super jade

Chapter 445 I want to be Nishinomiya Empress

Li Yi walked into the bedroom, narrowed his eyes and said, "Yao Min, that, I..."

Yao Min snorted coldly, she glared at Li Yi, and said duplicity: "Don't think that you and I are the same, I agree to be your girlfriend. For the sake of Sister Mengxi, I will give you a chance , if you can take me to the moon, I will consider being with you, otherwise we will be strangers..."

"Go, I'll take you to the moon now." Li Yi beckoned and led the two girls to the outside of the villa.

The three of them got into the car and went straight to the ** community. When they came to the community, Yao Min frowned and said, "Li Yi, didn't you take me to the moon? What are you doing here?"

"The moon is so far away, of course we have to go there in the fastest way." Li Yi explained.

Yao Min really couldn't figure out what the relationship between coming here and going to the moon said, "Li Yi, are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"Even if I lied to myself, I won't lie to you again." Li Yi parked the car in the garage and brought the two girls to Wang Tiantian's villa. Inside the villa.

When the three women entered the villa, Yao Min had an ominous premonition, so he raised his vigilance and said, "Li Yi, you wouldn't bring us here, take ours!"

"Which one?" Su Mengxi asked with a giggle.

Yao Min's pretty face flushed, she lowered her head and didn't know how to answer.

"Two beauties, let's go, let's go to the top floor." Li Yi took the two women to the top floor, where there was nothing but the hidden teleportation array.

Yao Min's hanging heart is relieved, there is no bed here, Li Yi should not take her down by force.

This is not the first time Su Mengxi has come here. She pulled Yao Min to stand in the middle of the room and said, "Close your eyes, we will reach the moon later."

Yao Min was full of doubts, but didn't ask any more questions, and closed her eyes obediently.

Li Yi raised his right hand and made a spell against the teleportation array, only to see a flash of light, and the figures of the three disappeared.

Yao Min only felt his body lighten, and found that he came to a dark space, and said in horror: "Li Yi, Sister Mengxi, what is this place?"

"This is a space-time tunnel." Su Mengxi replied.

Yao Min was taken aback, and said, "Time Tunnel, have you read too many fantasy novels?"

"Hehe! You'll know later that this is not something that can only happen in novels." As soon as Su Mengxi finished speaking, Yao Min found that his feet had landed on the ground.

Raising his head and looking around, Yao Min took a breath and said, "What a simple and simple hall, what is this place?"

"This is the moon." Su Mengxi said.

Yao Min looked around. Apart from the main hall, the place where they were standing was a huge square.

There are patches of dense woods around the square, the trees are luxuriant and thick enough to be as thick as an adult's body, and they have obviously grown here for hundreds of years.

Yao Min could tell at a glance that these trees can be seen on the earth, and she was a little disbelieving: "Sister Mengxi, don't tease me, this is still the earth."

"Oh! Why are you sure this is the earth?" Su Mengxi asked with narrowed eyes.

"It's very simple. Here are houses, trees, and air. How could it be the moon?" Yao Min said, "Don't think I don't know. There is no air on the moon, and its gravity is not comparable to that of the earth. On the ground, you can fly with just a little movement."

Su Mengxi smiled and said, "Congratulations, you guessed wrong, this is really the moon."

"I don't believe it, why is this Earth?" Yao Min asked.

At this time, Li Yi walked up to her and said, "Beauty, can I take your hand and swim around?"

Yao Min hesitated, nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Li Yi, if you lie to me, I will..."

Before she could say the following words, Su Mengxi took the lead and said: "You just marry him."

"Sister Mengxi, are you still talking for him?" Yao Min stomped angrily, but there was nothing he could do about them.

Su Mengxi giggled, took the initiative to hold Li Yi's hand, and said, "Husband, take sister Yao Min to visit our Moon Village!"


Li Yi took the hands of the two women, jumped up, and the three of them flew into the air at the same time.

In mid-air, Yao Min widened his eyes when he saw the surrounding scenery, and said in a voiceless voice: "Eiffel Tower, Pyramid, why are these places of interest here?"

"Now you believe that this is the moon! These monuments were moved from the earth by my husband." Su Mengxi explained.

The surprise in Yao Min's heart couldn't be added. She really wanted to know how Li Yi did it, but she was too embarrassed to ask.

The three of them flew for a while, and Yao Min saw a sign erected in many open spaces, and those signs still had their names written on them, so he couldn't help asking, "Sister Mengxi, why is your name on that sign?"

"That's my territory." Su Mengxi asked, "Do you want a territory of your own?"

"I think!" Yao Min agreed without thinking.

Su Mengxi glanced at Li Yi, who understood, took out a sign from the storage bag, and said, "Which territory do you want?"

"The one over there!" Yao Min pointed forward.

Li Yi waved his hand, and the wooden sign fell on the ground in front of him under his control.

However, although the wooden sign fell, there was no name on it. Yao Min asked subconsciously: "Li Yi, why don't you write my name on the wooden sign?"

"If you want to have a territory here, you must have a prerequisite. You haven't met the requirements, so..." Li Yi played hard to get, and deliberately didn't finish his sentence.

"Premise, what premise?" Yao Min asked.

Li Yi didn't answer. It was better for Su Mengxi to explain this question. He nodded to Su Mengxi.

"As long as you become Li Yi's woman, you can have your own territory here and build your own home." Su Mengxi said.

Yao Min seemed to have guessed the condition. She pointed to one of the wooden signs and said, "If I remember correctly, Chen Jiaojiao is Li Yi's sister-in-law. Why does she have a territory here?"

"Uh... who stipulated that my sister-in-law can't get along with her brother-in-law?" Su Mengxi asked.

Yao Min was stunned, she gasped, and said in surprise, "No way! He even took down his sister-in-law?"

"Our husband is very powerful, so it's normal to take down my sister-in-law." Su Mengxi changed the subject, "Now that the moon is here, shouldn't it be time for you to fulfill your promise?"

After confirming that this is the moon, Yao Min's heart was moved. She also wanted to become a powerful immortal cultivator like Su Mengxi.

However, Yao Min did not immediately agree, and said with a smile: "Sister Mengxi, haven't you realized that what you are doing now is very similar to an ancient profession?"

"Oh?" Su Mengxi blinked and said, "What occupation?"

"Matchmaker!" Yao Min said and ran away.

"Little girl, are you looking for death?" Su Mengxi quickly chased after her, pretending to be angry, "Believe it or not, I will let you sleep alone at night..."

Yao Min giggled, and said while running, "I don't believe you, you don't have the right."

"Huh! I'm the empress of the West Palace now, if you don't listen to me, just wait for the bedtime!" Su Mengxi didn't chase any more, she came to Li Yi's side and said, "My husband, it's done..."

"Thank you very much this time." Li Yi glanced at her gratefully. Without Su Mengxi, it would be impossible to settle the feud with Yao Min in such a short period of time.

"Hehe! Thank you for being so outrageous. Are there any other rewards?" Su Mengxi asked.

Li Yi smiled badly and said, "What reward do you want? How about going to bed at night?"

"Tch, is this still a reward?" Su Mengxi rolled her eyes and said, "If Chen Xiaofei is the eldest wife and she is the empress of the East Palace, then I will be the empress of the West Palace..."

"Uh... It's not easy to be the empress of the West Palace." Li Yi said.

"As long as you don't object to my formation of cliques, it's fine. From today on, I'll help you take care of the people in the West Palace." Su Mengxi, who had already decided to contend with the East Palace, said, "There are so many villas in **University, why don't you take care of the people in the West Palace?" After buying a few villas, how about I bring the beauty of Xigong to live there?"

"Uh... Do I still need to pay for this small amount of money? Go find Bayongjie!" Li Yi asked curiously, "By the way, tell me about the beauties in West Palace?"

"Yao Min count, Liu Xiaolu, Bayongjie, and Sun Hanyue." Su Mengxi said, "It's quite a lot! Compared with the East Palace, my place has a great advantage."

Li Yi frowned, he thought of a serious question, and said, "Are you really going to have a showdown with Chen Xiaofei?"

"Now is not the time for a showdown, I will slowly let her know of our existence." Su Mengxi has already thought up a detailed plan, and just waits for it to be implemented step by step.

"Aren't you afraid of messing up?" Li Yi asked.

Su Mengxi gave him a look of don't worry, and said seriously: "Don't worry, leave this matter to me, I will definitely make the East and West palaces fit together perfectly."

Li Yi also hoped that all the girls would get along well. He was silent and said: "Take this matter slowly, don't rush it."

Yao Min ran for a while, and saw that Su Mengxi not only didn't chase after him, but instead chatted with Li Yi, and said depressedly: "Sister Mengxi, what are you talking about?"

"We're talking about the East and West Palaces." Su Mengxi said with a smile.

Yao Min was startled, and said: "What palace, are you talking about the harem?"

"Yes! There are three thousand beauties in the harem." Su Mengxi nodded.

Yao Min likes history very much, and knows a little about the emperors of various dynasties. She came over and participated in the discussion, "Which emperor are you talking about?"

"Emperor Li." Su Mengxi said mysteriously.

Yao Min immediately thought of the Tang Dynasty, and said, "Which emperor is the Tang Dynasty?"

"Heavenly Emperor." Su Mengxi said.

Yao Min was taken aback again. She thought for a long time but didn't think of this emperor, so she couldn't help asking: "Is there such an emperor in the Tang Dynasty? What's his name?"

"His name is Li Yi." Su Mengxi giggled.

Yao Min is so angry!Knowing that she was played by Su Mengxi, she said depressedly: "Hmph! You all know how to bully me."

"Ms. Yao, it's your turn to sleep at night, please change and get ready!" Su Mengxi imitated the eunuch's voice, holding her throat and whispering.

Yao Min's pretty face blushed, she gave Su Mengxi a look, and said angrily, "Who wants to sleep with him? Even if he is the emperor, I won't sleep with him. Let him find...Find Miss Wu!"

"Hee hee, it's not up to you." Su Mengxi said with a smile, "Your Majesty, I will help you take her down."

After finishing speaking, Su Mengxi suddenly appeared behind Yao Min, with a grabbing hand, instantly subdued Yao Min.

Yao Min is so depressed!His hands were pinned down, unable to move even if he wanted to, begging for mercy: "Miss Nishinomiya, I know I was wrong, please let me go!"

"Then, are you going to bed at night?" Su Mengxi asked.

Yao Min untied his knot, regained his original cheerful personality, and said with a smile, "Isn't it okay to serve the bedroom?"

Li Yi and the two beauties spent a crazy night on the moon, and did not return to the moon until the next night.

Just after appearing on the top floor of the villa, a scene that Li Yi didn't expect appeared, and this incident also accelerated the direct dialogue between the two palace ladies.

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