super jade

Chapter 475 Girlfriends Don't Break the Law!

Chapter 470 Five girlfriends don't break the law!

Su Mengxi was stunned, and understood what was going on in a blink of an eye, and said, "Auntie, I didn't come here to arrest Li Yi."

"Ah! Didn't they arrest him? Then why did you bring so many plainclothes?" Zheng Xia glanced at the women behind Su Mengxi, thinking that these women were all plainclothes policemen.

"They are my good friends, not the police." Su Mengxi explained.

Zheng Xia breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's fine if it's not the police. Do you have anything to do with Li Yi?"

"I have something important to discuss with him, can you tell me which room he is in?" Su Mengxi asked.

Although Zheng Xia found it strange that the police brought so many girls to Li Yi, not to mention that all these girls were all over the country.However, Zheng Xia was busy with more important things, she didn't think too much, pointed to the stairs and said: "Li Yi has liked big houses since he was a child, he is on the top floor, you go find him!"

In this way, Su Mengxi took all the girls to the top floor, and when she came to the second floor, when she saw a name written on the door of each house, she smiled lightly.Su Mengxi didn't disturb Chen Xiaofei and the others, and went straight to the top of the building.The divine sense radiated out, and Li Yi was still not sensed, but she knew that Li Yi must be in the room.

Knocking on the door, the door of the room opened not long after, and Li Yi saw the girls saying: "You are here."

"Yes! We are here, but there is no room for us here." Su Mengxi glared at him, and said angrily, "I really don't understand why you asked us to come here. Isn't this embarrassing?"

Although the rest of the women didn't speak, they thought the same way. What if Zheng Xia doesn't accept them later?

Li Yi gave the girls a look of not worrying, and called them into the room, signaling them to sit down first.

Except for Ye Junnan, all the girls were with Li Yi, and they were not restrained, so they sat down when they found a place.

Only Ye Junnan was a little nervous. She sat in front of Su Mengxi and said, "Li Yi, I came here uninvited. You won't drive me out of here!"

Li Yi was also surprised that Ye Junnan would come. He took a look at Su Mengxi and knew the girl's attention. He coughed lightly: "The visitor is a guest, how could I drive you away."

"Husband, let's talk about the next plan!" Su Mengxi didn't know what to do, she didn't want Zheng Xia not to accept them because of this.

"Is there any good plan, I will tell my mother about it when I have dinner later." Li Yi said without worry, he has already figured out how to tell his parents.

"Uh... It's very risky for you to say that." Su Mengxi said.

Bayongjie nodded and said, "If she doesn't accept us, we really have no way out."

"That's right! Compared with the East Palace, our West Palace is already at a disadvantage, and you can't force us to death!" Although Sun Hanyue said this, there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, obviously joking.

"You are all my wives, why would I do it for you." Li Yi walked up to Su Mengxi and hugged her in his arms.

Su Mengxi pretended to struggle, and complained, "What do you want to do in front of so many sisters?"

"Hey! I can do whatever I want, anyway, we are a family." Li Yi smiled badly, and immediately put his hand on Su Mengxi's thigh.

No matter how courageous Su Mengxi is, she is too embarrassed to mess around in front of so many sisters, and said coquettishly: "Husband, stop, we will come again at night..."

At the end, Su Mengxi's voice was very small, like the chirping of mosquitoes.

However, among the girls present, except for Ye Junnan, they were all immortal cultivators, and they could hear it.

Liu Xiaolu giggled, waved her hands and said, "Sister Mengxi, I didn't see anything."

"Honey, you can come however you want, we will support you," Sun Hanye said.

Bayongjie also smiled, waved his hand and said, "Go on, pretend we don't exist."

Everyone expressed their thoughts, Ye Junnan rolled his eyes, got up and walked to Liu Xiaolu's side, and said, "Sister Mengxi, I will give you the place..."

Hearing this, Su Mengxi was so angry!Said: "Thanks to us treating you as a good sister, you actually betrayed me at the critical moment."

Everyone shouted innocently, Liu Xiaolu said: "Sister Mengxi, you are wrong to say that, it is very difficult for us to get my husband's favor, now that my husband favors you, we will give you the opportunity, you know that when we said this, How much do you long for your husband's favor? Hey! We sacrificed a lot..."

"Xiao Lu is right, we are sacrificing ourselves to fulfill you!" Sun Hanyue said.

Su Mengxi was furious, and said depressedly: "I'd better let you guys have such a good opportunity!"

"No, you are the master of the West Palace, of course you are the first." Bayongjie said.

Su Mengxi frowned, and suddenly snuggled into Li Yi's arms as cutely as a kitten, and said, "Husband, the sisters finally got together, do you want to play some new tricks?"

"Oh! What trick?" Li Yi asked curiously.

Su Mengxi glanced at the girls, and continued: "It's exciting."

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of all the girls thumped, even if they used their toes to think, they could guess what Su Mengxi wanted to say.

Sure enough, Su Mengxi took the initiative to hug Li Yi, exhaled like blue, and said quietly: "Husband, wouldn't it be interesting if we sisters serve you together?"

"Do you want to exhaust your husband to death?" Li Yi smiled. Although he wanted to come with all the girls, the key is that the meal will be over later, and time does not allow it.

Su Mengxi thought for a while, and then continued: "Husband, do you know how ancient emperors chose beauty?"

"How did you choose?" Li Yi asked.

"Wait we all take off our clothes, and then tilt our bodies up to ask you to choose, you don't look at our faces, just look at ours, if you have feelings for any one, take us down on the spot, how about it?" Su Mengxi said The idea is too bad, even if Li Yi doesn't take down other girls, she can drag the other girls into the water.

The girls were completely speechless when they heard this, and rolled their eyes one by one.

Ye Junnan was the first to stand up, she found that Su Mengxi was too crazy, and said: "Well, sister Mengxi, I should go down first!"

"Why didn't you think about going on when you said me just now, don't leave." Su Mengxi has the highest cultivation level among all the girls, as long as she has a thought, everyone can't think of leaving.

"Uh... I was joking just now." Ye Junnan said.

"Then I was joking too." Su Mengxi said with a smile, "I just don't know if my husband is willing to make this joke with you, I think he will take it seriously!" When she was talking, the hand that was still touching Li Yi's thigh just now, Suddenly shifted to between Li Yi's legs, and went straight to his dragon.

The giant dragon woke up, its body shook, and it stood proudly.

Li Yi couldn't stand being teased by Su Mengxi like this, and coughed lightly: "Well, I think Su Mengxi's proposal is good, who will start first?"

"Ye Junnan let's start first! She is the only one among us who has never done this." Su Mengxi's doing this can be said to kill two birds with one stone, not only retaliating for what Ye Junnan said just now, but also secretly helping her.Because when she came, Su Mengxi promised Ye Junnan that she would definitely help her win Li Yi.

Ye Junnan was very depressed. If she had known that she was with Li Yi like this, she would not have come here at all.

However, she hesitated after thinking about it in a blink of an eye. If she didn't get together like this, could she and Li Yi still be together?

After thinking for a while, Ye Junnan finally plucked up the courage, gritted her teeth, and said, "Okay! I'll be the first one, so don't laugh at me later!" After she finished speaking, she put her hands on her waist and was about to take off the dress.

Li Yi has no interest in women who have no feelings, so he waved his hand and said, "Stop."

Ye Junnan was startled, the hand that was about to take off his clothes stopped, and said, "You, you don't want me?"

"It's not a question of whether you want it or not. I know you like me, but emotional matters cannot be forced. I have no feeling for you. Even if you stand in front of me without clothes, I can't take you down." Li Yi said what was in his heart, he coughed lightly, and continued, "So, let's wait for our business!"

Ye Junnan was very sad. There were tears in her eyes, but she didn't cry out. The ninja said: "I know, I understand, I won't make things difficult for you..." After she finished speaking, she turned and ran to the door, only to open the door and go out. In an instant, everyone noticed that a crystal teardrop suddenly slipped down, and mottled tears splashed out after landing.

It was a very anticipated scene just now, but it suddenly turned into this, Su Mengxi sighed: "Honey, even if you don't accept her, you can't say that!"

"If I didn't say this, how would I deal with it just now? Could it be that she was really fucked?" Li Yi asked back.

"If you want, you can do it." Su Mengxi said.

Li Yi smiled wryly, waved his hand and said: "Forget it! You know my character, I only like to pursue beautiful women, and I don't like being pursued by beautiful women. This kind of feeling is not very good. Do you still remember Yao Min! If she took the initiative Attack, I may not be with her." At this point, she realized that Yao Min was not here, and said, "By the way, where did she go?"

"Hehe! Yao Min said that he would surprise you, and she will come before dinner." Su Mengxi said with a smile.

Li Yi wanted to know what the so-called surprise was, and said, "Let's wait and see!"

At this time, Su Mengxi left Li Yi's arms, got up and walked out the door.

"Where are you going?" Li Yi asked.

"Anyway, I brought Ye Junnan here. You made her cry, so I'll go and comfort her." Su Mengxi's figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

Su Mengxi left, but Li Yi's giant dragon was still awake. He looked at the other women and said, "Who will come first?"

Liu Xiaolu giggled, ran towards Li Yi obediently, and said, "Honey, I'll come first..."

Li Yi opened his arms, ready to hold her in his arms, but the moment he was in his arms, the girl moved away again.

"Huh?" Li Yi was taken aback, not knowing why the girl got out of the way.

"Honey, I haven't finished talking just now." Liu Xiaolu giggled, then changed the subject, "I'll come first, that's impossible."

Li Yi laughed, but he was not angry, and a big hand of spiritual power was displayed.

The next moment, Liu Xiaolu was caught in front of her body by a big hand with spiritual power. She couldn't struggle much, nor could she escape Li Yi's clutches.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Liu Xiaolu asked in a panic.

Bayongjie twitched her eyebrows and said, "Idiot, my husband wants to pamper you."

"Don't! Husband, don't touch my place..." Liu Xiaolu begged for mercy, "I was wrong, don't touch it, it hurts so bad, I won't dare to make fun of you anymore."

Li Yi smiled, and said badly: "Call it! Now you are calling every day, and the ground is not working."

"I, I'm not called Tian, ​​I'm not called Land, I'm called Auntie." Liu Xiaolu suddenly pointed to the door and said, "Honey, Auntie is here, do you want to continue?"

Li Yi didn't believe her words, and said with a smile: "Don't struggle, even if my mother comes in, I will take you down."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, followed by Zheng Xia's voice, "Li Yi, what are you doing, who are you going to take down?"

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