super jade

Chapter 443 He Bullied Me

Li Yi's face changed drastically, and it was too late to take back his soul, so he could only watch helplessly as the soul flew into the Lich Tower.

"Haha! The world will be ruled by the Twelve Liches. Li Yi, I will not kill you. I will let you watch the woman you love die. It is so painful!!!" After the owner of the Lich Tower said this, the tower A thick black mist was suddenly released, and this mist condensed into a huge palm, which suddenly grabbed Li Yi.

Li Yi couldn't move his body, and he couldn't resist at all. He felt a little bit in his heart, is he going to die?

At this moment, a figure came through the sky, with an astonishing speed, and appeared in the Lich Tower in an instant.

This figure turned into a middle-aged man, wearing gray clothes, with a solemn expression, looking coldly at the Lich Tower, and said solemnly: "Houtu, what do you want to do?" After speaking, he waved his right hand, An invisible palm shadow flew away in an instant, and with a whoosh, Li Yi's soul fell into his hands.

"Second generation god king!" The owner of the Lich Tower is Houtu, one of the twelve witch gods of the time. His magical powers are mainly based on the earth system, and he is also known as the mother of the earth, mountains and rivers.

"Hmph! Do you remember me, the second-generation god king?" The second-generation god king asked, "Are you trying to rebel?"

"I want to rebel, what can you do to me?" Houtu's voice changed, becoming a weak woman, "All these years you have been unable to kill us, you can only suppress us."

"It's not that I don't want to kill you, but it's not time to kill you." The second-generation god king looked at Li Yi beside him and said, "He is my successor, and he will kill you in the end."

"Haha! Just relying on him? A trash who only knows how to like women is worthy of killing us?" Houtu said disdainfully, "Second God King, I advise you to leave here, otherwise..."

"You are the only one of the Twelve Sorcerer Gods to wake up, and you still can't stop me from taking him away." The Second God King said.

Houtu snorted coldly, and said, "I can't stop you, but if you want to take him away, you have to pay a huge price." After she finished speaking, she shouted, "The change of the hill!"

The huge mist released from the Lich Tower just now merged into the ground in an instant, and the surrounding ground shook violently.

The second-generation god king waved his hand, and he and Li Yi flew into the air at the same time, pointed at the ground, and said sharply: "Set things right!"


The loud noise reverberated, resounding through the heavens and the earth.

Not seeing the second generation of god kings displaying their supernatural powers, there was a huge sound from the ground, and the world shook at this moment.

After the witch god Houtu fought with the second generation of god kings for [-] rounds, the color of the world changed, and the mountains collapsed. No one can underestimate their supernatural powers.

I don't know how long it took before the world returned to its original state. Houtu spat out a mouthful of blood and said unwillingly, "The second generation of god kings, I have written down this enmity. One day I will kill the Nine Heavens Temple..."

"Huh! Let's talk about it then!" The second generation of god kings grabbed Li Yi, only to see the streamer flashing, and the two fled away.

Half an hour later, the two came to the mountains near ** City. The second-generation god king put down Li Yi and said, "I know you have something to ask me, so ask it!"

"You are injured." Li Yi said.

The second-generation god king was startled, then smiled and said, "You don't want to know who I am?"

"I know who you are, you are a fortune teller." Li Yi said calmly, "Why did you choose me as your successor? I just want to live an ordinary life."

"You don't want to." The second-generation god king said.

"You're not me, how do you know I don't want to?" Li Yi asked back.

The Second God King laughed again, and said, "I ask you, can you let go of those beauties?"

"I, I can't." Li Yi really can't, these beauties are his whole life, if he abandons them, it's no different from killing him.

"That's right. If you want to live an ordinary life, you will still be the last in the class, and your world will be like this." The second generation of God King waved his hand, and a picture appeared beside him.

It was the wedding scene, the groom and the bride were praying to heaven and earth, the groom was Du Haibo, and the bride became Chen Xiaofei.

"No, it's not true." Li Yi roared.

"If you want to live an ordinary life, that's true." The Second God King said, "I'll ask you one last time, do you accept my inheritance or live an ordinary life."

Hearing this, Li Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Do I still have a choice?"

"Since you don't choose, I'll take it as your acquiescence. You accept my inheritance, and I can tell you something." There is also a god king behind. Many years ago, I was also an inheritor like you, and I didn't know until the end that he chose me."

"So you have to choose someone after you become the second-generation god queen?" Li Yi said, "Why do you do this, is it interesting?"

"Haha! Good question. At the beginning, I also thought that the first generation of god kings was boring. Later, when I became the second generation of god kings, I realized that the god kings are really boring. It is because they are too boring, so I need to find a successor. See Don't you think it's interesting watching him grow up slowly?" The second generation of god kings laughed.

Li Yi rolled his eyes and said, "I don't find it interesting."

"That's because you didn't become a third-generation god king. If you became a god king and possessed the power to destroy the world, you would do the same." The second-generation god king affirmed.

Li Yi shook his head, and said decisively: "No, I won't do this, everything will stop with me."

The second-generation god king was stunned, as if he didn't expect Li Yi to answer like this, and said: "If you really do this, your world will be quite boring."

"If I did this, it would be boring!" Li Yi changed the subject, "Since you are the second-generation god king, and you have the magic power to reach the sky, why don't you help me kill them?"

"If I help you like this, how will you grow up?" The second generation of God King said, "Your fate is good, you were born in the city, and we were in the barbaric sect back then. Such a life is simply not human."

"You let me grow up and kill them. Those people are witch gods?" Li Yi reminded.

The second-generation god king waved his hand, gave him a look of not worrying, and said, "What's wrong with the witch god? After a few years, your cultivation base will improve, and they will be vulnerable in your eyes."

"The key is that they don't give me a chance. I'm vulnerable to them now!" Li Yi smiled wryly.

"I will give you three years. During these three years, I will seal their cultivation, so that they will not dare to trouble you. After three years, your cultivation will improve, and this world will belong to you." The second generation of God King said solemnly, " I know you are worried about Xiao Linger's safety, don't worry, that girl won't die."

"What if she dies?" Li Yi asked.

"I am the second-generation god king. Even if she dies, I can go to the Necromancer Realm to rescue her and let him return to your side." The second-generation god king said, "Okay, I have said everything I need to say. , go back! Go back to those beauties of yours, your task now is to traverse the city and improve your cultivation..."

"Zongheng City?" Li Yi said, "Are you sure they won't come to trouble me?"

"Those big bosses won't trouble you anymore, cat and dog, you can handle it." The second-generation god king suddenly patted Li Yi's shoulder, and a huge force was released.

Li Yi's body trembled, and he passed out. When he woke up, he found that he was lying on the bed.

There was a sharp pain in my mind, and I couldn't remember many things, as if I had slept for a long time.

That's right, the second generation of god kings sealed part of Li Yi's memory, and added another part of memory to his mind.

Li Yi just wanted to get up, but he heard a familiar voice from the living room, "Yao Min, what brought you here? It's been a long time since I came here."

"Do I still dare to come?" Yao Min said angrily, "I'm really afraid that he will eat me."

"Why, he hasn't attacked you yet?" Su Mengxi giggled.

Yao Min's face became a little ugly. She took a deep breath and sobbed, "Sister Mengxi, you have to decide for me, he, he bullied me..."

"He bullied you?" Su Mengxi was startled, then sensed something, and asked, "Why did he bully you?"

"You, you know." Yao Min lowered his head and said.

Su Mengxi giggled, took her hand and said, "Tell me, did he bully you by pressing on you, or did he bully you by entering from behind?"

"You..." Yao Minqiao blushed, she even felt that she shouldn't be here, "You bullied me too."

"What you said is wrong. I'm helping you make the decision. If you don't explain it to me in detail, how can I know how to help you?" Su Mengxi said eloquently.

Yao Min was right when he thought about it, he briefly talked about what happened that night, and then said: "That's it."

Su Mengxi's eyes widened, full of jealousy, and she didn't say a word for a long time.

"Sister Mengxi, what's wrong with you?" Yao Min waved her hand.

"'s nothing, I just envy you." Su Mengxi said something that she didn't understand.

Yao Min frowned, puzzled and said, "What do you envy me for?"

"Hey! He and I can only last for three hours, but we have a night with you. Can I not envy you?" Su Mengxi said, "Tell me, how does it feel to have sex all night?"

"Are you helping me, or bullying me?" Yao Min stood up angrily.

Su Mengxi hurriedly took her hand, coughed softly: "Well, of course I helped you, you said how to help you decide."

"I don't know, I just want to teach him a lesson," Yao Min said.

"It's simple, I'll help you vent your anger, stay at my house at night, and let's figure out a way together." Su Mengxi said, "Go take a bath first! Let's have dinner together later."

Yao Min went to the bathroom, filled a bathtub with water, and then soaked in the water.

Su Mengxi came to the room to help Yao Min get her pajamas, but as soon as she entered the room, she saw someone lying on her bed, and immediately exclaimed, "Ah..."

In the bathroom of the guest room, Yao Min who was taking a shower was stunned, and quickly asked, "Sister Mengxi, what's wrong?"

"No, it's okay, I saw a cockroach." Su Mengxi said so, but came to Li Yi, and said angrily, "Say, when did you come back?"

"No way! You are a dignified director, and you are still afraid of cockroaches?" Yao Min said with a smile.

In the room, Su Mengxi rode on Li Yi's body and asked scoldingly, "If you don't tell me where you've been recently, I won't let you sleep here."

"Then I'll go to Liu Xiaolu and Sun Hanyue's room to rest." Li Yi said.

"Hmph! They've gone out and won't be back for a few days." Su Mengxi said with a smile.

Li Yi smiled and said, "Then I'll go to Yao Min's room."

Not to mention that Yao Min is fine, but when it is said that she is Su Mengxi, she gets angry and said angrily, "Tell me, what's going on with you and Yao Min?"

"'s nothing, I accidentally made a fake show." Li Yi said.

Su Mengxi glared at him, and said depressedly: "That's not what I asked, why did you spend the night with her and only with me for about three hours?"

Li Yi hesitated for a moment, briefly recounted the adventure that day, and said, "That's it."

"You're not joking with me, are you! There's also the Beauty Picture Cave?" Su Mengxi changed the subject, "By the way, you took down Yao Min that night, why didn't you take down Xiao Ling'er?"

"Xiao Linger?" There was a sharp pain in Li Yi's mind, and the memory of Xiao Linger was very vague, "I seem to remember that she left after the concert..."

"You didn't go to find her after you left?" Su Mengxi didn't believe it.

Just as Li Yi was about to answer, Yao Min's voice came from the next room, "Sister Mengxi, have you found your pajamas?"

"I found it, I'll send it back right away." Su Mengxi suddenly thought of something, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Yao Min, I've figured out how to help you..."

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