super jade

Chapter 457 I'll Go Crazy

Xu Ruotong glanced at Zhou Hongming and said, "How do you want me to save you?"

Around the mountain wall, thick fog lingered, Zhou Hongming could only see Xu Ruotong from where he was, but could not see Li Yi beside her.

Just like that, Zhou Hongming didn't know that Li Yi was here, so he cupped his fists and said, "Fairy, help me kill someone, my enemy, he is a master."

"Oh! What does he look like?" Xu Ruotong asked.

"He looks very ordinary. I have his photo here. Take a look." Zhou Hongming took out his phone, quickly clicked on Li Yi's photo, and then threw the phone out.

Xu Ruotong took the phone, she glanced at the photo, shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't help you."

"Why?" Zhou Hongming asked puzzled, "I can give you as many spirit stones as you need."

"It's not a question of how many spirit stones are there. He is my friend, and I can't help you kill him." Xu Ruotong said, "Also, don't come here anymore, I won't give you any more magic pills..."

Hearing this, Zhou Hongming was taken aback, and snorted coldly: "Fairy, don't force me."

"What do you want?" Xu Ruotong asked.

"Hmph! Don't think I don't know. You are not a monk on Earth. You came here to avoid being chased by others!" Zhou Hongming sneered, "If you cooperate with me, I won't tell others that you are here. Otherwise, I will tell the strongest in the world that you are also a cultivator."

"How dare you!" Xu Ruotong said angrily.

"Haha! You forced me. I will ask you one last time. Will you cooperate with me?" Zhou Hongming said, "I am the fifth young master of the Zhou family of the ancient martial arts family. Your cooperation will not be without your benefits. As long as you teach me the magic of cultivating immortals, I can give you a lot of spirit stones, as many as you want."

"What if I say no?" Xu Ruotong said.

"It's up to you. Do you still remember the spirit stones I gave you last time?" Zhou Hongming said, "Those spirit stones were smeared with colorless and odorless poison. It will enter your body. The toxicity has not occurred yet, but once it occurs, your life and death are within my control."

"You bastard, thanks to me for trusting you, take out the antidote." Xu Ruotong said angrily.

"I'm sorry, the antidote is at Zhou's house. Only you and I will go to Zhou's house and tell us how to practice Dharma Jue, so I will give you the antidote." Zhou Hongming said, "Unexpectedly, God is helping me, Even if I lose Yao Min's line, I can still get your cultivation technique, hahaha..."

"Have you finished laughing?" At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Zhou Hongming, who was laughing loudly, was stunned. He recognized who the owner of the voice was, and asked in surprise, "You, why are you here?"

"I'm her friend." Li Yi said.

Zhou Hongming's expression changed drastically, he stepped back three steps, and immediately said: "Fairy, as long as you kill him, I will give you the antidote right now, how about it?"

"Do you think I will believe your words?" Xu Ruotong snorted coldly, "You lied to me the first time, and you want to lie to me the second time? Give me the antidote."

"Fairy, would you rather die than kill him?" Zhou Hongming asked.

Xu Ruotong looked silly, but in fact she was very smart, and said: "If I really kill him, then life would be worse than death! You have spent so much effort to smear the poison in the spirit stone, how can you easily kill him?" Give me the medicine." She walked up to Zhou Hongming step by step, raised the long sword in her hand, and said coldly, "I'll ask you one last time, will you give me the antidote."

"If you want an antidote, there is no door!" Zhou Hongming suddenly patted the storage bag on his waist, waved his hand in front of him, and a black mist was released.

Li Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly shouted, "Be careful."

Xu Ruotong dodged very quickly, but she still inhaled a trace of mist, her body trembled, and there was a sharp pain in her dantian.

Zhou Hongming laughed loudly. He stepped back quickly, distanced himself from Xu Ruotong, and said, "You didn't expect that! This is a poison that has been researched by the seven ancient martial arts families for many years. In the body, the spiritual power will be melted. This elixir was originally used to deal with the cultivators of the Heavenly Dao Sect, but I didn't expect it to be used on you first."

After just three breaths, Xu Ruotong's face turned pale, his forehead was covered with bead-sized beads of sweat, and his breathing became labored, "You, you're going to die..."

"Kill him, and I'll give you the antidote, you choose yourself." Zhou Hongming said sharply.

Xu Ruotong is very loyal. Even at the critical moment of life and death, she never thought of killing Li Yi. She gritted her teeth and said, "Friend Daoist, help me get the antidote, I can't do it..."

Li Yi took a step and came to Zhou Hongming in an instant. He pointed the sword of heaven and pointed at him, "Hand over the antidote."

Zhou Hongming laughed, and said without fear: "Kill it! It's worth it to exchange my life for hers."

"Since you don't hand over the antidote, I can only kill you." Li Yi raised the Tiandao sword, the cold light flickered, and the sword body whizzed out, flying straight to the opponent's eyebrows.

Zhou Hongming did not resist, looked at the flying fairy sword, and suddenly said: "I know, you are also an immortal cultivator, even if you kill me, the Zhou family will avenge me."

Tiandao Sword came to Zhou Hongming in an instant, and was about to kill him when the sword stopped suddenly.

Zhou Hongming was stunned by this sudden scene, and so was Xu Ruotong.

Zhou Hongming couldn't understand the reason, and said, "Why didn't you kill me?"

Xu Ruotong frowned, breathlessly said: "Are you in the same group?"

Li Yi shook his head, kicked Zhou Hongming away, and said, "It's not a pity for this person to die. It's too cheap to kill him like this, not to mention you won't get the antidote."

"You mean, there's no antidote on him?" Xu Ruotong suddenly realized, she guessed Li Yi's purpose.

"If she really has the antidote, she took it out just now." Li Yi said seriously, "But it doesn't matter, I can let him take us to Zhou's house."

Zhou Hongming snorted coldly and said, "Even if I die, I will not take you to Zhou's house."

"It's okay, you will take us back later." Li Yi walked to his side, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and asked suddenly, "Have you ever experienced the feeling of being exploded?"

"Don't act recklessly!" Zhou Hongming's face darkened, and disgust flashed in his eyes.

Li Yi understood his eyes, smiled slightly, and said: "It seems that you haven't tried it, but it doesn't matter, I will give you a chance to experience it for free."

Zhou Hongming really didn't want to be fucked, so he figured it out quickly, and said with a smile, "There is no one here for thousands of miles. You want to have sex with me, or the fairy and me, haha..."

Although Xu Ruotong could speak the language of the earth, she didn't understand the culture of the heavens at all, so she hurriedly asked, "What do you mean by bursting chrysanthemums?"

"Uh... I'll explain this later." Li Yi looked at Zhou Hongming again and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, it's not that we exploded your ass, but something else."

"You, you want to use a stick?" Zhou Hongming said in horror.

"Haha! You have a rich imagination, but it's a pity that it's not. It's so boring to explode chrysanthemums with a stick." Li Yi shook his head and said, "Wouldn't it be more exciting if you let beasts like tigers and elephants to explode chrysanthemums?"

"You..." Zhou Hongming's complexion changed drastically, his forehead was covered with bead-sized beads of sweat, and he said in horror, "Don't, if you kill me, don't use such a despicable method."

"I'm sorry, I'm just so despicable." Li Yi said proudly instead of ashamed.

"You can say such a shameless thing?" Zhou Hongming knew that the other party would definitely do such a thing. If he was really blown up by a large animal, he would simply die. He gritted his teeth and said, "If you win, I will take you to the Zhou family. But even if you get there, you can never come out alive."

"Please!" Li Yi grabbed Zhou Hongming, held Xu Ruotong with the other hand, walked out of the formation and broke through the air.

Xu Ruotong seemed to be hugged by a man for the first time, she felt a little uncomfortable, and said, "You, don't be so tight, okay?"

"I don't hold tight, what if you fall?" Li Yi smelled the faint body fragrance, and enjoyed it very much, "Your spiritual power is dissipating now, and you can't fly. If you fall, you will definitely die."

Xu Ruotong thought about it too, hugged Li Yi tightly, and said: "Just hug me, don't touch me, I'm itchy..."

"Did I touch you?" Li Yi only put his hand on Xu Ruotong's waist. Does this count as touching her?

"Hmph! You have already touched my body, and you still say you didn't touch me?" Xu Ruotong complained, "If you touch me like this again, let me fall to my death!"

"Then how can I hug you?" Li Yi said speechlessly.

Xu Ruotong moved his mouth a few times, but he didn't think of a way to hug her without touching her. He gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it, you can touch her if you want!"

"Then I'm not polite." Li Yi really wanted to say this, but he thought that he had just met Xu Ruotong. If he said something too shameless, it would definitely affect the impression in the heart of the beauty.

Although Zhou Hongming was subdued, he was able to speak. He said coldly, "Fairy, I think this kid wants to fuck you."

"Pick me up?" Xu Ruotong asked puzzled, "She's not water, how could she pick me up?"


Zhou Hongming was startled, and quickly thought of the reason, this girl doesn't understand the culture of the earth!Then he said: "He wants to fuck you, you can understand this time!"

"Why did he fuck me?" Xu Ruotong asked suspiciously, "I'm not a horse, what is she doing on me?"

"Damn it, what do you men and women do when they get married?" Zhou Hongming scratched his head like crazy, he felt that he couldn't communicate with this girl.

"You're talking about a big wedding, right? Of course it's a blessing to heaven and earth." Xu Ruotong said.

"What about after worshiping heaven and earth?"

"Second obeisance to the high hall!"

"Is it over for the second obeisance?"

"Of course it's husband and wife worshiping each other."

"and then?"

"Give tea to both parents."

"And then what?"

"Go into the bridal chamber!"

"And then what?"

Xu Ruotong blushed pretty, but still replied: "That's the gift of husband and wife."

"Okay! He just wants to perform the ceremony of husband and wife with you. Now you can understand it!" Zhou Hongming felt that talking to her was more tiring than beating a cow to death with his bare hands.

Xu Ruotong still didn't understand, and said: "I am not husband and wife with him, why does he want to perform the ceremony of husband and wife with me?"

"My God, who stipulated that only husband and wife can do that?" Zhou Hongming said speechlessly.

"It's stipulated by God! If he does this, he will suffer a catastrophe, and his soul will be scattered." Xu Ruotong replied, "Doesn't he look like someone who wants to die?"

"Fairy, stop talking, I beg you, stop talking, we are not from the same planet." Zhou Hongming felt that if he continued like this, he would definitely go crazy.

Xu Ruotong said: "You just know! I'm not from this planet."


The conversation between the two, Li Yi was also speechless. Fortunately, the Zhou Family Mountain Range has arrived.

As soon as the crowd landed on a mountain peak, suddenly, three figures galloped over, and the leader said sharply: "Who are you, don't you know where this is?"

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