super jade

Chapter 439 This supernatural power is invincible in the world

Ma Xiangjie's face darkened, and suddenly he had an ominous premonition, and said in a daze: "You, what are you going to do?"

"Master Ma, I just made a phone call, why are you excited?" Su Guannan smiled and said, "I asked my sister just now, 50 is enough to kill you, do you think I should pay you or kill you? "

"Su Guannan, don't act recklessly, killing people will pay for their lives." Ma Xiangjie warned.

Su Guannan waved his hand, and said without worry: "With my current status, do I have to pay for killing you as a beggar? I can definitely say it was a traffic accident..." After finishing speaking, he returned to the car, stepped on the gas pedal, The car drove two meters forward and was about to hit Ma Xiangjie.

Ma Xiangjie stopped acting, staggered to his feet, and said angrily: "Su Guannan, just wait for me."

"Don't go! I'm still waiting to kill you and lose money!" Su Guannan shouted loudly.

Ma Xiangjie was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he could only go back to the east of the bridge to find Zeng Zhicheng.

At this time, our classmate Zeng Zhicheng was laughing up to the sky, he looked stupid like an idiot.

Seeing this guy laughing non-stop, Ma Xiangjie, who was in a depressed mood, couldn't help it anymore, and said angrily: "Fuck! What are you laughing at, kid? I was screwed just now."

"What's wrong with you?" Zeng Zhicheng turned around and asked.

Ma Xiangjie briefly talked about what happened just now, and said with a cold snort: "That Su Guannan is too much, isn't it just that he has a powerful brother-in-law? Look at his arrogant appearance, I really want to kick him to death."

"Brother Ma, don't be angry, Su Guannan won't be able to jump for long." Zeng Zhicheng said.

Hearing this, Ma Xiangjie was taken aback, and asked in confusion: "Why, you want to deal with Su Guannan?"

"Not to deal with him, but to deal with his sister first. Without Su Mengxi's cover, can he still be arrogant?" Zeng Zhicheng snorted coldly and clenched his fists.

Ma Xiangjie took a deep breath, touched his forehead, and said, "I said you have a fever! Su Mengxi is Li Yi's woman, how dare you trouble her?"

"If Li Yi was still alive, of course I wouldn't dare, but he is dead now." Zeng Zhicheng said.

Ma Xiangjie was startled again, unable to believe his ears, and said, "What did you say, Li Yi is dead?"

"It's absolutely true, I just got the news that Li Yi has been killed by a strong Wu clan." Zeng Zhicheng said seriously, "We can leave here, first gather the old subordinates, I will wait for a comeback and kill Li Yi's woman , and drive his family out of the house, let them feel the taste of begging."

"I said, you're not joking with me, are you! Li Yi is really dead?" Ma Xiangjie didn't believe it. The seven major families couldn't do anything about Li Yi. Can a witch clan kill Li Yi?

"What, you think I'm joking with you?" Zeng Zhicheng said solemnly.

Ma Xiangjie thought of the troubles he had with Li Yi last time, so he was a little confused, and said, "Brother Zeng, have you ever thought about it, if Li Yi didn't die, wouldn't we be doomed?"

"Aren't we miserable now?" Zeng Zhicheng said coldly, "What if Li Yi is alive? He won't kill us, at worst, come back and continue begging."

"He has let us go once, will he let us come back to beg for food this time?" Ma Xiangjie asked worriedly.

Zeng Zhicheng glared at him, and said angrily, "I really don't understand, what are you afraid of, kid?"

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid..." Ma Xiangjie gritted his teeth and said what was in his heart, "I'm afraid this time we won't even ask for food, but let us eat shit..."

Zeng Zhicheng was also taken aback, he was silent for a while, and said: "Even so, we have to take a gamble, if the nobleman didn't help us secretly, we would be beggars for the rest of our lives..."

"Your help?" Ma Xiangjie couldn't help asking, "Who is it?"

"You don't need to know who he is, you just need to know that he gave us 1000 million to find a woman's whereabouts." Zeng Zhicheng said.

"Looking for Li Yi's woman?" Ma Xiangjie guessed.

Zeng Zhicheng took out a photo and said, "I don't know if she is Li Yi's woman. As long as we find her, the nobleman will give us a lot of money."

Ma Xiangjie was still a little worried, he thought for a while, and said: "Brother Zeng, let me talk about the ugliness first, this time I will only help you find that woman, I will not do anything to the people around Li Yi."

"Hmph! If you fail once, you're afraid of becoming like this. Just look at your prospects." Zeng Zhicheng hated iron for steel.

Li Yi disappeared again for half a month, is he really dead?of course not.

After falling from the sky that day, it happened to be near the ancestral hall of the Wang family. No one noticed that a stream of light flew quickly, wrapped Li Yi's body in it, and then went straight to the ancestral hall of the Wang family.In the ancestral hall, Li Yi was lying in the cave, his body released a faint streamer, and the injuries in his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Three days later, Li Yi fully recovered from his injuries, and there was a faint trend of a breakthrough in his cultivation.

But the strange thing is that he has not woken up, and no one knows the reason.

After more than ten more days, Li Yi still had no tendency to wake up. There was a flash of light around him, and a figure suddenly appeared, sighing: "I have tried my best..."

This figure is extremely blurry, and it is impossible to see the specific appearance clearly. If you look closely, you can see that his body is formed by the condensed spiritual power.

During the time when Li Yi was sleeping, no major events happened in ** City, and many forces who wanted to trouble Li Yi were ready to move, but did not act immediately.Including the seven major families, all stood still, waiting for the opponent to strike first.Such a strange scene is very simple to say, these people are afraid that Li Yi will disappear deliberately, and suddenly appear like last time, destroying two families with lightning speed.

The remaining five major families do not want to repeat their responsibilities, and their strength cannot compete with Li Yi.

These people knew about Li Yi's disappearance, but there was one person who didn't know about it, and that was Du Haibo.

Du Haibo suffered from a demonic disease during this time, and he thought all day long about becoming an immortal cultivator, who could possess supernatural powers that would destroy the world.

He didn't know how many quacks and fortune tellers he had met these days, but they were all liars without exception.

Time passed day by day, and when I first saw these people, I was so excited that I was dying, but in the end I lost interest.

At noon that day, Du Haibo saw a fortune teller again, and said angrily, "I said, master, are you just like them, you only know little tricks like turning an empty pot into a snake!"

The old man looked to be in his fifties, wearing a gray robe, his expression was solemn, and he really looked like a fairy.

"Old man Wang Lin, never play such little tricks, I don't know what the master wants to do?" The old man stroked the beard on his chin, showing an inscrutable look.

Du Haibo didn't bother to talk nonsense, he took out a gold card from his pocket, put it on the table, and said: "There are 50 here, you let me practice a peerless magic."

The fortune teller Wang Lin was stunned. What surprised him was not how much money Kari had, but that he met such an idiot.

"What a fool, if I can teach you to practice peerless magic skills, will I still come here to cheat?" Wang Lin thought in his heart, but said, "Practicing peerless magic skills requires strong perseverance. If the will is not firm, Even if you have practiced for 1 years, you will never be able to master such magical skills."

"Master, from what you say, it seems like you have a peerless magic power?" Du Haibo still didn't believe the other party's words, and he had heard such words a lot before.

"You don't believe the old man's words?" Wang Lin's face showed anger.

Du Haibo smiled lightly and said, "I believe it, but you must show some real skills!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say, you go and invite a beautiful woman, the old man will let him fall in love with me within three breaths, and take the initiative to fall into my arms." Wang Lin said solemnly.

"Master, did you hide the drug in your sleeve and spray it on them?" Du Haibo knew it well. Several masters had shown it to him before. He would be an idiot if he couldn't see the reason. up.

"Uh..." The deception was exposed face to face, Wang Lin blushed, and said in embarrassment, "Well, I don't need medicine."

Du Haibo smiled playfully, walked in front of him, and said, "Then let's play something else, shall we?"

"What do you want to play, sir?" Wang Lin asked.

Du Haibo turned around and pointed to a painting on the wall, squinting his eyes and said: "Since the master is an expert outside the world, it shouldn't be difficult for you to get things from the air!"

"Getting things from a distance consumes too much internal energy, and I usually don't use it easily." Wang Lin just said this, but saw Du Haibo put out a dozen stacks of cash on the table, his eyes lit up, and he quickly changed his words, " Well, since the master is so sincere, the old man will be reluctant to cast spells to get things!"

A disdainful smile appeared on Du Haibo's mouth. He didn't believe that the other party could really get things from a distance, and he had already contacted Wang Haisheng and others.

As long as the old guy can't do it, Wang Haisheng will bring someone in and beat him out of the house.

Wang Linpan sat on the ground, raised his hands, showing the appearance of pinching Fa Jue, pointed at the wall hanging, shook his head and said: "Come, come, come..."

Strange to say, the wall hanging really flew up and slowly fell into his hands.

Du Haibo was stunned, his eyes were full of surprise, he changed his attitude just now and said: "Senior, do you really know how to fetch things from space?"

Wang Lin secretly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, coughed lightly, and said, "Such little tricks can't trouble the old man, and the old man has even more powerful skills!"

"Senior, please teach me supernatural powers and spells. This junior is willing to learn from you." Du Haibo said excitedly, "I don't know how powerful senior's supernatural powers are?"

Wang Lin didn't answer his words, but raised his right hand and pointed at Du Haibo, saying: "This supernatural power is invincible in the world, it can be described as shocking and weeping ghosts and gods..."

"Senior, can this supernatural power kill people?" Du Haibo didn't care how powerful the supernatural power was, he just wanted to know if he could kill Li Yi.

"Hmph! You are doubting the old man's supernatural powers." Wang Lin snorted coldly, and said angrily, "Believe it or not, I can poke you to death with one finger when I perform my kung fu?"

Just as Du Haibo was about to answer, he felt a strong force coming towards him, and it landed on his chest in an instant.

This force was so sudden that he couldn't catch it, Du Haibo flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground.

Du Haibo was ecstatic in his heart, this is an expert outside the world, he quickly knelt on the ground, and said: "Senior, I want to learn this supernatural power, please teach it to me..."

Wang Lin took out a small booklet from his arms, closed his eyes and said, "This is a magic power cultivation method. This old man has studied it all his life, and most people can't buy it if they have money..."

Du Haibo was stunned, he really didn't know what to honor the other party, so he said bravely: "Senior, apart from money, this disciple has nothing to offer."

Wang Lin sighed, but still didn't open his eyes, pretending to be helpless and said: "Forget it, forget it, seeing that you are so sincere, the old man will resign himself to the vulgar thing!"

Du Haibo hurriedly took out a punch card from his pocket, and placed it neatly on the ground, "Senior, there are 50 in this card, [-] here, [-] here, and a maximum of [-] here..."

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