super jade

Chapter 451

Disgust flashed across Yao Min's eyes, and he said politely, "Manager Zhou, I'm sorry, I've already found a playmate."

"The playmate you're talking about is him?" Zhou Hongming glanced at Li Yi coldly, and said disdainfully, "Is he worthy of being your playmate?"

"This is my private matter. It has nothing to do with you, right?" Yao Min said coldly, "If there is nothing else, please go back! I still have something to attend to."

Zhou Hongming didn't leave, and said seriously: "The company stipulates that playmates can only be from the company. Who is he?"

"He is an employee who has just joined our company, so there is no need to tell you his name!" Yao Min said.

Hearing this, Zhou Hongming was overjoyed, and said to Li Yi: "Boy, I have something to say to you, do you dare to come out?"

Li Yi shrugged his shoulders indifferently, walked out with him, and said, "Dude, what do you want to say?"

Zhou Hongming snorted coldly, pushed Li Yi away, and said disdainfully: "Who is your buddy, please pay attention to your identity."

"Oh! Little bastard, what's the matter?" Li Yi asked.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Zhou Hongming roared angrily, raised his clenched right hand, put it down immediately, and said, "Say it! How can you give up accompanying her?"

"Why should I give up on her?" Li Yi said with a smile, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, do you make it possible for me to give up?"

"Hmph! As long as anything is linked to interests, nothing is impossible. Say, how much do you want?" Zhou Hongming took out a gold card and handed it to Li Yi, "There are 300 million here, is it enough?"

Zhou Hongming thought that after taking out the money, the other party would definitely agree. He has never met anyone who doesn't love money.

However, Li Yi's answer made me very depressed, "300 million, it's too little!"

"Boy, don't go too far, 300 million is a big amount." Zhou Hongming said with an emphasis on 300 million, "You and Yao Min are close, don't you just want to be with her?"

"Oh! Don't you want to sleep with her?" Li Yi said more bluntly.

Zhou Hongming was taken aback, as if he didn't expect Li Yi to say this, he didn't deny it, and said, "Think about it, how many beauties can you find for 300 million?"

"Since you know that money can find beautiful women, why did you give me so much money?" Li Yi said with a smile, "You can use the money to find a group of beautiful women, and you can change one every day."

"That's different!" Zhou Hongming said angrily.

"Yeah! That's different. Such top beauties are rare, and I don't want to give up my future." Li Yi waved his hand and returned the gold card to him.

Zhou Hongming's face darkened, and he said, "Don't think that if you get along with Yao Min, you will have a bright future. You are wrong. As long as I am with you, you will never be able to make a fortune."

"Who said I'm going to be successful? With such a rich girl, do I still need to work?" Li Yi said proudly instead of ashamed.

"You, you have no ambitions, do you want a woman to support you?" Zhou Hongming asked.

"Why not?" Li Yi said with a smile, "Why not do it for such a beautiful beauty?"

"So, you don't accept my proposal?" Zhou Hongming asked back.

Li Yi smiled and said, "Your money is too little."

When Zhou Hongming heard that there was something interesting, he said, "How much do you want?"

"At least a few billion! This amount of money is not enough for me!" Li Yi said disdainfully.

Zhou Hongming is so angry!There was nothing he could do about Li Yi, and he snorted coldly: "Boy, wait for me, and I will let you know what happens when you are right with me."

"Thank you! I also want to know how you are going to deal with me." Li Yi said without worry.

Zhou Hongming snorted coldly, glared at Li Yi, and left resentfully.

Back in the office, Yao Min had already changed into a flight attendant's uniform, which fit her quite well.

Seeing Li Yi coming, she smiled slightly and said, "What did that guy tell you?"

"He said he wanted to sleep with you and gave me 300 million." Li Yi said.

Knowing Li Yi's net worth, Yao Min smiled and said, "You agreed?"

"Of course not. Is it possible to steal my woman for 300 million yuan?" Li Yi said.

Hearing this, Yao Min was overjoyed. Before she could laugh out loud, what Li Yi said next made her very angry.

"At least give me a few billion! Otherwise, it will be too much of a disadvantage." Li Yi finished the rest of the sentence.

Yao Min snorted coldly, pinched Li Yi, and said angrily, "You want to sell me for a few billion?"

"Uh... Am I kidding you? Besides, he can't afford billions." Li Yi said with a smile.

Yao Min was still angry, and said, "What if he took it out?"

"Then I will take his money and drive him away." Li Yi changed his attitude just now, and said seriously, "You think, if he can really come up with billions, he must not be an ordinary person. Such a person There must be another purpose for approaching you." He paused, then continued: "What's the kid's name?"

"Zhou Hongming." Yao Min said.

"His surname is Zhou. He is probably from the Zhou family. Why doesn't he know me?"Either he is a two hundred and five, or his identity is extraordinary, and he has a secret unknown to outsiders.

Li Yi didn't think much about it. He had sensed Zhou Hongming's body just now, and there was no internal force in this guy's body.

An hour later, everyone came to the plane and boarded the plane step by step.

Yao Min has a detached position in the branch, of course he sits in the first class, and Li Yi sits beside him as his partner.

Zhou Hongming's status in the company is not low, he sat down not far from Yao Min, and sat beside a pretty woman.

The woman seemed to be in her twenties, and her appearance was not bad, but she was dressed in a gorgeous way, and she spoke even more coquettishly, "Manager Zhou, I have something good here, do you want to eat it?"

"Don't eat." Zhou Hongming kept looking at Yao Min, so he was in no mood to answer his words.

The woman still didn't give up, and said again: "Don't you want to know what it is?"

"What?" Zhou Hongming asked lightly.

"La la la!" The woman took out a small bag and said with a smile, "Jumping candy, how about I eat this to make you feel better at night?"

Hearing this, Zhou Hongming became interested, grabbed the opponent's chest with his big hand, and said hehe: "It will make me feel comfortable at night, and I can't do without your benefit."

"I hate it to death. In front of so many people, don't say it so bluntly. They are ashamed!" The woman lowered her head, showing a look of refusal and welcome.

"Are you still shy?" Zhou Hongming laughed loudly, "Last night, you are more impressive than anyone else."

Although the conversation between the two was not loud, Li Yi and Yao Min could still hear it. The latter said coldly: "There is nothing good. You can teach them a lesson this afternoon."

"That kid often troubles you?" Li Yi asked.

Yao Min snorted coldly, and said, "Give him the guts, he wouldn't dare to trouble me, he just pursued me in front of the company's employees every day, and now everyone doesn't talk to me anymore."

"Don't be angry, my husband will help you avenge me tonight." A faint smile appeared on the corner of Li Yi's mouth, and a plan was quickly formed.

A few hours later, the plane arrived at Xinya Airport, and at the same time, the employees of other branches also came.

This is a very large team, the leaders got into the car, and the employees got into the bus, and drove to the seaside at the same time.

Xinya is a famous tourist destination in China, with its beach civilization, blue sea water and fresh air, you can have fun here.Not far from the sea, a row of villas were built. This is the place where everyone lives. Company leaders like Yao Min each have one room, while the rest of the employees live in a large villa with more than a dozen people.

Li Yi and Yao Min were in the same room, sitting in front of the huge window, watching the seaside scenery.

The stewardess put on her swimsuit and walked towards the beach one after another. The colorful bikinis formed a beautiful landscape.

Such a scene is a feast for the eyes of gay men, and they stop to watch one by one, drooling from the corners of their mouths.

Li Yi glanced inadvertently, and was also shocked. The gathering of so many beauties is like a feast of beauties.

Yao Min snorted coldly, pinched Li Yi's shoulder, and said angrily, "Is your heart moved?"

"It's okay." Li Yi said.

"Should I call some of you over at night? If they know that you are the big boss behind the scenes, they will definitely rush to serve you." Yao Min said with something in his words.

"Uh..." Li Yi coughed lightly, waved his hands and said, "You are the number one stewardess of Tiandao Group, you are enough, I would rather be short than excessive, yes, I would rather be short than excessive..."

"I'm afraid you'll be hungry, so let's watch one after another." Yao Min said coldly.

"Am I that kind of person?" Li Yi hugged Yao Min in his arms and said with a wicked smile, "They have all changed into clothes, why don't you change into swimsuits?"

"Are you willing to let me change?" Yao Min asked back.

Li Yi didn't want other men to see Yao Min's exposure, he shook his head and said, "I'm not willing."

"That's right, I've prepared the swimsuit, but I've disappointed you, there's nothing exposed." Yao Min took out two swimsuits, handed them to Li Yi and said, "Put them on!"

After Yao Min finished wearing it, Li Yi realized that the swimsuit was far from being exposed, and insisted on wrapping her body tightly.

Seeing Li Yi's disappointed look, Yao Min giggled and said, "I am all you! Do you still care about this? I will let you see enough when I come back tonight."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, Yao Min frowned and said, "Who is it?"

"The general manager, the chairman said that we want to open a meeting, let's go there now." Zhou Hongming said.

"Shouldn't we play first and then have a meeting?" Yao Min asked.

Zhou Hongming said: "I don't know either, it may be changed temporarily!"

"Wait a minute, I'll be fine soon." Yao Min took off his swimsuit, put on his uniform, and walked out.

Li Yi followed and said, "I'll go with you!"

"I'm sorry, the leader is in a meeting, what are you doing as an employee, you'd better stay here and play by yourself!" Zhou Hongming's mouth was full of disdain.

"You wait for me here, and we'll go swimming together later," Yao Min said.

Not long after the two of them left, there was a knock on the door. Li Yi thought Yao Min was back, and quickly opened the room.

After the door opened, the person standing outside the door was not Yao Min, but a woman with unusually revealing clothes.

This woman is none other than Zhou Hongming's playmate. She is wearing a pink bikini.I have to say that the style of this bikini is a bit exaggerated, the typical three points, the most excessive is that she is not wearing underwear yet, you can clearly see the bulge on the chest, and the hairy part of the lower body.

When the woman saw Li Yi, she rushed over suddenly, sobbing, "Honey, don't you want to take revenge on them?"

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