super jade

Chapter 472 Can you resist this supernatural power?

Chapter 470 Can you resist this supernatural power?

Sun Liang snorted coldly, the disdain in his eyes grew stronger, and he said in a deep voice, "Stop talking nonsense, I'll ask you one last time, are you going to leave now?"

"Why should I leave? You can't kill me." Li Yi laughed, with indescribable arrogance.

"Looking for death!" Sun Liang snorted, and just about to kill Li Yi, a scene he didn't expect appeared.

Li Yi suddenly hugged Xu Ruotong beside him, lowered his head, and kissed her cherry.

Xu Ruotong was stunned, her body trembled, and she wanted to push Li Yi away, but she couldn't exert any strength.

Sun Liang's face changed drastically. The other party kissed Xu Ruotong in front of him, which was equivalent to slapping him on the face, and said angrily: "Boy, I will kill you..."

The lips of the two of them touched together. Just now, the sky was still clear, when suddenly thunder and lightning struck, and the thunder catastrophe fell in response.


The thunder resounded, resounding through the heaven and earth, and could be clearly heard within a radius of thousands of miles.

The thunder robbery this time is much stronger than the previous three times, maybe the thunder robbery also tried, wanting to unleash a more powerful attack.

Sun Liang hesitated the moment he shot. It is not difficult to kill Li Yi, but if the two of them hug each other, they will kill Xu Ruotong if they are not careful. He quickly reminded: "Miss, this kid is a lunatic, let him go, otherwise You will all die under the thunder disaster." He thought very well, as long as Xu Ruotong let go of Li Yi, he shot and killed Li Yi.

Xu Ruotong really wanted to push Li Yi away like he did twice, but just as she was about to push away, Li Yi suddenly said: "If you push me away, you will be taken away by him..."

"But if I don't do this, you will be killed by him." Xu Ruotong was talking about him, not Lei Jie, because he knew that Li Yi had an artifact and could easily block Lei Jie.However, after blocking, Li Yi would also be in a coma. She couldn't protect Li Yi, and could only watch him being killed by Sun Liang.

"Do you believe me?" Li Yi asked.

This time, Li Yi's eyes were very sincere, and Xu Ruotong said without thinking, "I believe it."

"Well, as long as you do what I said, not only will we not die, but we will seriously injure him." Li Yi changed the subject, "Relax, let me hold you."

Xu Ruotong gritted his teeth and decided to take a gamble. If he lost the bet, he would be taken away at worst.

On the other hand, if she wins the bet, she doesn't have to go back to the damned fairyland to marry that person who doesn't want to marry.

These thoughts flashed quickly in his mind, Xu Ruotong relaxed, holding Li Yi tightly with both hands.

Seeing such a scene, Sun Liang was stunned, and shouted: "Miss, you are crazy, you will all die if this continues." He didn't care about Li Yi's life or death, but he couldn't just watch Xu Ruotong being killed by Lei Jie , hastily raised his right hand and pinched the Fa Jue, trying to use his supernatural powers to block the thunder disaster.


After the loud noise, a thunderbolt as thick as two people's bodies fell, and went straight to Li Yi's direction.

If the cultivation base is high enough, it can be seen that this is not a single lightning bolt, but four lightning bolts condensed together.

It was the first time for Sun Liang to be in the realm of the Immortal King, so he naturally had this strength. He gasped and said, "Four Heavens Thunder Tribulation, you actually summoned Four Heavens Thunder Tribulation?"

You must know that there are nine types of Thunder Tribulation, each of which is several times more powerful than the previous one.

To put it simply, if an unmarried girl in the fairy world is bullied, under the rules of heaven and earth, a thunder catastrophe can be sent down to protect that girl.If the first lightning calamity is forcibly defeated, and the second thunder and lightning falls, this thunder calamity will be a two-day thunder calamity, and so on, the power will increase exponentially.

Rules are always rules, and there are certain loopholes. If Li Yi defeated the first three thunder tribulations, there would be no such thing, and they would land nine times one after another, thus killing Li Yi.Because the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation is the last one, its power is unimaginably powerful, it contains all the power of thunder and lightning in the world, except for the legendary God King, even the Immortal Emperor cannot resist it.

But the key point is that the first thunder disaster was avoided by Li Yi. What Li Yi didn't know was that Tiandao Yubi helped him absorb this energy, because the energy of the thunder disaster was too weak for a day, so it didn't transfer into Li Yi's body.Later, Li Yi completely absorbed the two-day thunder robbery and the three-day thunder robbery, and Chen Jiaojiao and Wang Tiantian also benefited greatly, thus improving their cultivation.

It is for this reason that Lei Jie did not land continuously, but landed one after another.

With Sun Liang's current cultivation base, it is not a problem to resist the thunder calamity of less than three days, but even if he can block the thunder calamity of four days, he will be seriously injured.

Under such circumstances, Sun Liang did not dare to make a move lightly, and shouted loudly: "Miss, this is a four-day thunder calamity, and the subordinates cannot resist it, quickly push that kid away..."

The thunder and lightning fell, although they hadn't landed on them yet, they could feel that the surrounding space was almost stagnant under the power of the lightning.

"Li Yi, how sure are you of seriously injuring him?" Xu Ruotong didn't ask Li Yi what method to use, not because she didn't want to ask, but because time didn't allow it.

"One hundred percent!" Li Yi said with certainty.

Xu Ruotong rolled his eyes straight, no matter how powerful his cultivation was, he didn't dare to say that he could block the thunder calamity [-]%, and said with a wry smile, "Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"Haha! I lied to you and there is no candy to eat. Why should I lie to you?" Li Yi said so, but he was calculating the time when the thunder disaster would fall in his heart. Suddenly, he raised his right hand and pointed at Sun Liang who was not far away, and said in a low voice: "The stars are moving, everything is changing, changing shape!"

As soon as the twelve words sounded, a strange energy was released from Li Yi and fell on Sun Liang instantly.

Sun Liang was startled, before he could figure out what was going on, he felt his body tense up, as if being sucked away by something.

The next moment, Sun Liang found that he had regained his intuition, looked up and looked around, but saw him appearing where Li Yi was just now, but Li Yi and Xu Ruotong were standing where he was just now.If it's just a swap of positions, it's okay, the key is that Lei Jie is right above his head, and he immediately presses down.


Lei Jie fell in response, and Sun Liang could no longer dodge, so he could only forcibly increase his defense to resist.

But after all, Thunder Tribulation is Thunder Tribulation, or the legendary Four Heavens Thunder Tribulation, whose power is unimaginably powerful.

Under the huge force, Sun Liang's body was split into the cliff in the mountain in an instant, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive after falling.

Li Yi looked up, but saw a big bottomless hole in the cliff, which was obviously caused by lightning, and said: "With such a great power, he should die!"

"Sun Liang is a Golden Immortal, and the four-day thunder calamity can't kill him, at most he will be seriously injured." Xu Ruotong said.

Li Yi understood the truth of letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and there will be endless troubles in the future, so he simply said: "Do you want to do it again?"

Xu Ruotong waved his hand and said, "He belongs to my father, I don't want to kill him."

"Forget it, let him retreat!" Li Yi said.

At this moment, a figure soared into the sky from the cliff, suspended in mid-air.

This person was exactly Sun Liang after being attacked by Lei Jie. His face was pale, his clothes were torn, and he still had the strength to fight.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you..." Sun Liang roared up to the sky, his eyes were full of sparks of anger, and he looked so angry that he wanted to kill Li Yi now.

Li Yi tightened his body and said, "I won't kill him, he seems to want to kill me."

"Sun Liang, you are not his opponent, you should go back and return!" Xu Ruotong said.

"Boy, you are too despicable to attack me with Thunder Tribulation. If I don't kill you, I won't be called Sun Liang." Sun Liang growled and was about to strike.

The dark clouds in the sky did not dissipate, Lei Jie seemed to hear Sun Liang's roar, and another thunderbolt fell.


This time the thunder and lightning were twice as big as before, and the attack power was even more incomparable.

"Five days of thunder calamity, this, this..." Sun Liang's face changed drastically, and before the thunder calamity fell, he sensed the breath of death.

This is the first time I have encountered this situation, what does it mean?

It's very simple, this means that the next attack is irresistible, even if you go all out, you will definitely die.

Sun Liang couldn't figure it out, he was attacked by Lei Jie just now after being tricked by Li Yi, could he be tricked this time?

This is impossible. Lei Jie's active attack this time has nothing to do with Li Yi.

However, even if he is a golden immortal, he can't control the rules of heaven and earth, so he roared helplessly: "Heaven, even if you want to kill me, give me a reason to kill me!"

The voice echoed, but no one answered, and the sky seemed unable to hear it.

The Five Heavens Thunder Tribulation fell suddenly, at an astonishingly fast speed, and it was about to land on him.

Sun Liang sighed and closed his eyes in despair. He never thought that one day he would die under the lightning calamity.

Xu Ruotong couldn't stand it anymore, even if the other party missed them, after all, he was his father's right-hand man, and said: "Li Yi, I don't want him to die, help him!"

"I can help him, can you guarantee that he won't kill me, and he won't take you away?" Li Yi said.

"You saved him, so he wouldn't do that!" Xu Ruotong said, "I know Sun Liang's character, he won't take advantage of others' danger, even if he wants to take me away, he will take you away in a fair manner."

"Okay!" Li Yi took a deep breath and shouted at Sun Liang, "Don't move around, I'll save you..."

Sun Liang opened his closed eyes. He looked at Li Yiren and couldn't help but said, "You really saved me?"

Li Yi just wanted to perform transposition and use the artifact to block the thunder calamity, only to hear a muffled bang, and the thunder calamity collapsed on its own.

At this moment, Xu Ruotong was stunned, and Sun Liang was stunned. He glanced at Li Yi gratefully, clasped his fists and said, "Brother, thank you for saving me..."

Li Yi was stunned and didn't know how to answer. How did the catastrophe dissipate before he cast the spell?

Xu Ruotong didn't know that Li Yi didn't cast a spell just now, she looked at Li Yi, and was also surprised: "Brother Li Yi, you can defeat even the catastrophe..."

Of course Li Yi couldn't defeat Heavenly Tribulation, but in order to scare away the opponent, he boasted: "Of course, there is nothing in this world that I cannot defeat."

This was exaggerated, Zhang Liang didn't believe it, but thinking about the scene just now, it made him puzzled.

As Xu Ruotong said, Zhang Liang is straightforward, with clear grievances and grievances. He said to Li Yi: "I thank you for saving me just now, but my task is to take the eldest lady out of here. I lost today, and I am convinced that I lost, but I still want to remind you, no matter what method I use, I will bring the eldest lady back to the fairy world."

After saying this, Zhang Liang cupped his fists and said, "Farewell, we will meet later!"

Zhang Liang left, Li Yi glanced at the surrounding mountains, and said, "What are you doing now, are you still practicing?"

"Well! Let's continue!" Li Yi suddenly thought of something, took out the phone from his arms, and the text messages kept ringing as soon as he turned it on, and he froze when he clicked on it.

"Honey, it's almost New Year's Eve, you still not coming back?"

"If you don't come back, sister Tiantian and I will remarry!"

"Auntie misses you very much. I have been hiding it from you for a long time. When will you come back?"


There are a lot of text messages like this, Li Yi counted the time, I'll fuck it, I've been away for half a year.

"Uh... I want to go home first, will you go back with me?" Li Yi asked.

Xu Ruotong smiled bitterly, and sighed, "Do I still have a choice? If I don't follow you, Zhang Liang will definitely take me back to the fairyland."

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