super jade

Chapter 460 I Was Attacked by Heavenly Tribulation

Li Yi waited for a long time, and finally when Xu Ruotong approached, he secretly rejoiced, this is going to succeed?

However, the moment Xu Ruotong kissed him, a scene that Li Yi did not expect appeared.

Only a loud noise echoed, and a purple thunderbolt slashed down in the air, instantly penetrated the cave, and went straight to the top of Li Yi's head.

Li Yi sensed the crisis instantly, he pushed Xu Ruotong away, and hurriedly avoided the thunder and lightning.

In the cave, stones shot out, and a fist-sized pit appeared in the place where he was just now.

Xu Ruotong seemed to have known this would happen a long time ago. Seeing Li Yi's surprised look, she smiled wryly and said, "I just said, as long as you and I are together, you will be attacked by Heavenly Tribulation..."

Li Yi was completely speechless. The moment the thunder and lightning fell just now, he could sense how much power was contained in that thunder and lightning. To put it bluntly, with his current cultivation base, it is not impossible to make his soul fly away.Such a powerful attack power cannot be a spell cast by monks. Could it be that there is really a legendary catastrophe?

Fuck me, this is a catastrophe, it's so fucking nonsense!

These thoughts flashed through his mind, Li Yi also smiled bitterly, and said: "I said, we didn't seem to have that just now! Heavenly Tribulation wants to kill me?"

"We haven't performed the ceremony of husband and wife yet, but kissing is a sign!" Xu Ruotong blushed pretty, lowered her head and said, "Is there anyone who doesn't do that after kissing?"

"Uh... what if it's just a simple kiss?" Li Yi asked back.

Xu Ruotong snorted coldly and said, "Do you think there is a simple kiss in this world?"

"Your world may not have it, but our world has more." Before Li Yi and Chen Xiaofei were together, they kissed countless times. If this was in Xu Ruotong's world, wouldn't they be attacked countless times by Heavenly Tribulation?Li Yi can't imagine what kind of world Xu Ruotong lives in. It's too scary to meet a catastrophe with just a kiss!

However, this is also good, at least you won't look for another woman after you get married.

"Well, your world is monogamous!" Li Yi asked subconsciously, he became more and more curious about Xu Ruotong's world.

"Monogamy?" Xu Ruotong shook his head and said, "What do you mean?"

"It's a man who can only have one wife!" Li Yi explained.

Xu Ruotong smiled and said, "Do you think it's possible?"

"Isn't it?" Li Yi was surprised, "Didn't you say that you can only perform the ceremony of husband and wife after you get married, and if you are not married, would you be courting death if you mess around?"

"Tell me to tell you that you can't find a few wives?" Xu Ruotong said, "In our place, strength is the most important thing. As long as your cultivation base is high enough, it's okay for you to find a hundred wives."

"Really!" Li Yi said in surprise, "How many wives does your father have?"

"You, why are you asking this?" Xu Ruotong asked with dilated pupils.

"Well, I'm just asking casually. In fact, I know if you don't tell me that your father must have more than one daughter-in-law." Li Yi laughed.

Xu Ruotong is so angry!Glaring at Li Yi, he said, "My father is the only one my mother has, otherwise why would I be the only girl in our family?"

Li Yi actually forgot about this. Xu Ruotong did say that she was the only girl in her family, so she said, "Well, I'm going back first, will you go with me?"

"Of course, do you have the heart to abandon me?" Xu Ruotong blinked, showing a pitiful look.

Such a beautiful woman, with a long-eyed look, even though Li Yi has seen countless girls, he is still a little bit excited at this moment.

But the key question is no, such a beautiful woman can only look at it but not use it, which is really depressing.

That's the case, Li asked: "What are you going back with me, my family is full of my women."

"Woooo, if you abandon me, I'm a weak woman, what if I'm bullied by bad guys?" Xu Ruotong actually squatted on the ground, sobbing.

Li Yi couldn't stand women crying the most. He walked in front of Xu Ruotong and said depressedly: "I said fairy, if a master like you is a weak woman, there will be no masters in the world."

"Aren't you a master?" Xu Ruotong said, "I am not even your opponent."

"Yeah! You are indeed not my opponent, but do I dare to bully you?" Li Yi said to himself, "If I could bully you, would I still wait until now?"

"What did you say?" Xu Ruotong suddenly raised his head and asked.

"'s nothing, I mean, there are too many beauties in my family, and they are all my wives, I'm afraid you won't feel comfortable going with me." Li Yi said awkwardly.

"Hmph! How many wives can you have? Isn't this a monogamous system?" Xu Ruotong asked.

"That's right, it's monogamy here, but it's not like this when I come here?" Li Yi replied.

Xu Ruotong didn't understand the affairs of the Celestial Dynasty, or she knew very little, and said, "Why? Are your parents high officials?"

"Do you think I look like a child of a high official?" Li Yi waved his hand, feeling that he couldn't understand her, so he said, "Go, I'll take you home."

Li Yi hugged Xu Ruotong, took him away through the air, and came to the sky above ** City in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the city full of high-rise buildings, Xu Ruotong frowned and said, "So who, is this where you live?"

"Beauty, I have a name. Please call me Li" Li Yi felt that it would be nice to call him brother. If he develops well, he can take this girl down in the future.

"Then, Brother Li Yi, why do you want to live in such a place?" Xu Ruotong seemed to be coming to a big city for the first time, and was quite curious about the things here.

"I don't live here, where do I live?" Li Yi thought in his heart, but said, "It's pretty good here, where do you guys live?"

"It's not good here at all, it's smoky, and the smell here is unpleasant." Xu Ruotong said, "The people there either live in the mountains or in the air."


Li Yi was dumbfounded and said, "In the air? "

"Yes! It's the sky." Xu Ruotong pointed to the sky.

Li Yi couldn't imagine how people could live in the air, not even a cultivator!Can't help but ask: "Tell me, how do they all live in the sky?"

Just as Xu Ruotong was about to answer, he suddenly thought of something, smiled and said, "When you come to our world, you will know, but there is a premise."

"What premise?" Li Yi asked, "Is it difficult to go to your world?"

"It's not difficult to say, it's not difficult to say it's not difficult." Xu Ruotong said, "If you really want to go to our world, you must improve your cultivation and reach a very good state."

"How high is the realm?" Li Yi asked.

"At least..." Xu Ruotong paused, then changed the subject, "I'll tell you when you bring me to find the spirit stone and my cultivation has improved!"

"Damn it! What does this have to do with improving your cultivation?" Li Yi asked.

"Of course it does matter. What if I tell you everything and you don't take me to find the Lingshi?" Xu Ruotong pursed her lips with a resentful look on her face.

Li Yi was a little speechless, touched his chin, and said, "Do I look like this kind of person?"

"It's not like that, you are that kind of person." Xu Ruotong said seriously.

"Uh...what do I look like?" Li Yi asked.

Xu Ruotong snorted coldly and said, "Don't think I don't know, you think..."

"No way! She can see that I want to have sex with her?" Li Yi's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that this girl looks stupid but is actually very smart.

However, Xu Ruotong's next sentence left Li Yi completely speechless.

"You want to get my cultivation technique, don't you?" Xu Ruotong finally finished the following words.

Xu Ruotong rolled his eyes, the girl was still stupid, coughed lightly and said, "Well, that's what you said, after I take you to find the Lingshi, you tell me the situation in your world."

If you only stay on one planet, it's really not interesting. It's better if you can go out for a walk.

Li Yi also wants to know what kind of existence exists in other places except the earth.

A few minutes later, Li Yi came to the villa where Wang Tiantian was. The two girls hadn't finished school yet, and the huge villa was empty.

Li Yi took Xu Ruotong to a room on the second floor and said, "This is your room."

After pushing open the door, Xu Ruotong frowned and said depressedly, "Brother Li Yi, you people here are really strange. Why are there so many messy things in the room?"

"What a mess?" Li Yi was stunned, this is a standard room!There's a mess in there.

When Li Yi was wondering, Xu Ruotong pointed to the crystal chandelier at the top of the room and said, "What is this thing? It's too big. Let me put it in a storage bag!"

"Wait, don't accept it." Li Yi hurriedly stopped him. He couldn't imagine that if the crystal lamp was collected, would it still look like a room?

Xu Ruotong frowned and said, "Why don't you let me take it, I'm not used to the things here."

Li Yi gave him a look not to worry, and said word by word: "Tell me, what do your rooms look like?"

"Our room there is just a wooden bed, a dressing table, some cabinets and a few chairs." Xu Ruotong said like a few treasures, "I just said that only people who have a family have furniture. The average family's family is very simple. Just a wooden bed and two chairs."

"Just this little thing?" Li Yi was amazed, it was less than the daily necessities of the ancient people.

Xu Ruotong's eyes were full of doubts, and he asked back: "Why do you need so many things? We are immortal cultivators, and everything is based on cultivation. Who has time to lie in bed and sleep?"

"Fuck me, don't the people there sleep?" Li Yi thought about it in a blink of an eye and felt wrong, and asked quickly, "Didn't you tell me that practicing is sleeping?"

"That's right! Cultivation means sleeping, but who stipulates that you must lie on the bed when you sleep?" Xu Ruotong said.

Li Yi rolled his eyes straight, and asked subconsciously: "Nimma, aren't you lying on the bed, are you lying on the ground?"

"Brother Li Yi, can you stop worrying about lying down?" Xu Ruotong said seriously, "We practice sitting on the ground."

"Sitting on the ground?" Li Yi pointed to the ground.

Xu Ruotong patted the storage bag at his waist, took out a round futon, and then sat cross-legged on it, saying: "That's it, close your eyes and practice..."

"You told me earlier that it's enough to sit on the futon and practice." Li Yi smiled wryly, "Also, since you practice like this over there, why do you need a wooden bed?"

"You are stupid! The wooden bed is a place to sleep." Xu Ruotong said.

"Didn't you say you don't need to sleep?" Li Yi asked.

Xu Ruotong nodded, and said, "Cultivation means a long sleep, and lying in bed means taking a short nap. I heard from adults that the ritual of husband and wife must be in bed."

Hearing this, Li Yi suddenly realized, and said: "Sleep when performing husband and wife rituals, and practice sitting on futons in normal times?"

"Yes, that's it." Xu Ruotong said.

"You can only sleep on a wooden bed once in your life, what's the use of that bed?" Li Yi smiled wryly.

Xu Ruotong didn't think so. She shook her head and expressed her opinion, "Brother Li Yi, what you said is wrong. Although some things can only be used once, they must be owned."

"For example?" Li Yi said.


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