super jade

Chapter 506 This Is the Legendary Illusionary Realm

Chapter [-]: This Is the Legendary Illusionary Realm

The messenger of Taixu snorted coldly, and said impatiently: "What's the matter?"

"Messenger Taixu, you forgot one thing!" Immortal Emperor Dongfang said, "According to this rule, the Four Great Immortal Emperors can enter without an admission ticket, and the rest of them have to take their admission tickets when they enter."

"What's the matter?" Taixu Envoy asked.

The Eastern Immortal Emperor glanced at Li Yi, and then slowly said: "He is an outsider, does not belong to the Immortal Realm, nor is he one of the four great Immortal Emperors. According to the rules of the Immortal Realm, even if he has an admission ticket, the admission ticket after entering It needs to be taken back, but you didn't take away his admission ticket just now."

Taixu Messenger smiled and said: "You want me to take away his admission ticket, right?"

"That's right, if he doesn't take away his admission ticket, won't he still have to be the first to enter as a VIP next time when the Illusory Realm opens?" Dongfang Immortal Emperor doesn't care who enters first, but who enters first. One can gain certain benefits by entering the Illusory Realm, which is why he questioned him.

The messenger of Taixu snorted coldly, and said: "If he took the ordinary admission ticket, this messenger will of course take it back, but what he took is the VIP admission ticket, also known as the VIP card. According to the regulations of Taixu Illusion, this entry The scroll can be used [-] times, and this emissary is not eligible to take it back until all the times have been used."

"This..." Immortal Emperor Dongfang's face darkened, and he couldn't help but said, "Can you tell me, where did he get this VIP card?"

"I'm sorry, I have no comment." Taixu Messenger said coldly, "Do you have anything else to ask?"

Immortal Emperor Dongfang was very depressed. He felt that if he continued to ask, the other party would not tell him, so he said, "It's gone."

There was a flash of light on the teleportation array, and Li Yi and the Southern Immortal Emperor disappeared at the same time, and they had entered the realm of too illusory.

"Everyone must wait for another three days before entering the Taixu illusion." The voice of the Taixu envoy echoed in the valley. These words were not loud, but echoed in everyone's hearts like an order.

A few minutes later, someone finally couldn't help it anymore and said, "Immortal Emperor Dongfang, the Taixu Messenger went too far, and made us wait here for three days."

"That's right, three days! If we enter after three days, wouldn't all the good things be taken away by them?"

"Brother Dongfang, think of a way!" Western Immortal Emperor said, "Do we really have to wait here for three days?"

Hearing everyone's words, Immortal Emperor Dongfang was very annoyed. He snorted coldly and roared angrily: "Shut up, don't I want to enter early?" I am unwilling, but I can't help it, if you are angry, then find revenge on that kid."

"But that kid has already entered, how can we find revenge?" Western Immortal Emperor said.

"Huh! He went in, so we can't get in?" Dongfang Xiandi said, "If you believe me, we will perform a secret technique together. After this secret technique, our spiritual consciousness can be linked together, even if we enter the universe After the illusion, we can gather together in a short time."

As soon as these words came out, everyone guessed what Immortal Emperor Dongfang wanted to do, and someone asked: "Shall we join forces to kill him?"

"There are many dangers in the Taixuan territory. If we don't act together, even if we meet that kid, I'm afraid he won't be his opponent. This is a good way to make up."

"That's right, so many of us are looking for him in the realm of too illusory, even if he hides, we can still find him."


Immortal Emperor Dongfang glanced at the crowd, he frowned, and said seriously: "You are right, let's get together first, and then look for the boy's whereabouts in various directions, as long as someone finds them, they will send me a voice transmission , I will notify everyone as soon as possible, and go to kill that kid."

"Okay, let's do it like this, I can't swallow this breath." Northern Immortal Emperor said, "If we don't kill him, and this matter gets out, won't we become the laughing stock of the entire fairy world."

"Since everyone agrees with my method, let's use the secret method!" Immortal Emperor Dongfang raised his right hand, and quickly pinched one after another.

At this time, our classmate Li Yi had already arrived in the realm of too illusory. As soon as his feet landed on the ground, he looked around.

Li Yi found that he was standing on a mountain peak, with a vast mist in front of him, like a veil, as if the whole person was in the clouds, within reach.There is a stone bridge a hundred feet ahead, without piers or seats, rising across the sky, connecting the two peaks.In the depths of the white clouds, like a dragon jumping into the sky, its aura is lonely and arrogant.

In his mind, recalling what the Southern Immortal Emperor said, Li Yi smiled bitterly, and he was actually teleported here.

Before the two came in, the Southern Immortal Emperor told him that once he entered the teleportation array of the Illusory Realm, he had to rely on luck if he wanted to get as many treasures as possible.Because no one knows where it will be teleported, it may be a plain, it may be a mountain, if it is unlucky, it will even be teleported to the lake.

Li Yi didn't know whether he was lucky or not. He actually came to a mountain peak. Looking at the mountain peak, it seemed to be an ancient sect. Not far away, he could vaguely see the palace and hear the bell. The sound echoed.Li Yi took a step forward subconsciously, but his foot couldn't fall. He staggered and almost leaned forward.


Li Yi was covered in cold sweat. He actually walked to the cliff. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would have fallen just now.

"It's really fucking unlucky to be teleported here." Li Yi looked around, but there was no other place to go except the stone bridge.Li Yi thought about it, and wanted to use the teleportation technique to leave here, but was surprised to find that an extremely powerful forbidden technique was arranged in the sky here. Under this forbidden technique, he could not fly in the air.

Li Yi was stunned, he took a breath, and said depressedly: "I'm sorry, I can't fly, when will this go?" He raised his head and looked at the mountain in front, which seemed very close, but in fact Not so, at least hundreds of miles away.As the saying goes, look at the mountains and run dead horses, this is the truth.

"Since this is too illusory, where are the treasures?" Li Yi radiated and sensed his surroundings. He was speechless again. His consciousness could be released, but the range of his reaction was greatly reduced, and he could only sense objects within a radius of a hundred miles. scope.How difficult it is to find the treasure at such a close distance, if you don't get close, it's easy to pass by.

At this moment, Li Yi regretted a little, why didn't he ask the Southern Immortal Emperor what kind of place it is and where all the treasures are.However, the size of this place is astonishing, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance. Let alone finding someone, even getting out of this mountain range is not an easy task.

Li Yi frowned, and he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Messenger of Taixu, come out for me, and you treat VIPs like this?" He shouted subconsciously, and didn't think the other party would appear, but a miracle Appeared, there was a flash of light above the sky, and a figure appeared out of thin air, and walked towards him slowly.

The speed of the figure was astonishingly fast, and in a blink of an eye, it came to Li Yi's body and turned into a young woman.

The woman in front of her was beautiful, with a slender figure, where the protruding part was raised, and she was wearing a colorful neon dress, she looked like a fairy who came from nine days.What surprised Li Yi the most was not her appearance, but his aura, which gave people a feeling that he could only watch from a distance and could not be played with.

When Li Yi saw the other party, he was only briefly absent-minded, and he reacted instantly, and said, "Who are you?"

Surprise flashed in the other party's eyes, as if surprised why Li Yi was able to recover in such a short period of time, and smiled: "Don't remember me?"

Of course Li Yi didn't remember her, but he remembered the voice very clearly, wasn't it the Taixu envoy who brought them in just now?

"You are the messenger of Taixu, the boss here?" Li Yi asked.

The woman nodded her head and said: "I am the emissary of Taixu, but what does the boss mean?"

"The boss is the manager, the ruler here." Li Yi said.

The messenger of Taixu giggled, waved his hands, and said, "I am the manager here, but not the ruler. What did you call me for?"

"What do I want to do, can you promise me?" Li Yi asked.

The messenger of Taixu seemed to know that Li Yi would ask this question, and said: "What do you want to do? If possible, I will promise you, even if you didn't call me just now, I will appear, and I should be the first to enter according to the rules of the Taixu illusion. You can get something, and you are a VIP, you can make a request."

"Uh... If you can't agree this time, you won't waste an opportunity!" Li Yi must ask clearly, if it is the same as last time, wouldn't it be another opportunity lost for no reason?

The messenger of Taixu waved his hand and said slowly: "I won't this time, I will refuse if I can't do it, you can continue to make the next request." Her voice was not loud, but it was very nice, like an oriole chirping. It is very comfortable.Of course, she still exudes a faint fragrance, which surprised Li Yi.

Li Yi has read countless women, and he can tell at a glance that this girl is still a perfect body.

Suddenly, a bold idea flashed in my mind, since this girl is the manager of Taixu Envoy, if we take her down, wouldn't we be able to get as many treasures as we want?This is not the crux of the problem, the most important thing is that he can unite with the opponent to kill the Eastern Immortal Emperor, and he can also find Su Mengxi and others.

This thought flashed in his mind, Li Yi didn't talk nonsense, just did what he said, and said straight to the point: "Beauty, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" The messenger of Taixu obviously didn't understand the language on the earth, and asked subconsciously, "What is a boyfriend? A male friend?"

"No, my boyfriend is only a fiance, and you have a fiance, or someone you like?" Li Yi asked.

Envoy Taixu's eyes dimmed, she sighed and said, "Why are you asking this?"

Seeing this look, Li Yi's heart skipped a beat. Does this girl have a good friend, but they can't be together?

"Well, I just want to ask, it's okay if you don't want to answer." Li Yi was very smart, and he didn't rush to ask, but said with something in his words, "I just think, how can no one like a beauty like you? ? If you have something on your mind that you are holding back and feeling uncomfortable, you might as well say it, it will make you feel better."

The envoy of Taixu was stunned, looked at Li Yi in surprise, and suddenly said: "Thank you!"

This time it was Li Yi's turn to be surprised. He didn't say anything. The other party thanked him and said, "What's wrong?"

"I have stayed here for countless years, so long that I don't even know how many years. Over the years, I have seen all kinds of people come in. They all come here for their own interests and want to get more benefits , you are the first one to chat with me." Taixu Messenger said, "I am very happy, so thank you."

Li Yi blushed, he did it for some purpose, but this girl regarded her as a good person.

If the messenger of Taixu knew that the other party actually wanted her heart and asked her to help him, he wondered if he would slap Li Yi to death.

Seeing Li Yi blushing, the envoy of Taixu obviously thought wrong, pursed his lips and smiled and said: "I thought women would blush, but I didn't expect you, a big man, to blush too." She paused, then continued: "You Didn't you just ask me if I'm going to be a fiancé? I've been stuck here all day, who wants to be my fiancé?"

"I do!!!"

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