super jade

Chapter 483 It's Been Too Long, I Forgot My Way

Chapter 480 It's been too long and I forgot the way

After Xiaobai finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the cave, asking as he walked, "What flavor of tea do you want?"

"Uh...any flavor is fine." Li Yi really didn't know what to say. It's fine for this guy to be hospitable, but the key is can the food he brought out be eaten?

But when he thought of asking him, Li Yi gritted his teeth, got up and walked into the cave.

Xu Ruotong followed up, smiled wryly, and said via voice transmission; "Brother Li Yi, I'm sorry! I didn't expect Xiaobai to show these things."

"Isn't he like this last time?" Li Yi asked.

"He was still young that time, and we haven't seen each other for a long time." Xu Ruotong said, "You also know that people will change, no, bears will change, who would have thought that he would become like this."

Entering the cave, Li Yi was speechless again, and there was nothing in the bare cave.

Xiaobai got a teapot and some cups from nowhere. The cup was broken and covered with dust. In front of him, he said: "Drink it quickly! It tastes better when it gets colder."

Li Yi picked up the cup, smelled it, and almost spit out the food he ate.

"It tastes good! This is my favorite dried fish flavor." Xiaobai smiled innocently.

Li Yi really wanted to scold people, this is not the smell of dried fish, it is not much worse than the smell in the smelly ditch.

"Drink more, I still have a lot here." Xiao Bai picked up the cup and drank it down.

Li Yi poured the tea into the storage ring when the other party was holding the cup, and said, "Well, your tea tastes really good, what did you use to make it?"

"Dried fish." Xiaobai said, "I still have mushroom flavor here, do you want to try it?"

" need." Li Yi looked at Xu Ruotong and motioned her to get down to business.

Xu Ruotong also felt that if this continued, he would definitely go crazy, and said, "Xiaobai, do you know where the black dragon lives?"

"Are you looking for the black dragon?" Xiaobai's face darkened, and he said a little unhappy, "He is my enemy, what do you mean by seeing him?"

"We didn't meet him, we asked him for something." Xu Ruotong explained.

"Things, what good things can he have, I don't like them at all." Xiaobai said, "If you want something, just ask me. I have a lot of dried fish and mushrooms here."

"Xiaobai, my friends are in a coma, and I need dragon saliva to revive them." Xu Ruotong said.

"Could it be that he was hit by the Soul Sealing Technique?" Seeing Xu Ruotong nodding, Xiaobai continued, "This spell is very overbearing. It is true that only the spittle of that bastard can heal it. I will take you there!"

"Xiaobai, thank you!" Xu Ruotong said gratefully.

Xiaobai waved his hand and said, "Sister, why are you being polite to me, didn't you save me last time?"

Just like that, the three of them left the cave and went straight out of the valley.

Li Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he finally didn't need to drink tea, he hoped to find the dragon saliva quickly, and then leave here.

However, Li Yi didn't expect that this was just the beginning, and the things that made him speechless were still to come.

Not long after leaving, Xiaobai came to a bamboo forest. Xiaobai pulled up a half-meter-high bamboo shoot and said, "Would you like to eat some, it tastes better."

Xu Ruotong smiled wryly, waved his hands and said, "I'm full."

"That's a pity, this is a good thing." Xiaobai looked at Li Yi and said, "Little brother, do you want some?"

"I'm full too." Li Yi changed the subject, "You still eat this?"

Xiaobai chuckled and said, "I'm not picky about food, I eat both meat and vegetables."

Along the way, Xiaobai's appetite was huge, and he didn't know how many bamboo shoots he ate.

When he came to the creek, the guy didn't leave, but ran into the water to catch fish.

Regardless of his size, he was unambiguous in catching the fish. After a few slaps on the ground, countless dead fish floated on the water.He threw the dead fish to the shore, and it didn't take long for it to grow like a hill. Then he sat by the pile of dead fish and ate it with big mouthfuls.After eating this, he ate for several hours before he stood up satisfied.

Xiaobai touched his round belly, suddenly thought of something, and said, "I'm sorry! I was so excited to eat that I forgot about you."

"Can we go to the black dragon?" Li Yi asked.

"You guys haven't eaten yet, let's talk when you're full first." Xiaobai said, "How many sticks do you two want to eat? Don't be polite to me. I'll grab them for you."

Li Yi didn't eat raw fish, so he quickly waved his hands and said, "No, we're not hungry."

"Really not hungry?" Xiaobai said.

"I'm really not hungry." Li Yi said.

Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's go!"

It's strange to say that there is no night in the fairyland, and the three of them walked for a long time without the slightest change in the sky.

"Is there no day and night in your fairy world?" Li Yi said via voice transmission.

Xu Ruotong shook his head and said, "It's always daytime in the fairy world."

"Ah! It's all daytime?" Li Yi said in surprise, "It's so inconvenient to do that."

"Do that?" After Xu Ruotong figured it out, she blushed and said coquettishly, "Brother Li Yi, what are you thinking about all day long!"

Li Yi chuckled, and just about to say something witty, Xiao Bai patted him on the shoulder and said, "Little brother..."

This shot was so powerful that it almost didn't hit Li Yi on the ground. Li Yi endured the pain and said, "Brother Bai, what's wrong?"

"You didn't lie to me when you said you were saving your friends just now! Where are they?" Bai asked.

Li Yi knew that this guy was suspicious, so he hurriedly carried Su Mengxi and others out of the spirit bag, and said, "It's them."

At this time, Su Mengxi and others were all lying on the wooden bed, their expressions were indifferent, as if they were asleep.

"So many beauties?" Xiaobai said something that left Li Yi speechless, "What do they have to do with you?"

"My girlfriend." Li Yi said.

Xiaobai was startled, and said, "What is a girlfriend?"

"It's my daughter-in-law." Li Yi said.

"Wow, you have so many wives! You look so good." Xiao Bai envied, "Can you tell me how to find so many wives?"

"Xiaobai, you are so handsome, you can definitely find many girlfriends." Li Yi said against his will.

Xiao Bai was so excited that he jumped up dancing and said, "Little brother, you are the first person to see that I am handsome, and I think so too."

"Well! Heroes see the same thing." Li Yi said.

"Hey! Little brother, you can find more than a dozen girlfriends for being so ugly, and I'm sure I can find hundreds of girlfriends for being so handsome." Xiaobai said, "Just to tell you the truth, you are my friend It’s a no-brainer, if someone bullies me in the fairy world in the future, just report my name.”

Li Yi was completely speechless, this guy is really narcissistic, coughed lightly: "Well, when will we find the black dragon."

"Oh! It's just ahead, we'll be there later." Xiaobai swayed his huge body and walked forward step by step.

Li Yi put Su Mengxi and others into the spirit bag, followed behind him, and said via voice transmission: "This Xiaobai is really strange, are all the fairy beasts in your fairy world like this?"

"That's not the case. Immortal beasts also have three, six, nine grades. Xiaobai's IQ is indeed not high, but his defense is amazing." Xu Ruotong said seriously, "Although Xiaobai is only a white bear, he is not an ordinary white bear. There is a little-known name, the Bear of the Earth, if he can cultivate to a seventh-level monster and transform into a human form, his defensive power will be raised to a terrifying level."

"I don't care what kind of bear he is, even if he is a bear, as long as he can help me find Dragon Saliva." Li Yi smiled wryly.

In this way, after more than an hour, Xiaobai still did not walk out of the woods, nor did he find the black dragon's cave.

Li Yi finally couldn't bear it anymore, the ghost knows when it will go, and said: "Xiaobai, didn't you say that you will be there soon?"

"Uh... I'm lost." Xiaobai said.

"What, are you lost?" Xu Ruotong said in surprise, "You don't know the way."

"I know! But I forgot it now." Xiaobai replied.

"Can you forget the road?" Li Yi was speechless, and he knew that this bear was unreliable.

"Yeah! It's been too long, I don't remember how I left." Xiaobai said.

Li Yi couldn't imagine how long it would take to forget the road. This is not the earth, and there is no way to transform the road.

Xu Ruotong was also confused, and said, "Xiaobai, how long has it been since you came?"

"Let me think about it!" Xiaobai thought for a while, and said something that left the two speechless, "It seems to be 8000 years ago. I was very young when I came last time..."

"Fuck me, 8000 years?" Li Yi's eyes widened.

"Hey! It's because it's been so long that I can't remember." Xiao Bai also said in a depressed voice.

Li Yi really wanted to slap this stupid bear to death, but he held back and said, "Then can you take us to find the black dragon?"

"Wait, I'll call my brother." Xiaobai stood up and stomped his feet on the ground, only to hear a muffled bang, and the ground shook violently.

Li Yi swayed and almost fell to the ground. Just as he stabilized his body, Xiaobai kicked again.

Xu Ruotong was very smart, so he quickly took Li Yi's hand, and landed on a big tree not far away.

"Fuck me, what does this guy want to do?" Li Yi asked in surprise.

"It seems to be asking a friend for directions," Xu Ruotong said.

As Xu Ruotong said, Xiaobai stomped his feet a few times and shouted to the surroundings: "Little white rabbit, come out for me, I'll ask you something."

The voice echoed, but the little white rabbit did not appear.

Li Yi rolled his eyes and said, "It would be strange if he came out!"

Xiao Bai didn't seem to know that the other party was wronged, and continued to shout: "Little Gray Rabbit, come out for me."

"Little Red Rabbit, come out for me."


Li Yi felt his head was a little big, and couldn't help but said: "Why are all his friends rabbits?"

"Uh... Do you think that with his IQ, other fairy beasts still play with him?" Xu Ruotong smiled wryly, and she could tell that Xiaobai's friends were not high in IQ.

"Big cock, come out for me."

"Big tortoise, are you still hibernating?"

"Big Bad Wolf, oh no, I called it wrong, Big Grizzly Bear, come out."


Li Yi just finished calling Little Rabbit, and this time he called the animal at the beginning of the big character, Li Yi was completely speechless.

Not long after, a half-meter-tall grizzly bear ran out, and said gloomily, "Big white bear, what are you yelling, are you letting the bear sleep?"

"I'm dizzy, what time is it, are you still sleeping?" Xiao Bai asked.

"Who knows what time it is, isn't it just dawn?" said the grizzly bear.

Xiaobai thought about it, it was really like this, and said: "After hearing what you said, I want to sleep too." After speaking, he yawned and yawned.

"If there's nothing else, I'm going to sleep. If it gets dark later, I'm going to get up and eat." The big grizzly waved his hand and was about to leave.

"Wait, you haven't told me when it's dark yet!" Xiaobai forgot what was going on, and started chatting with Grizzly, "How did the dried fish I gave you last time taste like?"

"I don't know when it will be dark, just wait! One day it will be dark." The grizzly said, "Are you asking about the taste of dried fish! Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"Nonsense, of course it's a lie." Xiaobai said.

"Oh! It's delicious!"

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