show his innocence.

Yao Min snorted coldly and said, "Aren't I here to help you?"

"If I really want to take her down, I can do it without your help." Li Yi said.

Yao Min is so angry!Said: "You blame me for being nosy, then I'm leaving."

Li Yi pulled her, joked, if this girl leaves, how can she stay and fly together at night, and said: "Don't, don't we still want that at night?"

"Who is going to have sex with you?" Yao Min's pretty face flushed, and he thought of something, and said seriously, "Wait, do you really think we are going to have sex with you?"

"Didn't you agree just now?" Li Yi said.

"Talk about your size! I'm helping you, do you understand?" Yao Min said anxiously, "You guys come first at night, and I'll find an excuse to leave here after you're done."

Li Yi smiled and said, "What if she lets you come first?"

"I..." Yao Min's complexion changed, and he hesitated, "Probably not!"

"If this happens, how do you deal with it?" Li Yi asked again.

Yao Min thought for a while, then she decided to go all out, and said, "Then let's play it, as long as you don't get involved."

"Well! I know how to do it." Li Yi was overjoyed, this is a good opportunity!After the girl finished taking off her clothes, how could he let her go?

Yao Min was still a little worried, and reminded: "I'm warning you! You don't want to pretend to be real."

"Don't worry, how could I be serious, and if I really take you down, I can't explain to Su Mengxi and Liu Xiaolu." Li Yi replied.

Hearing this, Yao Min secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's good that you know, I'll get ready too, and I'll take a shower first."

In ** City, in a luxurious villa, Du Haibo was sitting with Zhan Meng, talking about boring topics.

Zhan Meng looked at the time, it was almost ten o'clock, and said, "Brother Du, you didn't come to me to talk about these things, did you?"

"Hehe! To be honest, I want to ask you something." Du Haibo returned to the subject and said, "I heard that you have a good relationship with the Zheng family of the ancient martial arts family."

Zhan Meng's body trembled. The Zheng family was an eternal pain in his heart. Others didn't know the current situation of the Zheng family, but he heard that the name of the Zheng family was not worthy of its name.

"Why are you asking this?" Zhan Meng raised his vigilance.

"Brother Zhan, don't get excited, I want you to match me up and help me meet the masters of the Zheng family." Du Haibo said.

"A master's fart! If they are masters, can they still be played to death by Li Yi?" Zhan Meng thought so in his heart, but said, "Brother Du, are you looking for Li Yi's trouble?"

Du Haibo hesitated for a moment, ready to tell the truth, and said: "Li Yi is too deceitful, I want to teach him a lesson."

"Joke, Li Yi can even bring down the Zheng family, aren't you courting death by fighting with him?" These words couldn't be clearly stated, Zhan Meng could only insinuate, "Brother Du, for the sake of our brothers for so many years, let me ask you One thing, do you know why those people who were right with Li Yi were killed one by one, are you still safe and sound?"

"Hmph! Because Li Yi is afraid of me and dare not touch me." Du Haibo said.

"I'm afraid of you, if he is afraid of you, will you be on the headlines?" Zhan Meng said seriously, "Li Yi doesn't want to kill you so quickly, don't you like Chen Xiaofei? He wants you to see Chen Xiaofei marry you , and then bring you down. Do you still remember the Zeng family and the Ma family? What a powerful family they used to be, now! They are still begging for food under the overpass!"

Hearing this, Du Haibo's heart tightened, and he said, "Then what should I do now?"

"Brother Du, just let it go! You are not Li Yi's opponent." Zhan Meng said, "Look at me, I was bullied by Li Yi back then, don't you learn to be good now?"

"You want me to be an ostrich and bury my head in the sand?" Du Haibo snorted coldly, "I can't do such a thing. You make me a bear, you might as well kill me!"

"Brother Du, you really won't die without seeing the coffin!" Zhan Meng sighed.

Du Haibo lit a cigar, took a deep puff, and said in a deep voice, "Just treat me like this! I'll ask you for the last time, will you help me?"

"How do you want to help you?" Zhan Meng asked.

"I know it's impossible for you to teach Li Yi a lesson. You can show me a way to make me stronger." Du Haibo asked.

Zhan Meng didn't answer immediately, he was silent for a while, and said: "Don't count on the Seven Great Families, if you can meet strange talents, they may be able to help you."

"Wonderful man?" Du Haibo asked puzzled.

Zhan Meng looked at his watch again and said, "Well, it's getting late, I'll go back first."

"Hmph!" Du Haibo glared at him. Didn't he want to benefit if he lost the chain at a critical moment?He took out a card from his pocket, "There are 100 million here."

Zhan Meng unceremoniously took the card, and said very hypocritically: "Brother Du, why are you being polite to me, just ask me if you have anything."

"Tell me, how to find the strange man?" Du Haibo said.

"Let's put it this way! Most of the strange men are working for the country, but there are also some hidden among the people. If you can find them, you may be able to get the true biography." Zhan Meng began to talk nonsense, "Most of these people look like charlatans. , It’s not easy to find them, it depends on your luck.”

Du Haibo was stunned for a moment, and said, "Aren't these people all charlatans?"

"Mostly, but there are also a few masters." Zhan Meng said.

After the conversation between the two, Du Haibo fell into deep thought. Charlatans are easy to find, but how can we find real masters?

Thinking of the way his classmates looked at him, and thinking of Chen Xiaofei's words, Du Haibo gritted his teeth and gave up.

Today's Du Haibo can be said to be a doctor for his disease. As long as Li Yi can be cured, he can do anything.

That night, Du Haibo asked Wang Haisheng and Hu Duocheng to find quacks and fortune tellers, and invited them with a lot of money.

As the saying goes, there must be brave men under great rewards, and the two of them actually found a few that night.

This is a later story. Our classmate Li Yi just finished taking a shower, and walked into the bedroom excitedly in his pajamas.

In the bedroom at this moment, two beauties are lying on the bed, each with their own thoughts.

When Li Yi came to the room, he saw two women wearing bath towels, with fair skin and attractive figures, and swallowed hard, "Two beauties, who will come first?"

Neither of them wanted to come first, Yao Min had already thought of a way to deal with it, and said calmly: "Linger, this is your territory, you come first!"

Xiao Ling'er waved her hand and said: "The guests are up to the owner, how can I leave the guests aside first, you come first!"

"Sister Linger, my good sister, why are you being polite to me?" Yao Min said, "You guys come here first, and I will take over after you finish."

"Sister Yao Min, I also want to come first! But Li Yi wants to have sex with you more." Xiao Linger said.

"Why?" Yao Min asked puzzled.

Xiao Ling'er didn't answer, she looked at Li Yi, and said softly: "Old man, come first! It's my first time, I don't understand some postures, I will learn later." Her methods are more Gao Ming, first said that he was still a virgin, and then continued: "Sister Yao Min, you are Li Yi's woman now, don't tell me, you haven't done it either."

Yao Min really wanted to say that she hadn't done it, but Xiao Ling'er had already said this, even if she said it, the other party would not believe it.

Thinking of what Xiao Linger said to Li Yi when she was taking a bath, Yao Min gritted his teeth and said, "Who said I didn't do it? I just came first, but I have a request."

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