super jade

Chapter 492 Don't Forget My Super Gift Package

Chapter 490 Don't Forget My Super Gift Package

Xu Ruotong didn't speak. From the moment she walked out of Huaxianchi, she decided that everything should be Li Yi.

Just now, hearing what Zhang Zhifeng said again, she was even more disheartened when she didn't want to marry Zhang Zhifeng.It turned out that the Zhang family didn't regard her as a future daughter-in-law at all. It turned out that she was just a tool to be used. It turned out that the ultimate purpose of this marriage was to obtain their family's cultivation method.

Li Yi coughed lightly, he knew what to say, and said, "Sorry, I didn't know she was your fiancee, I only knew she was my woman."

Previously, Zhang Zhifeng didn't believe that the two were together, but seeing the current situation, he couldn't be sure, and said, "Xu Ruotong, are you really together?"

"You are so stupid, didn't I tell you just now, is she my woman?" Li Yi snorted coldly.

"You didn't do what your parents ordered or what your matchmaker said, so how did you get together?" Zhang Zhifeng asked.

Li Yi smiled and said, "We don't need that. We were in Huaxian Pond just now, and we did everything we needed to do."

"What, are you performing the ceremony of husband and wife?" Zhang Zhifeng said angrily.

"That's not there yet, but I've seen everything that needs to be seen." Li Yi smiled wickedly, "Tongtong has a very good figure, but unfortunately you have no chance to see it."

"You..." Zhang Zhifeng was so angry!But thinking of the big plan of the family, he held back again and said, "Xu Ruotong, he is so ugly, how did you fall in love with him?"

At this moment, Xu Ruotong spoke up and said, "Even though Li Yi's brother looks ordinary, he really likes me."

"Really? Such an ugly man, don't you want to vomit just looking at him?" Zhang Zhifeng asked.

"I feel like throwing up when I see you! You are handsome, but your stomach is very dirty. I am not interested in a man like you!" Xu Ruotong said.

Zhang Zhifeng laughed haha, and said, "So, you don't want to be the daughter-in-law of my Zhang family?"

"It's not that I don't want to, I never thought about it." Xu Ruotong's voice was not loud, but he was very sure.

"Do you know that if you become the daughter-in-law of my Zhang family, you will be the future wife of the Immortal Emperor." Zhang Zhifeng said.

"I still say the same thing, I'm not interested. If I'm greedy for wealth, I won't leave the fairyland." Xu Ruotong said, "You go! I don't want to see you."

Zhang Zhifeng snorted coldly, killing intent flashed in his eyes, and said, "Not only will I not leave today, but I also want to kill him. I want to see how you feel when your beloved is killed." Said After finishing, he let out a low drink, releasing a huge aura from his body, and his cultivation base instantly rose to the realm of a fairy king.

"Immortal Realm!" Southern Immortal Emperor frowned, cupped his fists and said, "Friend Immortal, be careful."

Li Yi gave him a look of not worrying, and said: "You spread out first, and I will deal with him."

As soon as this remark came out, the Southern Immortal Emperor and the three immortal beasts were startled. They all knew that Li Yi could sacrifice the phantoms of the four great beasts, but phantoms are phantoms after all, and they only have part of the attack power of the gods. Immortals are still possible.But it was impossible to kill a powerful fairy, not to mention Zhang Zhifeng still had an advanced pill in his hand.

"Friend Xian, how sure are you?" Southern Immortal Emperor asked.

"Tenth floor!" Li Yi said.

Having said all this, the Immortal Emperor of the South didn't know whether Li Yi was bragging, and said: "My dear friend, just cast spells. If you are not his opponent, the old man will help." After finishing speaking, he took three divine beasts to break Flying in the air, they did not go far, but hid on the nearby mountain peaks.

"Master, can he kill Zhang Zhifeng?" Bai Hu asked.

Before the Immortal Emperor of the South could answer, Xiao Bai snorted coldly and said, "Nonsense, of course it's fine."

"Why are you so sure?" Baihu asked in surprise.

"He is our boss, you doubt our vision?" Xiaobai said.


Baihu was a little speechless. He felt that he couldn't find out why he asked Xiaobai, so he looked at the Southern Immortal Emperor.

"Let's have a look! Maybe it's possible." The Southern Immortal Emperor was also not sure.

At this time, in the valley, Zhang Zhifeng sacrificed his natal sword and said, "Boy, how do you want to die?"

"I don't know how I died, but I know how you died." Li Yi said.

Zhang Zhifeng was startled, then laughed, and said, "Then tell me, how do I die?"

"You will be hacked to death by Heavenly Tribulation." Li Yi said, "I will also get a super gift bag."

Zhang Zhifeng seemed to have heard the funniest words in the world, and said, "You're not mistaken, are you! Heavenly Tribulation will kill me?"

"Believe it or not, I believe it anyway." Li Yi said a classic sentence.

Zhang Zhifeng snorted coldly, looked at Li Yi with disdain in his eyes, and said solemnly: "I want to see how you let Heavenly Tribulation kill me."

Li Yi didn't answer his words, but hugged Xu Ruotong in his arms under the surprised eyes of everyone.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was stunned.

Bai Hu took a deep breath and said, "Damn it, what is the boss doing?"

"It seems to be making out." Heilong said.

"No way! When is this, they are still making out?" Xiao Bai was surprised, "Could it be that the boss wants to tell us that this is the last kiss before dying."

"What nonsense are you talking about, our boss is invincible." Heilong gave him a chestnut.

"Uh... I believe that the boss is invincible." Xiao Bai scratched his head and said, "But what he did made me wonder if he could really kill them."

"Master, what do you think?" Bai Hu asked.

Southern Immortal Emperor still shook his head and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know either."

In the valley, Zhang Zhifeng was furious. He felt that Li Yi was provocative, and said, "Are you proving to me that you are already together?"

"No, I'm waiting for the catastrophe." Li Yi lowered his head and kissed Xu Ruotong's lips.

Xu Ruotong closed her eyes. She seemed to be enjoying it, but she was actually waiting for the catastrophe to come.

The two kissed together. The sky was clear just now, but suddenly it was covered with dark clouds, and the sky flashed with thunder.

"Damn! Heavenly Tribulation, there really is Heavenly Tribulation." Xiao Bai said in surprise.

"The boss is so strong, he dared to kiss the woman he loves under the catastrophe." Heilong was also surprised.

Bai Hu didn't think so, and said: "Master, he caused a catastrophe, isn't he courting death?"

"Do you think he looks like someone looking for death?" Southern Immortal Emperor frowned and said, "Even if he is looking for death, the artifact can protect the Lord, but what about women?"

"He wants to sacrifice his own woman and kill her with another catastrophe?" Bai Hu asked.

Southern Immortal Emperor shook his head and said, "If that's the case, there won't be so many women around him."

Bai Hu was confused and asked in puzzlement, "Then what is he going to do?"

The Southern Immortal Emperor smiled wryly and said, "I don't know."

Zhang Zhifeng also didn't know what Li Yi wanted to do. He gave up his shot and said coldly: "Don't tell me, you don't want to be killed by me and die in front of my face."

"Say you are stupid, you are really stupid, Tianjie killed you." Li Yi sneered.

Zhang Zhifeng was overjoyed, and said, "Why did Heavenly Tribulation attack me?"

"It's very simple, because you are too stupid." Li Yi said.

"Hmph! Dying person, you still mock me?" Zhang Zhifeng snorted coldly, "You should think about your last words! Within three breaths, the catastrophe will fall."

"Thank you for your reminder." Li Yi said with a smile, "I also remind you friendly, you think about how to deal with Heavenly Tribulation!"

Zhang Zhifeng didn't think Tianjie would attack him, he laughed and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? Tianjie won't attack me."

"Hey! God's evil is still forgiven, but self-inflicted evil cannot be lived!" Li Yi sighed.

Sure enough, after three breaths, only a loud noise reverberated.


The loud noise was astonishingly loud, it shook the whole field, and could be heard clearly within a radius of a hundred miles.

A bolt of lightning strikes instantly from the clouds. The lightning is three feet thick and purple in color.

It was the first time for Xiaobai and the others to see such a thunder calamity, their eyes widened, and they said in a voiceless voice: "Fuck me, what kind of thunder calamity is this, it looks so rough."

"Why is this lightning purple?"

"Could it be that this is the legendary thunder disaster?"

The Southern Immortal Emperor also gasped, and said in surprise: "Nine Heavens Thunder Calamity, how could he create Nine Heavens Thunder Calamity?"

"What? This is the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, which is said to be very difficult for the Immortal Emperor?" Bai Hu found that the surprises he encountered in his life were not as many as today.

Zhang Zhifeng nodded without denying it, and said, "Even if I resist this lightning calamity, I'm afraid I will be seriously injured."

"Ah! Boss, is this courting death?" Xiao Bai cried out in pain, "Boss, you can't die!"

Bai Hu was stunned, and said: "I can't tell, your master and servant have deep feelings!"

However, Xiao Bai's next sentence made Bai Hu vomit blood.

"Boss, even if you don't want to live, how about giving me those gadgets before you die?"

"Idiot, the boss won't die, he has a magic weapon!" Black Dragon gave him a chestnut, and said angrily, "Even if the boss doesn't use the magic weapon to protect the master, he will leave it to me."

"You nonsense, the boss's favorite fairy beast is me, and he will only give it to me."

"You're talking nonsense, the boss will give it to me."


Seeing the two immortal beasts arguing endlessly and not caring about Li Yi's life or death at all, the Southern Immortal Emperor couldn't help it, and said, "Shut up, both of you, and stop arguing."

In the valley, Zhang Zhifeng's eyes were gloomy. He looked at the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation that was about to fall, and had an ominous premonition.

How could this kind of lightning calamity come about? Even if it appeared, ordinary people would not be able to resist it.

What are they going to do, are they really courting death?

These thoughts flashed through his mind, Zhang Zhifeng was about to speak, but saw a scene that left him speechless.

Li Yi suddenly raised his head and shouted to the sky: "Brother, I will help you find someone who takes advantage of the catastrophe. Don't forget my super gift bag." After finishing speaking, he quickly pinched a method Jue, pointed at Zhang Zhifeng, and at the same time shouted in a low voice: "The battle turns and the stars move, the universe is completely changed, the shape changes, you go to die!"

This Daojue was originally twelve characters, but Li Yi felt that it was not domineering enough, so he added four more characters at the end.

After the words fell, a strange force fell on Zhang Zhifeng's body, he only felt his body lighten, and then he was switched positions.

At the same time, the Heavenly Tribulation fell, and Zhang Zhifeng appeared at the place where the Heavenly Tribulation fell.

At this moment, everyone was stunned. After watching for a long time and worrying for a long time, it turned out that Li Yi still had such supernatural powers.

Zhang Zhifeng sensed the catastrophe falling, sensed the breath of death, he looked up to the sky and shouted: "No..."


With a loud noise, Heavenly Tribulation fell, and Zhang Zhifeng died instantly.

Everyone didn't expect this to be the result. Xiaobai was surprised and said: "Boss is too strong, a kiss will cause a catastrophe, who will dare to fight with him in the future!"

"Damn it, this supernatural power is more terrifying than the phantoms of the four great beasts." Heilong said.

Bai Hu gasped, and said, "I just want to know how he created the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation."

"You will know soon." After the Immortal Emperor of the South said this, he came to the valley in a flash, and said, "Congratulations to the fairy, congratulations to the fairy."

Li Yi didn't even look at him, he shouted to the sky: "Brother, where is my super gift bag?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was taken aback. They thought Li Yi said this just now to scare Zhang Zhifeng.

It seems that this is definitely not the case now, but Li Yi asked who wants a super gift bag, what is in this gift bag?

With doubts in their stomachs, everyone looked up into the air, only to see a figure slowly emerge.

The moment he saw the figure, the Immortal Emperor of the South was frightened half to death. His face was as pale as paper, and he said in horror: "Rule Messenger, you actually asked the Rule Messenger for a gift?"

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