super jade

Chapter 512 Who Among You Ruined My Food

Chapter 510 Who Among You Ruined My Food

Although Immortal Emperor Dongfang couldn't understand the meaning of the lyrics, he also knew that there was nothing good to say, his face was gloomy, and he roared angrily: "Boy, are you courting death?"

"If I don't say that, you won't kill me?" Li Yi snorted coldly, "Aren't you here to kill me with so many people?"

"Hmph! Now that you know, you shouldn't say this, but think about your last words." Immortal Emperor Dongfang said solemnly.

Li Yi waved his hand and said, "I don't need to think about my last words, because you are the ones who are going to die later."

Immortal Emperor Dongfang's eyes were full of disdain, and he snorted coldly: "Just because you want to kill me?"

"I can't kill you, but my fiancee can help me kill you." Li Yi finished speaking and glanced at Taixu Nishang beside him. The other party had told him how to kill everyone just now.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang seemed to hear the funniest words in the world, and suddenly laughed out loud, sarcastically saying, "Are you stupid? Even this little girl wants to kill us."

"I don't think she can kill us. If she acts like a husband and wife with me, it's not bad to kill us." Immortal Emperor Xixi is not a good person either, he is a well-known pervert in the fairy world.

"If you really die like this, you will know even if you die." A fairy king said.

"That's right! As the saying goes, if you die under a rose, you can be a ghost, haha!"

"This girl is really watery, not much worse than those fairies, I really don't know how she found her."

"After we kill that kid, these girls are not ours yet, we can play with them however we want."


Words like this kept ringing out, and the more they were said, the more ugly they sounded, and some words couldn't even be heard.

Taixu Nishang's complexion became ugly, she couldn't listen anymore, and said: "Who are you scolding?"

As soon as these words came out, not only did the crowd not stop, but they cursed louder.

"Let's just say you, what can you do to me?"

"She can't do anything to you, but after the conjugal ceremony with you, you don't have the strength to speak!"

"If this is the case, it means that her kung fu is good, and I will reward him well."


Among the crowd, only two people did not speak, one of them was Immortal Emperor Dongfang, and the other was Zhang Desheng.

Both of them had talked with Taixu Nishang just now, how could they not recognize that it was the voice of Taixu's envoy.

At first, the two of them thought they heard it wrong, but when their consciousness landed on Taixu Nishang, they found that they couldn't sense her cultivation.What does this mean?If it's not that the other party has too much cultivation, they can't sense it, or her special status prevents the other party from sensing it.This is the illusory realm of emptiness, and there is only one person who can do this, and that is the envoy of emptiness.

Hearing everyone's abuse, Immortal Emperor Dongfang's face darkened, and he said angrily: "Shut up!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, not knowing what happened to Immortal Emperor Dongfang.

However, the next scene made everyone's eyes widen.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang suddenly took a step forward, clasped his fists at Taixu Nishang, and said something in his words: "Messenger of Taixu, why are you with this kid?"

"You really see my identity." Taixu Nishang said.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang's heart skipped a beat, he really guessed right, and said, "Are you really an emissary of Taixu?"

"Don't you see it?" Taixu Nishang asked back.

"You are the envoy here, how come you are with an outsider, this violates the rules of the illusory realm!" Dongfang Xiandi finally figured out why he got the second-grade pill, all of this was arranged by that kid .This girl is with the other party, so it's strange that he can get good things!

"He is my fiancé, shouldn't I be with him?" Taixu Nishang replied.

"What, he is your fiancé?" Immortal Emperor Dongfang frowned, then thought of something, and said, "Even if he is your fiancé, you can't help him deal with us!"

Taixu Nishang nodded, and said: "I don't need to act, my husband...husband will kill you."

"Really? Then I'll wait and see, and I also want to see how powerful your husband is." Immortal Emperor Dongfang didn't talk nonsense, waved his hand behind him, and said, "Listen up, everyone, if someone kills you Boy, I will reward him with a Ninth Grade Immortal Artifact, and make him one of the Immortal Sovereigns by my side."

Even if Immortal Dongfang didn't say this, everyone would take action. They swallowed Jueming Pill and had to help Zhang Desheng. Only when Immortal Dongfang fought with Li Yi would they have a chance to kill Immortal Dongfang.Just like that, as soon as Immortal Emperor Dongfang finished speaking, the crowd, led by Zhang Zhifeng, roared loudly.

"Kill him, kill him."

"This kid is too arrogant, don't let him leave here alive."

"Let's all shoot together and blow his soul away."


Everyone sacrificed their fairy weapons and quickly attacked Li Yi, and one after another magical powers were about to take shape.

Li Yi had no intention of resisting. He grabbed Wang Shanshan and Chen Jiaojiao's hands and ran forward quickly.

Taixu Nishang didn't leave, she stood there, blocking the way of everyone.

Dozens of magical powers fell on her body, and she collapsed instantly. She is the master here, and these magical powers cannot hurt her.

Everyone wanted to continue attacking, wanting to kill Taixu Nishang, Immortal Emperor Dongfang raised his hand and said sharply: "Stop, you can't kill her."

"Immortal Emperor Dongfang, if we don't kill her, how can we hunt down that kid?" A fairy king asked.

Although the rest of the people did not speak, they also had the same thought. They all raised their heads and looked at Immortal Emperor Dongfang, waiting for his answer.

Dongfang Immortal Emperor did not answer his words, but looked at Taixu Nishang, and said word by word: "Taixu Messenger, you can't stop us from cracking the illusion!"

Taixu Nishang smiled and said: "Who said I stopped you?"

"What are you standing here for if you're not stopping us?" Immortal Emperor Dongfang asked, he wasn't afraid of the other party, no matter how powerful the other party was, they couldn't kill people indiscriminately here.

Taixu Nishang smiled lightly, pointed to the mountain not far away and said: "The mountain is there, you go to the mountain, do you think it stops you?"

"You...are irrational!" Immortal Emperor Dongfang said, "I'll ask you for the last time, will you let me go?"

"No, I'm going to stand here, can't I?" Taixu Nishang said without fear.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang is so angry!But there was nothing he could do about the other party, he gritted his teeth and said, "You wait for me, I will kill you sooner or later." After speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Let's take a detour."

Just like that, everyone bypassed Taixu Nishang and continued to chase forward.

After about ten minutes, I finally saw Li Yi and others, but what made them puzzled was that Li Yi didn't run away, but stood there waiting for them.

"Hey! You are too slow, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Li Yi sneered.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang snorted coldly, and said solemnly: "Are you waiting to die?"

"No, I'm waiting for you to come to die." Li Yi waved his hand and said, "What did you say just now, you want your last words, right! I advise you to think about your last words too!"

"What a big tone, I think you won't cry when you see the coffin." Immortal Emperor Dongfang said coldly.

Li Yi was still smiling and said, "Did you see the coffin cry?"

"The coffin prepared for me has not yet appeared. No one can let me lie in the coffin." Immortal Emperor Dongfang didn't talk big. With his current cultivation level, no one in the fairy world killed him.

Li Yi touched the storage ring in his hand, and saw a flash of light, and a huge black wooden coffin appeared out of thin air.

"This is your coffin, have you shed tears?" Li Yi asked.

"Can you let me stand in the coffin here?" Immortal Emperor Dongfang waved his hand, only to hear a bang, and the coffin was instantly shattered by the huge force.

"The coffin is gone, you won't even have a chance to enter the coffin later." Immortal Emperor Dongfang said.

Li Yi waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter whether I have coffins or not. The key is that I have prepared many coffins for you." After speaking, he took out countless coffins from the storage ring again, and saw a flash of light, and countless coffins appeared on the ground. At first glance, there are densely packed, if not ten thousand, there are eight thousand.

"Looking for death!" Immortal Emperor Dongfang was furious, and raised his hand with a magical power, instantly crushing the coffin.

But when the last coffin was shattered, only a roar was heard, and the world shook violently.

"Who ruined my food?"

The anger reverberated, with enormous power, everyone who heard the sound felt their bodies tremble, like a light on their backs.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang is so smart, he knew what was going on in a blink of an eye, and said angrily: "Boy, you are cheating, let me open the illusion here, right?"

Li Yi sighed, and said earnestly: "It's not that I'm cheating, but you are too stupid."

"Hmph! Do you think this will prevent me from killing you?" Immortal Emperor Dongfang glared at Li Yi, and said disdainfully, "We have come to the illusionary realm countless times. We have never seen what kind of illusion. We just need to be familiar with it." We can crack it, and when the illusion disappears, it will be your death."

"Oh! No, this illusion is different from the past, you have to be careful." Li Yi pulled the two girls back quickly after speaking, and they retreated a hundred feet away in a blink of an eye.

"Who ruined my food?"

The roar sounded again, where Li Yi was just now, a black glow flashed, and a huge monster appeared out of thin air.

It was a huge three-meter-high monster with a black body and a very strange appearance. It was somewhat similar to a lion, and it had a dragon's head. The fur all over its body was shiny and shiny, and the sun shone on it, emitting dazzling rays of light.It's just such a monster, but it exudes a huge aura. His cultivation base is several times stronger than that of the Eastern Immortal Emperor.

"Illusion, gluttonous beast!" Immortal Emperor Dongfang recognized the other party, his face became quite ugly, and he subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Is this a divine beast?" A fairy king asked puzzledly, "Aren't the four legendary beasts the Azure Dragon, the White Tiger, and the Suzaku Xuanwu? This big thing is also considered a divine beast?"

"The dragon has nine sons, different each time, this is the fifth son, Taotie, who can devour everything." Western Immortal Emperor explained.

"Even if he is a divine beast, he is also an illusion. Why should we be afraid of him?" the fairy king asked.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang's face was gloomy. He glared at the fairy king who was speaking, and said sharply: "What do you know? Although he is an illusion, he uses the name of devouring. As long as he devours one of us, there will be a breath of life in his body. We can continue devouring it unscrupulously, and we can't stop it at all."

"Then just don't let him devour us." Western Immortal Emperor said.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang nodded, and said seriously: "Listen to me later, all of us hold our breath, don't get close to him, his eyesight is very poor, he can't see things around him, he can only smell his breath. As long as we hide our aura and stay under the bloody array, he won't be able to see us." After speaking, he quickly pinched Fa Jue.

In a blink of an eye, blood flashed on the ground, and a large array of hidden breaths appeared out of thin air.

"Boy, we can hide in the formation, how about you?" After Immortal Emperor Dongfang said this, he sneered and quickly hid his breath.

There was no worry in Li Yi's eyes, as if everything was under his control, he said: "Do you think he can't find you if you hide your breath?"

Immortal Emperor Dongfang didn't speak, he looked at Li Yi coldly, his eyes seemed to say: "I know you want me to speak, so as to expose my aura, but I can't speak. You should think about it for yourself! Wait a minute The divine beast Taotie smelled your breath, how did you escape under his induction."


The beast Taotie let out an angry roar, and yelled towards the front: "Say, who among you ruined my food?"

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