super jade

Chapter 502 This One Sleep Is Three Years

Chapter [-] This sleep is three years

The Eastern Immortal Emperor searched in the space crack, and he searched for half a year, but he still couldn't find Li Yi, and the other party seemed to have evaporated from the world.Suddenly, Immortal Emperor Dongfang realized that it was not that Li Yi disappeared, but that someone hid him, and there was only one person who could do this under his nose, and that was the rule envoy who mastered the power of rules.

"Rule Messenger, you dare to help an outsider, I will kill you!" Immortal Emperor Dongfang roared, he left the space crack, returned to the fairy world again, and raised his head to the void with only a magical power.The space fissure was cast out, the space was shattered, and a figure appeared out of thin air. The man's face was pale. It was the rule envoy who was seriously injured by him half a year ago.

"Rule Messenger, where did you hide that kid?" Immortal Emperor Dongfang roared angrily.

"Do you really want to know where he is? Sorry, I won't tell you." The rule messenger said.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang's face became quite ugly, he clenched his fists tightly, and said solemnly: "So, you really hid him?"

"Of course, he is the person I want to protect, so of course I want to hide you." Immortal Emperor Dongfang said.

"Hmph! Don't tell me those useless things. The Immortal Emperor of the South said he wanted to protect him, and you also said that he wanted to protect him. Do you really think I'm an idiot?" Immortal Emperor Dongfang said coldly, "Don't think I don't know, You all have taken a fancy to the artifact on his body. As long as you can get that artifact, you can break away from the rule space and regain your freedom, right?"

"So what if it is, and what if it isn't?" asked the rule messenger.

"Aren't you doing this to restore your freedom? Your cultivation is not as good as mine, why don't you hand over that kid to me, as long as I master the magical forbidden technique in the artifact, I will help you break free from the shackles of the rules, how about it?" Dongfang Immortal Emperor Very smart, he first promised the other party benefits, and then killed the other party after he got the artifact.

"Haha! Immortal Emperor Dongfang, I also know what you are thinking in your heart. You are an old fox. Even if I hand Li Yi over to you, you will not help me, and you will probably kill me." The rule messenger said, " I have seen everything you have done these years, your city is so deep, can I trust you?"

"What city do I have, I'm telling the truth." Immortal Emperor Dongfang said.

"Don't take me for a fool. You know that your subordinates are going to betray you, but you don't come out to stop them. Why? Because you didn't take them seriously, because you want to watch them rebel, so you can take advantage of this opportunity. Kill them all, and then take away their family's treasures?" The rule messenger changed his subject, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here."

Immortal Emperor Dongfang's face darkened, and he said sharply: "So, you don't want to cooperate with me?"

"It's not that I don't want to, but I never thought about it." The rule messenger said.

The murderous intent in the eyes of Immortal Emperor Dongfang surged, and he released a huge murderous aura from his body, and said solemnly: "Rule Messenger, there is no good end for you and me to go against each other."

"Haha! I'm in the rules. I'm not in your fairy world. If you want to kill me, it seems that you can't do it." The rule messenger laughed, his figure gradually blurred, and disappeared in the world in a blink of an eye.Between heaven and earth, his laughter still echoed, not loudly, but with disdain.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang was furious, but there was nothing he could do. Although he was an Immortal Emperor, he had mastered the power of rules, but he couldn't compete with them.However, Immortal Emperor Dongfang is also a smart person, he quickly thought of a way, and stepped into the Immortal King Mountain Range with one step.

Half a year has passed, and the mountains haven't changed much. This is the fairyland, which is very different from the human world.

The time in the fairy world is not slow, but the growth rate of creatures is very slow. It takes several years for a fairy grass to grow to see the change.

The Southern Immortal Emperor is still trapped between heaven and earth. With his cultivation base, he cannot break through the magical powers of the Eastern Immortal Emperor, so he can only wait here for the opponent to return.

"Southern Immortal Emperor, it was a misunderstanding just now." Dongfang Immortal Emperor came in front of him, said hypocritically, and then waved his hand to release the shackles of magical powers.

Southern Immortal Emperor was obviously taken aback, he couldn't tell which move the other party was playing, and said, "Aren't you going to kill me?"

"I killed that kid, you are no longer on his side, why should I kill him?" Immortal Emperor Dongfang waved his hand, "Okay, I have something else to do, let's go first!"

The Immortal Emperor of the South was stunned for a while, not knowing what the other party wanted to do. When he saw the other party leaving, he cast a spell and left.

After about a few minutes, Immortal Emperor Dongfang appeared out of thin air at the place where he disappeared just now, but there was a purple fairy beast on his shoulder.

It was a purple goshawk with bright feathers, and the sun shone on it, emitting a dazzling light.

"Master, why did you let that old thing go?" the purple goshawk said.

That's right, Goshawk has reached the point where he can speak out, and his real cultivation is a ninth-level fairy beast.

If anyone was here, they must have widened their eyes because Immortal Emperor Dongfang was able to subdue such a powerful ancient beast.

The beasts in the fairy world have a detailed division of cultivation. In addition to the ninth level, there are four major types, namely fairy beasts, spirit beasts, holy beasts, and divine beasts.

Divine beasts belong to the existence of legends, and it is difficult to see them in the fairy world. Even if they exist, they are descendants of divine beasts like white tigers.Such fairy beasts seem to be powerful, but there is a huge gap between their strength and divine beasts. Even if they have the same talent and supernatural power, their power cannot be compared.If they are really subdivided, they can only be regarded as holy beasts.

However, a fairy beast is a fairy beast after all, and its strength is not much different from that of a fairy in the same realm.

Different fairy beasts have different growth attributes, and their wisdom is also very different. Ordinary fairy beasts have the lowest IQ, followed by spirit beasts, and holy beasts have extremely high IQs, which are infinitely close to humans, and possess innate supernatural powers.Divine beasts belong to the existence of legends, and their IQ is no less than that of human beings. Each divine beast possesses an extremely powerful innate forbidden technique.

Immortal beasts can gain certain changes when their cultivation level is improved. From the first to the third level, one can master the natal fairy art, from the third to the sixth level can speak human words, and from the seventh to the ninth level can transform into a human form.Dongfang Immortal Emperor also paid a high price in order to subdue this holy beast, but it was worth it, because this is the talent of the fairy beast and the divine beast is extremely powerful.

Purple feather sky eagle: wearing purple feathers, soaring thousands of miles, gifted with supernatural powers: traveling through the void.

"Zi Yu, do you really think I don't want to kill him?" Immortal Emperor Dongfang asked.

"Isn't it?" The purple-feathered sky eagle, like the descendant of the white tiger, has a very high IQ, but no matter how high his IQ is, he still has a big gap compared with an old fox like the Eastern Immortal Emperor.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang's eyes flashed, his eyes were deep, and he couldn't see what was thinking in his heart, "Of course I want to kill him, but what benefits can I get by killing him?"

"Master, his Immortal Transformation Pond has been absorbed by others, it's nothing like waste, what benefits can the master get?" Purple Feather Sky Eagle asked puzzled.

"As you saw just now, that kid has many girlfriends around him. Some of those women left early, and the girl from the Xu family left later. If I'm not wrong, when we went to the space crack, they had already gathered together. "The Eastern Immortal Emperor analyzed, "The Southern Immortal Emperor must have hidden them in one place as a bargaining chip for asking for the artifact."

"Master, I don't think so, it seems that he really wants to help that kid." Purple Feather Sky Eagle said.

"Hmph! There is no free lunch in this world, can he help that kid with a little favor?" Immortal Emperor Dongfang is a typical example of treating a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart.

"Master, what should I do?" Purple Feather Sky Eagle asked.

The Eastern Immortal Emperor looked at the direction in which the Southern Immortal Emperor left, and said in a deep voice: "It's very simple, you are fast and can hide your aura, and he can't find your trace. After you confirm where they are, come back and tell me." He thought very clearly, as long as he found those women, he was not afraid that Li Yi would not appear.

"What if he doesn't meet those women?" Purple Feather Sky Eagle asked.

"Hmph! Just keep following them until they meet." Immortal Emperor Dongfang said.

The purple-feathered sky eagle nodded, his figure flashed, turned into a purple light and soared upwards, and instantly disappeared into the sky as a dot of ink.

A cold light flashed in Dongfang Immortal Emperor's eyes, he clenched his fists tightly, and said word by word: "Boy, you can hide past the first day of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day, unless you don't want them anymore. As long as you still want to take them Go back to the original place, and I can stop you at the portal, and then I will make it impossible for you to survive or die."

Space cracks, among the only spaces, this is an independent space.

It's just that there is no light in the crack. Compared with the daytime in the fairyland, it is night here every day.

The cracks are endless, no one knows how big it is, even the Ruler has not come out of the end.

In the space crack, there is a mountain range, which is called the rule mountain, and no one can enter the mountain range except the rule messenger.This mountain range is rolling, but there are only more than 100 peaks. The peaks are not good, but they are very steep.At the foot of one of the mountains, there is a small cave. There is a wooden bed in the cave, and a young man is lying on the bed.

The young man was breathing evenly, as if he had fallen asleep. Suddenly, he opened his eyes, looked around and said, "Where is this?"

"My family!" An old man walked in from outside the cave, turning into an envoy of rules.

"Rule Messenger, why are you here?" The young man was none other than our classmate Li Yi, who brought him here when he entered the crack.

The rule envoy smiled lightly, walked up to Li Yi, and said, "This is my home, of course I want to be here."

"You let me into the crack just to bring me here?" Li Yi thought of being unconscious just now, his face darkened, and he quickly raised his vigilance.

"I'm saving you, not killing you, why are you nervous?" The rule messenger walked to his side, sat down, and continued, "Don't forget, we are friends!"

"Nonsense, can I not be nervous? You are going to kill me, and my life's sexual happiness will be over." Li Yi thought so in his heart, but did not answer immediately. He quickly sensed the condition of his body and found that his body was weak. However, the cultivation base actually increased a bit, and the hanging heart was finally relieved.

Of course, what pleased Li Yi the most was that Tiandao Yubi was still in his body, and he also believed that the other party did not mess around when he was unconscious, saying: "Why did you save me."

"Because we are friends." The rule messenger replied.

Li Yi didn't believe that the other party would treat him as a friend, guessing: "The second generation is looking for you?"

The envoy of the rules was stunned, and said, "What second generation?"

"The second-generation god king, has he looked for you?" Li Yi asked again.

The envoy of the rules dodged his eyes, did not answer Li Yi's words directly, and changed the subject: "Don't you want to know how long you have slept here?"

Li Yi's face became a little ugly, he even forgot about it, and hurriedly asked: "How long?"

"Three years!!!"

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